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modul bahasa inggris Modul Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :
Sri Yuliani M.,S.Pd.,M.Pd


Meeting I : Self Introduction and Others
Self introduction adalah memperkenalkan diri kita dalam bahasa Inggris kepada orang lain dengan
menggunakan kalimat dan ungkapan yang benar sehingga orang lain dapat mengenal diri kita
secara lebih dekat dan lebih baik dari sebelumnnya.
Sementara, introducing other adalah memperkenalkan orang lain (teman, sahabat, rekan kerja,
kolega, ayah, ibu, dan yang lainnya) dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan kalimat dan
ungkapan yang benar sehingga baik yang kita perkenalkan maupun orang yang mendengarnya
dapat mengetahui gambaran seperti apa sebenarnya orang yang kita perkenalkan tersebut.

Contoh Teks Introducing Ourselves and other

Introducing ourself

Hi, guys! Let me introduce myself.

My name is Robby Han. My nickname is Robby. I am a student of Plus Senior High School. I was
born in Pekanbaru, fifteen in March 2006. I have two brothers and one sister. I am the youngest in
my family. I live on Karya Labersa Street Number 10 Pekanbaru. My hobby is listening to music
and playing basketball. I like music because by listening to music I can get some inspiration. My
favorite color is blue. I like the blue color because blue is humble. My favorite food is spicy food
because I grew up in Indonesia one of the tropical countries in the world. My favorite drink is
orange juice. My favorite vegetable is a carrot. My favorite fruit is mango. My favorite book is a
scientific book. My favorite singer is Pasha Ungu. My favorite song is Rasa Yang tertinggal. My
favorite movie star is Van Dame. My favorite film is an action film.

Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please welcome!

Text 2 Introducing Our Selves

Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in front of you.

My name is Faiz Rizqi Aji. I was born in Bandung on 26 July 1993. now I live in Garut. Right
now, I stayed at my aunt’s house. Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that
smell adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spending my free time doing
nothing. Okay now about me and my family, I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister,
and she is a high school student. My father is a Police which is named Endang Kurnia. While my
mother is a housewife. I love my family more than anything.

Well, that is my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you.

Text 3 Introducing Our Selves

Good morning, class. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sisilia Nabila. You can call me Nabila.
I am thirteen years old. I study at SMPN 7 Padang. I live on Imam Bonjol Street no. 13, Padang. I
have no sisters and one brother. I am the oldest in my family. I like reading and watching the
cinema. My favorite color is green. My future ambition is Doctor. I want to be a doctor because I
can help other people to cure them. I want to continue my study in SMAN 1 Padang when I have
graduated from my school now. I wish I could achieve a better future later.

I think that’s enough for me. Thank you.

Introducing Others

Hi, class! Let me introduce the new students in this class. His name is Tom Walker. His nickname
is Walker. He was born in Seattle, on 16 April 2005. He is here, because his father became an
ambassador in Indonesia. His hobby is reading scientific book and swimming. His favorite food is
fried chicken. His favorite drink is fresh water. He wants to be in the army. His favorite film is
adventuring. His Favorite song is Californication.

I think that’s enough. If you have questions about him, he will answer happily. Thank you!

E. Contoh Percakapan Introducing Self and Other

Conversation I :
Bryan : Good afternoon, mom. I have new friend in my math class.
Mom : Good afternoon, my son. Who is she? And where does she live?
Bryan : She is my classmate. Her name is Marta. She live at Thamrin Street Number 4. Marta,
this is my mother.
Marta : Nice to meet you, mom.
Mother : Nice to meet you too, Marta.

Conversation 2:
Sisilia : Excuse me. If I am not mistaken. I don’t think we have met before, Sisilia Margareth
Carolina : That’s true. This the first time we meet each other. Hello. I’m Carol. I am your new
Sisilia : What a surprise! Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you?
Carolina : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies.
Sisilia : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Carol. See you soon
Carolina : Nice to know you too Sisilia. Keeping in touch. Thank you.

Conversation 3
Juan : That’s Prian Pratama. My new manager. Do you know him?
Rizal : No, I don’t.
Prian : Hello, Rizal. How are you doing? Is everything alright?
Rizal : Hello, Prian. I'm fine thank you.
Prian : Nice to meet you Rizal.
Rizal : I am pleased to meet you too, Prian.
Juan : Thank you Rizal and thank you Prian. We are pleased to know each other.

Conversation 4
Today is the commemoration of National Education Day. Every province in Indonesia sends
their representatives to attend outstBuding students gathering in Jakarta.
Rony : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I study at SMAN 10 Jakarta.
Edi : Hi, I’m Edi, I’m from Papua. Nice to meet you.
Rony : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd.
Edi and Rony go to the crowd and they meet a girl.
Ita : Hi, Rony. How are you?
Rony : I’m fine. How about you?
Ita : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Rony : Elvi, this is Edi, my new friend.
Edi : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Ita : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Edi : By the way, what is your hobby?
Ita : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking.

