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Why is entrepreneurship a subject you must take as a graduate student?

Patrick James E. Gesmundo

MBA – Modular D

Entrepreneurship is one of the subjects that should be taken by a Graduate student. Aside from
the teaching that any student will learn on turning an individual idea into a reality or a real business,
studying the subject will give a student wisdom on the characters of being an entrepreneur. Personally, I
do have a plan of having my own business someday to somewhat be a boss on my own and of course to
have financial stability. Though, I am not yet finalizing on a specific product or service that I will be
pursuing. Entrepreneurship gives me an idea of what are needed to be down for a brilliant idea to become
a successful business.

Entrepreneurship also teaches an individual to be persistent and strong despite failures and
setbacks. Not all the time, we will be getting what we are planning or dreamt about immediately or
instantly. What is important is how we are focus in achieving our goals and bouncing back and realizing
the learnings from our failures and how we will use them moving forward.

Entrepreneurship or having a new business helps us makes things easier. Simple ideas becoming
a real business provided people innovations and technology on how we do things. We really benefitted
from the technologies that we are having today like the cellphones, electronic devices, services and even
foods that makes our lives easier. Ideas coming from new entrepreneurs will make our lives better
especially on the future.

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