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Third Exodus Assembly

The Cycle Of
Unknown Language

15th October, 1981

Third Exodus Assembly


15th October, 1981


Bro. Vin A. Dayal


This is a sermon preached by Bro. Vin A. Dayal and is

published through the freewill offerings of the members of
the Third Exodus Assembly.

It is intended to edify the reader and make clear the

Bride-Promises of God, which were revealed through the
ministry of God’s Prophet-Messenger, Bro William Marrion
Branham, for the Elect in this Day. It is not meant to
promote any special doctrine or person, save, the Lord
Jesus Christ and His Divine Word.

The original video and audio recording can be accessed

through our website

We pray the blessing of God upon each reader and

may illumination by the Spirit of God be each one’s special

And when he came on the Seventh Seal, he said, “There are

three things. One unfolded yesterday – the Trump of God,
because Seven Trumpets unfolded, and the Trump of God is the
last Trumpet. He said, “One unfolded today. I’ll tell you what it
is – Seven Thunders,” (amen) which is the Shout, the Message to
gather the people. Seven Thunders will gather the Bride. The
Shout gathers the people. Amen. And the other fold passed in an
Unknown Language.
Whether it was a Shout, it was identified; if it was the Trump,
it was identified, and the other fold passed in an Unknown
Language. Is that fold that passed in an Unknown Language the
Mystery between the Shout and the Trump, which is the Voice of
the Archangel? You think of it for yourself. Amen.
[Page 55]

The Cycle Of The Unknown Language

15th October, 1981




[#589 - We Are Marching Over To Jerusalem - Songs That Live –


Oh, we are marching tonight, everybody.

We are marching over to Jerusalem
We are marching over to Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

Oh, come on sisters!

We are marching over to Jerusalem. Amen!
We are marching over to Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

Oh, come on now brothers!

We are marching over to Jerusalem
We are marching over to Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

Oh, all together now.

We are marching over to Jerusalem
We are marching over to Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

Spanish now!
Estamos marchando hacia Jerusalén
Estamos marchando hacia Jerusalén
Jerusalén, Jerusalén, Jerusalén, Jerusalén.

Oh, one more time! You sound really good, amen.

Estamos marchando hacia Jerusalén
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Estamos marchando hacia Jerusalén
Jerusalén, Jerusalén, Jerusalén, Jerusalén.
Hallelujah! Oh, thank You, Jesus. Amen! We are
marching tonight and nothing is going to stand before
us. We shall possess every gate of the enemy tonight!
Hallelujah! Amen! How many have the victory
already? [Congregation says, “Amen!” –Ed.] Amen! Hallelujah.
Amen. Thank God for the joy He has put in our hearts.
As I was saying last week, it’s the happiest bunch of
people that I know; in a time when people are
frustrated, churches are being burst apart, ministers
are backsliding, the people are getting cold, God has a
people on Fire with the Holy Ghost amongst them.
Hallelujah! Amen! The Quickening Power has
dropped down among this people. He has quickened
them out of their sins and trespasses, lifting them up
into Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus, subject to every
promise of God! Hallelujah! Amen.
June the 3rd, what a memorial! We could look back
to June the 3rd; God has transformed us, made us a
different people. Amen! The sixth day of the third
month (amen!)—the third day of the sixth month
rather. See? And the third verse of the sixth
chapter... the sixth Book (amen!) – Third chapter of the
sixth Book, God pulled a Scripture out: “This day I will
begin to magnify you in the sight of the people.” [Joshua
3:7 –Ed.] Amen! “The glory of the Lord that has risen
upon you (amen), will now be seen upon you.” [Isaiah
60:1-2 –Ed.] Amen!
Surely you’ll know that the Living God is among
you, because He will dry up haemorrhoids (amen!), He
will curse growths, He will break epileptic devils
(amen!), so you’ll know the Living God. He’ll bring
revelation of the New Name, (hallelujah!) and many
people can’t take the New Name. It shows they don’t
have the Life of God inside of them! “No man could
call Him ‘Lord’ but by the Holy Ghost!” [1st Corinthians
12:3 –Ed.] Amen!

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
What is all of this? The New Name (amen), the New
Creation. We’re in the Eighth Day, New Creation
(hallelujah! amen!); back to Eternity. The Son of Man
is revealed, the Seventh Seal is unveiled! Amen! My!
Shaking – the nation is shaking, (amen) the churches
are shaking (amen) but we are marching over to
Jerusalem. Everything that will be shaken will be
shaken off but we have a Kingdom that cannot be
removed. [Hebrews 12:27-28 –Ed.] Amen. Hallelujah.
“I want to return thanks unto God for making my
mother every whit whole after prayer was offered for
her a few days—a few week ago. I greeted her, she told
me she is perfectly well after being sick for more than
twenty-seven years. My desire now is to see her serve
God under the revelation of the revealed Word that I
believe.” Amen. Hallelujah.
After twenty-seven years (amen), God has an Angel.
Where is he tonight? I was hearing his voice
somewhere in the back. Amen. He went down there
and he anointed her (amen) with Spirit-spoken words.
After twenty-seven years, she was doing things that
she couldn’t do for twenty-seven years. Amen. God is
moving. Signs and wonders where God is moving; He
is moving in these people here, tonight. He is moving
all over the world. Amen.
Bro. Simon requests prayer for his wife, Sis. Vida
and his two children who are all infected with red eye.
[Elder John Simon –Ed.] Amen. It has to move back in the
Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Bro. Augustus would like to thank God for a safe
trip to and from Barbados.
Also, Bro. Leroy Williams requests prayer for pains
in his shoulder, tonight.
So let’s bow our heads, close our eyes. We’ll sing a
little song God Is Moving. [#225 - Songs That Live –Ed.] Have
faith and believe God tonight. Reach out and touch
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
God is moving, God is moving,
He is moving all over the earth.
Signs and wonders...
Signs and wonders where God’s moving;
He is moving all over the earth.

Do you believe that? Lift your hands. Sing it one

more time.
God is moving...
God is moving,
Oh yes, He’s moving tonight.
God is moving,
He is moving all over the earth.
Signs and wonders...
Signs and wonders where God’s moving;
Oh, He is moving tonight.
He is moving all over the earth.

Let’s sing Touching Jesus. [#13 - Songs That Live –Ed.]

Touching Jesus...
Is all that matters, tonight.
And your life will never be the same.
And your life will never be the same.
Oh, there is only one way, tonight.
There is only one way to touch Him,
Just believe when you call on His Name
Just believe when you call on His Name.

Every head bowed, every eye closed. Thank You,

Father, we thank You for the Anointing, your Holy
Spirit that has dropped down amongst us; for Your
unfailing Words of promise that You have spoken to
our hearts, giving us a full assurance of faith that we
stand here tonight, holding fast the profession of our
faith without wavering. We know tonight, Father, that
You are faithful Who made the Promise.
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Dear God, how we do rejoice to know, dear God,
that You’ve come down and so identified Your Word
amongst us, that It has influenced our lives to such a
degree, Lord God, to bring us under total subjection to
the whole Word of God and we know tonight, Father,
that it entitles us to the Token.
Oh God, as we stand in Your Presence tonight,
thinking of the great Hour that we are living in Lord,
and the things that were spoken that were prophesied
for this time; and Lord, realizing that what You are
doing, Lord, is only to inspire our faith to take a firm
grip upon these promises that we could begin to
anoint them unto ourselves, knowing that we are in
the season, Father. Knowing, dear God, that for years
we were under expectation for the fulfillment of these
things. But Lord God, since June the 3rd, Lord God,
we know that we are in the vision. Hallelujah.
We know that the light has turned from red to
green. We know that the channel of inspiration is
open. We know that the Oil and the Wine are being
poured out. We know we are in the Place where You
chose to place Your Name. We know that the Blood is
speaking better Things. We know that the covenant is
in effect tonight. Hallelujah! We know that there is a
people, dear God, (hallelujah!) whom the Seven
Thunders have given a revival. We know that the New
Name is revealed tonight and is speaking better Things
for us tonight, Father.
And dear God, as we stand here under that Divine
inspiration, Lord God, we ask for Bro. Simon’s wife
and children, remembering Your promise in St. John
15, “If you abide in Me, and My Word abide in you,
then ask what you want.” Lord God, may they be
healed of that red eye infection.
Also Bro. Leroy Williams, tonight, in the Name of
Jesus Christ, may that pain leave him, Father. And
dear God, may the Word of God that is to be spoken
tonight as You would give Divine utterance, Lord God,
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
to speak the true sayings of God, may It be so directed
by Your Holy Spirit down into that secret compartment
into the human heart, where the soul abides tonight.
And Lord God, may there be such an experience
taking place in the life of every Elected Seed tonight,
Father; Lord, that they’ll be Raptured and their soul
will be caught up as they break beyond the veil, as
they would see the Mystery of Your Word being
interpreted, inspiring their faith to greater things
Oh God, bless our gathering tonight. Bless the
service tonight. Bless the preaching of Your Word; put
the people in the channel to receive tonight, Father.
Lord God, may their faith be charged; may it be
stimulated tonight. And Lord God, may You receive all
the praise and the glory, for Lord, we know that You
are the One deserving of it all; and Lord, there’s joy in
our hearts to give it back unto You, the One Who is
doing these things amongst us.
And oh God, we look tonight, to see even the
strangers be captivated by the Holy Spirit, tonight.
Lord God, even the visitors, Lord God, that have come
in, Lord, as they sit under Your Word tonight, the
Word will so enlighten them and edify them and
strengthen them, establish them and settle them and
stabilize them.
We see, oh God, Father, from Sunday Lord, the
judgment moving in the place. Oh God, but Your
people, Lord God, Lord that have received the Word of
God, they abide in that Secret Place, no harm could
come unto them, Father. They are under the Token;
they are in the Safety Zone tonight.
Lord God, if there is any that is not in that Place,
may You speak to them, may You bring them into that
Place. We pray and we ask it tonight for Your honor
and for Your glory in Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.

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Want to turn to your Bibles, tonight. St. Matthew
10. 13, sorry. Also, I trust that—I don’t know how
long we will take tonight with the Word but I trust that
we are going to finish soon. I want to continue
speaking on Sunday and speak a few things here
tonight on – for a little title, it’s kind of strange, but I
want to call it “THE CYCLE OF THE UNKNOWN
LANGUAGE”. It’s still unknown to many people.
Something passed in an Unknown Language in 1963,
but I believe with all my heart that it’s being revealed
now. And you judge for yourself because your attitude
towards It will determine whether you go to Heaven or
you go to hell. St. Matthew 13, reading from verse 10.
10 And the disciples came, and said unto

him, Why speakest thou unto them in

11 He answered and said unto them,

Because it is given unto you to know the

mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to
them it is not given.
12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be

given, and he shall have more abundance;

but whosoever hath not, from him shall be
taken away even what he hath.
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables,

because they seeing, see not; and hearing,

they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of

Isaiah, which saith, By hearing, ye shall

hear and shall not understand; and seeing,
ye shall see and not perceive;
And how we can say that is true. So many people
walk in here and don’t know what is going on.
15 For the people’s heart[s] is waxed

gross, and their ears are dull of hearing,

and their eyes they have closed; lest at
any time they should see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears, and should
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
understand with their heart, and should be
converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they

see; and your ears, for they hear.

17 For verily I say unto you, that many

prophets and righteous men have desired

to see those things which ye see, and have
not seen them; and to hear those things
which ye hear, and have not heard them.
St. Luke chapter 10, reading from verse 17.
17 And the seventy returned again with

joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are

subject unto us through thy name.
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan

as lightning fall from heaven.

19 Behold, I give unto you [the] power to

tread [upon] serpents and scorpions, and

over all the power of the enemy; and
nothing shall by any means hurt you.
20 Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not,...

Amen. Thank God we are not rejoicing for that

...but rather rejoice, because your names
are written in heaven.
How much more to see it in the Book being
manifested in this Hour.
21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the

spirit, [in the Holy Spirit] and said, I thank

thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that thou hast hidden these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast revealed
them unto babes. Even so, Father; for… so
it seemed good in thy sight.
22 All things are delivered unto me of my

Father, and no man knoweth who the Son

is, but the Father; and who the Father is,
but the Son, and he… to whom the Son will
reveal him.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
No man could call him, “Lord”. Amen.
23 And he turned unto his disciples, and

