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- Y T O - T R 1 38 December 1997


A contribution to DECOVALEX II Task 3

"Constitutive relationships of rock joints"

J. Vuopio, J. Polla


STUK-YTO-TR 138 December 1997


A contribution to DECOVALEX II Task 3

"Constitutive relationships of rock joints"

J. Vuopio, J. Polla
VTT Communities and Infrastruture

In STUK the study was supervised by Esko Eloranta

S T U K • S A T E I L Y T U R V A K E S K U S • S T R Al_S A K E R H E T S C E N T R A L E N
The conclusions presented in the STUK report series are those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official position of STUK.

ISBN 951-712-236-5
ISSN 0785-9325

Oy Edita Ab, Helsinki 1997


VUOPIO, Jaakko, POLLA, Jukka (VTT Communities and Infrastructure). Characterization of the rock
joint surface. A contribution to DECOVALEXII Task 3 "Constitutive relationships of rock joints".
STUK-YTO-TR 138. Helsinki 1997. 31 pp.

ISBN 951-712-236-5
ISSN 0785-9325

Keywords: rock mechanics, fractals, joint roughness, shear strength


In order to understand the effects of spent fuel on the hydraulical behaviour of the rock mass it is
necessary to have knowledge about the relationship between the stresses and hydraulical properties of
the fractures. The roughness of a fracture surface governs the dilatation of the fracture and the
displacement of the fracture surface under shear stress. The peak shear strength and hydraulic flow
properties of fractures depend very much on the surface roughness. This report describes different
methods and techniques used in the characterization of rock joint surfaces and their applications in
rock mechanics.

Rock joint roughness is commonly described in terms of a Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC). JRC is
essentially an empirically determined dilation angle. Many investigators have attempted to correlate
surface roughness with the frictional behaviour of rock joints by statistical methods and investigated
correlations between various statistical parameters and the JRC factor of Barton's roughness profiles.
The fractal dimension has proved to be a useful parameter in quantifying joint roughness.

There are several different methods to measure the fractal dimension of a rough joint surface. The
fractal dimension may vary systematically within various measurement methods and within a single
measurement technique. The common problems shared by all these methods are the remainder prob-
lem, curve-fitting, orientation of the measurement plane, size and direction of sample. The most useful
and popular methods to measure the fractal dimension of the rock surface are the divider, variogram
and spectral methods.

Joint roughness is an important factor in the shear resistance of a joint. The joint shear strength shows
anisotropic properties due to roughness variation with the shearing direction in direct shear tests.
Various shear strength criteria are described in the report. New criteria can handle the statistical
parameters which describe the roughness of the joint surface.

VUOPIO, Jaakko, POLLA, Jukka (VTT Yhdyskuntatekniikka). Kallion rakopintojen ominaispiirteiden

määrittäminen. Kontribuutio DECOVALEXII -projektin Task 3:een "Kalliorakojen konstitutiiviset
yhteydet". STUK-YTO-TR 138. Helsinki 1997. 31 s.

ISBN 951-712-236-5
ISSN 0785-9325

Avainsanat: kalliomekaniikka, kallion rakopinta, fraktaalidimensio, leikkauslujuus


Käytetyn ydinpolttoaineen sijoitus kalliotilaan aiheuttaa tilaa ympäröivässä kalliossa jännitystilan

muutoksia. Nämä muutokset vaikuttavat kallion rakojen vedenjohtavuuteen. Kalliossa olevan raon
käyttäytyminen sekä normaali- että leikkausjännityksessä riippuu mm. rakopinnan karkeudesta. Raon
pinnan karkeus vaikuttaa merkittävimmin raon vedenjohtavuuteen ja leikkauslujuuden huippuar-
voon. Raportissa on esitetty erilaisia menetelmiä, joilla rakopinnan karkeutta voidaan kuvata sekä
menetelmien sovellutuksia kalliomekaanisiin tarkasteluihin.

Kallion raon karkeutta kuvataan tavallisesti raon karkeuskertoimella (joint roughness coefficient,
JRC). Karkeuskertoimen ja erilaisten rakopinnan geometriaa kuvaavien parametrien välille on kehi-
tetty yhteyksiä. Karkeutta kuvaavista parametreistä fraktaalidimension on todettu olevan käyttökel-
poisen ja helposti määritettävän.

Rakopinnan fraktaalidimension määrittämiseen on käytettävissä useita menetelmiä. Eri menetelmät

antavat jossakin määrin erilaisia lukuarvoja dimensiolle. Lisäksi saman pinnan dimensio yleensä
vaihtelee eri suunnissa. Käyttökelpoisimmat ja suosituimmat menetelmät ovat mittajänteen käyttö,
variogrammi sekä rakopinnan epätasaisuuden spektrianalyysit.

Uusimmat rakopintoja koskevat leikkauslujuusteoriat pystyvät ottamaan huomioon pintojen kuvaami-

sessa käytettäviä tilastollisesti määritettyjä parametrejä. Näitä menetelmiä on raportissa kuvattu.
S T U K - Y T O - T R 138





2.1 General 8
2.2 Fracture surface roughness parameters 8
2.3 Determination of roughness parameters 10
2.3.1 Measurements of the fractal dimension 10
2.3.2 The comparison between fractal methods 16
2.3.3 The fractal dimension and roughness statistics 19


3.1 The empirical peak shear strength criteria 23
3.2 The new model of the shear strength of rock joints 24

3.3 New peak shear strength criteria for anisotropic rock joints 26




This report is concerned with the Finnish contribution to the international co-operative project for the
Development of Coupled Models and their Validation against Experiments in Nuclear Waste Isolation,
part II (DECOVALEX II). The first part (DECOVALEX I) was carried out in 1992-1995 and DECO-
VALEX II started in 1996. The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has financed the
research work concerning the Finnish contribution to the DECOVALEX project. The Technical Research
Centre of Finland (VTT) has been the principal research team during both parts of DECOVALEX.

