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Choose a, b, c, d or e for the correct answer !

1.Man : You should tell your family about your plans.

Woman: I’m afraid they won’t agree it.
Man : You don’t know if you won’t try.
Woman: You’re right. I’ll try it.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man wants the women to tell her secret.
B. The man doesn’t agree with the women’s plans.
C. The woman will tell the man about the plans.
D. The man will tell her family about her plans
E. The woman doesn’t agree with the man’s plans
2.Man : You look very ill.
Woman : I’m not feeling well today.
Man : ………………..
What is the appropriate response to say next?
A. Sounds good.
B. You’d better go to the doctor.
C. I don’t have any idea.
D. You’re right.
E. You should study hard.
3.Man : I’m sweating.
Woman : What have you done?
Man : I had pushed my father’s car.
Woman : ……………………
What is the suitable response to say next?
A. Why don’t you find others’ help?
B. I should help you.
C. I don’t have any idea.
D. How about driving your fathre’s car?
E. If I were you, I would help your father.
4.Woman : ……… get you something to drink?
Man : Yes , please. I’m very thirsty.
The correct gambit to complete the dialogue is ....
A. Shall we
B. Would you
C. Do you like?
D. Can I
E. Do you want
5.Man : I’m bored at home.
Woman : Why don’t you go fishing? I saw your friends go fishing few minutes ago.
Man : Really? I’ll catch up them
What does the woman suggest?
A. Hang out with her
B. Catch fish.
C. Meet her friends
D. Go fishing
E. Catch her
6.Man : I’m really tired. We still have a discussion at 2 p.m.
Woman : Why don’t we postpone the discussion?
Man : It’s a good idea
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. They are not tired anymore.
B. The discussion will be postponed.
C. They will have a discussion.
D. They have another business.
E. The discussion will be held at 2 p.m.
7.Man : should I ask for a remedy?
Woman : Of course if you want to get a good score. You are not satisfied with your score, right?
Man : Okay. I’ll meet the teacher soon.
What is the man’s problem?
A. He can’t meet his teacher.
B. He got a bad score.
C. He doesn’t have a remedy.
D. He is sick.
E. He is not satisfied with the teacher’s explanation.
8.Man : What do you think of of the TV program?
The programs are awful right?
Woman : ...............
What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A. Let’s watch television
B. That is a good idea
C. I agree with you. They are terrible
D. Oh, do you think so?
E. I think we should not watch TV too much.
9.Man : What do you think of school canteen?
Woman : II think the food is quite affordable.
Man : ............
What is the best response to say next?
A. I dont think it is a good idea
B. I agree that we need more canteen
C. In my opinion, our school should build a centeen
D. I disagree with you that the food is expensive
E. To some extent yes, but it should be healthy
10. Woman : What are you listening to?
Man : It’s a beautiful song,isn’t it?
Woman : -------------------------
What is the suitable response to say next?
A. I don’t agree with you
B. Your idea is interesting
C. I love your opinion
D. I don’t have a radio
E. No problem It’s okay
11. Man : Do you think that flowers are the best gift for my mother?
Mother : Yes, I think so Women like flowers
What are they talking about?
A. Their Mother
B. Flowers
C. The gift for the man”s mother
D. The birthday of the man’ mother
E. The women’s birthday party
12. Woman : I personally believe that many people like cats better than rabbits
Man : I doubt it. Rabbits are cuter than cats
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man likes cats
B. he man agrees to the woman’s opinion
C. The woman asks the man’s opinion
D. The woman wants to have cats
E. They have different opinions
13. Man : Some people said that they wanted new transportation route.
Woman : I agree with them. You know that it takes an hour for me to go to school if I take the old
Man : Let’s see what our government decides.
What are they talking about?
A. The new public transportation
B. New government policy
C. The old school
D. The new transportation route.
E. Their transportation to school.
14. Woman : What are you listening to?
Man : It’s a beautiful song,isn’t it?
Woman : -------------------------
What is the suitable response to say next?
A. I don’t agree with you
B. Your idea is interesting
C. I love your opinion
D. I don’t have a radio
E. No problem It’s okay
15. Woman : This is my new painting
Man : Wow,you are great
Woman : What do you think of the painting?
Man : --------------------
What is the most appropriate respone to reply? should
A.I think it’s beautiful
B. I agree with you
C. No problem,it is okay
D. I don,t know what to do
E. Your idea is interesting
16. Man : Can you explain it once more?
Woman : Sure,the government make the new rule about rainforest,so that we can save it
Do you understand?
Man : ------------------------
A. I’ve got that
B. It’s time to close
C. I agree with you
D.I see what you mean
E. I’m dissapointed with you

