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every marriage date and gender into a

spreadsheet and did a sort to create matches
The following pages show the geneology of between clan members.
the Greatclans of Kaldor since the Baronial While I have strived to include every
Revolt from 599 – 603 TR and text describing relationship I could find in other publications, I
the clan's history. The document is formatted to may have missed a couple and some sources
be printed double sided such that, when bound, appear to be contradictory. I ask the reader's
the text describing the clan will be on the left kind indulgence in these cases. I should also
side and the family tree on the facing page. note I omitted all persons that died as minors.
I would also like to note that in a couple of
The notes within the family trees follow family trees I have included bastard children. In
those usually given for Hârnic family trees: general, there should be many more bastard
l f indicates a female family member children than are shown. However, most of
l 1 indicates death in childbirth these bastard children will not be acknowledged,
l 2 indicates death in battle and even the acknowledged ones are unlikely to
l 3 indicates other violent death find good position within the clan. I decided to
l (675) indicates year of succession retain the ones I have, but for most others, I
l =702= indicates year of marriage deemed the time and space needed to describe
l Bold indicates a titled clanhead these bastards not worth it. Feel free to add
bastard children as you desire, perhaps using
In addition, some clans are quite extensive. those family trees with bastards shown as
To resolve the issues of space, the notation (dns) guidance.
has be used to denote 'descendants not shown'. For each clan, the accompanying text has
While women are generally considered to be part been extracted from existing information as
of their birth clan, their children are usually much as possible. Where information is either
considered to be part of their father's clan. As nonexistent or (occassionally) inconsistent, new
such, daughters of a clan will almost always material has been created. The text for each clan
have their marriages noted with (dns). is intended to be 'well known' about the clan and
In order to help readers understand its members. This does not mean the text is true,
relationships between Greatclans, Kaldoric but rather what the perception is – at least among
landed knights and non-nobles, italics are used some segments of the populace. As with all
to indicate people that are not referenced in any things Hârnic, your game may vary.
Hârnic publication as a noble. Some, especially Each article also has a few blank lines
from before the Baronial Revolt, may well be appended for GMs to make notes on.
extinct noble clans. Others are specifically Unfortunately, the more interesting clans take
mentioned in Hârnic publication as commoners more space leaving less room for notes. I’m sure
(e.g. Harabor). If a name is not in italics, it is you will work it all out for yourselves.
almost certainly a member of a Greatclan or At this point I do not intend to update this
landed clan. article as more articles on Kaldor are published.
This entire article was essentially conceived Hopefully, others will find this a valuable
as a means to test the methodologies described in resource for their own work. Some might even
my Family Trees article (available from consider this a starting point for an article. Roughly 30% of the However, the work involved in finding all the
relationships shown are taken from various references and resolving conflicts is too involved
Hârnic publications (both canon and fanon). to maintain something as well detailed as the
All the others were created by creating Kingdom of Kaldor on a regular basis – at least,
family trees for every Greatclan. I then entered as long as I have a day job.

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
social inferiors to refer to him as Sir Greon, and
is prone to losing his temper if they do not.
Title: Baron of Kolorn Sir Othis’ succession has only led to steadily
Hold: Kolorn Keep worse behavior and extravagant spending over
Liege: Earl Caldeth of Vemion the years. As a result, Sir Othis son, Sir Lyndar,
now handles most of the day to day decisions for
The history of Clan Bastune is one of the barony.
treachery, opportunism, and a knack for picking Sir Lyndar is loyal to his father and wishes
the winning side. Clan Bastune succeeded to the he would stop his wenching and start to govern.
Barony of Kolorn in 518 when, after the death of Until recently, Sir Lyndar has leaned heavily on
Aidrik V, several barons, including Jurin, the the advice of his cousin, Earl Sedris Meleken.
Baron of Kolorn, rebelled against Chelebin II. Baron Othis' wife, Lady Peresta, resides in
Kolorn Keep was brought under siege, and Tashal and has not seen Sir Othis for several
Jurin’s captain of the guard, Koroch Bastune, years. The marriage was, of course, arranged
saw his opportunity. He slew Jurin and swore and neither has been particularly faithful. There
fealty to Chelebin II. With Kolorn secure, is reason to doubt whether any of Lady Peresta’s
Chelebin II swiftly put down the rebellion and children were fathered by Sir Othis, and some
confirmed Koroch as Baron of Kolorn. believe Sir Lyndar’s father is, in fact, Marshal
During the Baronial Revolt 80 years later, Koris Harabor.
Boron Baralis Bastune chose to support the Earl The pair's eldest daughter, Ameryn, died
of Balim. In 601, the 66 year old Baralis died in two years ago of the pox. Their younger
bed and his son, Hokel succeeded. In the next daughter, Elalyn, is recently married to Allyn
year, Baron Hokel decided that the Earl of Karondal, a younger brother of Sheriff Eris
Balim’s claim would not succeed and offered his Karondal of Balimshire.
support to Earl Haldan Elendsa of Olokand. The youngest son, Tarien has recently been
This shift in loyalties convinced the Earl of squired at Rythal manor near Qualdris. He is a
Balim to support Earl Elendsa, who was bit young to be a squire, but everyone involved
crowned King of Kaldor. felt it best the young man get away from the
The new king was not entirely trusting of influence of his father as soon as possible.
Hokel. He made the Barony of Kolorn a reward Sir Othis’ nephew, Chilmin, is Chief Clerk
to the new Earl of Vemion, Colm Caldeth, for of the Exchequer, largely due to the influence of
his excellent service and integrity. Earl Caldeth, who has little confidence in Sir
In 682, Gormin succeeded his father, Tarien, Othis or his children.
as Baron of Kolorn at age 21. Eight years later,
Gormin was killed while hunting. A young
yeoman was tried and executed for the murder,
but no motive ever came forth, though many
suspected Gormin’s brother Brorin to be behind
the murder.
In 710, Brorin died after a period of illness.
Brorin’s younger brother Othis was never
expected to succeed as Baron and had spent his
youth hunting and jousting in tournaments.
Though he was never notably successful in the
joust, he fancied himself Sir Greon, after a
legendary Jarin warrior. Sir Othis expects his

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

632 (675) 682 Gormin
=660= 661 (682) 6903
Brendyn Firithf Edarn Ordas
635 - 682 683 -
Pesera =711= (dns)
555 - 579 Adar Meleken Kelasf
=578= Gormin 660 - 713 694 -
Larissa Quirilanf 579 (644) 675 =686= (dns)
557 - 641 =626= Pelaelf
Grunlyn Dyntewerf 664 - 719 Saran Noraster
603 - 658 695 -
Daryl Mondan Urvaen Cotren =718=
563 - 5992 643 - 673 Jybralf
=578= (dns) =670= (dns) 698 -
Nerelf Lyrealf Brorin
569 - 638 647 - 666 (690) 710
=660= Chilmin
Baralis Erela Calastyf 693 -
535 (557) 601 Tever 671 - =716=
=554= 561 - 587 Elael Ludarcef
Aprin Ryndelf 699 -
535 - 591
Umin Verdreth 670 (710)
Hokel 582 - 637 =695= Lyndar
565 (601) 644 =604= (dns) Peresta Brailourf 696 -
=610= Nerelinf 676 -
Feya Korlisf 587 - 651
566 - 648 Amerynf
697 - 717

Allyn Karondal
691 -
699 -

707 -

Truth Is Strength

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
is a brilliant manager of assets, but less so of
men. The earl's great weakness is his inability to
Title: Earl of Vemion delegate. As such, he makes every important
Hold: Minarsas Castle, Baseta Keep, decision himself and tends to micromanage his
Zoben Keep subordinates. This frustrates and annoys his
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor retainers.
Declaen's older sister Colonia married Sir
Clan Caldeth has been important in the Ferin Ubael, a cousin of the Baron of Uldien.
affairs of Vemionshire since the time of Lothrim Sir Ferin perished in a shipwreck three years
the Foulspawner. Historically, Clan Caldeth ago.
ruled from Zoben keep to the west of Minarsas. Declean's younger brother Rindan is the
The clan betrayed Aidrik II in the Kaldoric Civil Royal Ostler and resides in Tashal. Sir Rindan
War, but managed to retain most of their lands has developed a drinking problem since the
upon the restoration of the House of Artane. accidental death of his wife, Lady Solia, three
During the Baronial Revolt, Earl Hernal of years ago. Lady Solia was the sister of the
Vemion and his sons were murdered by an Baron of Ternua. Sir Rindan's son, Heber, is a
ambitious captain of the guard. Baron Colm squire at Nenda.
Caldeth raised a force from Earl Hernal's loyal The earl's wife, Lady Ialny, suffered a
supporters, retook Minarsas after a siege and terrible palsy several years ago which left her
executed the rebels. crippled and speechless. Although she is mostly
When Haldan the Elder accepted the bedridden, the earl's devotion to her is
Kaldoric crown in 603, Baron Colm Caldeth was undiminished.
made the 14th Earl of Vemion and Sheriff of The earl's oldest daughter, Lady Thilisa, is
Vemionshire in 607. His own wife having died married to Earl Sedris Meleken of Osel. His
on the road during the opening skirmishes of the only son, Sir Urian, is a 22 year old carouser of
Baronial Revolt, Colm Caldeth married Alana the first order. Sir Urian's arrogant demeanor
Hernal, the widow of Earl Hernal. has made him unwelcome in some places, an
In 643, Wilfrod's son Elfrod was insulted by issue his father uncharacteristically ignores. The
Aras Dariune at a feast in Tashal. In the earl's youngest daughter, Maid Camissa, is a
resulting duel Elfrod was killed, leaving his 7 romantic teen who dreams of life exploring the
year old son as heir to the earldom. When wide world. She fancies herself a Peonian and
Wilfrod died the next year, Jered was made a reads whatever she can find on that church,
ward of the king until reaching his majority. praying more to the Lady of Truth than her
In 650, Jered gained some level of notoriety father considers reasonable.
by fathering twin sons. A marriage was quickly
arranged, but Jered never loved his wife and saw
her seldom. In 674, Jered died of an infected
wound received at the Battle of Ramala Gap.
The elder twin, Elfrod, succeeded as Earl of
Vemion, but died barely a month later at the
walls of Burzyn. The younger twin, Celed, had
been destined for the church of Larani and was
somewhat reluctant to leave his vows to take up
the earldom. Finally, in 676, he relented and
succeeded as the 18th Earl of Vemion.
Declaen Caldeth became the 19th Earl of
Vemion when Celed died peacefully in 709. He