This report is part of the DECOVALEX II Task 3 "Constitutive models" and it deals with fracture
roughness characterization. This work has been supervised by Dr. Esko Eloranta on behalf of the


The underground repository is one concept in sol- trates on coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical proc-
ving the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The esses (Fig 1). During DECOVALEX I (1992-1995)
rock surrounding the fuel canisters and repository a number of scientific issues involving a higher
tunnels is subject to changes in mechanical degree of uncertainty were identified (Jing et al.,
stresses due to excavation work and temperature- 1996). Among these uncertaintities were constitu-
induced stresses caused by the heating effect of tive models for rock fractures, especially rough-
spent fuel. Changes in stress fields cause both ness characterization, the effects of gouge produc-
normal and shear displacements in rock fractures. tion, aperture change prediction and time effects
These displacements change the hydraulic pro- (e.g. creeping of fractures).
perties of the fractures, because the fractures may Finnish research in the study focused on the
open or close and basically determine the flow coupled H-M-processes of single rock joints with a
field in the vicinity of disposal holes. triaxial test chamber (Pblla et al., 1996, Niemi et
In order to understand the effects of spent fuel al., 1997). Because the geometry of the fracture
on the hydraulical behaviour of the rock mass it is surface affects both strength properties and hy-
necessary to have knowledge about the relation- draulic conductivity of the fracture, it was decided
ship between the stresses and hydraulical proper- to charaterise the surfaces of the fracture used in
ties of the fractures. The international co-opera- the experiment. Moreover, future modelling of the
tive project for the Development of Coupled Mod- test will also require data on surface characteris-
els and their Validation against Experiments in tics.
Nuclear Waste Isolation (DECOVALEX) concen-

(heat flow due to heat release
of radioactive waste)

' / \ \
water heat mechanical thermal
buoyancy convection energy conversion stress

' water pressure __
(ground water flow through (deformation of rock matrix
^ change of porosity
rock matrix and fractures) and rock fractures)
and apertures

Figure 1. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in a fractured rock (Jinget al.9 1996),



2.1 General in length. The samples were grouped in 10 ranges

of JRC 0-2, 2-4, ..., 18-20, starting from the
The roughness of a fracture surface governs the smoothest to the roughest. One typical profile
dilatation of the fracture and the displacement of from each group was selected to represent the
the fracture surface under shear stress. The peak group as a standard by the ISRM (1978).
shear strength and hydraulic flow properties of
fractures depend very much on the surface rough- Conventional statistical parameters
ness. Many researchers have attempted to develop Researchers have tried various statistical pa-
methods and systems to characterise the surface rameters to quantify roughness such as:
roughness of natural rock fractures. When • centreline average value
roughness parameters correctly describe the • mean square value
properties of the surface, they can be used in the • root mean square (RMS) value
formulation of a shear stress-shear strain • mean square of the first derivative
relationship. • RMS of the first derivative (Z2)
• RMS of the second derivative (Z3)
2.2 Fracture surface roughness • percentage excess of distance (Z4)
parameters • auto-correlation function
• spectral density function
The Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC), various • structure function (SF)
statistical parameters and the fractal dimension • roughness profile index (Rp)
(D) have been suggested as parameters to quantify • micro-average i angle (A.)
the roughness of rock joints along linear profiles.
The fractal dimension is of little use to the At present, no firm conclusions are available in
practising engineer interested in describing and the literature concerning how good these statisti-
quantifying the aspects of roughness alone. It is cal parameters are in quantifying roughness. Z2
therefore necessary to develop methods which seems to be the best of all the conventional
relate the fractal dimension to common roughness statistical parameters (Kulatilake et al., 1995). By
statistics such as step or chord angle and height analysing Barton's roughness profiles, Tse and
(Seidel and Haberfield, 1995). Cruden (1979) found correlations between Z2 and
JRC and between SF and JRC.
Joint Roughness Coefficient, JRC
Perhaps the most widely used roughness pa- Fractal dimension, D
rameter is the Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC) Fractal geometry
proposed by Barton (1973). Barton and Choubey Euclidean geometry deals with objects which
(1977) compiled a set of 10 typical profiles of can be described in integer dimensions. A straight
increasing roughness, assigning them coefficients line is one-dimensional (D=l), a square or triangle
ranging from 0 to 20. The roughness profiles were is two-dimensional, and a cube is three-dimen-
obtained from a series of 136 joint specimen tests sional. A straight line of unit length is divided into
carried out on samples of approximately 100 mm chords of length r. Then the number of segments

N and the chord length can be related by the Graphically the fractal dimension can be ob-
equation: tained from the slope of a log-log plot of step
(1) number N against step length r. Alternatively a
log-log plot of trace length L against r will have a
If the parameter D is defined as the dimension, slope of 1-D (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995, Cox and
the following general relationship can be determi- Wang, 1993).
N = l / r 0 or NrD = l (2) The Fractal Dimension of "Self-Affine"
Nature rarely presents itself in Euclidean geo- Mandelbrot (1985) suggested that natural frac-
metrical forms, but rather in forms which can be ture surfaces are more likely to be self-affine,
considered as chaotic. Fractal geometry is the geo- rather than self-similar, because processes pro-
metry of "chaos theory", and has been described as ducing the topography vary in different directions
the geometry of Nature. Fractal theory was ini- (anisotropy). A self-similar surface is statistically
tiated by B. Mandelbrot (1983). equivalent when scaled equally in both axial and
The fractal dimension measures the relative transverse directions, whereas a self-affine sur-
amounts of detail or roughness occurring over a face must be scaled differently in perpendicular
range of measurement intervals. It is a measure of directions to maintain statistical similarity. The
the line's or the surface's space-filling ability. horizontal contours of a natural surface may be
Roughness is generally measured as the average self-similar, but the vertical profiles used are self-
variation about the mean value, and is not related affine. For self-similar fractal sets, there is one
to the scale or changes in scale of measurement. fractal dimension, whereas there are many differ-
The fractal dimension is used to quantify the ent fractal dimensions for self-affine fractal sets.
variation of length, area or volume with changes
in the scale of the measurement interval (Cox and Crossover length
Wang, 1993). If a self-affine profile is approximated using a
Rearranging equation (2), the fractal dimen- step length r, then all detail at resolutions less
sion is: than r will be lost. A decrease of r will produce a
= -log(N)/log(r) (3) better approximation of the profile, but will still

0 1.0

1.0 1.0

a) Unit Length b) Unit Squ.ire c) Unit Cube

N- 1 Ir A/- I / r 2 N- Mr"