said privately, Blessed are the eyes which

see the things that you see:
24 For I tell you that many prophets and

kings have desired to see those things

which ye see, and have not seen them;
and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.
Could we bow our heads and close our eyes.
Almighty God, may You speak to us tonight out of
the Word that we have read tonight. Oh God, we are
indeed a privileged people to sit, Lord God, in this
place and receive the Things that we have been
receiving for these past years, Lord, that have
enlightened us to Your promise. Lord God, we would
be so without excuse and so guilty if we should ever
turn away from It, Father. Lord, we pray, we take
earnest heed to the Things that we have seen and
heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Lord
God, may we mix It with faith that It might profit us
much, Lord God, we know that we shall enter into that
Rest. Bless each and every one tonight. May You get
honor and glory, we pray and we ask it in Jesus’
precious Name. Amen.
You may have your seats tonight. Well, we want to
welcome everyone in the house of the Lord tonight.
We have many different ones coming in here tonight,
so many different faces; but we really welcome you and
trust that the Holy Spirit would have you in such an
atmosphere to receive from His Word tonight, that
your heart might be blessed to draw you into a closer
life with the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I believe it was real tremendous on Sunday for me.
And then even the experience – as I was saying last
night, that the saints had to go through. And I
watched just how a little group of people here on this
little island, God took them and put them through an
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
experience like that on Sunday (amen), travelling from
San Fernando to Port of Spain and going back.
And then some of them taking about ten hours just
from the bottom of the Princess Margaret Highway
[renamed the Uriah Butler Highway –Ed.] to the Turban
Brand Factory there [Producers of curry and spices, etc. –
Ed.]; just a few miles and the kind of experiences with
the little children, being hungry without food; some of
them didn’t even eat the morning before they came up
and had to go through these things whole day.
Even Bro. Winston and some of the saints, I
understand that they reached back home at six o’clock
on Monday and all these different things. [Bro. Winston
Douglas –Ed.] Well, I reached home about half past
three Monday morning, leaving to come up here
Sunday morning for service and to see that everyone
came out rejoicing and praising God. As the Scripture
says: some through the waters, some through the
flood, some through the fire but all through the Blood,
So, we certainly thank and praise God for the
experiences and the great faith that we see being
displayed in a time like this, when things are coming
upon you unawares. And when it comes upon you
unawares, then you better have what you’re talking
about. You have no time to preconceive and you have
no time to prepare, but you have to be there under
expectation, recognizing your promise in the Word;
knowing who you are. Amen. That’s the Hour you
need close contact with God.
And brothers had to push vehicles for about three
miles; the waters were up to their waist, up to their
knee, pushing for three miles all through that to get
home. And some of the sisters were even put out of
the cars they were travelling in. In the midst of all the
confusion, they even had to climb up on trucks and all
kinds of things to get home. But may God bless their
gallant souls tonight (amen), for the great attitude that
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
was displayed in all these things. On Monday they
were back there testifying, praising and glorifying God
in the prayer meeting. Amen.
Truly we could see that these are signs of the faith
of His people being perfected, tonight. Amen. Live or
die, sink or swim, we don’t care what conditions come.
Brother, “For this cause came we unto this world
(amen) and unto this end were we born to bear witness
of the truth.” [St. John 18:37 –Ed.] God has predestined a
people (amen), He predestined a Seed inside our soul
(amen); a faith Seed that’ll produce a perfect faith that
will master all circumstances in this Hour. Amen.
And we thank God to see it coming to life in this Hour.
So much in all different areas—God is just testing
the people and bringing conditions (amen) that the
Word of God that we have been applying in our lives
might be displayed in this Hour, for a testimony
(amen) that God’s Name might be glorified.
And then now, He said, “Treacherous waters”
(amen), and it’s really a year of treacherous waters
(amen) but Christ in our vessel has stilled the storm.
Amen. And it’s going to get greater and greater, but
the Power is going to get greater and greater in the
Bride because we have recognized who we are. Amen.
We have come to the place where we know the two
spirits in the framework of the Church. We have come
to a place where we have seen the shuck spirit – the
church spirit, because it is drying up now; it cannot
claim to be the Bride anymore because their own folly
is being made manifest.
They claimed to be the Bride for a season, but then
God just let them alone; as the Prophet let them alone
in the First and Second Pull. He let them alone
because He knew when it came to the Third Pull, every
man’s folly was going to show itself. And then we see
people’s folly being made manifest, man doing all
kinds of things in the Message and trying to put it
down people’s throats; but God forbid. God is going to
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
burn them with fire (amen) because the Hour is here.
There is a people who is living the Word as a testimony
against those people. Amen. See?
There is no condemnation if there is no Light. But
when Light is come, this is the condemnation, that
men choose darkness rather than Light; because to
humble themselves and come and face the Word, man
is not willing to do it. [St. John 3:19 –Ed.] Amen. So man
is willing to stay around with a church spirit and
continue with an outward motion of Christianity. But
thank God for a revelation (amen) to separate who is
anointed in the spirit and who is quickened in their
Gene. Amen.
How are we going to know it brother? By the
teaching for the season – the Mystery being
interpreted; not just the teaching part out of the Bible,
but the people identifying themselves in the prophecy.
Amen. And then many might want to teach the Word
because you could know all the Mysteries; but which
man is going to put their life and say, “I am that Word
there.” Amen! He might fool people but not the Elect
of God, because the Elect of God will try those spirits
by the Word. Amen.
So it’s a shaking time. Many are confused, many
are running here and there, running to and fro, don’t
know what is going on (amen) and drifting in and
drifting out; but this is an Hour to make your calling
and election sure. [2nd Peter 1:10 –Ed.] Once you see men
drifting in and out, they have not made their calling
and their election sure; they lack a Divine revelation of
the will and purpose of God. Amen. But the Word of
God standeth sure; It’s multiplying, It’s going higher
and higher (amen), It’s getting greater and greater.
And then, many fail to realize that all these things
were taking place.
A brother was by me today. I was just testifying to
him, giving him a testimony of what God is doing. I
said, “Bro. Branham said, testify of what is going on in
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
the Church.” Amen. And then, the Elect would have
the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy,
which is the Prophet’s prophecy being interpreted in
your life, being made personalized to you. Then you
have the testimony of Jesus! Yes, God gave you a
house, God gave you a car, God gave you a new job;
praise God for it, but that is not the real testimony,
brother. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of
Prophecy! What prophecy? His prophesied promise
for the Hour! The Word spoken for the time that you
are living in - you recognizing that Word being
interpreted in your life. That is your true testimony.
Enoch had a testimony that he pleased God before
he was translated! Brother, you better know you’re in
the Rapture tonight! You better don’t wait for the
Translation, because the Translation is after the dead
saints are raised. The dead saints are going to raise
after the preaching to the lost, because the preaching
to the lost is after the doors are closed! So we’re living
just in that time here!
So look at how many things have to take place
before the Translation. But in-between now and the
Translation, there’ll hardly be any hope because we’ve
come to the closing of the doors. Amen. We’ve come
to the place where He’s going to close the doors. That
is the place we have arrived down to! and many
people cannot accept those things; because especially
when they’re not in a shape, when the Word condemns
them and show them at their present stage, they are a
make-believer or an unbeliever.
You know Bro. Branham preached Three Kinds Of
Believers? [1963-1124E –Ed.] He said, “Right where the
Word finds you, that is where you are.” When the
Word comes and finds some of them as a make-
believer or an unbeliever, they want to put off the
Rapture; they want to put off the closing of the doors.
Amen. God gave them fifteen years to get right and
they didn’t get right; they’re waiting for state of
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
emergency to get them desperate! But the Love of
God, which is Elective Love, showed the Bride was
chosen in Christ has gotten them desperate tonight!
Amen! Hallelujah!
And many of you, you got a shaking too on Sunday
evening, state of emergency (amen), to get you
desperate. Amen. What a tremendous Hour!
We have a lot of strangers here tonight, I want to
get quickly to the Message. I trust you try and listen
carefully and understand what I am saying because
I’ve come to preach—to speak a very kind of
complicated Message tonight.
You see on Sunday we began to speak... Sunday I
was speaking about The Line Between Mercy and
Judgment [1981-1011E –Ed.], how a man crosses that line
and he’s dead in his soul but alive in his body. The
soul that sinneth shall surely die. What is that sin?
Unbelief. Unbelief in what? The Word of God for the
What is the Word of God for the Hour? The Blood of
Jesus Christ! And to reject the Blood there is no
covering for your soul again because that is the only
way to keep demons out of your soul. Amen. And the
same Blood that sanctified them (amen), the same
Blood that sanctified them, washed all the filth of the
denominations away from them and brought them on
their journey. Then they come along now and they fail
to recognize that the work was not finished when the
Prophet left.
After Moses was dead, the people still did not
possess their inheritance yet. After Abraham and
Sarah saw the last sign displayed, (and the Messenger
left fifteen years ago), they weren’t changed in their
bodies yet. They didn’t have faith to be changed.
In 1965, the Bride’s faith was green. Page 6, God’s
Provided Place Of Worship. He said, “You need to lay
in the Presence of the Son that what you have could be

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
baked into reality, because your faith is still green.”
[God’s Only Provided Place Of Worship, 1965-1128m - Ed.].
So fifteen years in the Presence of the Son was to
ripen out the faith (amen) because the Son was risen.
The Day had broken forth in 1964. 1963 December
the 30th, he said, “Gross darkness upon the earth.”
What happened? A Mystery took place. Amen. The
earth went between the sun and the moon, 20th
December. And when the earth went between the sun
and the moon it blocked out the sunlight from striking
the moon. The 30th, the Pope was in Jerusalem, Pope
Paul VI. Amen.
He said that worldliness is blocking the Gospel
Light, because the natural sun is a type of the Son of
God. The Son of God is the Light of the world; the
natural sun is the light to the natural world. And the
world, the earth here, blocked the sunlight from
striking the moon which is a type of the Church,
because the moon reflects the sunlight in the night.
And when the earth blocked the sunlight from striking
the moon, the moon went into darkness. He said,
“Worldliness has overshadowed the Church and the
Church has gone into apostasy. The Seventh Age was
blacked out.” Amen.
The Pentecostal Church was shown as a witch
dancing to rock and roll music. They thought they
were the restoration of the Book of Acts, that’s why
they called themselves Pentecostals. He told them,
“You’re a witch.” Amen! They thought they were in
the Book of Acts, but he told them it was witchcraft!
Amen! Here he was with the true Word revealing to
them you cannot have a Latter Rain if you don’t have a
Former Rain; and the Former Rain is the Teaching
Rain, the putting of the seed in the earth so the Rain
could bring a Crop up! Amen.
And then we find in 1963 gross darkness covered
the earth. Seventh Age, seven eclipses – went in total
darkness, and gross darkness is the second-to-last
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
plague before death struck. Amen. In 1964, the Pillar
of Fire came in a whirlwind, ripped the mountain off,
made three blasts: “Judgment striking the West
Coast”. A rock was thrown up in the air to start the
judgment into the earth. He said, “Judgment has
started into the earth.” Nature is going to wait for
when those prophets come. Amen.
Here it was, the next plague to follow gross darkness
was spiritual death. The first one that began to die
was the Pentecostal Church. Amen. And many began
to rush out in the Exodus following the Pillar of Fire
not knowing they will be tested and tried before they
come into the Promise, not knowing they’ll have to
prove themselves worthy of the Promise, not knowing
that there was going to come a time when God was
going to bring it down to a showdown (amen); to prove
who will believe all the way of going over into the
Promised Land. There was going to come a time for
Hebrews 6 and Hebrews 10 in the Exodus. That was
not in Egypt; that was in the Exodus! That was just
on the brink of the promise – about eleven days from
the promise, about forty miles from the land, that was
going to take place. He was going to try them. Amen.
You will have to have a right testimony in that Hour,
(amen) and many didn’t have the right testimony.
That Hour came and found many people with unbelief
in them. And when that Hour comes and finds you
with unbelief, you will die, because from Egypt to that
time was to take the unbelief out of you. That was the
space of time that God was to take the unbelief out of
you (amen); the process to get the rags into parchment
paper, to get the ugly caterpillars into beautiful
butterflies; that was the space of time.
And when that time comes and you find yourself
with unbelief, then it shows that you were not in God’s
foreknowledge. You were not foreknown to be in the
Bride. Amen. Because why? While the Bride’s life is
vindicating the prophecy for the Hour, your life is
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
vindicating something else. Amen. Your life is
vindicating a borderline believer and the Bride’s Life is
anointing the Third Pull – “We are going over Jordan.”
Amen. See? Because the two were growing, coming
And here we see in this Hour here there’s a Message
going forth, a revelation being preached. It’s something
being taught, something being said. But people have
grown so accustomed to the historical part of the
Message that when God is bringing other Truths to
Light in the same Message, they call it ‘isms.’ See?
They call it private business.
Now once you’re thinking like that, to you
everything’s revealed already. Baptism in the Name of
Jesus Christ was not the Message. Amen. See?
Women mustn't preach was not the Message. Six Seals
is not the Message. There was to be a Message.
I want to read something here, And Knoweth It Not,
page 13; August the 15th 1965. As I said tonight, you
sit down and you search the Word; you draw your
conclusion. Who hath believed our report? And to
whom is the arm of the Lord revealed, tonight? [Isaiah
53:1 –Ed.]
He said, I’m only building. [1965, August the 15th]
The hour is close at hand when you’re going to see
something happen, when something is going to take
place. And all this background here has only been
laying a foundation for a short, quick Message that will
shake the whole nation.
Amen. “All this background here has only been a
short – will only be laying a foundation for a short,
quick Message.” Do you believe the Prophet’s words?
[Congregation says “Amen” –Ed.] Amen. That’s his words.
Let’s go back to 1963 and I will tell you why he was
looking for a quick, short Message. If in 1963 the
Message had come, Seven Seals had opened up, why
then was he laying the foundation for a quick, short
Message? If every Mystery was revealed when the
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Seven Seals were opened, why was he laying a
foundation for a quick, short Message in 1965? And
he said, “All this background here is laying for that.”
Now, get away from your conception tonight. Get
away from your previous things tonight and open up
and let the Spirit put Truth inside. I’m going to read
out of the Books and you’re going to see for yourself if
it is the Prophet’s words. Amen.
Now everybody knows on February 28th, 1963
something took place. There was a blast in Arizona;
Seven Angels appeared in the form of a pyramid. Bro.
Branham, three months before, December the 22nd
somewhere around there, he was shown a vision of
this taking place. God made the vision in such a way
he could see it was in Arizona. Amen. He knew the
exact place because he was familiar with the place
through hunting and these things. So he left
Jeffersonville and he went to that place to wait there
for the fulfillment of the vision. He had seen the
vision. He was under the expectation for the
fulfillment of the vision and he went in the place, the
location where he saw the vision taking place and was
waiting there.
February the 28th 1963, he was out there hunting.
Amen. And while he sat down there, taking
cockleburs off his pants, a blast took place and he
thought he was shot. See? And then he lifted his eyes
and he saw something like a dot, way off in the
heavens, travelling faster than the speed of sound. In
no time, he was lifted up in the air by the Power of
God, in the midst of Seven Angels. One had a silver
Sword, the same Sword that was in his hand (amen) a
few weeks before, and He pointed; He said, “Go back
east, it’s time for the opening of the Seven Mysteries
(amen), the Bible; the last Seven Mysteries are to be