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Ferin Ubael
671 - 717
=692= (dns)
673 -
Elfrod Sedris Meleken
616 – 6433 692 -
=634= Jered Elfrod =717=
Apella Estomarf 635 (657) 674 650 (675) 6752 Thilisaf
612 - 657 =650= 696 -
Falawn Vabenelf Declaen
629 - 662 Celed 676 (709)
Sayan Caran 650 (676) 709 =691= Urian
Pella Ertusf 618 - 658 =672= Ialny Valadorf 697 -
Gwelen Kephria 586 - 656 =639= (dns) Camissa Morhunf 666 -
559 – 5993 =615= Quinilaf 655 - 714
=590= Wilfrod 621 - 675 Camissaf
Colm 591 (630) 644 705 -
558 (605) 630 Awal
=603= Jayalf 652 - 6752
Alana Hernalf 606 - 661
570 - 626 =626= (dns)
Barad Vabenel
606 - 676

678 -
=699= Heber
Solia Verdrethf 700 -
679 - 716

The Brave Never Fall

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
appointed Serolan of Ureve Abbey. The earl's
third son, Kytem, is the Royal Seneschal. This
Title: Earl of Neph appointment was made after an excellent feast
Hold: Gardiren Castle, Pendeth Keep prepared for the king a few years ago in
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor Gardiren. He and his wife reside in the clan
townhouse in Tashal.
Clan Curo have held lands in Nephshire for The earl's second daughter, Mysena, is a
centuries. They were made constables of recent widow. Her husband, Vuris Londel, was
Gardiren in 160 by Calsten Tane and have held it the younger brother of the Baron of Yeged and
ever since. died of a wasting disease last year. The earl's
During the Kaldoric Civil War, clan Curo third daughter, Hemise, married Sir Eldan
remained loyal to the house of Tane. Fierth Towson, lord of Wybend manor, last year.
besieged Gardiren, but was never able to force a The earl's fourth and fifth sons, Ereden and
surrender. Clan Curo negotiated the return of Halsen, are identical twins. Both have entered
Andarik Tane from Chybisa with the other lords the Church of Larani. Halsen is at Tefbry abbey
of Kaldor during the rule of Uthred. Upon while Ereden is at Caleme abbey. The earl's
Uthred's death, Andarik Tane returned to Kaldor sixth son, Herik, is an apprentice herald at the
as King Aidrik III. The grateful Aidrik III Enclave of the Holy Oak in Tashal.
elevated Masen Curo to Earl of Neph. The earl's youngest son, Toren, serves as a
Upon Iemeld's death with no heir in 599, Earl page for his uncle Ireald at Ionsal Manor. The
Kalasen Curo pressed his claim to the throne earl wishes him squired next year to the Earl of
based upon his descent from King Roloth via Vemion. The earl's youngest legitimate
Princess Selein Artane, but years of banishment daughter, Meleine, is a precocious 8 year old and
had weakened his influence. When Earl Alessa is doted upon by her mother.
Dariune proposed the popular Earl Haldan The earl has one sister, Myrtis, who is
Elendsa for the crown, Kalasen bowed to the married to Baron Chimin Indama of Getha. In
inevitable and withdrew his bid. addition, the earl has six acknowledged half
Clan Curo is old and large, with over 50 siblings. Earl Melsen Curo provided for his
living acknowledged clansmen. Hemisen Curo children over the objections of his wife, and all
married Meliara Kynn, the daughter of a bailiff. hold respectable positions in Nephshire.
Due to this marriage, Hemisen Curo has been
quite supportive of the career of his brother in
law, Edine Kynn, who is now the Serekela of
Larani in Kaldor. Unfortunately, the years have
not brought the influence hoped for, as the Earl
and his wife Meliara have grown to despise each
other despite their 11 children.
The earl's eldest son, Meden, currently serves
as constable of Gardiren. He is married to Ieara
Verdreth, the eldest daughter of the Baron of
Ternua. The earl's eldest daughter was wed at an
early age to Baron Kisan Tesla of Esenor. Her
marriage has worked out similar to her parents.
She currently resides at Tisbury manor with her
two daughters.
The earl's second son, Remal, joined the
Church of Larani, and has recently been

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.
688 -
Hemisen =715=
669 (705) Ieara Verdrethf
=687= 693 -
Meliara Kynnf
Melsen 670 - Kisan Tesla
637 (675) 705 671 -
Ireden =665= =702= (dns)
603 (632) 675 Lysela Rusellerf Orellaf
=633= 641 - 708 689 -
Nysia Heberonf Ireald
618 - 689 674 - Remal
690 -
Caras Kytem
638 - 686
608 - 631 693 -
=668= (dns) Chimin Indama
=627= (dns) =717=
Brendyn Erself
Jirot Siganf 674 - Piria Ralgurtyf
608 - 632 647 - 692 =697= (dns) 698 -
Kalasen 679 - Vuris Londel
557 (578) 632 Elin 691 - 719
=597= 610 - 645 Archebal Peltrei =716=
Amryn Dobrainef =629= (dns) 642 - Mysenaf
573 - 629 Marin Itisdarf =662= (dns) 698 -
608 - 660 Herelaf
641 - 718 Eldan Towson
699 -
Madlin Hemisef
613 – 6722 Ered 699 -
647 - 701
700 -