Conversation 5
Tina : Hi, Dido, nice to meet you again after long holiday.
Dido : Hello. Tina, nice to meet you too.
Tina : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday?
Dido : Well. I went to Bali. It’s a wonderful place withbeautiful beaches and sceneries.
Tina : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there?
Dido : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great
there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played football and sand with my brother.
Tina : What else did you do there?
Dido : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a great
experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there.
Tina : What did you do before you left Bali?
Dido : On the last day, I went to the merchBudise shops and bought some stuffs there. I bought
shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy a surfing board
because it was too expensive.
Tina : Well, it’s nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday.

Conversation 6
Andi : Hello. I’m Sasha.
Beni : Hi Sasha. I’m Brent. (hold out hand to shake)
Andi : Nice to meet you Brent. Where are you from?
Beni : Chicago, Illinois. And you?
Andi : I’m from Australia. I live in a small town near Sydney.
Beni : Australia. Wow. I’ve always wanted to go there. How long have you been in Canada?
Aandi: I just arrived this week. It’s my first day of school.
Beni : Really? I think you’ll love Vancouver. It’s not too hot and not too cold.

F. Contoh Soal Introducing Self and Other

A. Choose a, b, c, d or e to complete/answer the questions!

The following text is used to answer questions 1-5!

There are a large number of people in Hotel Armico. They are-attending-the opening ceremony
of One-Day Seminar on Business. They are now at the meeting room. The man at the podium is
the president of the seminar. His name is Mr Doni Juanda. He is from Bandung. The people
beside him are the main speakers who would like to make a speech in the seminar.

At first Mr. Doni says: Ladies and Gentlemen, well, to shorten the time allow me here to
introduce on my right is Mr. Dadi Permadi, he is an expert in economics, from Jakarta. On my
left is Mr. Darmawan, he is an economics lecturer at the STIE Bandung. From the far right is Mr
Sumantri, he is a skillful and successful-businessman in Indonesia, and from the far letf is Mrs.
Susilawati she is a company director of PT HUTAMA DORAYA in Surabaya. They are all
qualified speakers and good at business.

All of the participants are on their seats. Mrs. Lusi is among them. Her seat is in front of the po-
dium. On her right side is Mr. Surya. He is from Solo. All the people are silent. They are paying
attention to the speakers concentratedly.

1. What sort of ceremony are they attending?

a. Special meeting
b. General meeting
c. Successful businessman
d. One Day Seminar on Business
e. Flag ceremony

2 The text tells us that the man at the podium is

a. the committee of the seminar
b. the expert of economics
c. the president of the seminar
d. the participants of the meeting
e. the speakers of the meeting

3. The main idea of the second paragraph is....

a. an expert in business
b. introducing oneself
c. introducing other people
d. qualified speakers
e. ladies and gentlemen

3. He is from Bandung (paragraph 1, line 6). The underlined words here refers to ....
a. Mr. Darmawan
b. Mr. Sumantry
c. Mr. Dadi
d. Mr. Dadi
e. Mr. Doni

4. In accordance with the text above Mr. Dadi is an ... in economics.

a. applicant
b. costumer
c. user
d. lecturer
e. expert

5. They are all qualified speakers and good at business.

The underlined word means ....
a. being equipped by training
b. be equipped
c. be qualmed
d. be supplied
e. be applied

6. Monik is a new member of Rotary Club. She introduces herself.

Monik : Ladies and gentlemen, ....
a. allow me to introduce myself
b. I am happy to meet you
c. It is okay to see you
d. let me introduce you to the audience
e. May I introduce you to the audience

7. Isti wants to introduce Fina to her brother.

Isti : Fina, this is may brother, Anton, and Anton this is Fina.
Anton to Fina :....
a. How is he
b. How is your brother
c. Are you ready
d. It is nothing at all
e. Hi, nice to meet you.

8. Choose the correct option to complete the following conversation !

Anton : Hi. Can I give you a hand?
Budi : Oh, thanks.
Anton : By the way, I am Maria. I am in Apartment 204
Budi : Oh? Now I …………... into 208. My name is Meti.
a. move
b. moves
c. am moving
d. am moved
e. has moved

9. You give personal information when you tell people about yourself such as ....
a. an account, shopping, attendance.
b. registering, booking, meeting, and holding
c. interview, views, course, and others.
d. address, completion, form, writing, and friend.
e. name, occupation, address, place of origin, and sometime hobbies

10. Good morning. I am Handi Suhanda, Please call me Andi. I am an entrepreneur. I live with
my family in Bandung. My phone number is 2948320. I like reading books very much.
The statements above describe....
a. reporting news
b. inviting people
c. introducing other people
d. asking the name
e. introducing oneself