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
And then he went back east. And while he was
there the Holy Spirit came to him and said,
“Consecrate yourself for the…” [Blank spot on tape –Ed.]
He asked a question, “Is this blast and these Seven
Angels the sign of the end, sirs?” He said, “Because
directly after Jesus cried with a loud Voice and Seven
Thunders uttered their Voices, the next thing that took
place in the Bible – time was no more.” He said, “So…”
You check your Sirs, Is This The Time book and see
if the real title Bro. Branham gave there when he was
preaching the Message is not, Is This The Sign Of The
End, Sirs? [1962-1230E –Ed.] You will find it there.
He said, “I’ve come to preach a Message called, Is
This The Sign Of The End, Sirs?” What ‘This’? The
blast and the Seven Angels. He had seen a vision. He
said, “And if the vision is Scriptural, it must be
interpreted by the Scripture or a continuation of the
same Scripture.” He said, “Every prophet who gets the
Word by vision must go back to the Word (amen) and
make sure his revelation fits in with this revelation
and bring this revelation to light; otherwise, he has the
wrong revelation.” That is how a prophet proves
whether what he has is right: he goes back to the
infallible Word. Back to the Word, brother! Amen.
That’s why I stand here on the Word: not any man’s
ideas, not any woman’s feelings, not any man’s
feelings; I stand on the Word! Back to the Prophet’s
Message (amen) – the thinking man’s filter, to wash
you from the filth of the world and bring you into the
provided place of worship! Amen.
See? And then out there he came and preached
that Message asking, “The blast and the Seven
Angels...?” He took Revelation 10:1-7 and identified
that vision in that Scripture. He said, “If the vision is
Scriptural, it will be interpreted by the Scripture;” and
he took Revelation 10:1-7 to interpret his vision.
Amen. July the 25th 1965, page 24, What Is The
Attraction On The Mountain? he said, “Three years ago
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that was prophecy; today it is history! Sirs, what time
is it? Seriously think, my brethren.” Amen. Prophecy
was made history! What was a prophecy of the Seven
Thunders, was history! Amen.
And while that great opening of the Seven Seals was
going on, many people there in the tabernacle didn’t
know anything. Here were people who sat in the
tabernacle all these years, they heard the Word being
preached, they heard Bro. Branham preaching; they
used to go to church there. As I always bring this little
illustration, let’s say for example: somebody that week
went to a Methodist church, then, they went to a
Pentecostal crusade. Then on the 18th of March 1963,
that was when the First Seal was opened – a Mystery
that nobody ever knew. Amen. When John saw It, It
was in symbol form, he didn’t know what It meant.
Amen. Not one of them knew what It meant, because
It was to be revealed when the Seventh angel comes.
God was showing there was a Mystery laying under the
Seals. Amen.
And then on March the 18th, 1963, let’s say this
person maybe came in the tabernacle and sat down in
a normal service because for years that person might
have known that at the corner of Eight and Penn
Street in Jeffersonville, there is a little tabernacle
called Branham’s Tabernacle, and he knows there is
service there; so he went in service that Monday night.
[Glitch –Ed.] Man preaching in a church because
everywhere you go; in church, you see man preaching.
So you have to get a revelation that this man is a
Prophet from the Bible – a promise for the Hour. Not
just a man preaching; this is the promise for the Hour!
Many men would say, “Where two or three are
gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst.” But
the ‘I AM’ was in that tabernacle standing at his side.
He said, “He’s here tonight. That same Pillar of Fire
that spoke to Moses is right there.” The Being Who
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
created the heavens and the earth was right there.
God is not here, there and everywhere! God is a Being
and He could only be in one place! What makes Him
omnipresent is because He is omniscient! He sees and
knows all things; but He is a Being and He lives in a
place! Amen! And that Being was there being
identified in the Bible, showing that He is to come in
the last days.
And while, maybe this preacher stood up and began
to read, the person began to listen, and he takes
Revelation 6, verses 1 and 2, and he begins to reveal
that that is the devil. But this man might have just
heard two days ago in a Pentecostal church or
something, that that was Cupid [The god of erotic love and
desire –Ed.], that was the Holy Ghost shooting arrows of
love. Now that man who walked in there might not
have realized that the God Who created Heaven and
earth, the God of the Bible that we read of all these
years, stood right there speaking out what that
Mystery was. They might never know that this little
statement that is being made in an ordinary, little –
seemingly to be service, was actually a Mystery that
nobody ever knew was being preached right there! He
might have walked away and said, “No, I don’t see that
so, because I heard it like that the other day, and like
everybody has their own interpretation.”
Then there might be somebody who knows and is
taught that that is to be revealed when the Seventh
Angel comes, and that could only be revealed after the
Church Ages are run out. After the Lamb leaves His
intercessory post, He takes the Seven-Seal Book to
reveal that Mystery in reality form. Amen! That
person may be able to look back and see it thundered
when the Lamb pulled the First Seal. They might look
back and see there was a blast of thunder (amen),
Seven Angels appeared, and here Seven Seals were
being revealed. That person might have been able to
look and see, and as they heard that Mystery being
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
revealed, they said, “That is the Seventh Angel
Messenger! We’re at the end of the Church Ages! That
is Elijah the Prophet! That is the Word being
They might have been quick enough to see It,
because they might have been one who stored up and
knew what to look for and had the right conception of
what they’re trying to find and to recognize the
prophecy being fulfilled. They might have been one
who was trained by the Word, not to a church voice,
but to the Voice of the Word! They might have been
looking and watching and waiting for this to be
fulfilled, knowing that one day...
They might have been surprised, yes, in a little, old
church that was once a pond, that had a sawdust
floor; that had a little plank of wood and some gazette
paper and some old gallery chairs, (hallelujah!) that
had an old center table for a pulpit; had a bunch of
backslidden confused people, but today is shaking the
nation (hallelujah!) because they’re trained to the
Word, not to man’s voice or a church voice; they’re
trained to the Word! They know what to look for; they
could recognize the Word being interpreted! All the
voices don’t confuse them because they have the
Secret (amen) of the one hundred percent that the
false anointed ones cannot bring! Hallelujah! So they
might have been looking with expectation; they might
have been there waiting. So it is tonight, as we say,
you - the church.
Here, I’ll read a quote for you (amen), not just a
man, but a Prophet – the most vindicated one. He
said, “I’m laying a foundation for a quick, short
Message that will shake the nation!” Here we want to
find out what that Message is. Amen. Here we want
to find out tonight, where that was promised in the
Bible. Is there a Message to come after the Prophet?
Is there a Message to come after the Prophet? Yes,
there is a Message!
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
But so many people’s minds are confused, from the
time they hear that, they say, “Like they believe in an
Eighth Angel.” No! We believe the Mighty Angel from
Heaven (hallelujah! Glory to God!), the One with swept
back wings. Amen! Hallelujah! Amen. See?
Because why? They don’t know what the
shepherd’s Message is. They don’t know why it had to
be shepherds after the Angel came with a Message of
prophecy to a virgin. Amen! And when the Angel
came to the virgin, He prophesied (amen): “Thou shalt
conceive.” The prophecy is: God Himself is to be made
manifest in the virgin. Amen. The Angel gave that
prophecy and prophesied and went away.
And for nine months the virgin lived out the Mystery
of Christ being formed on the inside. She bore
reproach because people were calling it fornication and
adultery. Amen. We will find out tonight if it’s
fornication or adultery, or whether it’s a pure Word of
God coming quick and powerful, sharper than a two-
edged sword. Amen. You see?
And here, after He prophesied and went away, then
there’s a shepherd’s Message that followed the Angel’s
Message. The shepherd’s Message is not: “A virgin
shall conceive.” The shepherd’s Message is: “The
Messiah is on the earth! Hallelujah! The Lord hath
descended from Heaven!” Amen. See? The Angel’s
Message is not, “The Lord hath descended from
Heaven.” The Lord descending from Heaven, the Angel
had prophesied; but that was the Secret.
They didn’t know the Lord had come. They didn’t
know the Lord was on the earth. But the shepherd
was to find the Messiah laying in the manger. Amen.
And the Angel’s Message wasn’t another Message, it
was only identifying the fulfillment of the Angel’s
prophecy. The shepherd’s Message was only
identifying the fulfillment of the Angel’s prophecy.
The Angel prophesied and the shepherd is identifying
that the Angel’s prophecy is being fulfilled. And
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
between the shepherd and the Angel (amen), the virgin
lived out the Mystery of Christ being formed inside of
her. How are you going to break that? Amen! See?
Now I want to show, while the Holy Spirit was there
in 1963, March the 17th to the 24th when those Seven
Seals were being revealed, something was going on.
The people didn’t realize that the very prophecy of
“Sirs, Is This The Time?” [1962-1230E -Ed.] was actually
being manifested right there. They didn’t know it was
taking place, and something was happening there in
the tabernacle. And then after the Six Seals were
revealed, he had a Questions and Answers. [Questions
And Answers On The Seals 1963-0324M –Ed.] And after he had
the Questions and Answers, then he went to the
Seventh Seal. [1963-0324E –Ed.] Amen.
And on the Questions and Answers he was making
certain statements, because he could look back now
and he could see what all these Things were in the
Bible. The only Seal that was waiting to be identified
was the last One, and that was the One he prophesied
about before he went west; and that was the One that
was taking place right there among the people. They
wanted to hear It being preached but It was being
manifested; but they didn’t have spiritual discernment
to discern the Things of God. See? But it was being
done right there, because the Lord had descended and
the Seventh Seal was being revealed. And they didn’t
realize that when that Book was opened, that it was an
Angel coming down from Heaven with the open Book.
They failed to realize these things that was right there.
And hear what he said himself. He said, night by
night, Page 2, Questions and Answers On The Seals,
when I come in here, there is such a tension, till I have
to talk about something else; to kind of get it quietened,
you see, and then, the Holy Spirit breaks forth the Seal.
Then we change that to healing or something, see.
Alright, let me leave that.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
He said, and then, also, knowing that right among
you things are happening. He said, I know you don’t
see it. I’m just positive you don’t see it. You say,
“Brother Branham, that’s a hard thing for you to say
that.” I know it is. But look, let me say this now. I
suppose this is just tapes for ourselves, and so forth.
But let me say this, you don’t get it, you’re not
supposed to get it. So don’t try to interpret anything.
Don’t try to put your interpretation to it. You only get
further away.
Man, who fell asleep for seventeen years, they want
to pick up this quote and apply it for today. So they’re
saying, “God didn’t do anything for seventeen years,”
so they’re saying, “Don’t try to interpret anything.” No!
It’s striking the crystal; It’s being revealed now!
[Congregation rejoices –Ed.] Because for seventeen years
people were under expectation knowing that the
promise was given. The hour was going to come; they
were watching and waiting; ‘their eyes peeled’ [An
expression meaning ‘to watch steadfastly’ –Ed.] and they had their
eyes waiting, looking to see God identify Himself by His
So he was telling the people there, he said, “You
don’t see It right now.” He said, “Leave It alone; don’t
even try to interpret It, you don’t see It right now.”
1963 (amen), he was telling them that, March the 24th.
He said, now take my advice, as your brother. Don’t
try to put your own interpretation to anything. You just
go on and live a good Christian life, because, you will
only wind yourself away from the real thing when you
do it. You’ll only wind yourself away from the thing.
And all of you are conscious and know that there’s
something mysterious happening and it is happening,
and I know what it is now.
It was happening right there in the tabernacle
among the people, the Word was being interpreted.
That’s why I’m preaching and saying, “I wonder if you

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
know what’s been happening for the last four months
inside of here?”
He said, I’m not just saying that. It’s the grace of
God that lets me know that what it is. It’s something
that’s tremendous, and it’s gone right now and there’s
no way in the world for you to see it. But, so help me
God, with this Bible in my hand, I know what that is.
It’s been told you before, so don’t try to put any
interpretation but just believe me as your brother, we’re
living in a great hour. We’re living in a time...
He said, well, you just be real humble, live a
Christian life, try to live for God, and live honest with
your fellow man, and love those who don’t love you.
Don’t try, he said, you see, you do, you only make it a
mysterious something and mess the real program of
God up.
Then he said, yesterday afternoon… When was
yesterday afternoon? The 23rd of March. What
happened on the 23 of March, yesterday afternoon?