Balaen Woell Halsen

657 - 700 -
=693= (dns)
Ilias Tobiraf Herik
661 - 718 701 -

Virin Rawyn Toren

673 - 706 -
=694= (dns)
Eriel Inthinf Meleinef
675 - 705 711 -

Nibinel Inthin
675 -
=704= (dns)
Hayden Kalinf
676 -

Akitt Llack
693 -

Olwin Kalin
698 -

Tamel Ewane
697 -
=716= (dns)
Anda Kalinf
699 -

Virtue in Service

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Keary and his brother Aras had only
daughters, including Miginath’s tutor Caniara,
Title: Earl of Balim and the succession council selected Lanas to
Hold: Kiban Castle, Fisen Keep, Jedes Keep, succeed Aras in 667. Lanas promptly died of
Kyg Keep pneumonia and Scina Dariune succeeded as the
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor 19th Earl of Balim.
The current Earl, Troda Dariune is cousin to
Clan Dariune came to prominence during the both King Miginath and King Chunel Toron of
Kaldoric civil war as a favored supporter of Melderyn. Troda's sister Donesyn, a devout
Fierth. Qywald Dariune was appointed the Earl Laranian, lives in Tashal attending to the clan's
of Balim holding Kiban keep when Fierth interests in the capital. Troda is married to
executed the previous occupant for betraying Olena Pierstel, sister of Baron Uthris Pierstel of
Fierth's opponent, Aidrik II. Tonot. They have three children, Scina, Enoriel
Forty years later Clan Dariune had changed and Karison.
sides, accepting Earl Curo's plan for the Scina is a very eligible bachelor and
restoration of the House of Tane. Earl Dariune's negotiations are underway for the betrothal of
support virtually assured the return of Aidrik III Scina to Cheselyne Hosath, grandniece of King
after Uthred's 'hunting accident' in 406. Miginath. Some people believe Scina is more
For the next 200 years, the Earls of Balim interested in the pursuit of hunting and other
were the least of the Earls of Kaldor. While their sport than he is in the prospective betrothal.
lands were central, the lands of the other earls, Enoriel is also of marriageable age, but the
notably the Earl of Neph and the Earl of negotiations for Scina have more than occupied
Olokand, were more extensive. the Earl's heralds. Some have suggested a match
During the Baronial Revolt, Earl Alessa with Urian Caldeth, but Enoriel refuses to have
Dariune skillfully played his opponents off anything to do with, “that boorish oaf.” Karison
against each other, claiming no interest in the is a competitive young man currently squired
throne. He survived in his central position while with Constable Mirdarne at Jedes keep.
other contenders were weakened or eliminated. Earl Troda's second cousin, Tyrnal, has risen
After three years of conflict, attrition took its toll to the position of Rekela of Kephrus in the
on his forces, and Alessa allied himself with Earl Church of Larani. He resides at Cholas Abbey
Haldan Elendsa of Olokand. The alliance and is a quite urbane and politically able Rekela.
cemented the throne for Haldan, and Alessa Unfortunately, this has made him a number of
became a close confident and advisor to the king. enemies. Tyrnal has survived three assassination
Over the past century, this alliance with Clan attempts in the last two years, prompting the Earl
Elendsa has given Clan Dariune substantial to offer a bounty of
influence and greatly increased the stature of to an arrest.
Clan Dariune in Kaldor. Kiban is now the Tyrnal's uncle through marriage is Constable
second largest town in Kaldor after Tashal with a Dagald Jendral of Fisen Keep. A widower,
full castle and construction of a town wall Dagald has outlived his two sons, who died in a
underway. Kath ambush twenty years ago.
The individual Earls of Balim did not fare so
well, with 8 earls in the 70 years following the
Baronial Revolt. When Scina died, the
succession council deemed Kaery to be too
immature at 23 for the responsibility and
selected Larilan to succeed. After Larilan died
in 646, the succession council selected Kaery.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.
611 (646) 659
Kaery =628= (dns)
574 (608) 625 Erenyla Hauraxelf
=602= 611 - 674
Annela Dariborf
577 - 651 Wornal Karondal
616 - 688 Ettobron Toron
=636= (dns) 615 – 684
Annelaf =661= (dns)
615 - 677 Weanneref
Scina 643 - 6791 Scina
Aras Donesynf 699 -
589 (625) 634
621 (659) 667 677 -
=642= (dns)
Alessa Amarsi Querontf Enorielf
545 (568) 608 625 - 697 701 -
=573= Olena Pierstelf
Deliela Luronef Kathele Elendsaf 677 -
554 - 619 Hirilyn Hauraxelf 639 - 703 =697= Karison
Larilan 623 – 6431 =670= Troda 705 -
600 (634) 646 =639= Scina 673 (714)
=618= Lanas 641 (667) 715
Milissa Ruskartf 622 (667) 667
601 - 656 =646= Garil Shorald
Rondael Labarnf 659 - 691 -
625 - 664 =690= =713= Merinf
Pella Brynathf Hamadia Lartynef 717 -
Virin Karondal 671 - 704 693 -
602 - 653
=620= (dns) Erudus Sandarty
Delielaf 692 -
603 - 673 Garil =713= (dns)
627 - 692 Erenylf
=648= Virin 693 -
Erina Poultyf 648 -
627 - 686 =668= Tokra Virin
Alina Teslaf 669 - 693 -
649 - 703 =690=
Bressyn Darquarnf Mindanef
Dagald Jendral 671 - 699 -
658 -
=676= (dns) Tyrnal Fairenaf
Kalaelf 672 - 704 -
658 - 694
Mikyl Meriel 712 -
672 -
=695= (dns) Konath
Quinilaf 718 -
674 - 697

Who Serves Well Serves Long

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
In 693, Miginath succeeded his father as
King of Kaldor. In his youth, Miginath had an
Title: King of Kaldor, Earl of Olokand affair and refused to marry anyone else, greatly
Hold: Olokand Castle, Athelren Keep, angering Torastra. Miginath’s lover, Lesel
Bidow Keep, Hutop Keep, Querina Keep, Harabor, gave birth to two sons, Maldan and
Shebra Keep, Sirendel Keep, City of Koris, but died giving birth to Koris.
Tashal Many observers find it somewhat curious
that Miginath has never acknowledged his two
Clan Elendsa rose to prominence at the sons. In a very real sense, by not acknowledging
restoration of the house of Tane in 406 for loyal his sons, Miginath is precipitating something of
service during years of exile. Herlan Elendsa a power struggle when he dies. Complicating
was granted Olokand as an Earldom with Nenda matters is Miginath's relationship with Lady
and Ternua as vassal fiefs. Over the next 200 Erila Kaphin, resulting in another son, Tulath.
years, nine generations of clan Elendsa gained Maldan and Tulath currently serve as Sheriffs,
much wealth and influence through astute while Koris is the Marshal of the Royal Guard.
commerce and marriage. In the last year, the last of Miginath's siblings
During the Baronial revolt, Earl Haldan died, leaving only nieces, nephews and a cousin,
Elendsa was a serious contender for the throne. Earl Troda Dariune, to succeed to the throne
During the struggle, he emerged as a man of should Miginath not acknowledge any of his
honesty and worth. After three years of sons.
skirmishes, Earl Alessa Dariune offered support Briefly, the daughters of Haldan all live.
to Haldan, forcing the only remaining serious Cheselyne has already been passed over in favor
claimant, Kalasen Curo to withdraw his of Miginath; Lerela shows no desire while
candidacy. In 603, Earl Haldan was crowned Meliam serves her uncle as Chamberlain. Osrin
King Haldan I. Firith, Baron of Kobing is ambitious and has the
When Haldan II died, the royal succession support of his siblings. Erelar Hirnen, Baron of
council was faced with a difficult choice. Nenda, is judged to be an unacceptable candidate
Torastra, Haldan the Younger's son, was by most observers, but his brother Tarken Hirnen
regarded as too young at age 16 and many is the Lord Chancellor.
expected a regency, but the succession council Conwan Elendsa has sworn an oath not to
surprised many by announcing the outright seek the crown. Siwen and Korwyn are Peonian
succession of Haldan's widow Imelene. Imelene Ebasethes. Raditha and Udine have disavowed
took the name of Chelebin III for her rule and interest, though Udine's husband Harapa Indama,
oversaw a time of great prosperity for the son of the Baron of Getha, has been known to
kingdom. speak of his young children as possible rulers of
When Chelebin died, Torastra was now Kaldor.
ready to assume power. Seeking to expand his
kingdom, he declared the Salt War with the
Thardic League in 672. Following the
successful conclusion of the Salt War, he set his
sights on Chybisa and conquered it in 675.
However, this vigorous campaigning came
with a price, and in 687 Torastra was unable to
muster an army to retake Chybisa after the loss
at the Battle of Geda. His last campaigns against
the Kath met only defeat.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Ralan Hosath
671 - 718
=700= (dns)
Torastra Haldan Cheselynef
635 (669) 693 650 - 682 672 -
Haldan II =649= =669=
611 (636) 651 Leni Cerlf Mesa Atanf
=632= 630 - 687 652 - 6811 Arlin Alsar
Chelebin IIIf 672 - 715
615 (651) 669 =694= (dns)
Kalabin Lesel Harabor Lerelaf
Haldan I 644 - 7083 655 - 6751 675 -
566 (603) 636 = = (dns)
=608= Miginath
Leil Erbinf 652 (693) Meliemf
582 - 6151 Kaisirinf Scina Dariune = = (dns) 681 -
613 - 640 641 - 715 Erila Kaphinf
=670= (dns) 679 -
639 - 703
Meselaf Jerin Firith
615 - 633 656 - 715
=674= (dns)
656 - 719

Arlin Hirnen 682 -
652 - 704 Erlenef
=675= (dns) 710 -
Ereloraf Conwan
659 - 716 687 -
=709= Brandis
Hesena Inamisf 712 -
Brandis 690 -
661 - 699
=682= Torasa
Erlene Urilisf Radithaf 714 -
665 - 707 688 -

