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Unicorn Pitch (New):

HIKINEX is a multichannel integrated service provider. We help companies scale fast and drive more
profit. We’re designed to plug into your business wherever- AND- whenever you need us.

We are doing it in two ways,

For recruitment, we do Cost Containment. We provide you with professionally trained and dedicated
staff who can do the Sourcing, Screening, First Pass, Second Pass, verifications, reference checks,
candidate prep and client management. Additionally, our high performing recruiters can provide full
desk support…meaning we can do outbound calling to solicit passive candidates as well as hiring
managers to get you new clients, new contracts and new job orders.

Our goal is to allow you to focus on your business-critical tasks such as getting your candidates across
the finish line and managing your clients’ expectations.

To drive revenue, we are experts at Outbound sales, Appointment setting and Lead generation. Our
professional sales team can touch 300 leads per day using our omnichannel approach through phone,
LinkedIn, email and social media.

So, my value proposition is this, if we can provide sales and recruitment support at 60% less than you
could and additionally, we give you the power to flex up and flex down and employ or engage diverse
resources when needed… If we can do it as good, if not better, than how you are doing it now. Would
that make sense for your business?

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