11. X : When you meet people for the first time,what do you usually tell them your- self?
Y : ……
a. How are you?
b. How are things with you?
c. How do you do?
d. Please call me
e. Nice to meet you
12. Good morning. I would like to introduce; my-self. My name is Deri. I am a student. I live, on
Jln. Suniaraja in Bandung. Just in case you want to call me, my phone number is 798320.
The above statements describe a ….
a. leave-taking
b. meetings and greetings
c. introducing others
d. informal introduction
e. formal introduction

13. Ina : "Meti, this is my brother. Santo"

Meti : " .... "
Santo : I am glad to see you, too
a. Hello. How are you Santo?
b. Hi. My name is Meti.
c. Hello. How do you do Santo?
d. Hi. Santo. I am glad to see you,
e. Santo. I don't think we've met before

B. Read the text below then answer the questions!

Good afternoon, fellows.

May I introduce myself? My name is Thomas Sheppard. Just call me Tommy. I was born in
Finland, but my parents moved to USA when I was young, so I’m an American. I speak both
English and Finnish. I come to Indonesia to learn about the culture because I like dancing
traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one day. I live in Solo, a small town
southward Yogyakarta. I’m glad to know you all and hope that I can get help from you especially
in Indonesian. Thank you.

Answer the questions based on the passage above.

1. Who is introducing himself?
2. Where was he born?
3. Where do his parents live?
4. Does he speak Irish?
5. What does he do in Indonesia?
6. Is he a student or a teacher?
7. Does he like dancing traditional or modern dances?
8. What does he want to be?
9. Where is Solo located?
10. What does he expect from his new friends?
Meeting 2 : Parts of Speech
1. Nouns

A noun is a word that names person, place, concept, or object. Basically, anything that names a

“thing” is a noun, whether you’re talking about a basketball court, San Francisco, Cleopatra, or

self-preservation. Nouns fall into two categories: common nouns and proper nouns. Common

nouns are general names for things, like planet and game show. Proper nouns are specific

names for individual things, like Jupiter and Jeopardy!

Jenis – jenis noun serta contohnya:

1. Countable atau dapat dihitung, noun satu ini adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung,
contohnya book, car, phone, bottle. Kalimat tersebut merupakan noun countable, karena jelas
dapat dihitung jumlahnya dengan mudah.
2. Uncountable, merupakan kebalikan dari countable. Noun jenis ini tidak dapat dihitung
jumlahnya, atau benda-benda yang berjumlah sangat banyak sehingga tidak dapat dihitung.
Contohnya adalah sand, rice, milk, snow.
3. Proper Noun merupakan noun yang berwujud nama atau julukan, sehingga huruf depannya
berkapital, proper noun dapat disebut juga sebagai noun yang spesifik merujuk pada
penamaan suatu benda, julukan maupun nama. Contohnya Indonesia, England, Everest,
Sahara, Simone dan lain sebagainya.
4. Common Noun, kebalikan dari proper noun, common
noun merupakan noun yang common atau umum, sehingga huruf depan common noun tidak
berkapital. Contohnya, country, city, mount, month. Keempat noun tersebut tidak
menyebutkan secara spesifik nama dari country, city, mount serta month yang dimaksud dalam
suatu kalimat.
5. Abstract noun, sesuai dengan namanya, noun ini menyatakan hal-hal yang bersifat abstrak
seperti ide, konsep, keadaan, perasaan dan lain sebagainya. Contohnya time, idea, imagination.
6. Concrete noun, noun ini merupakan sesuatu yang berwujud nyata dan kata tersebut berupa
material. Contohnya cheese, chocolate, table, hat.
7. Collective noun, merupakan kata benda atau noun yang bersifat kolektif atau kumpulan atau
nama kelompok atau merujuk pada sekelompok hewan, orang maupun benda-benda.
Contohnya couple, staff, government, utensils, family.
Exercise !!
I. Choose the best answer from the option a, b, c, or d!

1. We must call the ______ to catch the robber.

a. Hospital
b. Post office
c. Police
d. Ambulance

2. My father is reading ______ in the office now.

a. A newspaper
b. A television
c. A speaker
d. A radio

3. My grandmother always tells me to wash my _______ before eating something.

a. Teeth
b. Face
c. Feet
d. Hands

4. _____ is a spicy food from Indonesia.

a. Cake
b. Rendang
c. Pudding
d. Chocolate
5. We cancel having dinner at the restaurant because all _______ are booked.
a. Tables
b. Rooms
c. Chairs
d. Foods