Merik Korwyn
662 - 719 689 -

Harapa Indama
698 -
=718= (dns)
699 -

To Govern With Perfection Is To Rule Forever

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
campaigns. It is a small miracle he did not die in
any of the battles.
Title: Baron of Nubeth In 684, Dwyn Elorieth met Releisa Kobarn,
Hold: Nubeth Keep who had a remarkable calming effect on him.
Liege: Earl Meleken of Osel They were soon married. When Dwyn
succeeded as baron in 697, he proved to be a
Clan Elorieth's rise to prominence came much more able lord and administrator than his
during the Kaldoric Civil War, in which Sir predecessors.
Greon Elorieth backed Fierth. After the defeat When Releisa died in 714, Dwyn was
of Aidrik II, Sir Greon was appointed Baron of heartbroken and has ceased to take much interest
Baseta by King Fierth. However, the excesses of in any affairs that do not involve his family and
Uthred wore on, and in 406 Baron Elorieth the annual Nubeth Fair. When his sister, a
supported the return of Aidrik III. Aidrik III Peonian Pelnala and gifted healer, died in 716,
never entirely trusted Baron Elorieth, and in 420, Dwyn provided funds for the founding a school
removed him to the newly created Barony of of the healing arts in her memory.
Nubeth, swearing allegiance to Earl Meleken. Dwyn's first son, Arwyn, is not exactly the
During the Baronial Revolt, Atrin Elorieth sharpest tool in the shed, but is loyal to his father
remained loyal to the Earl Yorald Meleken as the and fulfills his duties as constable of Nubeth
latter pressed his claim to the throne. Baron keep in a reasonable manner. Arwyn is married
Atrin was something of a brute, marrying the to Lenia Meleken, and they have had five
young daughter of a knight whose manor was children, all boys. This makes for quite the
razed during the fighting. Unfortunately, he was commotion around Nubeth keep, and the baron
not an effective leader of men. The resulting always delights in hearing about the activities of
campaign did not go well, and the Baron of his grandsons.
Nubeth remains the only major tenant swearing Dwyn's daughter, Julela, has entered the
fealty to the Earl of Osel. church of Peoni, hoping to follow in the
When Baron Atrin died childless (some say footsteps of her Aunt Mirim. She serves as
his wife poisoned him), his younger brother Ebasethe at nearby Ostelim manor.
Taran succeeded as Baron of Nubeth. Both The twins, Conwyn and Merwyn, are active
Taran and his son Teril were men of great vision in the tourney circuit and have a desire to prove
and little understanding. themselves in battle. Both would earnestly like
Taran supervised many building projects that to take on the great adventure of finding Earl
did not go well, including abortive attempts to Sedris Meleken, if only they had the faintest clue
build bridges across the Taris River at Quelen how to go about it.
and the Mylen River at Chesel and start a mine Jurik Elorieth is nephew of Dwyn and bailiff
north of Manay. of Chesel Manor. His mother, wife, and young
Teril pursued a lifelong quest to exterminate son reside with him. Dwyn's niece, Evalin,
the Paegelin with little success. Every year he serves the Church of Larani at Brynd abbey.
would set a campaign into Oselmarch with a
large company and baggage train that was easily
avoided by the much more woods savvy
The current Baron, Dwyn Elorieth, spent
much of his youth attempting to live up to the
unrealistic expectations of his father. He
vigorously participated in jousts and was an
enthusiastic supporter of King Torastra's

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Dwyn Arwyn
657 (697) 685 -
=655= =706= Gorbar
Releisa Kobarnf Lenia Melekenf 707 -
666 - 714 690 -
Teril Julelaf 710 -
Atrin 628 (649) 697 693 -
574 (597) 609 =655= Mirimf Erosta
=602= Rela Darontf 659 - 716 713 -
Jycia Sardunatf 638 - 664 Conwyn
582 - 667 697 - Oden
716 -
Taran 697 - Baran
590 (609) 649 719 -
=615= Imadar
Apella Horabf 634 - 688
598 - 650 =662= Maran
Hiril Asanaf 661 - 707
Alorel 637 - 666 =691= Jurik
552 (576) 597 Quinila Provinf 695 -
=573= 660 - =717= Arden
Selerin Haraborf Keriela Quardinf 718 -
554 - 591 697 -

Orisir Sediel
608 - 668 Evalinf
=628= (dns) 700 -
611 - 659

615 - 642
=637= (dns)
Meliela Pulgartyf
Ondel 617 - 666
590 - 640
=607= Deronin
Kairela Rocynasf 617 - 692
589 - 647
619 - 691
=644= (dns)
Lymria Claunef
621 - 691

633 - 695
=657= (dns)
Evadia Horabf
638 - 664

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Maldan. Nevertheless, Wevran's appeals to
Maldan Harabor's ambitions have effectively
Title: Baron of Setrew removed the Sheriff's desire to investigate any
Hold: Setrew Keep complaints emanating from the baron's lands.
Liege: Earl Curo of Neph Wevran's only son Romlach is a true
descendant of his namesake, being one of the
An old family from near Gardiren, Clan most feared knights on the tournament circuit.
Ethasiel has risen quickly and violently to the Sir Romlach handles all military matters for his
ranks of Kaldor's nobility. In 672 Sir Romlach father and is something of a bully. This attitude
Ethasiel set out with King Torastra to Trobridge has gained him some enmity from other knights,
as the captain of the King's Guard. In the Battle most notably Sir Haldare Venera, the Constable
of the Chelna Gap, King Torastra was saved in of Tashal.
part by the quick actions and sturdy sword of Sir Baron Wevran's elder daughter, Apella, has
Romlach. joined the Church of Larani. She hates the
These actions gave the king much trust in the misrule of her father and brother and has sworn
sword and loyalty of Sir Romlach. During the to return someday to right their wrongs. His
subsequent Battle of Ramala Gap, Sir Romlach younger daughter, Nerelin, is joining the Church
continued to serve as captain of the King's Guard of Peoni and hopes to never see the rest of her
and gave much advice concerning the possible family again.
'underhanded' tactics the Thardans might use. The baron's younger brother, Torald, has
In 675, Torastra invaded Chybisa and Sir gained appointment as the Royal Master of Hunt
Romlach served as captain of the advance force, and keeps his distance from his elder brother,
investing the area north of the Ulmerian River knowing full well what might happen if Wevran
with sufficient ferocity to draw out the Chybisan should suspect him of baronial ambition.
army for an uneven battle in which they were The baron's oldest sister, Mylael, has married
easily defeated. Sir Ranalas Tocaryn, the lord of Wythian manor
Setrew keep had reverted to the crown when near Olokand. Wevran's middle sister, Thuryle,
the last baron of Clan Kephria died with no heirs joined the Church of Peoni and has not been seen
in 666. King Torastra promoted his captain to in 15 years. There is some evidence she died in
Baron of Setrew in 676. In early 688, King the Rape of Thay, but none of her relatives are
Torastra, seeking funds from the Earl of Neph to aware of this.
raise a new army to reconquer Chybisa, made The baron's youngest sister, Amersyn, led a
Baron Ethasiel a vassal of Earl Melsen Curo. life of hedonism and debauchery in Tashal for
While this gained Torastra a good quantity of almost a decade. In 718, she found religion, and
gold, it was not enough to raise an army from was preparing to join the Church of Peoni as an
amongst barons tired of Torastra's campaigns. acolyte, when she was killed by a falling slate
Romlach died in 693, some say of his great shingle at the townhouse of Sir Danyes Bernan,
sorrow at the passing of his king and friend the Constable of Kyg.
Torastra. Romlach's son Wevran succeeded by
murdering his older brother Haran and hiding the
evidence. Wevran is a true despot, ruling Setrew
in a harsh and repressive manner.
Wevran is extremely ambitious, and has
offered support to Maldan Harabor in any civil
war that might result after Miginath's death in
hopes of promotion. Unfortunately, Wevran
lacks subtlety and is not highly trusted by

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

666 - 6933

607 - 667 Romlach
=645= (dns) 692 -
Derel Baragenf Wevran
617 - 683 668 (693)
Ketta =691= Apellaf
589 - 653 Jylael Girof 698 -
=607= 669 – 7011
Durvo Madael Celossf Ioin Indama
562 - 6203 588 - 639 612 - 672 Nerelinf
=584= =635= (dns) 700 -
Jayal Semosf Halynf
564 - 6203 614 - 680 Ranalas Tocaryn
670 -
=691= (dns)
Ursin Debtun Mylaelf
601 - 629 Derald 673 -
=618= (dns) 617 - 680
Alelaf =636= Romlach
602 - 676 Eilith Nimosf 640 (676) 693
617 - 686 =666= Thurylef
Halias Sosorf 675 - 7053
645 - 710

Jybraelf Torald 711 -
619 - 668 684 -
Brenilaf =702= Branal
650 - Jayal Synarthf 713 -
686 -
717 -

687 - 7183

Let Others Weep

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
established a trading post at Oselbridge has irked
the Baron somewhat.
Title: Baron of Kobe The Baron's only surviving child, Sir Prehil,
Hold: Kobing Keep is an alderman in Tashal, residing at the clan's
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor townhouse. He is married to Shyna Thaelbis, the
daughter of the Captain of the High Guard.
Clan Firith have held land in the area near The Baron's uncle, Garond, is the Serolan of
Kobing since before the time of Lothrim. They Wythia abbey. He is a man whose ability to rise
supported Fierth the Usurper in the Kaldoric within the church has been limited by his brutal
Civil War. They were Fierth and Uthred's main honesty. This is in spite of his excellent
enforcers during their brutal reign of 30 years. connections.
Upon Uthred's death in 406, Clan Firith could The Baron's sister, Lenera, has fared
see that they had no viable candidate for the considerably better. She is currently the Suloran
throne. In a gesture of shrewd humility, they at Caleme. Some think her better suited to the
offered to relinquish their gains and return to position of Obasaran due to her effectiveness at
their ancestral homes in exchange for a promise obtaining donations from visitors. Lenera's twin,
of protection to King Aidrik III. Serli, is married to Baron Ubael of Uldien.
Clan Firith proved to be loyal subjects of the The Baron's brother, Kymen, is bailiff of
House of Artane. In 441 King Aidrik IV, Quarlire manor. He also has the family trait of
granted the newly built Kobing keep and the ambition, heavily tempered by his cautious
Barony of Kobe to Sir Tharo Firith. Sir Oren reserve. While he is loyal to Orsin, should Sir
managed to maintain control of the keep during Osrin fall to the Pagaelin, (not wholly unlikely –
the Baronial Revolt, and, in 603, King Haldan I he has already lost an eye) Kymen would
confirmed Sir Oren as Baron of Kobe swearing certainly present himself as a candidate to the
allegiance directly to the king. succession council.
In 666, the last Baron Kephria of Setrew died The Baron's brother, Asorn, is Lord
with no heir. Baron Erpan had married Baron Advocate. He is a skilled litigant who works
Kephria's only daughter who had died in hard. He is also a man with an eye for
childbirth in 664. Queen Chelebin III, eager to opportunity. Intervening relatives limit his
prevent any squabble over the barony, arranged a upward mobility through inheritance, so he
marriage between Baron Erpan's son Jerin and focuses more on monetary gain.
Torastra's eldest daughter Lenera in exchange for The Baron's youngest sister, Sharosi, died in
allowing the barony to revert to the crown a Pagaelin ambush at age 14. Baron Firith loved
without protest. his baby sister, and his vigor in his campaigns is
Baron Erpan died at the Battle of Chelna Gap probably in no small part revenge for his sister's
and the barony became a ward of the crown until death.
Jerin's majority. As it turned out, Lenera and
Jerin were quite happy with each other, and
begat six children.
The current Baron, Osrin Firith, is an
energetic and ambitious man. In addition to his
barony, Sir Osrin is the Marshal of Oselmarch
and a nephew of the King of Kaldor. He has
campaigned vigorously against the Pagaelin and
has petitioned King Miginath to build a keep at
Oselbridge. This petition has been denied by the
king. The fact that the mercantyler's guild has