This text is for question 17-19

I think reading activity has more positive effects for us than watching TV.
First, reading stories can enhance our concentration which is helpful in our
study. Losing our concentration while studying can lead to the destractions. In
my opinion, reading activity can also develop our imagination and creativity.
Reading stories stimulates their brain to imagine the characters, settings, and
background. The last reasons is that reading provides knowledge and moral
lessons for our life. Through reading, we can absorb knowledge and
information more effectively than watching TV.

17. What is the opinion about?

A. wathcing TV
B. reading activity
C. enhancing concentration
D. how to get knowledge and information
E. the difference between reading and watching TV.
18. The followings are the benefits of reding, except....
A. it helps us easy to focus
B. it develops our imagination
C. it provides us moral lesson
D. it develops our creativity
E. it consumes times
19. “Through reading, we can absorb knowledge and information more effectively than watching TV.”
The synonym of the underlined word is......
A. Gain
B. Use
C. Learn
D. Give out
E. Lessen

This text is for questions 20 to 23

Surabaya, January 7,2022

To :
Margi A.
Angsa street number 55

Dear Margi,
I’m sorry for being late to reply your letter. I have heard about
your problem. Can I give you suggestion, Margi? You should talk to
Anita soon. She is your bestfriend. You dont want her to hate you, right?
Discuss your problem together. Don’t be selfish. I’m sure she will
understand you.
Tell me the result soon!
Take care!

20. What happens to Margi?

A. She got an accident
B. She has a problem with her friend
C. She doesn’t need suggestion
D. She misses Lidya
E. She hasn’t replied the letter
21. Who is Anita?
A. Lidya’s sister
B. Margi’s best friend
C. Margi’s sister
D. Lidya’s classmate
E. Margi’s teacher
22. What does Lidya suggest Margi do?
A. Listen to her problem
B. Talk to her about her secret
C. Be selfish
D. Talk to Anita soon
E. Understand her problem
23. “Tell me the result soon!”
The synonym of the underlined word is.....
A. Outcome
B. Product
C. Issues
D. Problem
E. Cause

This dialogue is for questions 24 to 25

Bella : Do you have a good friend at school
Lina : Of course. I think it is important to have a good friend at
Bella : I agree with you. But I have a classmate who is introvert. It’s
difficult to talk with her.
Lina : In my opinion, an introvert person feels comfortable when

24. What are they talking about?

A. Deskmates
B. Poor person
C. Having a good friend
D. Being an introvert person
E. Approaching someone
25. What does Bella feel for her introvert classmate?
A. Sorry
B. Regret
C. Shame
D. Sad
E. Sympathy
II. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!!
This dialogue is for questions 1 and 2

Wati : You should eat more, Jack. You look thinner recently.
Jack : You’re right. I lose weight. When I was sick, I lost my appetite.
Wati : Poor you. Well, let’s go to Hans Restaurant. You should try French
food. I’ll trat you.
Jack : Really? You are so kind.

1. What happens to Jack?

2. What is Wati’s suggestion for Jack’s problem
This dialogue is for questions 3 and 4
Willy : I suppose no place is better than home on New year’s eve.
Marck : I agree with you. I dont like spending new year’s eve at square.
Willy : We can gather with our family, eat delicious food, and play games.
Mark : In my opinion, togetherness with family is the important one.
3. What does Mark agree about?
4. Mention the expression of giving opinion found in the dialogue!
5. Some people think that having an automobile has improved modern life. Others thinks that the
automobile has caused serious problem.
Which statement do you agree? Explain your reason to support your opinion!

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