Figure 2. The concept of dimension in Euclidean geometry (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995).

produce a dimension smaller than the similarity sidering a pair of dividers set to a particular span
dimension. At some critically small step length, and then walked along the roughness profile. The
called the crossover length, the statistical mo- number of divider steps required to cover the
ments of the generated self-affine fractal will entire profile is counted, and then multiplied by
become similar to those of the self-similar fractal, the divider span (r) to give an estimate of the
and a realistic estimate of D is obtained. For profile length (L). The divider span is set to
natural rock joints, the crossover length may be in another value and the process is repeated several
the range of KH.-.K)-2 mm, therefore the meas- times to produce a discrete relationship between
urement of roughness at a step length less than the divider span and the profile length (Kulatilake
the crossover length may be a difficult task et al., 1995).
(Kulatilake et al., 1995). Then plot the log of the profile length versus
the log of the ruler length, and if the data plots
2.3 Determination of roughness along a straight line, the profile has a fractal
parameters geometry. Determine the slope of the line which
best fits the data, and compute the fractal dimen-
2.3.1 Measurements of the fractal sion from the slope.
dimension L = r1"D W
Methods where L is the profile length (N • r), r is the divider
The fractal dimension of a joint surface can be span and D is the fractal dimension, which can
determined by various methods which analyse the also be determined from the log-log plot graph:
spatial correlation between roughness and height D = l-slope (5)
of the surface. There are two groups of methods to
evaluate the fractal dimension which are distin- When determining the fractal dimension of sur-
faces, several profiles across the surface need to
guished by the representation of data. Most of the
methods apply directly to a simple geometrical be measured. The data of all the profiles can be
pattern and the rest apply to a functional repre-plotted on one graph (Fig 3d) to determine the
sentation of variability (Cox and Wang, 1993). fractal dimension. An alternative is to make indi-
1. Geometric methods: The divider, box-counting,vidual plots of every profile, and relate the fractal
dimension of the surface to the average of the
triangular prism surface area, slit-island and
Cantor methods involve the direct fractal dimensions of the individual profiles. Re-
measurement of the length of the contour, searchers add 1 to the average fractal dimension
obtained from the profiles to determine the fractal
boundary, curve, profile or the measurement of
an area. dimension of the surface.
2. Functional methods: The spectral method uses For natural surfaces, the divider method loses
all detail at resolutions less than the step length r.
integral transform to measure the profile; the
geostatistical and size distribution methods A decrease of the step size will produce a better
are statistical measurement methods. approximation of the profile, but will still give a
dimension less than the similarity dimension. The
Divider method crossover length is the maximum scale at which
The divider method is the oldest and probably irregularity is observable, and if the horizontal
the most popular method of measuring the fractal resolution is greater than the crossover length for
dimension among geophysicists. Other names for self-affine surfaces, the surface will appear flat (D
this method are the yardstick method or structu- is near 2). For natural rock joints, the crossover
red walk method (Cox and Wang, 1993). length may be in the range of 1O"2...1O mm (Cox
The divider method is best visualised by con- and Wang, 1993, Kulatilake et al., 1995).


L = £di(r)
yf L = N(r)r + remainder

s* /
V (b)

(a) Divider Method


L = Idj JZ
ei a
• • • > s •=• ° a
i • / 1 a*
c 0
J *S- 0
jkip 2 points ao
o o
•J .

1 3' 10' 10' 10* 10" 10'

' * skip 3 points Log Ruler Length

(c) (d)

Figure 3. (a) Divider method: divider applied to profile; (b) modified divider: straight line between divi-
sions along base are measured; (c) digitised ruler method using point counting; (d) example of plotted
measurements (Cox and Wang, 1993).


Box-counting method fractal dimension D is equal to the slope of the

The box-counting method uses small rectangu- plot (Fig. 4).
lar boxes as the counting reference. It measures D = slope (7)
the profiles and contours resulting from a horizon-
tal slice taken through the surface. A variation on this method is to use circles instead
The size of the box (r) is selected and theof squares (Fig 4b).
number of boxes (N) needed to cover the entire
profile or contour is counted. This is repeated for a Cantor method
series of differently sized boxes (Cox and Wang, The cantor method consists of drawing a circle
1993, Kulatilake et al., 1995). with a radius 8 on each point of the profile or
D = lim log Nr / -log r surface, measuring the area or volume obtained
r-»0 and determining the following limit:
The relationship between the number of boxes D = n - lim log vol£ / log 5 (8)
versus l/(box size) is plotted on a log-log plot. The
where n is 1 or 2 for cases of profiles or surfaces,
respectively (Muralha, 1995).

Box Method

c_ "o
o ~


10' 10" 10' 10' 10' 10'

Log (I/Box Dimension)

dumeicr * Doi Dimension


Figure 4. Box method; (a) profile is covered with square boxes; (b) with circles; (c) example of data plot, D
= slope (Cox and Wang, 1993).


Triangle prism surface area method where a, b and c are vectors of three given triangle
(triangle method) points in x-y-z space (Cox and Wang, 1993).
In the triangle method the surface is covered The total surface area is plotted on the y-axis
with triangular grids. The fractal analysis is based versus the resolution of (i.e. distance between) the
on the change in surface area with the change in grid points on a log-log plot. If the data plot is on a
grid size. The triangles making up the grid are straight line, then the surface is denned as a
isosceles right-angle triangles, so two triangles fractal surface, and the slope of the plot is related
make a square. The area of the triangle can be to the fractal dimension by the equation:
found by a standard vector formula: D = 2-slope (10)
A = ?/2{Abs[(b - a)(c - a)]} (9)

O o

(a) (b)

Triangle Method


Urn O
3 *-"


10 lC 10'To 7 -rri—
10" io r
Log Triangle Side

Figure 5. Triangle method; (a) plan view of the surface covered with triangles of consecutively smaller
size; (b) choice of diagonal may give a different surface area; (c) example of the data plot.