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

674 (715)
Brenlyn =697= Prehil
593 - 614 Jerin Lenyl Tasrinf 699 -
656 (672) 715 680 - 7031 =719=
Tarien Bastune =674= Shyna Thaelbisf
Lothor Meleken 634 - 688 Lenera Elendsaf Leneraf 700 -
591 - 646 =660= (dns) 656 - 719 676 -
=622= (dns) Brendynf
Sadynf 635 - 682 Karsin Ubael
598 – 6391 672 -
=699= (dns)
Erpan Serlif
Abrel Tesla 637 (663) 6722 676 -
597 - 664 =655=
Oren =624= (dns) Cerissa Kephriaf Kymen
574 (603) 636 Jyndaelf 637 – 6641 677 -
=592= 601 - 667 =697= Kymed
Mela Sorolisf Lessre Sharanisf 699 -
572 - 629 Ander Darquarn Ortis Merelis 680 - =717=
Godarn 644 - 658 - 709 Mrassel Ibalf
609 (636) 663 =662= (dns) =683= (dns) Asorn 700 -
=615= Apellaf Jyrissaf 678 -
Darsyn Ocazerf 643 - 710 662 - =700= Asorn
609 - 677 Alessa Erdisf 702 -
680 -
Adrin Kailian 664 - Sharosi
613 - 672 680 - 6943
= 637 = (dns)
614 - 697

And Shall the Heavens Yield

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
They are still considered heroes for their defense
of Grimruld hundred.
Title: Baron of Nenda The current Baron, Erelar Hirnen, is a
Hold: Nenda Keep nephew of the King of Kaldor. He is somewhat
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor dim and quite ill tempered. He is abusive to
everyone around him, most especially to his wife
Clan Hirnen has been important in the affairs Yrene. The advisory Mangai council in Nenda
along the Selene River at least since the union of was disbanded when Baron Erelar murdered one
Pagostra and Serelind. In 320 Aidrik I granted of the guildsmen over a minor insult.
Sir Amasin Hirnen permission to build the His son, Arlbis, is squired to Earl of Vemion
original keep at Nenda, then known as Habta at Minarsas and has recently married Prthena
Tower. Clan Hirnen have been Barons of Nenda Sothina. He hopes to return to Nenda a strong
ever since. knight and protect his mother from his father.
During the Kaldoric Civil War, Baron Pesera His daughter, Ithina, lives in Nenda. She
Hirnen supported his liege, the Earl Parlis of dreams of joining the church to avoid marriage
Pagostra, who in turn, supported King Aidrik II. like her mother's. She isn't terribly particular
For 15 years, battles were fought in the heartland about which church. Unfortunately, she has also
of Kaldor, though Vemionshire suffered little inherited her father's temper.
due to its isolated location. In 377, with the The Baron's brother, Tarkin, is Lord
support of his barons, Earl Parlis of Pagostra Chancellor of Kaldor. He is a capable man,
betrayed Aidrik II at the Battle of Kiban. Fierth whose legal skill is augmented by a remarkable
won the day, but Fierth, rather than showing level of detachment. He has no mistresses and
gratitude, had the Earl of Pagostra executed and rarely visits his brother in Nenda.
seized his lands. The Baron's cousin, Lyrela, is married to the
Baron Hirnen, shocked at this, considered brother of Baron Indama and resides at Shotryn
himself lucky to escape with his life. In 406, his manor with her husband and children. The
son, Baron Astiran Hirnen, enthusiastically Baron's uncle, Tokra, is Serolan of Erderem
supported the return of Aidrik III. Aidrik III abbey. His cousins, Ulstin and Braken, are
accepted Baron Hirnen's fealty on condition he bailiffs of Vayra and Talence manors
give up land to the newly appointed Earl of respectively. Their sister, Rosirena, is a Peonian
Vemion, Sir Kaery Hernal. priestess at Elesere manor.
Baron Hirnen accepted the terms, but
requested the king grant a license to repair Habta
Tower, which was falling into bad disrepair.
Aidrik III granted the license and permission to
establish a tollhouse to pay for the new keep.
During the Baronial Revolt, Baron Yoreth
Hirnen became an early supporter of Earl
Dariune of Kiban. In 601, Baron Yoreth was
killed in fighting near Getha. His successor,
Baron Ostis, continued his support for Earl
Dariune and when Earl Alessa Dariune
relinquished his claim in deference to Earl
Elendsa of Olokand, Baron Ostis followed suit.
In 699, Arvon and Kenin Hirnen died
repulsing a Gargun swarm just north of Nenda.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.
675 (704)
=700= Arlbis
Arlin Yrene Neresaf 702 -
652 (679) 704 681 - =719=
=675= Prtherela Sothinaf
Erelora Elendsaf Tarkin 703 -
Harak 659 - 716 679 -
622 (653) 679 Ithinaf
=643= 705 -
Lysnela Itisdarf Medrik Indama
624 – 6871 Erryl 678 -
655 - 706 =697= (dns)
=678= Lyrelaf Taral
Ebryn Oberenf 681 - 714 -
Nalosa 655 -
599 (632) 653 Ulstin
=621= Arvon Garas Losrath 683 - Erdaen
Erenila Indashaf 634 - 6692 655 - 694 =710= 716 -
602 - 660 =664= (dns) =674= (dns) Kanlyn Edielf
Ilias Arionf Erylaf 690 -
Ostis 648 - 658 - 718 Halyaf
574 (601) 632 718 -
=596= Tokra Brakan
Kapella Urbelf 662 - 685 -
577 - 623 =718=
Ambin Othila Dalya Aranagadf
663 - 686 -
Dordon Kenin =687= (dns)
607 - 676 638 - 6692 Berellaf Rosirenaf
=639= (dns) 665 - 687 -
Cerissa Enagedf
615 – 673

The Swift Wit Takes All

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Harapa has married a niece of the king, Udine,
and their young children have a nominal claim to
Title: Baron of Getha the throne, though neither child has expressed
Hold: Getha Keep much interest yet.
Liege: Earl Dariune of Balim Chimin’s second son, Haradoc, serves as the
bailiff of Fethael hundred holding Hundholt
Clan Indama has been prominent in the manor. Haradoc is always trying to prove to be
affairs of Kaldor since the time of the Kingdom the better son to his father, and cares little for the
of Serelind. They have held the Barony of Getha consequences of his actions.
since a keep was constructed in 240. During the Chimin’s daughter, Lysella, is approaching
Kaldoric Civil War, Clan Indama backed Aidrik marriageable age. She is an incorrigible flirt,
II. In 372, Getha keep was besieged by Fierth’s and Baron Chimin is actively seeking a good
forces for nearly three months and suffered political match for her before her actions go any
heavy damage before relief arrived from further. He thinks Urian Caldeth, son of the Earl
Gardiren. The remainder of Clan Indama lived of Vemion, is an excellent candidate.
in Gardiren until the restoration of Aidrik III. Clan Indama has good relations with the
When Aidrik III was restored to the throne in church of Larani, and have for many years.
407, Clan Indama was restored to their positions Chimin’s uncle, Parga, was the Laranian Rekela
as Barons of Getha swearing allegiance to the of Nurez at Abriel Abbey until his death 6 years
Earl of Neph. Funds were provided to rebuild ago. Chimin’s bastard brother, Luisan Kelic, is
Getha keep, which was completed in 440 after a the Reblena of Jenkald.
fire in 437. Chimin's brother Baltora is bailiff of
During the Baronial Revolt, Clan Indama Dobraine hundred, holding Assintina manor.
supported the claim of Clan Elendsa. Getha He is quite proud of his sons Rheal and Taryn,
keep was besieged again in the spring of 601. who are bailiffs of Tirachane and Sezaze manors
The ongoing war had greatly diminished the respectively.
food stocks in the keep, and the defenders Chimin's youngest brother, Medrik, married
quickly ran short of rations. After 4 months, the Lysella Hirnen, a cousin of Baron Erelar Hirnen.
keep fell in an assault during which most of Clan He has obtained an appointment as bailiff of
Indama died. Navintas hundred in Nephshire, holding Blikle
Young Moren Indama, who had been in manor. His sons Sedris and Laris are bailiffs of
Olokand at the time of the siege, succeeded as Blixth and Kirden manors respectively.
Baron and was restored to his barony when
Haldan Elendsa was crowned King of Kaldor in
603. In 619, Baron Moren died and the barony
was became a ward of the crown until the
majority of Moren’s only son, Ioin, aged 7.
Upon reaching his majority, Ioin proved to be a
loyal vassal and able administrator. He was
made Sheriff of Nephshire in 642, and this
position has been granted to his heirs as well.
The current baron, Chimin Indama, is
married to the sister of Earl Curo of Neph. At
45, he is beginning to slow down in middle age
from an active youth. Never much for estate
management, he has delegated his duties as
Sheriff to his oldest son and heir, Harapa.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Harapa Dosyl
698 - 718 -
Udine Elendsaf
699 - Halenef
Lanas Morhun 719 -
612 - 673
=638= (dns) Lymria Klady Haradoc
Lyrelaf 644 - 706 699 -
611 - 693 == Luisan Kelic =719=
Lors Indama 675 - Balsha Valadorf
636 (672) 708 701 -
=670= Chimin
Evlina Ubaelf 674 (708)
644 - 712 =697= Lysellaf
Myrtis Curof 704 -
679 -