6. We need _____ to bring our school books.

a. Uniform
b. Bag
c. Pencil case
d. Wallet

7. Before entering someone’s house, we must _______ on the door.

a. Cry
b. Scream
c. Hit
d. Knock

8. Will you go with me to the _____ to watch a movie?

a. Stadium
b. Cinema
c. Hospital
d. Theater

9. We buy a book in a _______ .

a. Supermarket
b. Fruitstall
c. Bookstore
d. Music studio

10. _____ is the place for students to study.

a. Library
b. Classroom
c. Teacher’s office
d. School canteen

II. Choose the best answer of plural form!

1. My apple tree has many _____ .

a. Leaf
b. Leaves
c. Leafs
d. Leavs
2. Do not play with the ______ in the kitchen!
a. Knife
b. Knifes
c. Knive
d. Knives
3. For the experiment in the laboratorium, we are asked to bring two _____ .
a. Froges
b. Frog
c. Frogs
d. Frogues
4. There are many beautiful ________ in her garden.
a. Lilies
b. Lily
c. Lilys
d. Lilis
5. The ________ in that empty house are so many.
a. Mouse
b. Mouses
c. Mice
d. Mices
6. My little cousin broke three ______ in my grandmother’s house.
a. Vase
b. Vas
c. Vass
d. Vases
7. Yesterday we went to Atlantis and saw many ________ .
a. Fishes
b. Fish
c. Fisher
d. Fishs
8. We need many _______ to make french fries.
a. Potatoes
b. Potatos
c. Potato
d. Potatoe
9. The police officer catched three ______.
a. Thief
b. Thievs
c. Thiefs
d. Thieves
10. I have no idea their names or their ______.
a. Address
b. Addresses
c. Addreses
d. Adresses

Identify each of the nouns in the following sentences.

1. I only ate a slice of pizza last night and I got stomachache.
2. I will buy chocolate for my little sister.
3. The little girl cannot bring flowers for the garden.
4. Bimo always drinks a glass of milk in the morning every day.
5. My mother made fried rice for my dinner.
6. It is very nice to have a cup of tea in the evening with your favorite person.
7. He brings me a spicy chip and a lollipop for my little sister.
8. Amara likes to drink fresh water after running or having exercise.
9. Sita usually loves to eat a bowl of chicken soup when he is sick.
10. My sister is having a birthday party and she gives a piece of her birthday cake to everyone.

2. Verb (Kata Kerja)

Verbs are used to express a state or an action. For example, they show what people or things do,
think or feel. Verbs are one of the eight parts of speech, or nine parts of speech.

Verbs are used to express an action:

Tim is driving his car.

Or a state (how someone feels, thinks, etc.)

Jack is feeling better today.

They show what people or things do, think or feel.

Action Verbs

Action verbs are verbs that show an action that a person or an object performs. Action verbs
express something that is done by someone or something. Here are some examples of action

• play - They are playing football.

• study - Anna is studying for her test tomorrow.
• cook - Mark cooked dinner for us last night.

Stative Verbs

Stative verbs refer to how things are, rather than what they do. There are not nearly so many
stative verbs as there are action verbs. Here are some of the most common with example

• be - He is a teacher
• think - I think that's a good idea.
• cost - It costs twenty dollars.
• belong - James belongs to that club.

You might want more information on active vs stative verbs.

Active Voice Versus Passive Voice

Verbs are used in the active or passive voice. The active voice describes what the subject does:

Tom throws the ball.

Andy has lived in Queens for twenty years.

Helga would like to go camping next week.

The passive voice describes what is done to something. It is not used as often as the active voice.
The passive voice always conjugates the verb 'to be' and is combined with the past participle (third
form of the verb i.e. do - did - done). Here are a few examples of verbs in the passive voice:

Mary was raised in Kansas.

My car was made in Germany.

That document will be completed by Robert.

You might want more information on the passive vs the active voice.
Identify each of the verbs in the following sentences. Remember to look for action verbs, linking
verbs, and helping verbs.

1. A group of chess enthusiasts had checked into a hotel.

2. They were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories.
3. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse.
4. “But why?” they asked as they moved off.
5. “Because,” he said, “I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”

One more time, Underline the verbs in each of these sentences.

1. I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day.
2. I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
3. Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it.
4. Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days the statue.
5. Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
6. I don't have an attitude problem; you have a perception problem.
7. Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky, and I thought to myself, where
the heck is the ceiling?
8. My reality check bounced.
9. On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.
10. Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with

3. Pronoun (kata ganti)

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang dapat menggantikan suatu kata benda atau frasa kata
benda. Kata ganti berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata benda yang sama
yang telah disebut sebelumnya.

Personal Pronoun
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti pada subyek dan obyek yang menunjukkan pada orang atau

I => Me
You => You
She => Her
He => Him
It => It
We => Us
They => Them
Contoh kalimatnya:
• I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it. (Saya memberikan buku
ini kepada Anita kemarin. Dia merasa sangat senang ketika membacanya).
• My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice. (Ibu saya mengambil
sebuah gelas bersamanya. Dia ingin mengisinya dengan jus).