Slit-island method value assigned to each island. These parameters

In the slit-island method, the surface is sliced are then plotted on a log-log plot of perimeter
horizontally creating a surface contour which di- versus area, and the fractal dimension is deter-
vides the surface into two kinds of shapes, "is- mined by the slope of the plot line:
lands" and "lakes". The islands are measured D = 2/slope (11)
individually, with both a perimeter and an area

Slit-Island Method

(a) D-

to' io' io' 10*

Log Perimeter
Figure 6. Slit-island method; (a) dark regions illustrate islands in a horizontal cut through the surface;
(b) example of the data plot (Cox and Wang, 1993).

Slit islands

Length, r

Section plane

Fracture surface profile

Figure 7. Illustration of slit-island analysis applied to a surface profile (Piggott and Elsworth, 1995).


Geostatistical method
Geostatistical analysis of fracture surface to-
pography describes both surface roughness and
spatial correlation of elevation. The self-affine
fractal surface has a semi-variogram function of
surface elevation of the form:
y(h) = - Z(Xi + h)]2 (12)
where y is the semi-variance, Z(Xj) is an array
along the profile and N is the number of pairs of
points separated by distance h (the lag) (Cox and
Wang, 1993).

When the estimated semi-variance is plotted

against h, it can either asymptotically approach a
constant value (sill) or increase without bounds as
h increases. If the log of the estimated semi-
variance is plotted as a function of the log of h
(Fig. 8), the slope (P) of the variogram regression Figure 8. Variogram method; compute semi-vari-
line is related to the fractal dimension by the ance as a function of sampling interval and plot on
equation: a log-log graph (Cox and Wang, 1993).
D = 2-/3/2 (13)

Spectral method Power Spectral Method

The spectral method is favoured by geophysi-
cists and, after the divider method, is probably the
most popular method of measuring the fractal _ (5slope
dimension (Cox and Wang, 1993). C ~
Analysis of fracture surface profiles using spec- a
tral methods indicates that the spectral density
S -2-
function of surface elevation has the form: o

G(f) = C f~' (14) o.

co _
t- °
where f is spatial frequency and C and are o
The semi-variogram y(h) and spectral density
functions of surface elevation are not independent
10c io' ib1 ib' ib' ib*
descriptions of surface topography. Using the Fou-
rier transform relation, the semi-variogram Log Spatial Frequency
function of elevation may be recovered from the
spectral density function: Figure 9. Spectral method; compute spectral den-
sity of the profile as a function of frequency and plot
y(h) - - cos(2«fh)]df (15) on a log-log graph (Cox and Wang, 1993).

On a log-log plot of spectral density versus spatial The problems with spectral methods are that it
frequency, the regression slope is related to the requires a considerable amount of complicated
fractal dimension by: pre-processing of data, and curve-fitting errors
(16) can be great in the log-log spectral plots (Cox and
Wang, 1993; Piggott and Elsworth, 1995).


Table I. Fractal measurements by 7 methods: Formulae (Cox and Wang, 1993).

tefl Y-axis Fomteiafor0
Divider Ruler Length Sum of Ruler Lengths D = 1 - slope
Box 1/Box Side Total # of Boxes D = slope
Triangle Grid Spacing Total Area/minimum area D = 2 - slope
Slit-Island perimeter Area D = 2/slope
Spectral Frequency Spectral Density D = (5 - slope)/2
Variogram Distance between Measurements, (h) semi-variance, v(h) D = (4 - slope)/2
Distribution Number above cutoff size area D = 2(slope)

Distribution method Table I summarises the plotting parameters and

The distribution method is a statistical app- formulae for computing the fractal dimension for
roach to fractal dimension measurement, where each of the afore-mentioned methods, except the
the measured parameters of size (length, area, cantor method.
volume) are divided into size classes. The number
of objects which are greater than each size cat- 2.3.2 The comparison between fractal
egory are then plotted on a log-log graph, the methods
number versus the size class (Cox and Wang,
1993). The fractal dimension seems to be very dependent
If the x-axis parameter is area, and if the data on the measurement method, and may differ even
plots along a straight line, then the slope of the within a single measurement technique. Yet, the
line is related to the fractal dimension by : application of fractal geometry to problems in the
D = -2)3 (17) earth sciences ultimately depends on the accuracy
and reproducibility of fractal measurement, at
Other types of distributions lead to different least within a single method. It appears that there
equations (Cox and Wang, 1993). may be a tendency for some methods to measure
systematically higher fractal dimensions relative
to other methods (Cox and Wang, 1993).
Four of the methods for measuring fractal
dimensions of surfaces require the taking either
D=-2( slope) vertical profiles (divider and spectral method) or
0) °-=
u : horizontal cuts (box and slit island method). Only
- of Part

a the triangle method combines the horizontal and


° o vertical slices into one measurement. If the sur-

face is self-affine, with vertical properties chang-
1 -i
3 :
ing at a different rate of scale than the horizontal
properties, then vertical profiles and horizontal
a slices would measure different fractal dimensions.
Most of the fractal dimensions measured by
the divider method were lower than those meas-
ured from the same surface by other methods,
~10° 10' 10' 10' 10' 10l including other methods using the same orienta-
Log Particle Size tion. The divider method often gives fractal di-
mensions near one. The reason for the low dimen-
Figure 10. Distribution method; determine the size sion is that when surface scales differ in the
distribution and plot the log of the size class versus horizontal and vertical directions, and the hori-
the log of the number of counted particles which are zontal resolution is near the crossover length, the
greater than the size class. Size is an area (Cox and fractal dimensional increment will be near zero.
Wang, 1993).