Baltora Rhael
Moren 676 - 698 -
578 (601) 619 =698=
=603= Ioin Ersyn Xartonf
Lena Kepriaf 612 (633) 672 679 - Taryn
584 - 627 =635= Parga 699 -
Halyn Ethasielf 646 - 714
614 - 680
Medrik Sedris
678 - 697 -
Lyrela Hirnenf
681 - Laris
699 -

Never Hindmost

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
adventure' and has absolutely refused to allow
him to take any of their children.
Title: Baron of Yeged Their oldest child, Keleren, is a precocious
Hold: Yeged Keep youngster who delights in the fantastic tales told
Liege: Earl Curo of Neph by visiting thespians. Lady Urila has brought in
a tutor to ensure Keleren masters his letters and
Clan Londel originally resided near Pendeth. numbers, but is often disturbed by his fondness
During the Baronial Revolt, Keler Londel served for stories and prays that he will grow out of it.
Earl Kalasen Curo well as a yeoman and was Sir Churus' mother, Lady Quinilla, lives at
knighted for his fine leadership. After the Cellabe manor. She is the sister of Baron Kisan
Baronial Revolt, development of lands allowed Tesla of Esenor. Sir Churus dreads her visits,
Earl Kalasen Curo to grant Faeserol manor to Sir which inevitably mean a litany of criticisms of
Keler. Sir Churus' mistakes and general languor.
In 673 at the Battle of Ramala, Sir Dronn Curiously, Lady Urila gets along reasonably well
Londel led a feint that drew the Thardic reserve. with Lady Quinilla. This may be due to general
Some witnesses question whether Sir Dronn agreement concerning Sir Churus' faults.
knew he was leading a feint given the ferocity of The entire family deeply misses Sir Churus'
the charge and how long he maintained his brother, Vuris, who died last year of a wasting
position before withdrawing. disease. A quiet and considerate man, Lady
For this exemplary service, King Torastra Quinilla has remarked on more than one
requested that Sir Dronn be made the Baron of occasion that he would have made a better baron
Yeged or Pendeth. Earl Melsen Curo agreed and than Sir Churus.
in 674 Sir Dronn was elevated to Baron Dronn Sir Masan, Sir Churus' cousin once removed,
Londel of Yeged. is the Reblena of the Kibyn chapterhouse of the
Yeged keep is in bad shape and it is getting Lady of Paladins. Sir Churus has only met his
worse. Several parts of the cellar have collapsed cousin on a couple of occasions over the years.
and flooded. None of the Barons of Yeged have
seen fit to expend the substantial effort needed to
repair the keep.
Sir Churus Londel is the current Baron of
Yeged. Sir Churus is regarded by many a
foolish romantic. He is definitely a patron of the
arts. Instead of concentrating on management of
his estates and repairing Yeged keep, he spends
his time on musical composition and enjoying
the performance of various visiting thespians.
Sir Churus would also like to spend time
traveling. Currently, he seeks to travel north to
Orbaal via Noron's Way, strangely believing
Noron is a patron of the arts. His fondest dream
is to travel to Evael.
Sir Churus' wife, Lady Urila, is a cousin of
the Baron of Tonot. In practice, she manages the
barony. She has remarkable political acumen
and has supported Earl Curo for years. She has
adamantly opposed her husband's 'foolish

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Arlyn Ercamber Akain Keleren

619 - 675 664 (691) 711 712 -
=656= (dns) =682= Churus
Jymriaf Quinila Teslaf 683 (711)
627 - 697 666 - =707= Pellaf
Urila Pierstelf 718 -
Angan 685 -
586 - 644
=620= Asord
Fairena Ertanerf 719 -
594 - 653
Palon Delwin Vuris
Dronn 678 - 692 - 719
631 (674) 691 =697= (dns) =716=
=655= Barsif Mysena Curof
Nayas Kraself 672 - 696 698 -
632 - 694

667 -
636 - 707
Selkea Doulzarnf Derant Asanda
643 - 687 679 -
=665= (dns)
686 -

The Right Prevail

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Sedris' mother, Pelael, died unexpectedly
early last winter of pneumonia. Some say she
Title: Earl of Osel died of worrying about her son, though her death
Hold: Qualdris Castle, Heru Keep was hardly unusual in Oselshire last winter. She
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor was the sister of Baron Bastune of Kolorn.
If Earl Sedris does not return, it will mean
Originally from Chybisa, clan Meleken the end of twelve generations of direct descent,
moved to Kaldor with the restoration of Aidrik father to son. One of his cousins will likely
III in 406. In Chybisa, Sir Arvan Meleken was a succeed to the Earldom.
good friend of Andarik Tane, living in exile Sir Rayald, the bailiff of Rythal manor, is
during the reign of Uthred in Kaldor. When already plying Sir Kodar Maradyne, the acting
Andarik was offered the throne of Kaldor, he sheriff of Oselshire, with gifts and advice. Sir
made Sir Arvan the Earl of Osel with the job of Rayald's eldest son, Sir Baran, is the bailiff of
ensuring that the lands around Qualdris provided Serifon manor and a strong supporter of the
no further trouble. Many knights from Chybisa policies of Baron Osrin Firith. Sir Rayald's next
were granted fiefs near Qualdris by Earl Arvan son, Kalir, is a squire at Inbernel manor.
and retain their holdings to this day. Sir Alarain is the bailiff of Altdel manor. He
During the Baronial Revolt, Earl Yorald has paid a high price for youthful indiscretion.
Meleken pursued his claim to the throne of Thirty years ago, his wife, Eilith, found out
Kaldor with some enthusiasm. For three years, about an affair. Sir Alarain was banished from
Clan Meleken gradually lost men and land to the her bed for over a decade. Over time she forgave
forces of Earl Alessa Dariune of Balim. In 602, him, but unknown to all Sir Alarain contracted
he bowed to the inevitable and withdrew his syphilis during the affair. Now, Sir Alarain is in
claim to the throne. the late stages and has severe knee pains and
When Earl Dariune proposed Earl Haldan wild mood swings. Their daughter, Lenia, has
Elendsa for the crown in the following year, Earl married Arwyn Elorieth, the heir to the Baron of
Yorald enthusiastically gave his support, since it Nubeth.
would mean that Earl Dariune would not claim
the throne. Earl Yorald was permitted to retain
his title and lands, but was left with a single
vassal baron, Baron Elorieth of Nubeth, and
Heru keep near Tashal.
The current Earl, Sedris Meleken, is 27 years
old and is widely considered to be an honest,
honorable man. He has been missing for several
months after leaving Qualdris to pursue a
murderer. This is of grave concern to many,
most especially his wife Thilisa. Unfortunately,
she has become the object of attention for many
unscrupulous suitors. Thus far, she has remained
faithful to her husband.
Lady Thilisa is the daughter of the Earl of
Vemion. She is a true daughter of her father,
inheriting his skill in estate management and eye
for detail. Acting as her husband's chancellor,
she has increased the revenue of their estates in
the two years she has resided in Qualdris.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

591 (627) 646
=682= Athan
Sadyn Firithf 629 (646) 689
598 - 6391 =659= Adar
Debrael Chelyaf 660 (689) 713
642 - 675 =686= Sedris
Pelael Bastunef 692 (713)
664 - 719 =717=
Irdan Ubael Thilisa Caldethf
Yorald 631 – 6732 696 -
536 (558) 612 =651= (dns)
=560= Weril Debrynf
Alael Dassf 561 (612) 627 633 - 697 Baran
541 - 564 =590= Rayald 691 -
Cerissa Kainanf 670 - =707=
567 - 6121 =690= Melyn Eldaranf
Charal Darissa Rythalf 692 -
Coril 635 - 688 670 -
596 - 660 =668=
=625= (dns) Evadia Bartynf Rakal Serathid
Mylael Wyantf 641 - 676 680 -
599 - 641 =719=
696 -

