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2021 Gap Fill Generator

Artificial Intelligence
Student Name:


executive, persistence, barriers, incredibly, organisations, scattered, artificial, backpacker, automate, fortunate, civil,
transparency, drought, Japanese, dishwasher

My father used to call me Jamila "Gabar Nasiib Nasiib Badan", which means Jamila "The
Lucky, Lucky Girl". And I have been very in my life. My family were originally
nomads. And when it rained the night I was born, they stopped in a tiny village that looked
a bit like this, where we lived in the next 11 years until and a war with Ethiopia
forced us to move to Somali’s capital, Mogadishu.

J.Gordon: When I was 18, my father realised Somalia was headed for a war and we are all at risk
of being killed. He did his best to get me and my 13 brothers and sisters out of the country.
The family was to the wind. I was lucky. I ended up on my own as a displaced
person in Kenya, and I was fortunate to come to Australia thanks to a who I
met there.

J.Gordon: I was grateful when the Australian government gave me unemployment

benefits while I learned English, but I wanted to find work as soon as I could. I learned
about a restaurant that was hiring, and I thought, "What do I have to lose?".
Mami, the woman who ran front of house, figured my poor English might be a problem,
so she sent me to the kitchen to meet her husband, Yoshi.

J.Gordon: Now, Yoshi didn’t speak much English either, but we managed to communicate with one
another. He hired me as a and trained me as a kitchen hand. Now, that couple’s
kindness set me on a path where hard work and led me to my graduation as
a software developer and went on to become a global with IBM and later, chief
information officer of Qantas Airways.

J.Gordon: Now I want intelligence to do at a massive scale what that couple did for
me: give
disadvantaged people tools to find work, give them the skills to be great at their jobs, get
them to do their jobs safely, to give them a break. You hear stories about how artificial
intelligence is going to take away jobs and everything.

J.Gordon: And in some cases that might be true, but I can tell you in the real world right now, AI

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is making amazing things possible for and for people who otherwise
have been left behind. Language, education and location are no longer the barriers they
once were.

J.Gordon: And to help break down those is one of the reasons I founded my company.
Much of our work is in global food supply chains, especially in the meat industry. We use
computer vision-based AI to create for consumers and to reward producers
who operate ethically and sustainably

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