The Sixth Seal had opened. What was mysterious

about the Sixth Seal? Seven Trumpets sounded under
the Sixth Seal, and a Prophet saw it. See? That is
why we have the tract here; you will get it in a little
while. I have it right here for you Bro. Al. [Bro. Alvin
Joseph –Ed.] Amen.
He said, yesterday afternoon something happened in
my room, he said, I’ll never be able to leave it, you see?
And about two weeks ago something happened and I’ll
never be able to...
Now, I will tell you what happened. You see now,
many times a person reads this and they feel they
can’t know what happened. Now if you don’t study the
Word in continuity, well you wouldn’t know what
happened. If you don’t even know how to study the
Word—when Malachi 4 came, he taught us how to
study the Word, you know. Read Christ Is Revealed In
His Own Word [1965-0822M –Ed.] and see if he’s not
teaching people there how to study the Word of God, to
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
get your picture right, so you wouldn’t have the cow
eating grass on the house. You see?
You see, I remember these things baffled me for
years. I use to probe, I use to read; study it, pray;
read, study it, pray; wait upon God – and like nothing.
And then one day the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart
and said, “If he said yesterday afternoon, go back on
the Sixth Seal; you will find something on the Sixth
Seal that happened yesterday afternoon, because
yesterday afternoon was the Sixth Seal.”
And when I went on the Sixth Seal, he said,
“Something happened today.” He said, “I saw it. I
said, Lord I can’t say that. It’s best I go fishing.” You
read the Sixth Seal [1963-0323 –Ed.] book and see if it’s
not there. See? I will tell you what page it is too –
pages 395 and 433 of your Sixth Seal Book. [In The
Revelation Of The Seven Seals book. –Ed.].
He said, yesterday afternoon, something happened in
my room that I’ll never be able to leave it. And about
two weeks ago something happened... That’s when the
King’s Sword dropped down in his hand. ...that I'll
never be able to get away from it as long as I live on
this earth.
You see, why I know these things, I follow the dates
of the messages. And two weeks ago, when he took
the time, where he was out there in the Arizona Desert
when the Sword came down.
He said, and so, but if the church here are not supposed
to know these things, so don't put no interpretation to
anything. See? So just go ahead and just remember
what you're told. Live a Christian life. Go to your
church, be a real light wherever you are and just burn
for Christ and tell the people that how you love Him.
And just let your testimony be with love all the time
with the people. See, because if you don't you will twist
yourself out into something there, and then you're off
the beaten track. So every time you try to do it, you've
done that. So don't try to make no interpretations.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
And especially tonight... Meaning the night of the
Seal there, which was the Seventh Seal. He said, and
especially tonight, when that Seal comes up in front of
you. See? Just don’t try to interpret It. You just go
ahead and just be humble and go right on with the
same plain Message. Now you said, “Brother Branham,
we, being the Church of the Living God, shouldn’t
Well, as I was trying… Look here, I want to say,
“Well, why can’t I?”
Now remember, I’m saying this for your good. I’m
saying it so that you’ll understand. If you believe me,
now, listen to what I tell you.
Now I’m laying some background here tonight
because I want to show you… I read for you about a
quick, short Message; but for me to place you in the
quick, short Message, I have to show you where he
promised—there was something that the people didn’t
understand, and I want to read to you where it was
going to make a cycle and come back. And I want to
show you when it comes back, what it is going to
reveal; and I want you to compare that with what has
been going on here for the last few months. And then,
if it’s not this, leave here and go somewhere else.
Amen. See?
Because it is prophecy we are talking about being
fulfilled. Because I will be preaching a lie here; if this
is not that, I’ll be preaching a lie. It wouldn’t be the
Holy Spirit; He doesn’t lie. It will be a lying spirit. But
if it’s the Word, It will be in the Message and in the
Scripture for you to see. Then when you see that there
and you shrivel back up; well then, you are in trouble
with God. You’ve reached a place where you see Light
and tasted It. It’s nice tonight, but don’t ever walk
away or you are in trouble; you will perish.
He said, now here is a post, and we call that a
listening post... He’s talking about a little post there.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
...and it’s got a radio. And there’s warnings and things
can be done, like a sword in your hand.
He’s making a little illustration for them now. He
said, he was saying it so they will understand. He was
trying to give them a little illustration so they will
understand why they couldn’t understand it now, but
how they will understand it later on.
He said, here’s a listening post, it’s a radio. And
there’s warnings and things can be done, like a sword
in your hand. It can pick up the evil or pick, for as it
only, as it picks it gets its message. See?
He said, now look here. Let me show you something.
Did you know there’s ten thousands of voices in this
room right now.
Now we know that. You take a radio and you put it
on FM right now, you’ll pick up something. [Frequency
Modulation - a radio signal –Ed.] You put it on Radio
Trinidad, you’ll pick up something. You put it on
Antilles, you’ll pick up something. You put it on Radio
Guardian, you’ll pick up something. Why? Now, it’s
not when you put on the radio the man starts to talk,
you know. Right now, all those voices are going on but
you can’t hear it, because it’s in a higher frequency
than what your ear can pick up. So the scientist
invented this little set called a radio and they have it
working in a certain frequency, so it could pick up
these voices you can’t hear with your physical hearing
and channel it and bring it to a place where you could
hear it audibly. See?
Just like the television set, you have a set in your
home, a receiving set; what you have in your home
doesn’t transmit, it only receives. But they have the
transmitting station up in Maraval, and they have a
big film on a wheel and a projector and they’re
showing that; but then it’s going out into the
atmosphere and getting through the ether waves and
coming to your set. Now if your set is not on the
channel where you have to receive it, you wouldn’t
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
pick up anything, you know. And you could go and
you could say, “Last night they didn’t show anything
at all.” You were not in channel!
“I went to service and I didn’t get anything.” You
were not in channel! Amen. You have to be in the
right frequency to pick up. So they have Channels 2
and 13. [TTT - Trinidad and Tobago Television Company –Ed.]
If you go to 4 and 5—now you see 4 and 5 on your set,
you know. Well, I know you don’t have a set here but
this is just an illustration. Amen. Because if you have
a set here, you are in trouble with God too (amen.
See?), because God told the Prophet, “Don’t even put
that in your house.” That is good enough for me.
He brings a little illustration showing them about
the voice in the room. He said, literally voices of people
that’s coming through the electronic waves of radio.
Why don’t you hear them? They’re voices. Is that right?
They’re waving right through here now. There is people,
forms and bodies moving right through this room now.
Is that right? Well, why don’t you see them? They’re
here, actual voices, like my voice. Well, why don’t you
hear it? See? It’s got to strike something first to reveal
Now, I’m going to show you why it couldn’t strike
him to reveal it. It’s got to strike some… because it is
a revelation not of himself but about other people.
He said, now do you understand? Now just don’t
interpret nothing. He told them don’t interpret
anything and he gave them an illustration why. He
said, “There are voices here; the Mystery is going forth,
but don’t try to put your thinking to it. Leave it alone.”
He said, “It’s going to strike something and it will
reveal itself.”
Something started to strike us and It was revealing
Itself out of the Bible. It’s not just thoughts from
anywhere, it’s a certain part of the Word being
revealed. And the part that is being revealed is
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
showing what went on from 1965 to 1981. Brother, I
want that thing to strike me day and night! Because
outside of that, then it’s history!
See, it’s got to strike something first, to reveal it. Now
do you understand? Now don’t just interpret nothing. If
God wants you to know anything, He’ll send it to you;
so just be real solid now. Hold still. Something has
happened. And now just be real. He said, you
understand what I mean, don’t you?
Don’t try to make yourself odd to be a Christian...
Amen. All these people want to get scary and pious.
Don’t make yourself odd to be a Christian! …because
you see you can take yourself away from God. And if
you can understand it, this is that Third Pull.
This thing, that happened there, is that Third Pull.
He said, you should have caught that the other day.
When? When the Sword came down and the Voice
said, “It is that Third Pull” – what he told them about
in The Breach. [The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And
The Seven Seals 1963-0317E –Ed.]
You see, if you go back on The Breach – I think it’s
on page 2 on The Breach, you will see where he said,
“Something happened to me a few days ago,” he said,
“I’ll tell you about it, so when the Seals start to open
up, you will understand.” You see, when you read
those things you must hold those things; that is the
Message. Don’t look for the Scripture and try to figure
out what the Scripture is saying; hold those things,
then you will know what the Scripture is saying. See?
So he said, you should have caught that the other day.
Remember, there’ll be no impersonations like there
was in the other two. The First and the Second Pull.
So, that’s as far as you should know. He said, that’s as
far as you should know.
Now, let me inject this here. Now how do we know
there are three things that went with the Third Pull?
One is the Opening of the Word; one is the Spoken
Word, and one is the Preaching to the Lost.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
On Look Away To Jesus he talked about the five
manifestations of the Spoken Word, December the 29th
On Anointed Ones in the End Times, page 61 I think
it is, 1965 July 25th, He is speaking about the Opening
of the Word, the revealing the Mysteries was the Third
On November the 10th 1963 Souls in Prison Now, he
said, “The preaching to the lost is the Third Pull,” –
those three things. And it was symbolized by three
things: he called the King’s Sword the Third Pull; he
called the Tent Vision the Third Pull, and he called the
Seven Angels the Third Pull – three symbols and three
events. Amen.
Now watch. And then we find out that there is even
a Mystery between the second fold of the Third Pull,
which is the Opening of the Word and the Preaching to
the Lost, because we find out that the Preaching to the
Lost would be when the Squeeze comes, and we find
the Opening of the Word was in 1963. And we find
between that time was a long space – up to tonight it’s
about eighteen years. Amen. And he said you
wouldn’t know about it. Back there we didn’t know
about it.
He said, so, that’s as far as you should know. Now
As soon as… Look even recently when we went into the
Seed Germ and all these things, we know why the
Third Pull can’t be impersonated. We know why there
are souls in prison now. He said, “You would know
about it.”
And the Lord was giving me a revelation there.
When he preached The Token [1963-0901M –Ed.] he was
preaching about the Life of the Name. Everybody were
saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” and they’re born again.
And he said he was preaching about the Life, the real
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and those outside the
Token perished, which were the souls in prison.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
And when he came and he preached God’s Provided
Place Of Worship, [1965-0425 –Ed.] he wasn’t preaching
about the Life now, he was preaching about the Name
of the Life; because he said God only meets man in one
place: under the Blood. That is where He placed His
Name. But he was revealing the Name there, not the
On The Token he revealed the Life of the Name, and
in God’s Provided Place of Worship, he preached the
Name of the Life. So bring the Name and the Life
together and you get the Mystery.
And in Invisible Union he tells you about the two
husbands; how you get the Name – by Marriage,
[Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ 1965-1125 –Ed.] and he tells
you what your Marriage Certificate is and what your
Wedding Band is. Amen. So he said, “They will never
impersonate it.”
So he said look, just remember there is something
taking place in this room, and there’s something here
that’s... There’s actual in this room, Angels, Voice of
God, but how… He said, if you can’t hear the natural
voice without something to send it out, how are you
going to hear the spiritual Voice?
If you are hearing that with your physical hearing,
that I am speaking through this microphone, my voice
is going through here but it is coming through the
speakers so you could hear it. Now this by itself can’t
speak, but I am standing behind it speaking through
this and this is sending the voice out. And if we can’t
hear this – my natural voice – outside of me speaking
through this, how are you going to hear the spiritual
Voice if there is not something to send it out, when His
Voice is the Word for the Age? If It doesn’t come
through a people and be manifested and identify Itself
back in the Scriptures, how are you going to know that
God is speaking? Amen.
So he said, now you might believe that somebody is
singing that certain song and they might not even be
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
there, see. But when it actually strikes the crystal that
it’s supposed to strike, then it gives a true interpretation
and vindicates it by showing the picture. It gives a true
interpretation and vindicates it by showing the picture!
Now, the Spirit of God, when It speaks through the
true Word, It vindicates Itself, to show Itself that It’s
right. You understand now?
So you understand now that it is He vindicating His
own Word right here for these four months by infallible
proofs. Amen? So notice here, he was telling them; he
said, something happened right there during that
week. They didn’t catch it, they weren’t going to get it;
but it was going to strike the crystal in the right time
and then it will show the picture. He said it will strike
the crystal that it is supposed to strike, and it will
show the picture. Amen.
Now we are getting down to the fireworks here;
fireworks here now! Page 40, Seventh Seal. Now, in
your Seven Seals book [The Revelation Of The Seven Seals –Ed.],
it would be page 564.
He said, and I seen that Light… He’s talking about
the Third Pull and all these things; about the Tent
Vision. I seen that Light was talking to somebody
above me, that Light you see there on that picture. That
one there. [Bro. Vin points to picture of the Pillar of Fire above Bro.
Branham’s head on the wall of the tabernacle. –Ed.] It whirled away
from me, like that, and went into the tent, and said, “I’ll
meet you there.” And said, “This will be the Third Pull,
and you won’t tell it to nobody!”
Why? Because it will have to strike crystal in the
season to interpret Itself. It will testify for Itself, you
won’t tell it to nobody. Amen. People say, “Oh, Bro.
Branham said he went to the grave with that.” So with
their carnal minds, he had to come back out of the
grave to preach it. It’s not the Scriptures.
Hear what he said, and in Sabino Canyon, He said,
“This is the Third Pull.”