Possessive Pronoun
Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang memperlihatkan kepunyaan seseorang atau kelompok.

Ada dua bentuk possessive pronoun yaitu dependent (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda)
dan independent (ditempatkan setelah suatu kata kerja).

Dependent seperti my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Independent seperti mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
• This green bag is hers. (Tas hijau itu adalah miliknya).

• This small car is mine. Those are theirs. (Mobil mini ini milikku. Milik mereka yang itu)
• This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours. (Koper ini bukan kopermu. Saya rasa
punyamu yang di sana)
Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun atau kata ganti tidak pasti tidak merujuk ke seseorang, tempat, atau benda
tertentu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada sekelompok kata ganti tidak pasti yang dibentuk dengan kata
pembilang (quantifier) atau distributif (distributive) dan diawali dengan kata any, some,
every, dan no.
Agar semakin jelas pemahaman tentang pronoun, yuk kita latihan soal di bawah ini!

1. Does _____ let _____ go?

a. (her, me)
b. (she, I)
c. (he, me)
d. (they, she)
2. Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.
a. (her, I)
b. (them, him)
c. (we, I)
d. (him, her)
3. ____ love Monday. Does _____ love it too?
a. (I, you)
b. (She, he)
c. (They, you)
d. (I, she)
4. Danny is my best friend. I know _____ so well.
a. Him
b. Her
c. Us
d. You
5. The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb _____.
a. Him
b. Hers
c. Her
d. He
6. I meet Raisa last night and _____ signed _____ t-shirt.
a. (she, my)
b. (he, my)
c. (her, my)
d. (his, mine)
7. I can’t find _____. Does _____ steal it?
a. (my, she)
b. (she, you)
c. (it, they)
d. (mine, he)
8. My father has a dog. _____ likes play with _____.
a. (him, it)
b. (he, it)
c. (he, him)
d. (he, her)
9. When my boss promoted me, _____ was so proud and _____ gave me so many advices.
a. (he, him)
b. (he, she)
c. (he, he)
d. (them, he)
10. My brother works in a big factory. _____ says that _____ is a nice place.
a. (she, it)
b. (he, it)
c. (it, it)
d. (he, there)
4. adjective (Kata Sifat)
adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mendeskripiskan noun (kata benda)
atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa orang (person), tempat (place), hewan (animal),
benda atau konsep abstrak (thing). Kata sifat bahasa Inggris ini merupakan satu dari delapan part
of speech. Adapun contoh-contoh adjective adalah:

• Dark
• Hot
• Young
• Bad
• Pretty
• Tiny
• Selfish
• Stubborn
• Bright

Penggunaan Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mungkin selama ini kita tidak terlalu memperhatikan penggunaan kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Mungkin kita hanya sekadar mengetahui apa arti dari kata sifat yang kita gunakan.
Ternyata, adjective yang digunakan dalam kalimat ternyata ada aturan dan urutannya tersendiri
yang perlu kita ikuti.

Adjective position

Dalam penggunaan adjective ternyata ada posisi atau letak kata sifat dalam kalimat.

• Attributive: Adjective berada di depan noun atau kata benda.

• Postpositive: Adjective berada di belakang noun tanpa disela linking verb.
• Predicative: Adjective diletakkan setelah noun dengan disela linking verb.

• Beautiful girls. (attributive)

• Someone special. (postpositive)
• They are beautiful. (predicative)

A. Read the sentence. Identify the adjectives in the sentences and write it below each of the
1. The musician played an expensive violin.
2. My friends invited me to a fancy party.
3. The furry cat made the boy sneeze.
4. The hungry man lived under the bridge.
5. He was afraid to talk to his teacher.
6. The perfume in the room is fragrant.
7. The shiny window caught people’s attention.
8. The mathematics was very difficult.
9. I didn’t want to play on the wet ground.
10. My aunt who lives in England is elderly.
11. The professor taught a fascinating material in the outdoor class.
12. Explorers came to Asia from foreign lands.
13. Her sister is an amazing artist!
14. The textbook for the class was cheap.
15. The lion purchased by the zoo is enormous.
16. The adorable kid smiled at his father.
17. The valuable sculpture was purchased by a billionaire from Australia.
18. The yellow banana was used to make baby porridge.
B. For each sentence, choose the adjective that makes the most
sense to complete the sentence.
1. The chicken soup is very _______. (tasty/floppy)
2. My mom’s spaghetti is_________. (delicious/sharp)
3. The birthday party is _________. (ugly/fun)
4. The ________ children has no place to sleep. (poor/fluffy)
5. My shoes are _________. (soft/angry)
6. My sister’s body mist is_________. (frilly/smelly)
7. Andi Rianto’s music is ___________. (generous/energizing)
8. The theatre show is _____________. (dramatic/furry)
9. Their home is very __________. (challenging/comfortable)
10. Our school is ________. (salty/large)
11. The wedding party was _______. (old/noisy)
12. Harry’s motorcycle is _________ (crunchy/fast)
13. Our neighbour has a _______monkey. (friendly/bumpy)
14. The weather is ___________ today. (chilly/smooth)
15. My new dresses are ________. (clever/fashionable)
16. Those students are ________. (intelligent/rectangular)
17. The village library is _______. (useful/chewy)
18. My father has a __________ horse. (brown/scaly)
Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Expression of like is an expression that expresses when you feel like or love about
something. While the expression of dislike is an expression that expresses dislike or
displeasure with something.
Expression of like
Expression of like adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan rasa suka atau
senang terhadap sesuatu. Sesuatu ini bisa berupa benda, tempat, kegiatan, dan masih banyak lagi.
Beberapa contoh expression of like yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang kita
suka, antara lain sebagai berikut.