Table II. The applications and fractal dimension increments of the fractal measurements (Cox and Wang,
Application Divider 8m Slrt-lsiand Power Spectral Reference

San Andreas Fault Traces 008-.019 .120-.430 — .100-.500 AVILE87.SCHOL85, OKUBO87

Rock Fracture .410.500 — — .510 BROWN87
Joints in Welded Tuff .000-.020 — — .500 CARR90
Steel Fracture (vert, section) .105.155 .330.395 — — HUANG90
Steel Fracture (sec. electron) .180-310 .330.395 — — HUANG90
Epoxy Fracture — .350 .320 .450 LANGF89
Steel Fracture — — .280 .260 MANDE84
Rock Fracture .058-261 .041-.150 — .124-.383 MILLE90
Titanium Fracture .099 -.126 — .320 — PANDE87

Table III. Comparison of different methods for Table TV. Estimated fractal dimensions for ISRM
evaluation of the fractal dimension (Muralha, 1995). standard roughness profiles (Seidel and Haberfield,
Method %** A &m JRC Turk Bt 8$ tummmtty
moments 0-2 1.000446 1 1.00009
M, [4] 1.2647 0.0028 0.2 1.1 2-4 1.001687 1.0019 1.00054
Mo 1.2646 0.0027 0.2 1.0 4-6 1.002805 1.0027 1.00072
M, 1.2639 0.0020 0.2 0.8
6-8 1.003974 1.0049 1.0014
M2 1.2644 0.0025 0.2 1.0
8-10 1.004413 1.0054 1.0018
M3 1.2634 0.0015 0.2 0.6
yardstick [14] 1.214 0.0479 3.8 18.3 10-12 1.005641 1.0045 1.004
yardstick [17] 1.248 0.0139 1.1 5.3 12-14 1.007109 1.0077 1.0053
Cantor [18] 1.2698 0.0079 0.6 3.0 14-16 1.008055 1.007 1.0081
box-count. 1.2351 0.0268 2.1 10.2
16-18 1.009584 1.0104 1.0096

18-20 1.013435 1.017 1.012

Most of the fractal dimensions measured by The fractal dimensions measured by the box
the spectral method were larger than those meas- and slit-island methods are high if compared to
ured from the same surface by other methods. The the divider method, and low if compared to the
spectral method uses integral transformations, spectral method. The box and slit-island method
while the divider method approximates segments are comparable, because both methods analyse
of curves with straight lines, and one might specu- horizontal cuts. The basic difference is that the
late that the difference between integral measure slit-island method assumes that the size distribu-
and differential measure may contribute to differ- tion of the population of shapes reflects the self-
ences between these two methods. similarity, while the box method requires meas-
urement of all of the shapes at different scales.


Table V. Fractal dimensions measured by 7 methods (for surfaces D = 2 + F. D.Incr.) (Cox and Wang,
Method Reference Application f. D. Increment
Divider Norton et al., 1989 Granite Mountain Profile .15 to .28
Divider Snow, 1989 Stream Channels .04 to .38
Divider Avilesetal., 1987 San Andreas Fault Trace .0008 to .0191
Divider Brown, 1987 Rock Fracture Surface .50
Divider Carr, 1989 Rock Fracture Surface .0000 to .0315
Divider Miller et al., 1990 Rock Fracture Surface .058 to .261
Divider Underwood and Banerji, 1986 Steel Fracture .351 to .512
Divider Akbarieh et al., 1989 Erosion of Ca-oxal. crystals .025 to .106
Divider Kaye, 1986 Carbon particles .32
Divider Kaye, 1986 unpolished Cu surface .47
Divider Kaye, 1986 polished Cu surface .00
Box Barton and Larsen, 1985 Rock Fracture Network .12 to .16
Box La Pointe, 1988 Rock Fracture Network .37 to .69
Box Miller et al., 1990 Rock Fracture Profile .041 to .159
Box Hirata, 1989 Japan Fault Network .05 to .60
Box OkubaandAki, 1987 San Andreas Fault Trace .2 to .4
Box Sreenivasan et al., 1989 Turbulent Flow Interface .35
Box Langford et al., 1989 Epoxy Fracture .35
Box Langford et al., 1989 MgO Fracture .16
Triangle Denley, 1990 Gold Film Surface .04 to .46
Slit-Island Mecholsky and Mackin, 1988 Chert Fracture .15 to .32
Slit-Island Schlueter et al., 1991 Sandstone Pores .31 to .40
Slit-Island Schlueter et al., 1991 Limestone Pores .20
Slit-Island Huang et al., 1990 Steel Fracture Surface (lakes) .20 to .30
Slit-Island Huang et al., 1990 Steel Fracture Surface (islands) .33 to .40
Slit-Island Mandelbrot et al., 1984 Steel Fracture Surface .28
Slit-Island Pande et al., 1987 Titanium Fracture Surface .32
Slit-Island Langford et al., 1989 Epoxy Fracture Surface .32
Spectral Gilbert, 1988 Sierra Nevada Topography H . 8 3 5 to .471
Spectral Brown and Scholz, 1985 Rock Fracture .26 to .68
Spectral Carr, 1989 Rock Fracture H . 8 8 0 to .467
Spectral Miller et al., 1990 Rock Fracture .124 to .383
Spectral Mandelbrot et al., 1984 Steel Fracture .26
Spectral Langford et al., 1989 Photon emission from epoxy fracture .45
Variogram Burrough, 1989 Soil pH variation .6 to .8
Variogram Burrough, 1989 Soil Na variation .7 to .9
Variogram Burrough, 1989 Soil Elec. Resist. Variation .4 to .6
Variogram Armstrong, 1986 Soil Microtopography .64 to .90
Distribution Curl, 1986 Cave Length, Volume .4, .8
Distribution Krohn, 1988a Sandstone Pores .49 to .89
Distribution Katz and Thompson, 1985 Sandstone Pores .57 to .87
Distribution Krohn, 1988b Carbonate and Shale Pores .27 to .75
Distribution Avnir et al., 1985 Carbonate particles .01 to .97
Distribution Avniret al., 1985 Soil particles .43 to .99

S T U K - Y T O - T R 138

2.3.3 The fractal dimension and are assumed to be inclined upwards from left to
roughness statistics right.
The distribution of chord angles is gaussian. A
The fractal dimension can be used in the charac- relationship can be established between the
terisation of multiform rough rock joint surfaces fractal dimension and standard deviation of chord
and profiles. The fractal dimension is of little use angle (se) and height (sh).
to a practising engineer interested in describing S,-COB- 1 (N <1 - D)/D )
and quantifying the aspects of roughness which
(standard deviation of chord angle) (18)
govern the behaviour of rock joints.
Seidel and Haberfield (1995) have used the sh « Ld[N"2/D -IST2]"2 (standard deviation of
compass-walking method in their work to relate
height) (19)
the fractal dimension to roughness statistics such
as step or chord angle and height. The joint profile where N is the number of chords and Ld is a length
of unit direct length is divided to N chords of of the direct line.
constant length r. From Fig. 13 it is clear that the chord length r
The profile is oriented such that the direct line is:
connecting its end points is horizontal. Starting at f2 (20)
the left hand end of the profile, each chord angle
(9) is measured from the horizontal line at the and the definition of the fractal dimension is:
chord length r along the profile. Positive angles D = -log(N)/log(s21 + l/N 2 ) 1/2 . (21)

Direct Length, Lj = 1.0

Figure 11. Characterisation of the profile of unit length with chord length r (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995)

Figure 12. Single chord geometry (Seidel and Figure 13. Definition of the standard deviation of
Haberfield, 1995) chord length (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995).


