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Should students get free unlimited access to the internet?

The Internet is the largest network of information in the world that we can use together. ‘World
Without Borders’ is a term synonymous with the internet. The use of the internet network is now
widespread throughout the world in this modern age. Nowadays, various uses have emerged the
impact of the development of science and technology. Technological advances are growing rapidly
and advancing day by day. I partially agree with students should get free unlimited access to the
internet because it can transform education by creating a new culture of learning and accessing
information. However, everything or thing has its pros and cons. Just like the internet, if too often
will be made addictive and can exposing students to cybercrime and unlimited access to student
which they are free to browse websites without control such as pornography because the internet
is said to be a world without borders.

Firstly, students should get free unlimited access to the internet is because internet can transform
education by creating a new culture of learning. It provides access to a variety of content, expertise,
and educational tools, expanding learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom.
Teachers use online resources to plan classes, and students use them to broaden their horizons.
Teachers can devote greater focus to individual students interests and promote collaborative
learning by using interactive instructional techniques, which are made possible by the Internet.
Hence, to solve this issue, government should provide free unlimited access internet to students
because this will lead to the potential to increase their educational outcomes in a variety way.

Secondly, free unlimited access to the internet students can assessing information easily and
quickly. Furthermore, search information is also unrestricted. Search information is not only in the
form of text but also in the form of other pictorial diagrams, graphic charts, audio, animation, and
others in the form of electronic media. In this way, students are more exposed to the World Wide
Web (www) to find the information they need. With this, students do not have to go to the library
as they can surf the internet anywhere to get the information they want at an instant rate. In short,
if government can provide free unlimited access to the internet students, this will make them eager
to study more.
Despite the sophistication of the internet that provides many advantages in line with current
developments but there are also have disadvantages that can be found on the internet if too often
will be made addictive to students and can exposing students to cybercrime. This cybercrime
consists of elements of fraud, damage or modification of computer programs or data, theft of
information, hackers, and others. In addition, this issue will affect the minds of students with
erroneous statements from inappropriate statements and it will give birth to unproductive students
because of fraud on the internet. Hence, students tend to be exposing to cybercrime.

Besides that, free unlimited access to the internet students also has disadvantages which they are
free to browse websites without control such as pornography. Pornography is often the craze of
teenagers because it can be browsed without control. The pleasure of watching pornography drives
individuals to become sex -crazed in addition to this behavior will invite free sex behavior.
Students spend a lot of time browsing websites that are in the form of entertainment just for fun
that does not bring any input. Time that should be allotted to review lessons is wasted just by
browsing useless websites. From this strong statement, I can say that free unlimited access to the
internet will lead students browse websites without control such as pornography.

In conclusion, students should get free unlimited access to the internet has more advantages than
disadvantages because it can transform education by creating a new culture of learning and
accessing information However, free unlimited access to the internet also can be said to have more
disadvantages than advantages such as, if too often will be made addictive and can exposing
students to cybercrime and unlimited access to student which they are free to browse websites
without control such as pornography because the internet is said to be a world without borders.
What is more important, students need to know how to use unlimited access to the internet for their
own benefit. Having presented our arguments, we once again totally agree on the statement that
‘Should students get free unlimited access to the internet?’ and the answer is yes.

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