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
In 1955, November when he got the Tent Vision, he
said, “This will be the Third Pull.” In 1963, when he
got the King’s Sword, he said, “This is the Third Pull!”
Will be became is, because the future became present.
He said, and in Sabino Canyon, He said, “This is the
Third Pull.” And there’s three great things that goes
with it.
Now we are getting down to it here. unfolded yesterday...
Amen. As I was just reading here for you on
Questions And Answers On The Seals, he said,
“Something happened yesterday afternoon,” because
Questions and Answers On The Seals and The Seventh
Seal were preached on the same day: one in the
morning and one in the evening.
He said, “Yesterday afternoon,” speaking about the
Sixth Seal, he said, “something happened there in the
room and it will never be able to leave me.”
Here on the Seventh Seal now, the night now, he
came and said, “Three things go with the Third Pull,
and one happened yesterday.” See? One happened
yesterday. He said, …the other unfolded today, and
there’s one thing that I cannot interpret because it’s in
an unknown language. As I stand right there and
looked right straight at it and this is the Third Pull
coming up. And the Holy Spirit of God… Oh my! That’s
the reason all Heaven was silent!
That’s the reason why all Heaven was silent. He said,
now, I’d better stop right here, see. I just feel checked
not to say no more about it.
I like when he feels checked, because all the itching
ears got trapped right there. You’d better be the one
who He is coming to speak the Secret in your ears,
you’d better be no flirter. See? Because He is going to
come around and speak secrets; He’ll take you in the
Inner Veil to reveal Himself more privately. He said, so
just remember, the Seventh Seal, the reason it was not
opened, the reason He did not reveal it, no one should
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
know about it. And I want you to know before I even
knew any word about that, that vision came years ago.
You remember that? And here it is just as this other
has—slides right straight into the Word exactly where it
He said, “Here these two visions: the Tent Vision
here—slide, and the one with the Seven Angels, these
two visions slide into the Word.”
You say, “Was the Tent Vision in the Bible then?”
Yes! Because the vision has to Scriptural or
interpreted by the Scripture, or a continuation of the
same Scripture.
And God knows my heart, I never one time thought of
such a thing as that, and here it was. It’s later than we
think. Just shows it’s from God, it fits exactly in the
promises of God from the end of the Message.
It fits exactly in the promises of God! Now if you
don’t know your promise for the Hour you won’t know
what’s fitting in the promise. But he said, “These
visions fitted exactly in the promises of God.”
You notice. Now notice, the end of time Message –
this Seal. He revealed all the Six Seals, but it don’t say
nothing about the Seventh. And the end of time Seal,
when it starts, will be absolutely a total secret.
When the Seventh Seal starts, it will be a total
secret. Now the Seventh Seal, that Third Pull, is three
things. Amen. Remember, Revelation 10:1-7, at the
end of the Seventh Angel’s Message, ALL the mysteries
of God would be known. We’re at the end-time.
Page 43. Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the
Truth, that these things are spiritually discerned to me
by the Holy Spirit. And every one of them, has identified
his place in the Bible. White horse, red horse; all these
things. Now, what this great secret is that lays
beneath this Seal, I do not know. I don’t know it. I
couldn’t make it out.
In 1963 here, he couldn’t make it out. I couldn’t tell
it, just what it said. But I know that it was them Seven
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Thunders uttering themselves right close together, just
banging seven different times, and it unfolded into
something else that I seen.
The Seven Thunders, Revelation 10:1-7, unfolded
into something else; in another fold, into something
else that I seen!
Then when I seen that, the thing it unfolded into...
Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation
that flew across there, and I couldn’t make it out.
Amen. That’s right. The hour isn’t quite yet for it, but
it’s moving into that cycle, see. It’s coming up close.
I always say, instead of criticizing this and saying
this is not it, if you don’t believe this is it, start to
preach it will come because the Prophet said it will
come. If you don’t believe it is coming now, be under
expectation for it to come, because you have to get it in
any case to go in the Rapture; but just leave me with
this until that comes, if this is not that. Amen! See?
He said, “When I seen that.” What? The Thing the
Seven Thunders unfolded into.
I couldn’t make it out. The hour isn’t quite yet for it,
but it’s moving into that cycle. It’s coming up close. So
the thing for you to do, and remember I speak to you in
the Name of the Lord.
Hear the Prophet, he said, remember I speak to you
in the Name of the Lord: Be prepared, for you don’t
know what time something can happen.
Maybe June the 3rd 1981, it would blow apart inside
of here! Amen. You’d better be prepared! And then
he said:
Now, when that gets on tape, which it will probably
send ten thousand of my friends away from me, cause
they’re going to say that Brother Branham is trying to
put himself and make himself a servant or a prophet or
something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren,
that is an error! I’m only telling you what I seen and
what has been told to me, and you do whatever you
want to. I don’t know who’s going to, what’s going to
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
take place. I do not know. I just know that those seven
thunders holds that mystery, that Heavens was
Page 51. Now, do you notice on the opening of the
Seventh Seal, it’s also in a threefold mystery. This one I
have, will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery
of the Seven Thunders.
So the first fold of the Seventh Seal is the Seven
Thunders. That is what he is saying right here, page
51 of The Seventh Seal. See? He said, the Seven
Thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery. It’ll be
right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one
knew when He would return.
There’ll be seven voices of these Thunders that will
reveal the great revelation at that time. There will be
Seven Voices of these Thunders that will reveal that
great revelation – why Heaven was silent at that time.
Page 52, he says, so, I believe, if we don’t know it,
and it won’t be known ’til that time, but it will be
revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be
revealed in.
Many people want to say it’s just around the
Resurrection. But let me tell you, before the
Resurrection, you’re going to have the preaching to the
lost; and before the preaching to the lost, you’re going
to have the Squeeze; and before the Squeeze, we will
have the doors closed. And the doors can’t be closed
until the Church comes to perfection! So don’t try to
put us in the Resurrection to know these Things.
These Things will put us in the Resurrection!
So, the thing for us to do is to be reverent before God
and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and
live good Christian lives.
Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been
opened to us; we see it, and we know that this Seventh
Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
To the public – Now it broke to the public? Now the
public knows what the Seventh Seal is? And what
happened? Many cannot take it. You look in your
Seven Seals book and tell me where you find he
speaks about the squirrels, the little fish, and Sis.
Hattie Wright’s boys? You would never find it. But yet
the Seven-Seal Book was the Title Deed to the
dominion that Adam had forfeited in the Garden of
You read the whole Seven Seals book and see if he
ever revealed what the Shout, the Voice and the Trump
is in your Seven Seals book. But you will find just
before he died, 1965 December the 4th, he preached a
Message called The Rapture and revealed a threefold
Mystery of the Coming of the Lord. And if the Seals
revealed all the Mysteries, then that was a Mystery in
the Seals. Amen!
Then he had to reveal Who Is This Melchisedec [1965-
0221m – Ed.] so that you could know that Jesus came in
a Theophany. Then when he revealed [God’s] Provided
Place of Worship, [1965-0425 –Ed.] where He placed His
Name, so you will have to know where you’re going to
meet with Him. Then he had to preach Invisible Union
of the Bride [1965-1125 –Ed.] to let you know how the
marriage is taking place here! Then he had to preach
Future Home [1964-0802 –Ed.] to let the Ones who are
getting married to Him know where He is taking them!
So when people think that it’s just messages being
preached, brother, it’s Things He is speaking in the ear
of the Bride! See? When he preached The Easter Seal
[1965-0410 –Ed.] and revealed the secret of life after death,
we saw immortality and life came to light; we know
how we will put on incorruption and how we’ll put on
immortality at the last Trump. Yes, we know how the
body is going to be changed around the Seed Germ
that is formed in the Word image. Amen.
He was speaking out these Things, but you don’t
find it in the Seals. So people want to take the Seals
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
book and play the Seals tapes, and follow the Seals
book with the Seals tapes and then come to the
conclusion that it’s not revealed. Well then, what all
these Mysteries from 1963 to 1965 was? Do you see
Invisible Union in the Seals? That is a Mystery. Do
you see Who Is This Melchisedec in the Seals? But it
was there! He said, because the Seven Seals opened
up, we know all these Things! Do you see God’s Only
Provided Place of Worship [1965-1128M –Ed.] in the Seals?
Do you see Souls in Prison Now [1963-1110M –Ed.] in the
Seals? Do you see The Token [1963-0901M –Ed.] in the
Seals? You may not read it with your physical eyes in
the Seals book, but it’s all there! [Congregation rejoices –Ed.]
Let me tell you something, every one of those
messages that was preached goes back under one of
the Seals. In every message from 1963 to 1965, you
will find where Melchisedec goes back on the Seals
where he was talking about the theophanies. Under
the Fifth Seal, he was revealing theophanies and Life
after death; that’s why he testified that he went beyond
the Curtain of Time and these things there.
You take The Rapture, you put that back under the
Seventh Seal. Anointed Ones, the white horse rider in
the framework of the church after the messenger, you
will find that under the First Seal. Yes, they go back
under a Seal because they came out from under a
Seal. See? Because it was Mysteries being revealed,
the fullness of the Word had come into existence. See?
I don’t want to get rough and hard but I have to put
it inside sometimes. See? See, I want people to know
that I am not guessing. We’re not presuming. It's
God’s Truth being made plain to set you free.
The Seventh Seal, page 52. Now, there was some
reason that God let the seven voices be thundered,
because it must come. We find that Christ, the Lamb,
took the Book in His hand, and He opened that Seventh
Seal. But you see, it’s a hidden mystery. No one
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
knows it. But it’s right along with what He said: no one
would know His coming; they also would not know
about this Seven Thunder mystery. So you see, it’s
connected together.
And how did He come? In a Theophany. He didn’t
come in the corporal body. Jehovah dropped down,
the Lord Himself. Who is the Lord? Elohim. Because
the Son of Man is being revealed as it was in the days
of Sodom – Genesis 18; not Luke 17:30.
Luke 17:30 is where Jesus spoke of the promise for
Genesis 18 to repeat itself. That’s why when Malachi 4
was preaching, he was quoting Luke 17:30, because
that was the promise in the New Testament to look for
the Old Testament Scripture in the seed chapter, to
come to Harvest in the End Time. Because once it is
in the seed, it is going to be in the Harvest.
We have a days of Noah down here because we had
a days of Noah in Genesis, in the seed. We have a
days of Sodom down here, because we had a days of
Sodom in the seed. You see? We have an Eliezer
going out in the Evening Time, because there was an
Eliezer in Genesis. We have a Son of Man being
revealed down here because there was a Son of Man
being revealed there. We have Abraham and Sarah
being changed here, because they were changed down
there. We have a tower of Babel down here because
there was a tower of Babel up there. Because that was
the seed; this is the Harvest down here! See?
So you look in your field and see your seed and you
know what your crop is going to be. So everything
that is in Genesis is in Revelation. Revelation is only
Genesis manifested. Amen! The Jews—Joseph’s
brothers recognized him down there; Joseph’s brothers
are going to recognize Him up here. Because Joseph’s
brothers said, “Where did You get those wounds?”
Amen. See? That is the Mystery of the Seven
Trumpets right there – recognizing the atonement.
You see? See? My! [Bro. Vin laughs –Ed] See?
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
So notice, he said, it’s connected together—these
Things. So he said, that much we have an
understanding of it today, because the rest of it is all
unfolded, but this is not unfolded. But sitting in my
room, and I heard it rather, not I heard it rather, but I
seen it unfold to this Seven Thunders. Now, that’s as
far as we can go, right there. He said, “That’s as far as
we can go, right there!” And now I trust that each and
every one of you will serve God, and do that which is
right, and love Him with all your life and serve Him,
and God will take care of the rest.
Now, we have in the completion here now, by the
grace of God, all the mysteries of the Six Seals that’s
been sealed up, and we understand and know that the
Seventh Seal is not to be known to the public. Not Bride
– public! – the mixed multitude. Then he talked about
Israel being in the homeland. He says, but you notice,
He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And
here when the Seventh Seal, when He opened it, He
also omitted it again.
He’s talking about in St. Matthew 24, Jesus didn’t
mention about the Seventh Seal there, and over here
in Revelation, He didn’t mention the Seventh Seal
He said, so we see that it is a complete mystery,
therefore, the hour is not yet for this mystery to be
known, therefore, we’re this far and the rest of it… He
spoke a fold. He said the Thunders hold the Mystery
of His coming. ...and the rest of it will be known right
around about the time that Jesus appears on earth
again for His Bride, or whatever takes place at that
Now when this part is to be revealed, which we are
claiming this part is being revealed now, “It’s just
around about the time that Jesus comes to take His
Bride.” The planets might be lined up in a straight
line and He might show it in the heavens too.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Now, don’t go and say Bro. Vin says that Jesus is
coming in 1982, because I never said that. I’ve never
preached that here. I preached that I predict that has
a spiritual application. I said that when Christ was
formed in the virgin, the constellations were together.
Because sometimes people hear you speak like that
and they go around saying Jesus is coming in 1982.
Now I never said that. Has anybody ever heard me say
that here? [Congregation replies, “No” –Ed] Alright! I said
when those planets come together that is a sign
because God always shows it in the heavens first.
And if five planets in 1962 came in a straight line,
you will find that on Communion [1962-0204 para. 75 –Ed.]
page 4, Bro. Branham says, “I predict this has a
spiritual application.” And three months after he said,
“That is the beginning of sorrows.” He said, “That is
what it meant – the beginning of sorrows.” He said, “It
is the birth of an infant Church; the Power of God
begin to take form in the Bride.”
Now, I am saying when the nine come together—if
five was the infant Church and the beginning of
sorrows, would the nine be the Super Church; not the
infant Church, the Super Church? And I am saying, if
all these Mysteries about the Seed Germ, and justified,
and crossing back the chasm, and the Third Pull, if all
these things are revealed here, and the Voice of the
Archangel, and the Unknown Language, it shows that
we are close.
Because Moses and Elijah’s ministry will be the
disturbing of the elements. And nature has gone
chaotic, haywire, since the planets began to line up.
Now in the Kalahari Desert, they say, that there is a
great gravitational pull toward Los Angeles. See? As
we told you, the judgment started since 1964. People
don’t understand that there’s an Investigation
Judgment before the literal judgment, and there is a
lingering judgment between the Investigation
Judgment and the literal judgment. Because
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
judgment started in the earth but lingered until the
Bride is sealed and shut in the Secret Place, because
She will not be caught in the judgment. Amen.
So he said, the hour is not yet for the mystery to be
known... In 1963, okay? Not now, 1963. ...therefore...
That is eighteen years ago. ...we’re this far and the
rest of it will be known right around about the time that
Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride, or whatever
takes place at that time.
So, a quick short Message, but then when the
Seventh Seal opened, something happened that they
didn’t catch. They were not to get it then, it was to
make a Cycle. It was in an Unknown Language. It
unfolded after the Seven Thunders. Seven Thunders
unfolded into something else.
Now, pages 327 and 328 in the Seven Church Ages
book. Now the last day messenger of Malachi 4:5 and
Revelation 10: 7 will do two things. According to
Malachi 4:5, he will turn the hearts of the children back
to the faith of the fathers. And according to Revelation
10:7, He will reveal the Seven Thunders – Mysterious
Thunders, which are the revelations contained in the
Seven Seals. And these Divinely revealed “mystery-
truths” will literally turn the hearts of the children back
to the faith of the fathers.
So then, the Seven Thunders were revealed by
Malachi 4. I could go into that tonight, but it will take
too much reading of quotes. You know you believe that
already. But those Seven Thunders if they are
revealed, what about the part that it unfolded into
after – the part in the Unknown Language? “One part
unfold yesterday.” When we get into the tract, [Tract
titled Revelation Book of Symbols –Ed.] and begin to teach on the
tract there, then you would be able to understand
better how the Seven Thunders were revealed and the
Seventh Seal opened under the Six Seals – under the
Sixth Seal.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
You say, “The Seventh Seal opened under the Sixth
Seal?” Yes! Page 9, Recognising Your Day and Its
Message [1964-0726m –Ed.] Because the open Book, the
Seven Thunders, Revelation 10, where the open Book
is, which is the same Book that was sealed in
Revelation 5, is coming down on the earth while the
Seventh Angel Messenger is on the earth because that
Heavenly Angel is coming to the earthly Angel as Jesus
came to John; because John was to introduce the
Messiah. Amen. And He came down between the
Sixth and Seventh Trumpet; and all Seven Trumpets
sounded under the Sixth Seal. Well then, what is
between there sounded too, but remained as a Mystery
laying in a manger; to be found by whom –
theologians? No! By the shepherds!
Now we know what the Seventh Angel Messenger
was – to finish the Mystery of God. That was the
Angel’s Message. Now the Shepherds’ Message was to
follow the Angel’s Message, because in 1964,
December the 21st, he preached Why It Had To Be
Shepherds. And listen carefully here, quickly. I am
trying to lay these things for you to get the message in.
Page 8. Now I want to show you that when that
comes back around, the Blood will be speaking. That
is what I want to show you. And for refusing that, your
name is being blotted out. It’s Sunday I’m continuing
from you know, but you see on Sunday I was telling
you, they refused him that was speaking from Heaven;
but I wanted to show you what He’s saying when He’s
speaking from Heaven, what is being said.
What is He speaking and saying? What is God
saying in this Hour? We know what God was saying
back there. He was saying, “Come out of her, my
people.” [Revelation 18:4 –Ed] Those Seven Mysteries being
revealed was calling the people out of Laodicea to bring
them to the promise. But what is the Voice of the
Archangel? The Shout is a Voice. The Voice of the
Archangel is a Voice. And the Trump is a Voice. It’s
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
three Voices. It’s three Messages there: one is a
Gentile Prophet; the third one is two Jewish Prophets;
and in between there is the Spirit and the Bride
saying, “Come” – the Shepherds’ Message it is.
And if you had known that a Cycle was to be made,
you would have been under expectation for that
Unknown Language to be interpreted, because It is to
reveal to you what was under the Seventh Seal, which
is the Coming of the Lord! Because the Rapture is a
revelation to the Bride; not to everybody, to the Bride!
Not the Rapture is to take place; the Rapture is a
revelation! It is going on! “The one shall be taken, the
one shall remain; the one shall be taken, the other
shall remain.” Where, Lord? Where the carcass is.
Not in Heaven, where the carcass is! Read it in your
Bible! [St. Luke 17:34-37- Ed.] He never said they shall be
taken in Heaven. He said where the carcass is, that is
where they shall be taken.
And what is the carcass? Page 63, Anointed Ones in
the End Time [65-0725M -Ed.], the unfailing Body-Word of
the Son of Man, Revelation 10: 1 to 7 is the carcass.
That is what you are feeding on. Amen. So you will
have to know what the carcass is, then you will know
who the Eagles are. Amen. Because the Eagles are
gathered around the carcass. So it’s not who is saying
they are Eagle, Eagle, Eagle; it’s who is around the
carcass! He is taking the one and leaving the other,
the one and leaving the other, the one – which one?
The one that was in His loins, the one with the Seed
Germ; that is the one He is taking.
Why It Had To Be Shepherds: [1964-1221 para. 16 –Ed.]
Most all of us, I suppose, at one time or other, has
wondered why that this greatest event of all times was
revealed to shepherds.
He said, “Most all of us, I suppose, at one time or
other has wondered why that this greatest event of all
times was revealed to shepherds.” The First Coming
was great, and the Second Coming is as great too,
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
because He is bringing back the Title Deed, which is
the very victory and the reason of His death, to get the
Word to come back in the Body. Amen? So then why
is this event of His Second Coming being revealed to
He says, why was It revealed to shepherds and not
to the theologians of that day? They were the one were
trained to hear It. And why did It come and bypass the
rich, and come to the poor? Also, why did It bypass the
learned and wise, and come to the humble and
Unto them it is parables, but unto you is given to
know the Mysteries. Why? Why seeing they can’t see,
and hearing they can’t hear? [Matthew 13:10-14 –Ed.]
He said, and here, Jesus the Son of David is borned
in Bethlehem, right under the shadows of the great
cathedrals. Then if those people are trained, and had
been looking for the Messiah for all these years; four
thousand years... We’re coming down to the message,
okay. ...the Messiah had been prophesied to come. And
then if the Messiah had been borned in the shadows of
the cathedral, why did they have to go plumb back up
into the mountains to a bunch of unlearned, untrained
shepherds to bring this great Message, the first
Message? And commissioned shepherds! Not the wise
and trained, but shepherds. It’s a strange thing, isn’t
it? But there’s got to be a why somewhere. There is a
why, now there’s got to be an answer why! And no
man knows the answer save God. He’s the One that
knows the answer.
Now here is Malachi 4 trying to show them why it
would not be these bunch of Bible school students,
especially some of them who hungover from Pentecost
and came into the Message, (See?) because Pentecost
was a Reformer Age – spirit of man. Luther, Wesley
and Pentecost was the spirit of man: reformer, cunning
and shrewd; not eagle. So when they come over here