Berikut ungkapan yang mengekspresikan rasa suka:

untuk mengungkapkan expression of like dalam sebuah kalimat, kita bisa gunakan beberapa pola di
bawah ini,
Coba perhatikan pada pola kalimat di atas, expression of like diikuti dengan objek berupa kata
benda atau kata kerja yang diberi akhiran -ing. Contohnya, reading, swimming, singing, cooking,
dan sebagainya.

Contoh kalimat:

• I like playing football (Aku suka bermain bola).

• She likes chocolate (Dia suka coklat).
• Nadya really loves dancing (Nadya sangat suka menari).
• I enjoy reading comic (Aku menikmati membaca komik).
• My brother is crazy about collecting action figures (Kakakku tergila-gila mengoleksi figur

Contoh percakapan expression of like:

Tom: Hi, Andy! What are you reading right now?
Andy: Hi, Tom! I’m reading comic. Do you like comic?
Tom: Yeah! I’m crazy about comics. I can spend a lot of time reading comics on weekend.
Andy: Really? What comics do you like to read?
Tom: I really like Detective Conan, Doraemon, and Donald Duck.
Andy: Oh, I like Doraemon too. It’s so funny.
Tom: By the way, I have many Doraemon comic series. You can borrow it anytime.
Andy: Wow! Thank you. I’m so glad to hear that.

→ Expressing dislike

kebalikan dari expression of like, expression of dislike adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang
menyatakan rasa tidak suka atau tidak senang terhadap sesuatu. Sama dengan expression of
like, sesuatu ini bisa berupa barang, kegiatan, orang, dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa
contoh expression of dislike yang bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang tidak kita suka,
di antaranya sebagai berikut.
Untuk pola kalimat expression of dislike, sebenarnya hampir mirip dengan expression of like, ya. Subjek
diikuti dengan contoh expression of dislike, lalu diikuti lagi dengan objek berupa kata benda atau kata
kerja yang diberi akhiran -ing.

Contoh kalimat:

• She doesn’t like coffee (Dia tidak suka kopi).

• I dislike doing exercise (Aku tidak suka berolahraga).
• Tony hates Mathematics (Tony benci Matematika).
• I don’t think I like spicy food (Aku pikir aku tidak suka makanan pedas).
• We can’t stand with mosquitoes (Kami tidak tahan dengan nyamuk).

berikut ini ada contoh percakapan yang menggunakan expression of dislike!

Contoh percakapan expression of dislike:

Farah: What will you do this weekend?
Nadya: Uhm, I haven’t thought about it. I guess I’ll just rest at home.
Farah: How about if we go out to watch a movie?
Nadya: That sounds nice. What movie do you want to watch?
Farah: Insidious. Do you like it?
Nadya: Oh, no. I don’t like horror movies. Can we choose another movie?
Farah: Of course. No problem.

Offering: A sentence that is used when making an offer or offering something either goods or
services to someone. there are some special words that must be used, namely:
• Can I ...? (Dapatkah aku…?)
• May I ...? (Bolehkah aku…?)
• Shall I ...? (Bolehkah aku…?)
• How about I ...? (Bagaimana jika aku…?)
• Would you ...? (Maukah kamu…?)
• Do you need something? (Apakah Anda membutuhkan sesuatu?)
• Do you need anything? (Apakah Anda membutuhkan apapun?)
• I would love to help you… (Saya akan sangat senang membantu Anda…)
• I’d be glad to help you… (Saya senang membantu Anda…)
Dalam membuat sebuah penawaran, pastikan menggunakan kata-kata di atas ya agar terdengar
atau terlihat sopan.
Accepting Offer
Selanjutnya, adalah menerima penawaran. Untuk menerima tawaran dari seseorang, Anda bisa
merespon menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini:
• Thank you, I appreciate your help. (Terima kasih, aku menghargai bantuanmu.)
• Yes, please. (Ya, silahkan.)
• Yes please, that would be very lovely. (Ya silahkan, itu akan sangat menyenangkan.)
• Thank you, how kind of you. (Terima kasih, betapa baiknya kamu.)
• Thanks (Terima kasih)
• /Yes, please, if you could. (Ya silahkan, jika kamu bisa)
• Yes, if you don’t/wouldn’t mind… (Ya, jika kamu tidak keberatan)
• That is so nice of you, thank you. (Anda sangat baik, Terima kasih)
• That would be great, thank you so much. (Itu akan sangat bagus, Terima kasih banyak)

