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Baby Tyrannosaurus Rex

Crochet Pattern
Copyright Laura’s Pixie Patch
© Laura’s Pixie Patch 1

This pattern is for a baby tyrannosaurus rex, written using US crochet terminology. It is an
advanced beginner pattern. There are no complicated stitches but the shaping in the head,
neck and body requires care and attention and is not suited to a complete beginner in
making amigurumi. It is assumed you can use a magic ring, increase, decrease, can work in
a continuous spiral and know the importance of using a round marker. You can use any
yarn type for this dinosaur but the example was made using DK weight wool and a 3.25mm
crochet hook. I also used 7.5mm safety eyes though these can also be embroidered. Made
using these materials your t-rex will measure approximately 16.5cm in length. You will
need about 20g of the main colour and scraps of white for the teeth. You will also need a
round marker, two additional stitch markers or yarn scraps to mark eye placement, stuffing
and a yarn needle.

● Sc (single crochet)
● Dec (decrease. For best results use the invisible decrease. For this, put the front
loops only of the next two stitches on the hook, yarn over, pull through these two
loops, yarn over and pull through all remaining loops.)
● Dec3tog (as for the invisible decrease, but put the front loops of the next three
loops on the hook instead of the next two, yarn over, pull through three loops, yarn
over, pull through remaining 2 loops)
● Inc (increase by making two sc in the next stitch)
● M.r. (magic ring)
● p.m. (place marker)

Head, Body and Tail

Made as a continuous spiral, stuff as you go.
Round 1: ​make 6sc in m.r. (6 stitches)
Round 2: ​(inc, 2sc) twice (8 stitches)
Round 3: ​(inc, 3sc) twice (10 stitches)
Round 4: ​(inc, 4sc) twice (12 stitches)
Round 5: ​sc around (12 stitches)
Round 6: ​(inc, 3sc) three times (15 stitches)
Round 7: ​sc around (15 stitches)
P.m. in 5th and 10th stitches of round 7 to mark eye placement
Round 8: ​4sc, (inc, sc) three times, 5sc (18 stitches)
© Laura’s Pixie Patch 2
Round 9: ​17sc, inc (19 stitches)
Round 10: ​18sc, inc (20 stitches)
Insert safety eyes now if using in stitches indicated
Rounds 11-12: ​9sc, dec, 8sc, inc (20 stitches per round)
Round 13: ​8sc, dec3tog, 8sc, inc (19 stitches)
Round 14: ​7sc, dec3tog, 8sc, inc (18 stitches)
Round 15: ​6sc, dec3tog, 7sc, inc, sc (17 stitches)
Round 16: ​5sc, dec3tog, 6sc, inc, sc, inc (17 stitches)
Round 17: ​14sc, inc, 2sc (18 stitches)
Round 18: ​13sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc (21 stitches)
Round 19: ​(3sc, inc, 3sc) three times (24 stitches)
Round 20: ​(inc, 3sc) six times (30 stitches)
Round 21: ​sc around (30 stitches)
Round 22: ​23sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 2sc, inc (33 stitches)
Rounds 23-28: ​sc around (33 stitches per round)
Round 29: ​(dec, 9sc) three times (30 stitches)
Round 30: ​sc around (30 stitches)
Round 31: ​(dec, 3sc) six times (24 stitches)
Round 32: ​(sc, dec, sc) six times (18 stitches)
Rounds 33-34: ​sc around (18
Round 35: ​(dec, 4sc) three times (15
Rounds 36-37: ​sc around (15
Round 38: ​(dec, 3sc) three times (12
Rounds 39-40: ​sc around (12
Round 41: ​(dec, 2sc) three times (9
Rounds 42-43: ​sc around (9 stitches)
© Laura’s Pixie Patch 3
Round 44: ​(dec, sc) three times (6 stitches)
Slip stitch in next stitch, fasten off leaving a long yarn tail. Draw the tail through the last six
stitches, pull tight and fasten. Weave in end.

Arms (make 2)
Made as a continuous spiral, stuff as you go.
Round 1: ​make 6sc into m.r. (6 stitches)
Round 2: ​3sc, (inc) three times (9 stitches)
Round 3: ​3sc, (dec) three times (6 stitches)
Rounds 4-7: s​ c around (6 stitches per round)
Slip stitch in next stitch, fasten off leaving a long yarn tail. Draw the tail through the last six
stitches, pull tight and fasten. Use yarn end to sew arms to body level with round 18.

Legs (make 2)
Made as a continuous spiral, stuff as you go
Round 1: ​make 6sc into m.r. (6 stitches)
Round 2: ​(inc) six times (12 stitches)
© Laura’s Pixie Patch 4
Rounds 3-4: s​ c around (12 stitches per round)
Round 5: ​(dec) three times, 6sc (9 stitches)
Rounds 6-12: s​ c around (9 stitches per round)
Round 13: ​(inc, 2sc) three times (12 stitches)
Rounds 14-18: ​sc around (12 stitches per round)
Round 19: ​(dec) six times (6 stitches)
Slip stitch in next stitch, fasten off leaving a long yarn tail. Draw the tail through the last six
stitches, pull tight and fasten. Use yarn end to sew legs to body level with round 27

Lower Jaw
Made as a continuous spiral, the lower
jaw is best left unstuffed.
Round 1: ​make 6sc into m.r. (6
Round 2: ​(inc, 2sc) twice (8 stitches)
Round 3: ​(inc, 3sc) twice (10 stitches)
Round 4: ​(inc, 4sc) twice (12 stitches)
Rounds 5-6: s​ c around (12 stitches per
Round 7: ​(dec) three times (3 stitches,
the remaining 6 stitches are left
Slip stitch in next stitch, fasten off. Sew
lower jaw to the head with the open end level with round 9 of the head and the side with the
decreases on the outside.

Teeth (make 2 sets)

(Chain 2, slip stitch in second chain from hook) seven times
Fasten off leaving long yarn tail. Use yarn tail to sew one set of teeth to the underside of
the head and the other to the upper side of the upper jaw.

Finishing Touches
Embroider eyes now if you did not use safety eyes using the markers for placement.
Embroider eye ridges at an angle if you would like to give your t-rex a more fierce
expression. Embroider nostrils if desired.
© Laura’s Pixie Patch 5

Copyright Notice
Congratulations on finishing your baby tyrannosaurus rex. You are welcome to give away
or sell any dinosaurs made from my pattern, though please credit me, Laura Gillard or
Laura’s Pixie Patch as the designer and a link to my Ravelry or Etsy stores would be
appreciated. You may not copy or share my pattern or use my photos as your own.

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