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
in the Eagle Age, they have to get an Eagle anointing.
You see?
You can’t get any Eagle anointing except that soul
is quickened. The Eagle anointing doesn’t come on
your spirit; it comes to your soul. It’s to reveal the
Word – the Mystery! So, it will be no more the spirit of
man on your spirit, but the Eagle anointing comes to
the Gene, it doesn’t come on the spirit. No, you
wouldn’t get that. That’s the way we differentiate the
hawks from the eagles.
You say, “The Holy Spirit falls on everybody.” Yes,
but man and Eagle here (amen); same Holy Spirit, but
man and Eagle. Amen. Because if it is Eagle, it will
reveal the Mystery for the Hour; it will minister an
entrance into the Kingdom. And how could it minister
an entrance into the Kingdom, if the Kingdom isn’t in
you? Amen.
Now, remember, the Messiah was already in the city,
borned in the city, in a stable. He was already there.
You know my opinion? It might not amount to very
much, but I want to pass my opinion: I believe it’s
because of the wisdom of God, that He knew they
wouldn’t receive such a Message the way It come. It
wasn’t in the taste of their learning. It was different. It
wasn’t what they had been trained to believe He would
be like.
People aren’t trained to believe that Jesus—you
shout and jump and run. Tell them where they got
this pious thing from! It’s their Anglican and their
Catholic church that never came out of them! See?
They get nervous when they hear people shouting and
making noise. Watch in the Bible and see who got
nervous when people were praising God. It was the
Scribes and Pharisees who couldn’t recognize the
Messiah coming in! See?
It wasn’t what they had been trained to believe He
would be like.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
That’s why people’s faith stand in the wisdom of man
and gets overthrown, because their faith never stood in
the Power of God. It was contrary to their theological
understanding. All their training, all their learning was
bypassed, become naught. I believe it was the wisdom
of God that knew that they wouldn’t receive such a
Message. So the Messiah was here, and there must be
somebody recognize It.
The Lord had descended from Heaven! How else
could... The Thunders uttered on the earth, or in
Heaven? On the earth! And the Thunders held the
Mystery why Heaven was silent – the Coming of the
Lord, but it uttered on the earth; revealing that great
revelation at that time! What time? Between the Sixth
and Seventh Trumpet – that time. Amen.
He said, and He knew those who hadn’t been mixed
up in such stuff as that. He would be more able to get
His message to a unlearned group, than He would be to
a mixed-up group that was so set in their ways that
nothing could turn them, not even the Word of God.
And now, Christian friends, let me ask this question,
with all sincerity and love. He was laying it in here,
you know. I just wonder if He would make the same act
tonight, and send to us in this generation the promised
Word that’s promised for this generation, I wonder if our
theologians, and educators, and wise, wouldn’t turn the
Message down just the same as they did then? Man
doesn’t change, neither does God’s Word change. He’s
the unchanging God, He doesn’t change!
Notice, Angels coming and giving their Message to
man of such low estate, when there were man there
much more (earthly thought of) qualified than these
poor, illiterate shepherds. The shepherd was the most
illiterate of anybody, he didn’t need to know nothing but
just about the sheep. Amen! He didn’t need to know
mathematics. He didn’t need to know how to split an
atom. He didn’t need no scholarship. He just had to
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
know his sheep, that’s all that he needed to know.
Notice, the Highest Heavens hastening to honor
earth’s most humble and unlearned. The Highest of
Heaven came down to make Himself known to the
lowest of the earth, bypassing all between to make
Himself known to common herdsmen; coming to give
these common herdsmen the greatest Message of all
Who received the greatest Message of all times? The
shepherds. Amen.
There had been many great messengers. We would
think of in Noah’s day, and the prophets, and the great
priest, and so forth, had been in the days gone by, that
the great learned man, kings, potentates, monarchs, but
here He comes with the greatest of all the Messages.
What was the Message? “Messiah is here now!”
That is why I say when people come to Trinidad,
they’re fooling people and influencing people; telling
people, “Oh, they walked with the Prophet, they went
to hunt, this and that; sell this and sell that.” That’s
not the Message! The Message is: The Messiah is here
now! How do you know a true Shepherd? Watch for
the Message revealing the Messiah is on the earth now!
Don’t look for a man’s testimony, who went to hunt
and fish. Look to see if they are revealing the second
fold mystery of the threefold mystery; you’ll know if
God is there! Amen. See?
Think of all this: all of the clergymen, all of the
churchmen, all of the teachers, all of the theological
training, all the money had been spent, all the churches,
and the doctrines, and the denominations, was all
bypassed! All the learning that they had spent on all
the missionaries, and all the proselyting, all the
membership, and everything that they had thought they
had done honor to God, yet the key Message…
What’s he talking about? The Message that’s going
to shake the nations. The one that had a Second Fold,
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
an Unknown Language; a key Message that could only
come to Shepherds– the key to the Door (hallelujah!);
to lock and unlock! Oh!
Those who were in Guayaguayare, [Southeasternmost
village in Trinidad –Ed.] they got it on Tuesday night; the key
to lock and unlock a Mystery. He said man is seeking
knowledge. If man wants to go on the moon, that is
the type of knowledge he has to seek; about the
atmosphere in outer space and gravity. He has to seek
that type of knowledge because he’s leaving one planet
to go to the other one.
If a man is making a certain type of fish, he has to
seek that type of knowledge, according to what they
are doing. So if we are talking about Rapturing Faith
and Third Pull, we have to seek that type of knowledge
(amen) that will reveal to us the Things we want to find
out. See?
So he says, yet the key Message of all of it was
bypassed from them. Strange! Why?
And notice, not only that, but the most unlikely place
for such an event. The shepherds, now, was the one
who received the Message. And now notice where the
Message was: in the most unlikely place that anyone
would expect It to come.
The Message was in the most unlikely place that
anyone would expect It to come!
And I wonder, tonight, if we were looking for the true
Message of the Lord Jesus, I wonder if It would be in a
unlikely group, a place that the great, high cultured
world and the church today would think was a bunch of
heretics? I wonder if that wouldn’t be where we’d find
Him? The most unlikely place, and to the most
unqualified speakers! Amen! Shepherds knowing
nothing about speaking, only calling sheep. Hallelujah!
[Congregation worships. –Ed.] Praise God; only calling sheep!
How does He call the Sheep? “I call them by their
name!” And what is your name? The Mystery of God
in the Bible for the Hour, showing you what part of the
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Word the Gene of God inside you is! Hallelujah! They
only know about calling Sheep! Amen! Sometimes I
wonder, “I can’t present anything before the people, I
don’t know all this eloquent business, I don’t have any
personality, but brother, I could call sheep!”
Hallelujah! Praise God! Hallelujah! Amen!
He said, well, maybe that’s why It come. Maybe
that’s why It come. But there was a promised Word.
Notice, it could do that again. It bypassed all the nobles
of the land. It bypassed all the nobles, and was
revealed to the nobodies. All the nobles that were
decorated with great doctor’s divinity and psychology,
and highly educations, and great cathedrals and
things, it was all bypassed and revealed to nobodies.
The wisdom, the infinite wisdom of Almighty God did it,
to make known to them the greatest Message ever was,
“Messiah is on earth now.”
It’s Jesus in the Bride form! He changed His mask!
He’s veiled another time, speaking again out of the
Scriptures! What is the Scriptural Voice of the time?
Amen! What will the Scriptural Voice of the time make
known to prove that it is the Scriptural Voice of the
time? My. Amen! What will it make known to prove
it’s that Voice? You know, if the Voice is speaking, it
must make something known to prove that it is God’s
Voice talking? How do we know that Malachi 4 was
God’s Voice? Because it was making known the
promise for the Hour! So it’s not just saying, God’s
Voice, brother. No! Amen!
And God takes the nothings now, to do the
somethings with. And as long as we think we’re
somethings, then we cannot be used in the hand of
God. We must forsake all we ever knew or learned.
Like the great Saint Paul, he said, he had to forget all he
ever learned, that he might know Christ.
“In the way that is called heresy, so do I worship the
God of my fathers, now.” Amen.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Do you know that history repeats itself every so
often? It’s a noted fact. It could happen again right by
the side of us. “Oh,” you say, “If I’d lived then.” Well,
now, if you want to know what you’d a done then, look
at your present state now!
You see, people want to see the physical Hofmann
Head, but God didn’t put the physical Hofmann Head
here; – the Word, wherein you are formed. And what
you would have done around the physical Hofmann
Head, is the same thing that you do here. So don’t try
to fool us, you can’t pull wool over our eyes! Amen!
Trained to believe His Word, and then when His
Word was vindicated before their very eyes, they
denied the Word that was made vindication.
They denied the Word that was made a vindication.
Amen. Think of what taken place! Think of what
caused them; their training caused them not to
recognize the very Word of God made flesh for their
day. Their training caused them not to recognize the
Word made flesh. Amen.
Then he spoke about the shepherds with the
“Where is He that's born King of the Jews? The wise
men came asking, he said, we saw His star in the
east." And that great religious capitol, after two years of
the shepherd's Message, still didn't have the answer or
knowed nothing about It.
Two years, (amen) the shepherds were all through
the place saying the Messiah is on the earth, and when
the wise men came in and they asked them, “What
about this thing, about the Messiah on the earth, and
this Unknown Language, and Bride’s Revival, and the
Second Cycle?” They didn’t know anything about it!
Amen. See?
So it disturbed the Sanhedrin. Amen - shook the big
boys. And they called for the Scribes to come read.
And they read Micah's story, the prophet which said,
"Thou Bethlehem, art thou not the least of all princes of
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Judah (the least), but out of thee shall come a governor
that shall rule My people, Israel.” And after the
Scriptures being read (and still being vindicated before
their eyes), they still didn’t accept It, though the
Scripture had said so. I doubt very much they would do
today, if the Scripture that’s promised for this day
would be made manifest. I may never preach to you
again, but I want you to get this. Still they wouldn’t
The great wisdom of the Father makes man’s wisdom
so foolish that He belittles the man. He actually comes
to the place to where it makes man feel so ashamed of
himself, and he’s not big enough to admit that he’s
wrong. He still stays with his story, no matter how
much the Father proves that His Word is true and He’s
doing just what He promised to do. Man thinks his
wisdom is so superior to God, if it don’t come according
to his wisdom, “Why, it isn’t so.” That’s true in every
age, still does it. See how fitting the whole matter was?
What inspiration to those herdsmen! The Angels
coming down to speak to herdsmen, Angels of God
coming to speak to a bunch of shepherds. The shepherd
stays with the sheep so much until he even laughs like
the sheep (bleating), he talks like the sheep, and he
smells like the sheep. That’s right, because he’s with
the sheep. That’s all he knows, his sheep.
He doesn’t have a nicolaitane spirit to stay up here
and bind the people up. No! He mixes up with the
sheep, smells like the sheep, talks like the sheep,
laughs like the sheep! Hallelujah! No big pope and
holy father – human government. Amen.
So when they found the God-baby exactly where the
messenger said He would be, and when they found this
Message of the Messenger in the manger, exactly where
the Angel said it would be.
I want you to get this. “The shepherds,” he said,
“found the Message of the Angel exactly where the

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Angel said it would be. He went there and they found it
there, exactly where He said it would be.
When they found the Baby, what a joy it must have
been to them. Because the Angel that gave them the
message, they found it exactly the way the Angel said it
would be, and just in the place where the Angel said it
would be. What a thing that must have been to them!
Let me tell you what the Angel said. The Angel said
that he had preached the Seven Trumpets
supernaturally under the Sixth Seal. And the Seven
Thunders is between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet.
(Check in your Bible.) So, that was preached
supernaturally under the Sixth Seal. Amen.
And when he came on the Seventh Seal, he said,
“There are three things. One unfolded yesterday – the
Trump of God, because Seven Trumpets unfolded, and
the Trump of God is the last Trumpet. He said, “One
unfolded today. I’ll tell you what it is – Seven
Thunders,” (amen) which is the Shout, the Message to
gather the people. Seven Thunders will gather the
Bride. The Shout gathers the people. Amen. And the
other fold passed in an Unknown Language.
Whether it was a Shout, it was identified; if it was
the Trump, it was identified, and the other fold passed
in an Unknown Language. Is that fold that passed in
an Unknown Language the Mystery between the Shout
and the Trump, which is the Voice of the Archangel?
You think of it for yourself. Amen.
And is the Voice of the Archangel the Mystery
between the Gentile Prophet and the Jewish Prophets,
which is a super Church? Amen. Would that take
place in the Age after the Messenger leaves, before
Sodom is burnt with fire; after Moses is dead, before
they possessed their inheritance; after the Angel left
Mary, until Mary gave birth to the Christ; after the
Word is opened and until the fire fell at Pentecost? Is
that Voice of the Archangel, which came after the

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Gentile Prophet, is that identified in that space of time
in those four places after the Messenger leaves?
Then was that taking place from 1965 to 1981?
Because the Messenger, the Gentile Prophet, left in
1965. Then somebody identified: in there would be the
evidence that you’re really borned, you’re really
quickened to this Age. You could preach what you
want; if you are not in there, you’re not quickened to
this Age! It’s a question for you. What do you think,
tonight? Amen.
For fifteen years, what was promised? A revelation
of a Cycle to be made – a Cycle of revelation was to be
made (amen), part in an Unknown Language; that was
promised. I read that for you from the Questions and
Answers on the Seals, pages 2 to 5 and page 12; and
on the Seventh Seal, pages 40, 43 and 51 to 53, that
that was promised. A Cycle was to be made and
something was to be revealed that they couldn’t
understand back there. Who will reveal it? I read it
for you, the shepherds are to find the Messiah, the
God-baby, the promise laying in the manger exactly
where it is.
Because we find in And Knoweth It Not, [1965-0815 -
Ed.] he said, there is a quick, short Message that is to
come upon the foundation that he laid. The
foundation that he laid was the Shout, the opening of
the Seven Seals. And there was to be a Message to
come after the Shout – the Voice of the Archangel.
Who is the Archangel? ‘Archangel’ means Chief Angel.
Michael, the Archangel will be here on the earth; Jesus
Christ, King Theophany, Melchisedec, is to be here
among the people. JVHU, the Pillar Of Fire, is to be
here among the people (amen), and those people will
have a revelation, “He is amongst us now!” Amen.
That Voice speaking would be revealing that Unknown
Language, and It is still unknown to many here today.
Why? We’ll get it just now.