Declining Offer
Selain membuat penawaran dan menerima penawaran, Anda juga bisa menolak sebuah penawaran.
Agar terdengar sopan, Anda bisa menolak penawaran dengan cara berikut:
• No, thanks. (Tidak, terima kasih.)
• It’s okay, I can do it by myself. (Oke, aku bisa melakukannya sendiri.)
• Don’t worry, I will do it by myself. (Jangan khawatir, aku akan melakukannya sendiri.)
• Thanks, but I prefer not to bother you. (Terima kasih, tapi aku tidak ingin menganggumu)
Dialog 1
Aris : What are you doing, Deb?
Deby : I’m replying e-mail from client and writing 10 articles about traveling.
Aris : Wow, you are so busy, right?
Deby : Yeah. I’m so stressful.
Aris : Shall I do your half job?
Deby : Really? You must be kidding me.
Aris : I’m so serious, Deb. How?
Deby : Thank you so much, Aris. I appreciate your help.
Aris : most welcome, Deby.

Dialog 2
Kissha : Hey you look pale, what's wrong with you?
Helen : My stomach hurts, maybe this is because I didn't take breakfast this morning.
Kissha : May I bring you to the UKS?
Helen : Sure, It would be really helpful.
Kissha : Would you like me to bring you some food?
Helen : Yes, please.
Kissha : Okay, but I will take you to UKS first then I will bring you food and medicine.
Helen : Thanks Kissha, It's very nice of you.
Kissha : It was friends are for.

Requesting is asking someone to do a favor or for something. It’s important to be polite when
doing so. Making and responding to a request can be done in different ways. The following
lines will show you how to use it.
Contoh ungkapan Expressing Request:

• Can you give me the dictionary? (bisakah kamu memberiku kamus?)

• Could you pick up me at 11 o’clock? (bisakah kamu menjemputku jam 11?)
• Would you mind repairing my computer? (maukah kamu memperbaiki komputerku?)
• I wonder if you could write me an resignation letter? (aku percaya jika kamu bisa menuliskan
surak keluar untukku?)
• Could I have lunch? (bisakah saya makan siang?)
• Can I stand beside you? (bolehkan saya berdiri disampingmu?)
• May I use your calculator? (bolehkah saya menggunakan kalkulatormu?)

Dialog 1:
Zidan : Hallo, Alif. What are you doing?
Alif : I am listening to music. Can I help you?
Zidan : Yes. Could you feed the cat first?
Zidan : Never mind. Thanks before

Dialog 2:
Aslih : The scholarship in Australia will be opened next month. Did you know about it, Rima?
Rima : Really? I didn’t know about it if you don’t give me the information.
Aslih : Yes. I know about it yesterday from my lecturer.
Rima : Can you give me detailed information about it? I am interested to follow it.
Aslih : Sure. I will send it through email.
Rima : Thanks Aslih.
Aslih : You’re welcome.


Grammar reference: offering and requesting

Put the questions in the correct group.

Ungkapan giving for opinion ini bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat saat kamu ingin memberikan komentar
terhadap pertanyaan asking opinion dari teman sebaya, sahabat, atau orang tertentu yang memang
sudah dekat denganmu. Berikut ini contoh ekspresinya:

• As for me...
(Adapun aku ...)
• From my point of view, …
(Dari sudut pandang saya, …)
• I think that…
(Aku pikir itu ...)
• Not everyone will agree with me, but …
(Tidak semua orang akan setuju denganku, tapi…)
• In my opinion, ..
(Menurut pendapatku ...)
• I think …
(Aku pikir ...)
• I believe …
(Aku percaya ...)
• As far as I know
(Sejauh yang aku tahu)

(Aku rasa itu ...)
• Well, I think …
(Ya, aku pikir ...)

Contoh Giving Opinion dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris


• In my point of view, this business pitch does not explain the company's goals for the
next 5 years.
(Dalam pandangan saya, bisnis pitch ini tidak menjelaskan tujuan perusahaan untuk 5
tahun ke depan.)
• I feel that we should be looking for influencers who reflect that education is very
(saya Merasa bahwa kita harus mencari influencer yang mencerminkan bahwa
pendidikan sangat penting.)
• I personally believe that the best way to lose weight is with a calorie deficit.
(Saya pribadi percaya bahwa cara terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan adalah dengan
defisit kalori.)