701 -

706 -

713 -

Arwyn Elorieth
685 -
=706= (dns)
690 -

672 - Jartil
=690= 707 -
Eilith Lavalgenf
671 -
710 -
Eril Loyril
672 -
=693= (dns)
675 -

My Shield Is Honor

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Hemison Curo, but gets almost no help from his
family. He may become a pawn in Earl Curo’s
Title: Baron of Tonot machinations if he is not careful.
Hold: Tonot Keep Baron Uthris’ daughter, Iana, is very similar
Liege: Earl Dariune of Balim to her father in temperament, despite the best
efforts of Lady Adel to moderate her daughter’s
Clan Pierstel rose to prominence after the behavior. Some among the servants are already
Kaldoric Civil War. As a loyal vassal of Clan dreading her adolescent years.
Dariune, Sir Kalib Pierstel was granted lands Baron Uthris’ sister, Olena, is married to his
near Kiban. liege, Earl Troda Dariune. Baron Uthris does
During the Baronial Revolt, Constable Taran not get along with his liege due to his
Pierstel was killed during the siege of Tonot indifference to the management of his estates. In
keep in 600, which fell to the forces of Earl contrast, Baron Uthris gets along very well with
Curo. His son, Amirel, continued to loyally his nephew Scina, Earl Dariune’s heir, who is a
serve Earl Dariune, instigating uprisings around frequent visitor to Tonot for feasts and hunting.
Tonot among loyal retainers and peasants in 601 Baron Uthris’ only living cousin on his
and 602. When Haldan Elendsa was crowned father’s side, Urila, is married to Baron Churus
King of Kaldor, Tonot keep was granted to Sir Londel. Baron Uthris cannot stand Baron
Amirel Pierstel as a barony swearing allegiance Londel, whom he refers to as a 'foppish manure
to the Earl of Balim. hauler' during his polite moments. He has
Baron Amirel’s second son, Jonil, entered already offered to squire young Keleren Londel
the Church of Larani, and by 633 had succeeded to make sure he has the opportunity ‘to be a
to the post of Rekela of Nurez, holding Abriel man.’
Abbey. When his elder brother, Taran, died of
an infection later that year, Jonil decided to
remain in the church and let the Barony pass to
his younger brother, Barad.
Derlyla Pierstel followed her uncle’s
footsteps into the Church of Larani, but only rose
to the position of Suloran of the temple in
The current Baron, Sir Uthris, is fond of
hunting, fighting, food, drink and women. He is
very popular with his soldiers. The management
of his estates is left primarily to his wife Adel.
Lady Adel is a reasonably competent
administrator, but is limited by the fact that
Baron Uthris retains the power of the purse and
keeps the privy purse to himself. The Baron’s
soldiers are quite loyal and would quickly report
any unusual income or expenditures.
The Baron’s sons, Barryn and Retel are
squires at Wharyn manor and Gardiren castle
respectively. Barryn is a hard working, loyal
son, who is torn between his mother and his
father. He will soon be knighted. Retel is
gaining valuable political lessons from Earl

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Kirran Powdon
587 - 653 Barryn
=610= (dns) Uthris 700 -
Elynf 674 (705)
592 - 666 Brudel =699=
644 (688) 705 Adel Aralsinf Retel
=673= 680 - 702 -
Taran Peryn Frykalf
596 - 633 653 - 702
Troda Dariune Ianaf
673 - 711 -
Derlylaf =697= (dns)
Jonil 648 - 715 Olenaf
598 - 670 677 -
574 (603) 646
=591= Ernin Drebel
Querila Meralf 679 - 710
575 - 642 Barad =702= (dns)
605 (646) 688 Lymrilaf
=640= Orel 680 - 704
Erela Habackf 657 - 686
613 - 6841 =679=
Elael Towsonf Tymosa
661 - 716 682 - 712

Harad Xalaker
605 - 647 Churus Londel
=642= (dns) 683 -
Feyaf =707= (dns)
615 - 656 Urilaf
685 -

Lasin Walrin
616 - 681
=635= (dns)
617 - 683

But One Path

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Dariune, whom he gets along with very well. He
is also the uncle of Baron Londel and
Title: Baron of Esenor manipulates his nephew.
Hold: Esenor Keep Baron Kisan is not nearly so successful in his
Liege: Earl Curo of Neph personal relations. He married a young Maid
Orella Curo, daughter of his liege Earl Curo, as
Clan Tesla were the original lords of Esenor an excellent political move. An impressionable
keep built in 285, having been prominent in the 13 year old, Maid Orella was seeking to be free
region since before the time of Lothrim. of her father's household. She was charmed by
During the Kaldoric Civil War, Baron Agrin the smooth talking Baron.
Tesla was a strong supporter of Aidrik II. When Since then, she has come to realize her
Aidrik II was betrayed, Baron Agrin abandoned husband merely saw her as a means to an end.
his lord on the battlefield and escaped with his After 16 years of stormy marriage, Lady Orella
family to Gardiren. During the reign of the finally moved out and took up residence at
House of Orgael, Clan Tesla served Clan Curo. Tisbury manor as the bailiff – having the Earl as
Upon the restoration of Aidrik III, Baron one's father has some advantages. She also took
Agrin's son, Sir Lanast petitioned to have Clan along her two daughters, determined that they
Tesla's land returned to them. Aidrik III turned will not be so used.
down the request, citing his father's 'cowardice' Lady Orella has, over the years, poisoned her
and granted the keep to Clan Meleken. daughter's minds against their father. To be fair,
Sir Lanast was granted lands by Earl Curo Baron Kisan has done little to supply any
for his service during the trying times of Fierth evidence that he will arrange anything but a
and Uthred's rule. Clan Tesla served the Earls of politically advantageous marriage. Both dread
Neph faithfully for the next 200 years. the prospect of such a marriage.
During the Baronial Revolt, Sir Tremyn Melia, the older daughter, seeks to avoid
Tesla, mindful of his family's heritage, suggested marriage altogether by being a devout Laranian.
and gained permission for a surprise raid on This seems unlikely to succeed based on the fate
Esenor in 601 while the lord of Esenor, Baron of her grandmother, Lady Meliara Curo, but
Torien, was in the field with his liege, Earl Melia studies hard with the local priest.
Meleken. Kiesa, the younger daughter, seeks a
It is rumored that Sir Tremyn gained entry to different escape, flirting recklessly with any
the keep by claiming to have valuable seemingly suitable noble or knight. Knowing
information concerning the forces of Earl how this might turn out, Lady Orella ensures a
Dariune who was a common opponent of both very stern chaperone escorts Kiesa everywhere.
Earl Meleken and Earl Curo. Sir Tremyn
maintained for the rest of his life that entry to the
keep was by force of arms and surprise and no
subterfuge was used. In any case, none of the
keep's defenders survived the raid.
When Haldan succeeded to the throne of
Kaldor, Clan Torien was no more, and Esenor
keep was made the domain of Sir Tremyn,
swearing allegiance to Earl Curo.
The current Baron, Kisan Tesla, is a shrewd
negotiator and intriguer. He is well connected to
important people in the royal court and Church
of Larani. He is the cousin of Rekela Tyrnal

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

633 - 699 Akain Londel
664 - 711
=682= (dns)
Pirgal 666 -
Tremyn 636 (664) 700
567 (588) 632 =663=
=591= Abrel Celdyn Foreasf
Jayal Tonanf 597 (632) 664 638 - 678 Kisan Meliaf
569 - 5993 =625= 671 (700) 704 -
Jyndael Firithf =702=
601 - 667 Orella Curof
Virin Dariune 689 - Kiesaf
648 - 706 -
=668= (dns)
649 - 703