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
But what is to take place while the Cycle was being
made? Let us get that, because we know what was
promised and we know who will reveal the promise.
We know what was promised is the Cycle, and who
would reveal It – it’s Shepherds, because the
shepherds’ Message followed the Angel’s Message. In
between there, the virgin lived out the mystery of
Christ being formed. Amen.
So what was to take place while the Cycle was being
made, while we were living humble and right, while we
were just trying to walk with what we had? What was
to take place? Let me tell you what was to take place.
What was happening during that time of the opening
of the Word and the preaching to the lost? What was
going on during that time?
Easter Seal [1965-0410 - para. 73 –Ed.], that is what I
want to get. You see, I have a special Stone that I walk
with here, you know, for this season.
He said, so has God, in every Age, page 13, ordained
His church for that age, a Message for that age. And
they could have laws and anything they want. But
when that hour comes, the Holy Spirit of God, which at
the beginning thought out and spoke out for that age,
Let me get that clear: thought out – that is those who
were in His thoughts, and spoke out for that age, he
said, that Spirit hunts that egg.
The ones that God thought out and spoke out, the
Spirit hunts those people. That’s why we laid it in
here, what the real evidence of the baptism of the Holy
Spirit is. You see, the real evidence of the baptism of
the Holy Spirit, is the Mystery for your Age being
interpreted in your life, personally to you. The
revelation of Jesus Christ, revealed personally to you
is the New Birth. But the revelation of Jesus Christ
is—the Word in every Age is Jesus Christ; and your
Age is not the Pentecostal Age.
And if you’re in the Bride Age, then there was a
Mystery between the Pentecostal Age and the Bride
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Age, which was an individual Scripture, a one-man
Scripture. Malachi 4:5, he shall turn the hearts of the
children, not ‘they’ or ‘them’– he; personal pronoun,
singular – he. In the days of the Voice of the Seventh
Angel, when he shall begin to sound – personal
pronoun, singular.
That is a one-man Scripture for the whole world at
the end of the Pentecostal Age. He is going to bring on
a Bride Age, but after he leaves, it’s a five-fold Ministry
around the world (amen, see?); a five-fold Ministry
around the world.
So notice something here. So here now in the Bride
Age, God thought out and spoke out for that Age, and
the Spirit will hunt out those people. Now the Mystery
unfolded when? In the Prophet’s time – not the Bride’s
time; the Prophet’s time. See? In 1965, he was given
the Scripture Genesis 24:7, like Eliezer: “Go and hunt
a bride for Isaac,” and he preached Choosing a Bride
[1965-0429E –Ed.]. He went out like Eliezer to hunt a
Bride for Isaac. Because why? The Pentecostal
church in 1964 was shown as a witch dancing to rock
‘n’ roll music, and he saw a preview of the people he
would hunt out; a Bride from all nations. Amen.
So then, watch. In that Age, after the Prophet and
before Moses and Elijah, there are some seeds in
there, who God thought out and spoke out for that
time. They were the people who would be living in the
Wheat Age and not one Mystery would be hid to them.
Because if they were in the Pentecostal Age, they
would miss all the Mysteries being revealed, because
the Mysteries would be revealed at the end of the
Pentecostal Age when the Seventh Angel comes. But
after the Seventh Angel, all the Mysteries would be
finished (amen), and the people who’ll be living there
would be the final Voice to the final Age. “The Spirit
and the Bride,” not the Prophet, “The Spirit and the
Bride is saying, Come. He that is athirst, let him
come.” Alright.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
And when he hears that Message, there is no church
denomination that is going to hold it. It'll rise to the
heights. It's got to.
Now, that quickening power that come upon Jesus
(page 15) quickened Him to manifest every promise of
the Word of that day. So does the Holy Spirit come
upon us in this day. If it's not a mockery holy spirit, if
it's not the devil mocking the Holy Spirit, but if it is the
real, true Holy Spirit, it'll manifest the promise of this
When It fell upon Luther, It manifested that promise
of that hour. When It fell upon Wesley, It manifested
the promise of that hour. When It falls in this day, It
manifests the promise of this hour. When It fell upon
Moses, It manifested the promise of that hour. When It
fell upon Noah, It manifest the promise of that hour.
When It fell upon Jesus, It manifest the promise of that
hour. See? It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken,
and make alive those people that are foreordained of
God to be in the Rapture. The Holy Spirit coming down
to quicken those people who are foreordained to be in
the Rapture.
That is, if he is a true eagle, he will understand the
Message of the hour, if he's a true eagle. If he is a true
Eagle, he will understand the Message of the Hour!
Page 20. [Para. 125 –Ed.] Notice, God's life, which is in
the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in them,
quickened their minds to His Word. The Holy Spirit
quickens their minds to His Word! Now, let me say
that real quietly now. The Spirit of God that moves
among the people quickens the mind of the person to the
promise of God. That’s why we cannot speak anything
else but the Voice of the Archangel; our mind is
quickened to the promise of God. See? It does it.
Page 10. [Para. 57 –Ed.] Now, if that same Spirit that
was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we
have accepted. Now, the promise of in this last days of
what would take place, if you become part of that Word,
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
you are redeemed with Him; because the same Spirit
that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your
life to the age. And it will also in the end time quicken
your mortal bodies, resurrect them.
The Spirit will quicken your mind to the promise
and quicken your life to the Age. If you have the Holy
Spirit your mind is quickened to the promise. You
know what your promise is, you know what you are
under expectation for. Here I am tonight, pulling out
these promises from under the Seventh Seal to take
place now and you have to be under expectation for it.
If you are a member of the Bride, you were watching
for it to come back around when it begins to make
itself known.
Here tonight, a people sitting down here for the last
four months, something has been happening that we
have identified that the Cycle has returned! It’s the
final quickening! Amen! A Mystery is being revealed
between the Gentile Prophet and the Jewish Prophets,
a Mystery of how the sash changed from the waist to
the paps. Amen! And many didn’t know when it went
to the paps, it meant we’re outside of the Church Ages,
before the Millennium – a space of time inside of there!
When you see Christ with a white wig, it means He
is Supreme Judge. He is not Priest, He is not King; He
is Judge between Priest and King! When He was on
the Father’s Throne, (amen!) He was Priest, Lamb –
Son of God. Amen! When He’s in the Millennium, on
His Throne, He will be Lion-King – Son of David.
Amen! But between Son of God and Son of David – He
is Son of Man! He’s Judge, He’s Eagle (amen!), coming
back before Sodom was burned with fire in the
Investigation Judgment before the literal judgment.
Amen. See?
Now, for fifteen years the Cycle is going around—a
revelation is going to strike the Bride in a season.
Amen. And for fifteen years the Elected seeds were
being what? Hunted out and quickened. But the
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Exodus had already started, it was a mixed multitude
already; but He was hunting out the ones whom He
had thought out and spoke out for the Age, who had
the Germ inside of them. So when they were
quickened in their Gene, there was some not
quickened, but remained in the Exodus. Hallelujah!
What is the crystal, tonight? The Gene of God is
that crystal. There’s no revelation could be revealed
outside the Gene of God inside there! Fifteen years the
Elected Seeds have been quickened and entered
where? A dimension of Perfect Faith, into Another
World. Amen. Jesus lived in a world of Perfect Faith;
He recognized who He was in the Word. He was in
Heavenly Places, subject to every Messiahic promise.
Here is a Bride, quickened where? In Heavenly
Places, subject to every Bridal promise (amen) while
others are going along preaching the historical part
because they’re not quickened in their Gene. They are
anointed in the spirit, (amen) so they can’t bring the
revelation for the season. So they hang over and they
work in continuity to the reformer spirit in the
framework of the Message. Amen.
Now, you couldn’t tell the difference for fifteen years.
They came along there like twins, but there was going
come a time when fire, fire, fire will fall on Abel’s
sacrifice. Amen! Hallelujah. God will testify of his
gifts that he is righteous. Amen. Why? Because he
will have the true Atonement.
So then, notice, I want to get this here clear in your
mind; what the Holy Ghost is doing. The Cycle was
being made, a revelation; it was going to come back in
a season; but the Bride, before it comes back, would
have to live out a history, would have to live out
certain things that She would be getting by
inspiration. Like Malachi 4 was getting baptism in the
Name of the Lord Jesus Christ by inspiration, Serpent
Seed by inspiration, one God by inspiration, but God
was going to confirm it back afterwards out of the
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
Scriptures when the Seals opened, to show him his
inspiration was correct all the years while it was
coming there, before the Seals were opened.
That is why he always said, “Marriage and Divorce
and Serpent Seed and baptism in the Name of the Lord
Jesus Christ was revealed in those Seven Seals.” And
you are saying in your mind, “But he was preaching
that all before.” By inspiration it was coming, read it
in the book, Message of Grace 1961 [1961-0827 –Ed.]. He
was there and he saw the experience with the three
rainbows, and the Voice said, “I am Jehovah of the Old
Testament and Jesus of the New;” and he began to
shout and praise God. So I always wondered, “What is
he shouting for? He always preached that.” He said,
“He confirmed my revelation that I had for thirty
years.” By faith, in the midst of all these people, he
had a revelation, but God was coming back now and
confirming the revelation to him!
And here, for the years, we were coming by
inspiration preaching; couldn’t divide certain things,
couldn’t explain certain things, couldn’t nail down
certain things, but by inspiration making certain
statements and pressing coming on. Then the Hour
was going to come when the Cycle returned and it
strikes the crystal– it will reveal. And what is going to
bring faith is that you were getting this by inspiration
Today it could be proven without a shadow of doubt
to every critic and skeptic and unbeliever! It could be
taken in the Bible and proven and shown what it is,
today. A few years ago, you couldn’t explain certain
things but you just believed it; but today, you could
nail it down so fine (amen) and lay it in so close. See?
Yes, today, there is no guessing today; everything that
is being said could be proven by revelation of the Word
today. Amen.
So what has been happening, for fifteen years that
Seed was being quickened and a people could not be
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
quickened. So two people went around the church
world, but the one was in another dimension to the
other one. Their souls were plugged in into another
socket, (see?) but their physical bodies were together
in the stream of humans; but they were being anointed
from two different worlds.
That’s why there was fighting in the church; that’s
why there were different spirits. Because why? He
said in these three dimensions called the stream of
humans, here is where the human being live. Above
here are angels. Amen. You see? And then above
that is where the saints are that have gone on. Above
that is where God’s Throne is.
Below is demon powers. Then below that is where
those who die outside of Christ go. And then below
that is where Satan’s throne is – in hell.
And he said that you’re living here in the stream of
humans in a physical body, but your soul has to be
converted to get in the frequency to get anointed from
Up Here. But if your soul is not converted then you
are being inspired from the underworld. But in the
underworld there are fallen angels who used to
worship God in Heaven, (amen!) so they are anointing
you here with a form of godliness and you have a
religious, outward motion; and you go to church and
you talk about the Prophet and the Bible and the
Rapture and different things. Yes! But then, there is
somebody in another dimension operating the Word
for the Hour, being anointed with Quickening Power,
revealing the Mystery Word by Word by Word, teaching
what is happening right here! Amen.
And then these demons from below here, they come
up here and veil themselves when that soul rejects the
Blood. When those souls reject the Blood, those
demons come up here and veil themselves, (See?) but
they already have the position they want, behind the
sacred desk, where they could shoot people with