Generation of roughness profile 1995).

Using the technique of mid-point displacement The standard deviation of mid-point displace-
(Mandelbrot, 1983) and using the techniques for ments for the kth bisection can be expressed by the
generating random numbers with gaussian distri- equation:
bution, it is possible to generate roughness pro- s h|k ~L d [2- 2(1+kD - D)/D -2- 2k ]. (22)
files that depend only on the number of subdivi-
sions N and the fractal dimension D. The roughness coefficients for estimating the
The profile generation is initiated by displacing fractal dimension
the midpoint of a line AB vertically at height h, in The fractal dimension of the natural joint pro-
accordance with the chosen gaussian distribution. file can be directly obtained from the two rough-
The actual height and sign (+/-) of the displace- ness coefficients L* and h", respectively, the aver-
ment is chosen randomly from a gaussian popula- age base length and the average height of asperi-
tion. This process continues until the original ties of the joint (Xie and Pariseau, 1995).
chord AB has been divided into a pre-determined D = log 4 / log[2(l+cotan1 2h* / L*)] (23)
number of chords N. With each new bisection,
further opportunities are given for the segments where h* = 1/M Shj; L* = 1/M IL ; and M is the
to diverge from the original chord; new gaussian number of intervals at which the asperity height
distributions are superimposed upon the previous is measured (Xie and Pariseau, 1995).
gaussian distribution (Seidel and Haberfied,

Generation 1 profile
Generation 0 profile (base line)

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5
Profile for generation k-1
Profile for generation k

Figure 14. Generation of random roughness profiles using the mid-point displacement technique (Seidel
and Haberfied, 1995).


/ XI
* 0.027
1st Bisection
H = 0.000; SQ= 1.000°
X ^> 2nd Bisection
0.021 \*X\ ji = 0.000; SQ= 1.414"
x 0.015
v 0.012 3rd Bisection /
, s
p 0.009
\x = 0.000; SQ= 1.732°//


/ , V
^ *. ^ ^ "* ^ _
-6 0 -4.8 -3.6 -2.4 -1.2 0.0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0
Chord angle, 9 °
Figure 15. Chord angle distribution for successive chord bisections (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995).

Figure 16. The generator of the Koch curve used to simulate the roughness of rock profiles (Xie and
Pariseau, 1995).

Figure 11. The measurement of the average height h* and the average base length L' of the asperities of a
random joint profile (Xie and Pariseau, 1995).


2.3.4 The determination of JRC The same researchers have developed the rela-
There are two different ways to determine JRC of tionship between parameter SF (structure func-
the profile of the joint surface. By comparing a tion) and JRC.
measured roughness profile with ISRM standard JRC = 37.28 + 16.581ogSF (28)
profiles the joint roughness coefficient can be
estimated. The comparing method of estimating where SF is defined to be :
the JRC value is subjective and can be unreliable SF = f (/"(x)
r K*-) -/"(x
— I V.A +
-I- Dx))
(Maerz et. al, 1990). The JRC value can also be x=0

estimated by the empirical statistical relationship where /(x) is the amplitude of asperity height at a
as a function of asperity dimensions by the follow- distance x along the length L (Tse and Cruden,
ing equations: 1979).

Wakabayashi and Fukushige (1995) Lee etal. (1990);

JRC = [(D - 1) / (4.413 • lO"5)]172 (24) JRC = -0.87804 + 37.7844(D-1)/0.015
Xie, Pariseau(1995);
JRC = 85.2671 (D-I) 05679 Barton and Bandis (1982) have discovered the
scale-dependence of roughness. Small lengths of
Tse and Cruden (1979); joint will be affected by small scale roughness and
JRC = 32.20 + 32.47 log Z2 (26) large joint lengths by large scale roughness. They
introduced empirically-derived scale corrections of
where Z2 is a slope statistic (the RMS of the first JRC:
derivative of the profile). The Z2 parameter may JRCn=JRC0(Ln/L0)^OMHC- (31)
be expressed as:
Williams (in: Seidel and Haberfield, 1995)
(yi+i-yi) 2 ]" 2 (27)
recognised the correlation between the standard
where M is the number of intervals at which deviation of angle and JRC. He proposed the
asperity heights are measured, Dx is the sampling following empirical relationship from his analysis
interval (lag) and y is the asperity height. of the ISRM standard roughness profiles:
JRC = 0.83sfl. (32)

f ~ ^ ^

r~~- \^^^~."-*-' ~~~~

y\ yi-i y/ ^>i yn

i \x AX &X AX AX
x X x
\ 2 3 "Vl *i XU\ x

Distance along a measurement line (x)

Figure 18. The diagram used to define statistical parameters for a joint surface profile (Kulatilake et al.,




The shear behaviour of unfilled joints depends on 3.1 The empirical peak shear
the following factors: (a) rock type, (b) level of strength criteria
normal effective stress on the plane of sliding, (c)
degree of roughness, (d) size of joint, (e) degree of Most of the proposed rock joint models are based
weathering, (f) presence of moisture and (g) water on Patton's (1966) observation that rock joint
pressure. The strength behaviour of a joint de- roughness increases the peak shear strength x of
pends very much on the surface roughness of the the joint above the base friction angle of joint <|)bby
joint, so this paper has focused only on the effects an angle.
of factors (b) and (c) (Kulatilake et al., 1995). (33)
The deformation behaviour of a joint in a direct
shear test does not only depend on the morphol- where on is the average normal stress applied to
ogy of the joint. Strength and elastic qualities and the joint (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995b).
circumstances in the surrounding rock should also For the rough rock joints Ladanyi and
be taken into account while determining shear Archambault (1970) proposed another equation of
strength deformations on the joint surface. The the same form as Patton's equation:
joint peak shear strength shows anisotropic prop- T = crn tan(0b + v) (34)
erties due to roughness variation with the differ-
ent shearing directions (Huang and Doon, 1990; where v is an empirical stress-dependent dilation
Jing et al., 1992). angle (Seidel and Haberfield, 1995b).

