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*basa ppt

“Language is a powerful tool that shapes how we think about the world and society. It’s not neutral; it carries ideas
about gender. The words we use can make men and women seem different. Sometimes, certain words or ways of
speaking can make one gender seem more important or belittle the other. This happens because language reflects our
thoughts and culture, influencing how we see and interact with each other based on gender.”
Ex. 1. Action figures are for boys and dolls are for girls.
2. Using words like “strong” for men and “emotional” for women can reinforce these perceived differences and
contribute to gender stereotype

*basa ppt violation of gender fair language

“Using unfair words about gender can keep boys and girls from being treated equally. It happens when we use words or
actions that put down or stereotype one gender over another.”
For example, saying things like “girls aren’t good at sports” or “boys shouldn’t cry” are unfair ways of talking about
gender. These statements can make girls feel like they can’t play sports or express their emotions freely, and boys feel
pressured to hide their feelings. It’s important to use words that treat everyone with respect and let them be who they
are, no matter their gender.

Basa ppt fostering -

This means that when our words and phrases aren’t balanced or fair between genders, it can create an unfair difference
in how we see and treat men and women. For example, if we always use powerful words for men but less powerful
words for women, it can contribute to unequal treatment and perceptions. Using language that treats everyone equally
is important to have fair and respectful relationships between genders.

*basa ppt Gender polarization of words in use of adjectives

Gender polarization – opposite ang men and women cannot in same level

*basa ppt Sexist Language and Culture

Sexist language and culture means using words or actions that treat one gender, usually women, as less important or
capable than the other. It’s like saying or doing things that suggest men are superior or more valuable than women, just
because of their gender. This can happen in how we talk, write, or behave, reinforcing unfair beliefs about the abilities
and worth of people based on whether they’re male or female.

Toward a Gender – fair language

This passage talks about using language in a fair way that treats both genders equally. It’s important to remove words or
expressions that show one gender as better or more important. A group called GABRIELA is urging this change, asking to
avoid sexist language in official communication. They want clear rules and evaluations to make sure organizations treat
everyone fairly. Language isn’t just words; it’s how we express beliefs and experiences. Changing language is crucial to
match changes in society and prevent biases that affect how people see themselves and others.

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