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
poison acids of malice and unbelief in the promise,
and all these different things. See?
But the Bride who was quickened, that soul (as we
were saying last night) is what She is contacting Him
with. The Bible says they are blind in this Day, they’re
naked, they’re wretched; their soul is naked. They
aren’t blind with their physical eye to the natural
things, they are blind to the promise. The unseen
world is what they are blind to, and you see that with
the Gene. So the eyesalve is something for the Gene –
to see: “Buy of me eyesalve that you would see,” – you
will understand; you will catch a vision.
So for fifteen years, God in the framework of the
Church has been dealing with the inside man. The
outward man is getting older, and more pains and
weak in the body; but you are getting stronger in faith,
calling things that are not as though they were, not
staggering at the promise of God through unbelief that
is being poured upon you by false anointed ones that
are trying to fence you in with gates. Amen. But
there, you were pressing. Why? Because God was
dealing with the inner man. And the body is getting
older and corruption is coming in and sometimes you
need healing, and your faith pulls some healing down
for you for the physical body. Amen.
Sometimes, you’re going through a little experience,
a little accident, some different things start to happen:
bombardment, tiredness in your body; your soul pulls
virtue down and the body becomes anointed. But
inside of there, the soul is the man God is dealing
with. Amen. He’s dealing with that soul. He knows
He has a time for the body; it will only take in the
twinkling of an eye. Amen! You see, God’s law is that
the body could only be changed when the soul comes
back in the Word image – the body materializes. So He
can’t think about the body, He has to work on the soul
to bring it into the Word image, to trigger off the
outside and change the outside.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
But for fifteen years, there were certain souls that
God couldn’t touch, because by the foolishness of
preaching in nobodies is the way God is going in those
souls. And those souls preferred to clothe their souls
with a fig leaf, and when the Thunder of God
thundered, they realized they were naked; even though
they had on fig leaves, they realized they were naked.
When the Voice of God came walking and thundered
here, they ran and hid; they were afraid, because even
their ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredth percent
was being exposed as history! Amen! So when their
ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredth percent was
showing, that didn’t qualify; they ran and they hid.
Amen. They had no place to go. But with the true,
Elected Seed – what happened? The Cycle had
returned. And when the Cycle had returned for them,
then the Blood begin to speak better Things. It is
better Things all the time.
And these who were not quickened during the
fifteen years but were still physically in the Exodus,
they had already died and perished in the journey.
You see, today, it’s not physical people dying in the
journey, you know, because the journey is not a
natural journey; it is the soul getting tired and going
back. That’s why It says, “If any man’s soul draws
back...” [Heb. 10:38 –Ed.]
Back there their bodies wanted to go back, so they
were dying physically and spiritually too. But here
today, their souls don’t want to walk on in the Word.
See? And there are souls that perished and are dead,
but their bodies are alive and their spirits are still
anointed with the Holy Spirit; so they have an outward
motion, a form of godliness – they go to church.
And then Abel got the revelation, it made a cycle
and came back; and he began to speak it to Cain and
said, “Cain, that is not the revelation. That is not the
atonement. Put that aside. God cannot accept that.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
That is your own works. Don’t go trying.” See? And
then what happened? It began to strike. When the
revelation came, It could have only come to those who
had a Gene inside, who were quickened and in the
dimension to receive the revelation; and they couldn’t
receive It. So when you speak It to them today, It is
still an Unknown Language to them.
You are talking about the Voice of the Archangel,
you’re talking about the Second Cycle, you’re talking
about the Message that was to be placed upon the
foundation that the Prophet laid, you’re talking about
the Mystery between the Gentile Prophet and the
Jewish Prophets, and it is an Unknown Language still
to them today. Why? Because they rejected the Word.
They rejected the Word; they fought against It
because what they knew for fifteen years, they began
to hear something new now; and it proves like all
others, they cannot take something new. But what is
new now – it was prophesied but not explained. He
explained Six Seals, but didn’t explain the Seventh one
and tell them, this symbol means this, because there
was no symbol to explain. There was a history to be
made, half an hour silence. There was something to
be lived out.
And then it’s only the Elected ones like Mary (as we
close with this) who was able to tell from the
conception to the birth. Everybody could have
preached the prophecy, “A virgin shall conceive”.
Everybody could have preached that, but only the one
in whose life it was taking place could tell from the
conception to the birth. So when Mary began to tell
from the conception to the birth, they still wanted to
hear: “A virgin shall conceive. A virgin shall conceive.
A virgin shall conceive.” So she’s saying, “The water
bag burst, and the blood showed itself,” and they’re
getting trouble with that. Amen! See? Because why?
I want to show you something there. It’s only in the

The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
lives of the Elected ones who are ordained to fulfill the
prophecy, it’s only they who could see it.
When Joel prophesied: “I will pour out My Spirit
upon all flesh,” [Joel 2:28 -Ed.] here was the season for it
to happen. Peter and they were in the upper room;
they got the experience. When they came back out,
they could identify Joel’s prophecy being fulfilled;
while the other people just knew the prophecy, but
they didn’t know it had begun to be fulfilled. They
didn’t recognize it was in continuity to the Son of Man.
Because why? They didn’t have any Gene inside of
them to recognize the Word of God for the Hour. They
were not ordained to be in the fulfillment. They had
the books, so they read about it and they talked about
it and they looked for it.
So the difference in the true anointed and the false
anointed: one would be able to tell the conception to
the birth in the Bride’s prophecy; while the other one
will teach that God prophesied it, it’s for this Age, it
will come to pass, it can’t fail; God’s Word will not
return to Him void, God will interpret His Word by
manifesting It.; They will talk all these things, but
they cannot show you how It is taking place because It
is not taking place in them.
So do you see what it is they are rejecting? Do you
see what is the Blood that is speaking? It is this
Mystery being revealed here – that is the Blood, and
that is being rejected. It is the same God Who gave
them the First Fold in 1963, Who promised them the
Second Fold just about when He is ready to take His
Bride off the earth; because He has all the Three Folds
– He is the Three Folds.
So they don’t know the Blood that sanctified them.
They trample upon It and call It an unworthy thing,
(Hebrews 10) and they sin willfully. As I say, you don’t
believe with your body and you don’t believe with your
spirit; you believe with your soul. You sin with your
soul; you disbelieve: “The soul that disbelieves or sins
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
willfully shall surely die.” Disbelieve what? The Word
for your time. And your time is when? Between the
Gentile Prophet and the Jewish Prophets.
So that Cycle there, as I say, when it comes back
what will it reveal? What will it reveal? We have to
first know what Fold the Unknown Language was,
then you will know what It will reveal. And we found
out, “One unfolded yesterday and one unfold today;
but the other one is what passed in the Unknown
Language.” But they can’t tell whether it is first,
second or third, unless they know that the last Fold
was revealed first. Do you see how mysterious it is?
You see, the First, Second, Third and Fourth Seals
are the Bride; the Fifth and Sixth Seals are the Jews;
but the Seventh Seal is Bride and Jews. But the Jews
and the Sixth Seal come at the end of the Seventh
Seal. And the Bride who comes before the Jews,
before the Fifth and Sixth Seals, they come at the
beginning of the Seventh Seal. Do you see what God
did? That is what God did.
So they don’t know what Fold is the Word that
passed in an Unknown Language. But for you to
interpret the Unknown Language, you have to know
which one of the Folds it is! And they didn’t know.
And that is why many people think when I speak
about the Seven Trumpets, they say I’m talking things
about the Jews. The Jews is the timepiece. If you
want to know what time it is, you have to look at the
Jews. How else could you know time if you don’t go to
prophecy? Prophecy is what reveals time. See? So,
do you see that, tonight?
Now, how many were in the service last night?
Raise your hand let me see who was in the service last
night. Who was not in service last night? We have the
tracts here, I want to give them out to you. Now there
are one or two mistakes, typographical errors, so I
wanted to make those corrections quickly. Just put
your hand up and let them give you one. Put your
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
hands up high, the brothers are not seeing your
We are going to get one blown up, so we would be
able to teach it a little better, and try to help you get a
better understanding of these Things.
It is from the Seven Church Ages: Introduction. I
want to read a little part so you could see where they
left out something when the people were printing it; so
you could insert it, put a little dot or something in
between so you will know there is something left out
there. [Bro. Vin reads out where the changes are to be made to the
tract titled: Revelation, Book of Symbols, which was first printed in 1979.
The tract has since been reprinted with the relevant corrections made. –
Though this volume will concern itself with various
major doctrines (such as the Godhead, Water Baptism,
etc.) found in Revelation, chapters One through Three,
its main theme is the setting forth of a detailed study of
the Seven Church Ages. This is necessary in order to
study and understand the rest of the Revelation, for out
of the Ages come the Seals, and out the Seals come the
Trumpets, and out of the Trumpets come the Vials. Like
the first burst of a Roman candle, the Church Ages come
forth with a mighty initial illumination, without which
there could be no further light. But once the brilliance of
the Seven Church Ages is given by Divine revelation,...
Right here something’s been left out. It is, ...light upon
light follows, until the whole of the Revelation opens
wide before our wondering eyes; and we, edified and
purified by its Spirit, are made ready for His glorious
appearing, even our Lord and Saviour, the One True
God, Jesus Christ.”
So you could put maybe three little dots inside of
there, between revelation and opens, to know that that
part is left out there.
Also on page two here. Now, the pages have no
numbers, so you could number it like this: Page one
here, page two on the inside, and page three here.
Amen. I want you to notice that, because if you go to
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
read and don’t read in continuity, you will lose a lot of
what is taking place. This is page one here. This is
page two here. This is page three; then page four and
page five. So you could put numbers on them so you
will know the pages.
Now on page 2, there is a quotation here: The
Revelation of Jesus Christ; something is also left out
here, or printed wrong. Paragraph 100:
And the Book of Revelation has more symbols in it
than all the rest of books in the Bible. It has more
symbols because it is a Book of prophecy. It’s a
prophetic book. Therefore it has to be understood by a
prophetic class. This book is not meant for everybody;
there is nobody can understand it hardly. This book is
made for a certain class of people. On over in
Deuteronomy, it says, “the hidden things belong to the
Lord.” That is right, and He reveals to us His children
the hidden things. So it doesn’t go.
It’s just that they put the inverted comma in the
wrong place; should be between the n and the t. That’s
The carnal mind cannot comprehend them great
things of the Scripture, because it is foolish to them. But
to the ones who are lovers of the Word of God...
Now you see, the tract has world of God. It is the,
lovers of the Word of God. So you could correct that
and put Word of God. So that’s the one to who the
Book was written to.
Then there is another one in The Rapture, the last
quote on that page. It says:
The Book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible.
It’s sealed to unbelievers. We realize then it was
altogether given for believers. And it opens the Book of
Revelation and reveals Who the Author of this entire
Book is. He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega, from
Genesis to Revelation, Jesus Christ is the same right
straight through and it reveals His complete
mystery…And they have myster-v. Just put a little
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
stroke there and make it into a ‘y’. ...of Himself and
His plans for the Church Ages that’s to come, and was
sealed in there by Seven Seals.
Now, the Book was written, but then, remember it
was sealed with Seven Seals. And these Seven Seals
was not to be opened, Revelation 10, until the sounding
of the last earthly angel on earth, Revelation 10:7.
So they left out Revelation 10, until the sounding of
the last earthly angel on earth. They left out that right
there. So put one or two dots between opened and
Revelation 10, and you could check it in the Rapture
Book [1965-1204 -Ed.] when you go home.
On Feast of the Trumpets: page four, reading about
from the second paragraph of the quote, he said, now,
the Feast of the Trumpets. Now, this was a gathering of
Israel where they gathered together, the Feast of the
Trumpets. Now, I have been anticipating for some time
to speak on the subject of the Seven Trumpets.
You see it is marked Seven Trumpet; put an s
behind the t and make it Seven Trumpets.
And on page 5, at the back here; the last paragraph
on the Feast of the Trumpets quote, just before the
Recognising Your Day and Its Message quote. You see
it is marked page 3. Now they made a mistake there.
It is not page 3, so just cross out that page 3 and leave
it just as it is, because that page 3 really came from
when we had typed it out to send it to them to print.
So you could just cross out that, page 3.
Now, on the inside here I want you to notice
something. Down on the right hand corner here, you
see where it is marked the Sixth Seal and the Seven
Trumpets and the Seven Vials on the right hand corner
is Sixth Seal purifying the earth, and they have the
14,000. It’s a mistake there. Just turn that 1 into a 4,
and put a 1 in front the 4 and make it 144,000 –
Purifying the earth, the 144,000. They have 14,000, so
just make that 1 into a 4, and put a 1 in front of it,
make it 144 000.
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
So that is it there. We are trusting to get some done
over without the mistakes, so according to how things
work out – [Bro. Vin converses with a brother. -Ed], so just try
and understand.
Now, this is not a mistake. You will notice here it
has: Seven Church Ages, December 4th 1965. [Bro. Vin
refers to second quotation from the Seven Church Ages Book on page one
of the tract under review. –Ed.] This is when the bound one
you have, the Seven Churches Ages with the history
included in it was printed in 1965. [Bro. Vin refers to the
hard copy version of the Seven Church Ages. -Ed.] So that is
That is why you see that Church Ages book has
about the Thunders and the Seals and different things,
when the Church Ages was preached before the Seals.
Because after the Seals were revealed, that Church
Ages book was put out with all the revelation of the
Seals in it. See?
So, we’re trusting to get one blown up big, where we
could have it on the board. And keep this in your
Bible, because when we begin to teach it, you will be
able to look at this here while I’m teaching on the
board, so you will be able to... the board will have one
blown up bigger and you will have this one in your
hand here, your own personal copy. So when we begin
to get into it you could get a better understanding of
what is here.
You notice, there are two things here. One: the first
chart is called: Leviticus 23: The Key To The Book of
Revelation, because it shows how Leviticus 23 ties into
the Book of Revelation. And that is how Bro. Branham
was really revealing the Book of Revelation – by having
a revelation of Leviticus 23. See?
And the second one down here is called: The
Revealing of the Seven Seals, March the 18th to the
24th; showing what was going on every day when a
Seal was being revealed, and how the Seven Thunders
sounded under the Sixth Seal supernaturally (see?);
The Cycle Of Unknown Language 1981-1015
showing how the Seven Thunders hold the mystery of
the Seventh Seal; and all that took place
supernaturally before the Seventh Seal was actually
spoken about on March the 24th, it was already
revealed on March the 23rd. You see? So this is the
second one here.
So we will explain that later on. We’re coming
around to the bend where we’ll come back to some of
these things here, especially for some of those coming
in now. So keep this with you always and we trust
that when we get the blown up copy, we will be able to
have it and go into it.
So, we see we are coming down to a place and a
time here where judgment is going to strike, because
the doors are getting ready to be closed, because the
Blood of Jesus Christ is speaking another time. And
the Bible in Hebrews 12 says: See that you refuse not
Him that speaketh from Heaven. [Hebrews 12:25 -Ed.] And
many are not recognizing it is the same One, Who’s
giving them now the Second Fold of the First Fold He
had given them back there. He had promised them
the Second Fold and now they are rejecting the same
promise that He had given unto them. You see? And
then there are souls that actually disbelieve who are
being struck with spiritual death. They might be alive
in their bodies, have a religious outward motion, but
they are dead in their soul.
So here, we see the Bride being gathered where the
Carcass is, and receiving faith to enter into Rapturing
Grace. Amen. Could we all stand to our feet, tonight?
Every head bowed, every eye closed.


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