<t>eff =(0+')

Figure 19. The basis for Patton's law for joint shear strength, R is the resultant force acting on the joint
and <t>effis the joint friction angle (Goodman, 1989).


Barton and Choubey (1977) proposed an em- al., 1992), but statistical parameters and fractal
pirical joint shear strength equation, which linked dimensions give no directional informations. Kim-
dilatation to Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC), ura and Esaki (1995) have developed a new model
Joint wall Compressive Strength (JCS) and the for predicting the shear strength of rock joints
normal stress applied to the joint (Seidel and having irregular surfaces and which can also treat
Haberfield, 1995b) the scale effect of shear strength.
T = crntan[0b+JRCloglo(JCS/<7n)]. (35) In a natural joint, at the beginning of shearing,
both sides of the joints come into contact with
Bandis (1990) included an additional term iu in each other at the steepest asperity of the surface.
the equation (35) to account for large scale joint When the normal stress is low, the asperity can
undulation: mobilise the peak strength by sliding over. At
T = crn tantyb + JRClog10(JCS / ern) + i j . (36) middle to high normal stresses, however, the as-
perity is easily sheared through because the base
Barton and Bandis (1990) noted that the dilation length of the steepest asperity is very short and
angles dnmay reduce to as low as: the resistance to shearing is very small. After the
dn=0.5JRClog10(JCS/crn) (37) steepest asperity has sheared, the contact be-
at high normal stress levels due to the effects of tween the two sides is moved to the next steepest
asperity damage. asperity. This process is repeated until both slid-
ing and shearing take place simultaneously at an
3.2 The new model of the shear asperity with specific length. This base length
strength of rock joints depends on the normal stress and is referred to
here as the critical base length.
It is already shown that the shear strength of the dLc = acL (38)
joint depends on the direction of shearing (Jing et where dLc is the critical base length, ac is the


Figure 20. An original profile (a) and three profiles with different critical base lengths (b), (c) and (d).
The hatched asperity has the positive maximum slope in the profile (Kimura and Esaki, 1995).


fractional contact area and L is the total length of To estimate the peak shear strength at given
the profile. The fractional contact area is the ratio normal stress, the joint profile is divided at regu-
written as: lar intervals so that the joint consists of small
a =CT,,/ ex. (39) asperities with the same critical base length,
according to the normal stress. After that, the
where on is the apparent or nominal normal stress steepest asperity whose angle is im is found in the
and aT is the true normal stress acting on the small asperities. The peak shear strength xp, at
asperities (transition normal stress). the normal stress is given by:
The equation 39 means that asperities in con- Tp = aa tan(0n + im) (Kimura and Esaki, 1995). (40)
tact always ride over with each other at the
normal stress aT regardless of the apparent nor- The steepest asperity can be easily found in the
mal stress an. numerical data of only one profile. It is very
A schematic diagram for presenting the peak difficult to determine the steepest asperity in a
and residual strengths of a rock joint is shown in natural joint since the roughness heights change
Figure 21, together with the peak strength of the on the two dimensional surface. In this case it is
intact material. At a given normal stress a n ' the useful to use a statistical method and the param-
friction angle associated with shearing of asperi- eter Z2. The maximum angle of asperities having a
ties is ^p-^d' where <)>p is the peak friction angle of critical base length is given by
the joint and <>| d is the angle of dilatation. There-
m a d
fore the state of stress actually acting on the
where ia is the average angle and id is the stan-
asperities is given by a point where the broken dard deviation of asperities and a is a constant
line plotted at the friction angle oftyp-tyd,and the parameter (in the range of 2 and 3). Z is for all
failure curve of intact rock intersect (Kimura and asperities and i and i are the positive and
a d
Esaki, 1995).

Peak strength
of joint
Peak strength of
intact material



On err

Figure 21. A diagram for explaining the ratio of contact area (Kimura and Esaki, 1995).

S T U K - Y T O - T R 138

negative asperities separately (Kimura and Esaki, Four new strength criteria are suggested for
1995). modelling the anisotropic peak shear strength of
rock joints at low normal effective stresses (0—0.4
3.3 New peak shear strength times the unconfined compressive strength):
criteria for anisotropic rock T =CTtan(0+ a(SRP)eDoglo(ffJ/ff)]d +I) (42)
where a is the effective normal stress on the joint,
According to Kulatilake et al. (1995), the rough- x is the peak shear strength, o} is the joint com-
ness profiles of rock joints consist of non-station- pressive strength, ty is the basic friction angle, SRP
ary and stationary components. The average incli- is the stationary roughness parameter and I is the
nation angle I, along with the direction considered non-stationary roughness parameter. The average
for the joint surface, is suggested to capture the inclination angle I can take positive or negative
non-stationary roughness of self-affine fractals. values and can capture the difference in peak
The fractal dimension D alone is shown to be an shear strength of a rough joint observed between
insufficient parameter to quantify the stationary forward and backward shearing (Kulatilake et al.,
roughness of non-similar profiles. To estimate D 1995).
accurately for non-similar profiles, scales of
measurement less than the crossover length of the The four new peak shear strength criteria
profile should be used, which may be quite difficult
in practice. To overcome the aforementioned prob- Conventional statistic parameter method:
lems, it is suggested to combine D with a new T = a tanty + a(Z'2 )c [log10 (cra / <r)]d +1) (43)
term, called specific length, which is negatively
correlated to D and compensates the errors caused Divider method:
by an inaccurate D. The combined parameter is J /cr)]d +1) (44)
used to quantify stationary roughness in practice.
The joint peak shear strength shows aniso- Spectral method:
tropic properties due to roughness variation with b
Dcc[log10(crJ /cr)]d +1) (45)
the shearing direction in direct shear tests
(Muralha, 1995, Piggott and Elsworth, 1995). Variogram method:
Even along one particular direction, the shear T = atan(0 + oK;DeOog10(CTj / <x)]d +1) (46)
strength of a natural joint can be different in the
forward and backward directions. To capture the The stationary roughness parameter SRP is
above observations, either the existing shear suggested to be represented in the four afore-
strength criteria should be improved or a new mentioned shear strength equations by terms: Z'2C,
peak shear strength criterion should be developed K^D0, K^D0 or IC^D0. Joint roughness data should
(Kulatilake et al., 1995). be used to estimate I, Z'2, D, Kd, Kg and K,. Since
Kulatilake et al. (1995) have suggested such Kd, K,, and K, are negatively correlated to D, the K
parameters as JRC, statistical Z2, and fractal parameters have the potential to compensate for
dimension D to quantify the roughness of rock the errors caused by an inaccurate D. Therefore,
joint profiles along linear profiles. Four methods these combined K and D parameters have a poten-
have been suggested to estimate D: the divider tial to produce accurate values for the stationary
method, the box-counting method, the spectral roughness. Z'2, Kd, K,, and K, are scale-dependent
method and the variogram method. The box meth- parameters, thus these parameters can be used to
od was found to be impracticable for accurate model the scale effect. D reflects the rate of change
quantification of roughness of self-affine profiles. in length in response to change in the scale of