Waste Not the Second Chance

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
Colonia has returned to Vemionshire, and her
sons are knights of Larani at Myshtas manor by
Title: Baron of Uldien arrangement of Earl Caldeth. Belsin now lives
Hold: Uldien Keep in Thay preparing for a journey to far off
Liege: Earl Dariune of Balim Anzeloria.
Indial Ubael is the bailiff of Trelid Manor.
Clan Ubael were supporters of Fierth during He spends an inordinate amount of time trying to
the Kaldoric Civil War. Upon the successful find out what happened to his uncle, Baron
defeat of Aidrik II, Sir Remnar Ubael was a Konin, 11 years ago. The Baron left Uldien keep
vassal, swearing allegiance to Earl Qywald one morning with two companions armed for
Dariune of Kiban. Forty years later, Sir Ubael battle. They did not say where they were going
followed the lead of his liege and welcomed the and did not return. The Baron was found dead a
restoration of Aidrik III, retaining his manorial month later without possessions. Neither
lands and status. companion was ever seen again.
During the Baronial Revolt, Clan Ubael Badil Ubael died of wounds suffered in a
served Earl Alessa Dariune faithfully. Sir Basca Kath ambush, while Alven Ubael died of the
Ubael was rewarded with the Barony of Uldien, pox. Both their wives and children reside in
captured from the Earl of Osel, swearing Uldien at the Baron’s expense.
allegiance to Earl Dariune of Balim. Jethris Ubael resides in Tashal as the Royal
The current Baron, Karsin Ubael, is married Master of Squires. After seeing his brother Badil
to Lady Serli Firith, sister to the Baron of Kobe die in a Kath ambush, Jethris is reluctant to
and niece of King Miginath. He is a devoted travel outside of Tashal without adequate
family man, taking great pride in his children protection. That protection is readily provided
and seeing to the needs of his various cousins. by the king’s guard when Jethris travels as part
He gets along notably well with the king and his of the royal entourage. He does a fine job with
liege, Earl Troda Dariune. the squires, weeding out those youngsters who
Lady Serli is an active participant in the are destined to be troublemakers and favoring
management of the clan's estates, some might those willing to work hard and learn.
suggest too active. Something of a busybody,
she will often work herself to exhaustion over a
project or event.
The Baron has a daughter, Maid Serli, and a
son, Karsin, aged 15 and 13 respectively. Maid
Serli is a somewhat ambitious, strong minded
girl. Noting that she is related to too many of
Kaldor’s nobles, she wishes to travel to
Melderyn to find a suitable husband. Her
brother Karsin is quieter, almost painfully shy,
though when he is drawn out he is a notably
keen observer and has a sharp wit.
Baron Karsin’s younger brother, Belsin, is a
noted explorer. In 717, he was shipwrecked
traveling to the Venarian Sea. His cousin, Ferin,
died in the shipwreck. Ferin’s wife, Colonia,
remains quite bitter about Ferin’s death. Since
Colonia is also the sister of the Earl of Vemion,
this has caused a small rift with Clan Caldeth.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Karsin Serlif
Irdan 672 (709) 704 -
Garan 631 - 6732 =699=
604 (645) 685 =651= Konin Serli Firithf
Basca =630= Debryn Melekenf 652 (685) 709 676 - Karsin
580 (602) 645 Jayal Radavernf 633 - 697 =671= 706 -
=603= 608 - 646 Erenila Aracarasf
Bela Verdrethf 655 - 710 Selin Kobarney
579 - 637 Irbis Henestal 663 -
632 - 687 =707= (dns)
=653= (dns) Indaf
Lyciaf Falawnf 682 -
636 - 681 668 - 702
606 - 673 Belsin
=629= Gryan 689 -
Annila Capelf 641 - 694 Ferin
607 - 655 =674= (dns) 693 -
Lybrel Radavernf Ferin
650 - 707 Ulvin 671 - 717
653 - 716 =692= Celed
Lirdal Blaundar =670= Colenia Caldethf 696 -
619 - 646 Lors Indama Quinila Dolastarf 673 -
=645= (dns) 636 - 708 654 - 719
Dymriaf =670= (dns) Merenf
621 - 686 Evlinaf Indial 706 -
644 - 712 676 -
=705= Erdis
Darsi Pulgartyf 711 -
Mernesaf 679 -
650 - 668 Apellynf
718 -
680 - 704

Badil 708 -
685 - 7113
=707= Vard
Penlael Charionf 710 -
687 -

Jethris 709 -
686 -
=708= Serant
Julenia Faleshf 712 -
688 -
719 -
688 - 718
=717= Lindynf
Eryn Larakaf 718 -
696 -

Tonan Yaronne
677 -
=714= (dns)
697 -

To The Final Drop of Blood

Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld
capable baron and few take him for the fool he
pretends to be. Baron Tarmas' wife, Evadia, is
Title: Baron of Ternua an intelligent woman who is not afraid of taking
Hold: Ternua Keep risks. In 708 she nearly paid with her life when
Liege: King Miginath of Kaldor she traveled to Thay with a minimal bodyguard
that was barely able to fend off a Gargun attack
Clan Verdreth comes from old Jarin stock in the Anadel Mountains.
and have been important in affairs around Their oldest daughter, Ieara, is married to
Ternua since before the time of Lothrim. They Meden Curo, heir to the Earl of Neph. She is a
value education and wisdom, being renowned for somewhat fragile but thoughtful woman. She is
their knowledge as well as their lordship. They pregnant with their second child – the first was
have also been allies of Clan Curo for hundreds stillborn.
of years. Sir Anzarn, the Baron's only son, is a
During the Kaldoric Civil War, Baron Danya headstrong young man who seeks the return of
Verdreth supported Aidrik II and perished when Clan Verdreth to the respected position it held
his liege was betrayed. The Baron’s son, Kanu under the rule of House Artane, as does his
Verdreth, accompanied Aidrik III into exile and, father. They seek to play the role of kingmaker
being of similar age, became good friends during upon the death of King Miginath. It remains to
their years of exile. When Aidrik III was be seen if their reach exceeds their grasp.
restored to the throne of Kaldor, he restored Lady Elana is married to Tulath Kaphin, the
Ternua to Sir Kanu and made him a direct vassal youngest bastard son of King Miginath and the
of the crown of Kaldor. Sheriff of Vemionshire. She is quite fond of her
During the Baronial Revolt, Tygrain husband in spite of the concerns Baron Tarmas
Verdreth had a claim to the throne, but quickly has about, 'the lad's shallowness'.
realized he did not have the strength to pursue Evlena is the Baron's youngest child. She is
his own claim. Instead, he backed Earl Kalasen a very bright young lady who the Baron wishes
Curo. His wife, Falagra, was killed in a raid by would just choose a path for her life. Every day,
the forces of Earl Meleken in 602. In 603, Earl she has a new fascination, be it religion,
Curo bowed to the strength of Earl Haldan astrology, herbalism or the miller's son.
Elendsa and Baron Tygrain Verdreth swore Baron Tarmas' mother, Lady Besnia, was
fealty to the new King of Kaldor. stricken with leprosy two years ago, and has
Clan Verdreth has not fared as well under the retired to the Peonian abbey at Erone. She lives
leadership of the House of Elendsa as they had there quietly reading. The baron is quite devoted
under the House of Artane, who always valued to his mother and gives generously to the abbey.
the counsel of Clan Verdreth as respected
scholars and churchmen. The Clan Verdreth
tradition of producing respected scholars and
churchmen has continued to this day.
Cymadin Verdreth was a Rwanti of Save
K'nor. Lyrial Verdreth was Rekela of Pagostra
at Ledyne abbey. Shekel Verdreth was an
astrologer. Finally, Derwen Verdreth is the
current Royal Master of Esoterica and a Lyahvi
Shek P'var.
The current Baron, Tarmas, is a corpulent
man notorious for his crude and boorish
manners. Despite this appearance, he is a

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Basca Ubael
580 - 645
=603= (dns)
579 - 637 Tetrin Rytakern Meden Curo
634 - 665 688 -
=659= (dns) =715=
Lebelaf Iearaf
Tygrain Umin 636 - 685 693 -
552 (587) 622 582 (622) 637
=575= =605= Jalyn
Falagra Astenf Nerelin Bastunef 605 (637) 651
553 - 6023 587 - 651 =629= Shekal Anzarn
Erenela Brionf 645 - 676 694 -
610 (651) 684 Tarmas
675 (693)
Cymadynf =693= Tulath Kaphin
592 - 644 Endel Napaldy Evadia Quarnef 696 -
599 - 660 Jordi 674 - =718= (dns)
=633= (dns) 647 (668) 682 Elanaf
Salynf =673= 699 -
608 - 675 Besnia Arwatf Derwenf
653 (682) 676 -
Lyrialf 705 -
611 - 662 Rindan Caldeth
678 -
=699= (dns)
679 - 716


Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

Text and Family Trees by Jonathan Nicholas The following sources also provided material:
Abriel Abbey by J. Patrick McDonald
Heraldry by C. I. Kocher Athelren by Patrick Nilsson
Charmic Manor by Kerry Mould
Contributors: Caldeth Townhouse by Kerry Mould
Joe Adams Earl's Progress by Kerry Mould
Edward Barach Erone Abbey by Kerry Mould
Daniel Bell Getha by Joe Adams
Kerry Mould Jedes by Neil Thompson
Matt Roegner Lady of Paladins by Kerry Mould
Neil Thompson Kiban published by Columbia Games Inc.
Kobing by Dave Debien
Clan Caldeth derived from Minarsas published Kolorn by Patrick Nilsson
by Columbia Games Inc. Melderyn published by Columbia Games
Clan Curo derived from Gardiren published by Nenda by Peter Leitch, et al.
Columbia Games Inc. Qualdris published by Columbia Games Inc.
Setrew by Patrick Nilsson
Clan Elendsa derived from Kaldor published by Son of Cities published by Columbia Games
Columbia Games Inc. Inc.
Tashal published by Columbia Games Inc.
Clan Indama derived from The Clan Indama by Tonot by J. Patrick McDonald, et al.
Joe Adams Whyce by Kerry Mould

All other material derived primarily from Kaldor In addition, almost all of the various pieces of
published by Columbia Games Inc. Hârnic canon and fanon, too numerous to
mention here, were read through to make sure
they contained no references to any members of
the Kaldoric Greatclans.

HârnWorld Copyright 2007 Jonathan Nicholas, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

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