measurement r (yardstick length). The coefficients shear strengths are shown along with the meas-
a, b, c and d in the four shear strength criteria ured values in Fig. 22. It can be seen that values
should be determined by performing regression predicted by equation (46) are quite close to the
analysis on experimental shear strength data measured values. It is clear that all the new shear
(Kulatilake et al., 1995). strength equations are more capable than Barton's
Peak shear strengths were predicted based on equation in predicting the anisotropic peak shear
the four new peak shear strength equations and strength of rock joints (Kulatilake et al., 1995).
also based on Barton's equation. These predicted

0 0.4 0.8 MPa
Scale along any radial direction

• Measured value from experiment for a = 0.25 MPa

_ p rc di c t c d value from new equation for a = 0.25 MPa
Predicted value from Barton's equation for a = 0.25 MPa
O Measured value from experiment for o = 0.5 MPa
— Predicted value from new equation for a = 0.5 MPa
— Predicted value from Barton's equation for a = 0.5 MPa

Figure 22. Comparison between predicted peak shear strengths based on Variogram method equation
(46) and Barton's equation and measured peak shear strength values (Kulatilake et al., 1995).



The descriptions of roughness Fractal dimension

The surfaces of rock joints have been charac- There are several different methods to meas-
terised since the end of 1960. Patton (1966) car- ure the fractal dimension of a rough joint surface:
ried out direct shear tests on artificial joint asperi- the divider, box-counting, slit-island, cantor, trian-
ties and found that joint roughness is a parameter gle, variogram, spectral and distribution methods.
that effectively increases the friction angle of the The fractal dimension may vary systematically
joint above the base friction angle, and therefore within various measurement methods and within
affects essentially the shear strength of the joint. a single measurement technique. The common
This has prompted many researchers to investi- problems shared by all these methods are the
gate joint roughness and its effect on joint dilation remainder problem, curve-fitting, orientation of
and shear resistance during shear displacement. the measurement plane, size and direction of
Feker and Rengers (1971) recognised that a joint sample (Cox and Wang, 1993). Among researchers
subjected to small shear displacements will pri- the most useful and popular methods to measure
marily be influenced by small scale roughness. the fractal dimension of the rock surface are the
The method is effective in addressing roughness divider, variogram and spectral methods.
as a parameter which is subject to scale effects, Most of the natural rock joint surface profiles
but does not incorporate any aspects of rock belong to the self-affine fractal category, because
strength. processes producing topography vary in different
Barton and Choubey (1977) addressed rough- directions (anisotropy). Self-affine fractals remain
ness in terms of a Joint Roughness Coefficient statistically similar only if they are scaled differ-
(JRC). JRC is essentially an empirically deter- ently in different directions. Kulatilake, Shou,
mined dilation angle. Many investigators have Huang and Morgan (1995) have recently discov-
attempted to correlate surface roughness with the ered in their investigations that the roughness
frictional behaviour of rock joints by statistical profiles of joints consist of non-stationary and
methods. Tse and Cruden (1979) investigated cor- stationary components. They suggested that the
relations between various statistical parameters average inclination angle I (along with the joint
and the JRC factor of Barton's roughness profiles. surface direction) captures the non-stationary
They found conventional statistical parameters roughness. The fractal dimension by itself is an
such as Z2 and SF to be strongly correlated with insufficient parameter to quantify the stationary
values of the joint roughness coefficient. roughness of the natural rock joint surface pro-
Recently, a number of researchers have applied files, if it is used in scales of measurement less
the concept of fractal geometry to natural rock than the crossover length when estimating D. In
joint profiles. The fractal dimension has proved to practice it may be difficult to measure roughness
be a useful parameter in quantifying joint rough- at scales less than the crossover length and thus
ness. to estimate D accurately. Using a term called the

S T U K - Y T O - T R 138

specific length combined with the fractal dimen- suggested the strength criteria for modelling the
sion, it is possibly to quantify stationary rough- anisotropic peak shear strength of rock joint by
ness in practice (Kulatilake et al., 1995). the following form:
T = a tanty + a(SRP)c [log10 (aj / a)? +1) (47)
Shear strength
Usually, roughness on natural rock joint sur- where a is the effective normal stress on the joint,
faces is anisotropic, so it is necessary to improve T is the peak shear strength, a, is the joint com-
our understanding of quantification of natural pressive strength, <>| is the basic friction angle, SRP
surface roughness on two-dimensional planes. The is the stationary roughness parameter and I is the
joint shear strength shows anisotropic properties non-stationary roughness parameter. Average
due to roughness variation with the shearing inclination angle I can take positive or negative
direction in direct shear tests. The shear strength values and can capture the difference in peak
of a rock joint can be different in forward and shear strength of a rough joint observed between
backward directions along a particular direction. forward and backward shearing (Kulatilake et al.,
Kulatilake, Shou, Huang and Morgan (1995) have 1995).



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ISBN 951-712-236-5
ISSN 0785-9325

Oy Edita Ab, Helsinki 1997

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