• Not everyone will agree with me, but Siwon Choi is not as handsome as people say.
(Tidak semua orang akan setuju denganku, tetapi Siwon Choi tidak setampan yang orang
• I think that your spaghetti is too salty.
(Saya pikir spaghetti kamu terlalu asin.)
• As far as I know, brown rice has good fiber and is better than white rice.
(Sejauh yang aku tahu, beras merah memiliki serat yang baik dan lebih baik daripada
beras putih.)

Dialog 1:
Practice Dialogue: Resti bought a new dress.
Resti: Mom, look! I bought a beautiful dress!
Mom: Hmm, how much does it cost?
Resti: It's not expensive, really. It's only one million. Do you have any ideas?
Mom: It's beautiful, but in my personal opinion, it's too expensive for a dress.
Resti: But in my mind, it's really worth it, because the material is good and it's from a popular
fashion brand.
Mom: Next, I suggest that you should be wiser in spending money. There are many dresses that
are much cheaper with good quality.
Resti: Yes, but I don't think there's anything wrong with buying expensive clothes once in a
Mom: Well, how do you feel when you wear the dress? Are you happy and feel confident?
Rest: Of course! It makes me feel more beautiful and elegant.
Mom: I believe you’ll look more beautiful if you match the dress with a brown hijab.
Resti: Okay mom, I will do it. Thank you!

Dialog 2:
Practice Dialogue: Asking and giving opinions over the telephone.
Alfi: Hi Intan, thanks for picking up my call. I'm confused, Intan.
Intan: Are you having problems? Just let me know.
Alfi: So, I really want to continue my master's degree with a scholarship, but I'm not sure where
to start. I need your opinion about it.
Intan: From my point of view, you should make a scholarship plan, starting from deciding the
major and what category of scholarship you want.
Alfi: I think I’ll take public policy, this major is absolutely in line with my previous bachelor's
degree. Any comments?
Intan: As far as I know, you can choose Sweden, there are several campuses that offer this
Alfi: Wow, that's great. I really want to study in a Scandinavian country. Do you have any
scholarship info?
Intan: Of course, I have heard of a full scholarship called the Sweden Scholarship. You can
search more on Google.
Alfi: But, first I have to take an English certification, right?
Intan: Of course. You can take a course first at the English Academy by Ruangguru, they use the
Cambridge curriculum as an international standard.
Alfi: All right, how long will it take to prepare all of the documents?
Intan: I think 1 year is enough, as long as you have to be really focused and serious.
Alfi: Okay, Intan, feel that I should make the plan correctly. Thank you, Intan. I'll call you back
when the plan is done, I need your opinion.
Intan: Sure, you can call me anytime.
Alfi: Thanks Intan, bye!
Intan: With my pleasure, Alfi. Bye!


Choose one of your friends in class and ask each other the questions below!

1. What do you think about your head of study program?

2. What is your opinion about your lecture in the guidance and counseling study program?
3. Why you are interested to choose the guidance and counseling study program?

Expressing agreement dan disagreement adalah expression untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan

atau ketidaksetujuan terhadap opini atau pendapat seseorang.


1. Agreement
▪ I agree with your Idea. (Saya setuju dengan ide kamu)
▪ I perfectly agree with you. (Saya sangat setuju denganmu)
▪ I think so. (Saya setuju)
▪ I think you are right. (Menurutku kamu benar)
▪ It’s that true. I support you. (itu benar. Saya mendukungmu)
▪ It’s brilliant idea. I agree with you. (itu ide yang cemerlang. Saya sependapat
▪ I anxious with what you said, but I like it. (Saya penasaran dengan apa yang kamu
katakana, tapi aku suka itu.)
▪ Certainly! Your point is good. (betul. Ide kamu bagus.)

2. Disagreement
▪ I disagree with your opinion. (Saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu)
▪ I don’t agree with you. (Saya tidak setuju denganmu)
▪ I don’t think so. (Saya tidak sepemikiran denganmu)
▪ I’am not with you. (saya tidak sepaham denganmu)
▪ I’m sorry. I think you are wrong. (Saya minta maaf. Tapi menurut saya kamu
▪ Maybe, there is ways better. (Mungkin ada ide yang lebih baik.)
▪ I don’t think so about it. (Saya tidak sepaham tentang hal itu)
▪ I say not yet. (Saya berkata tidak)
▪ I agree with your opinion, but… (Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu, tapi….)
▪ In my opinion it’s false. (Menurut pendapat saya itu salah)
▪ I’m not sure with his idea. (saya kurang yakin dengan pendapatnya)


Dialog 1
Ani : Hi Dina. How are you?
Dina: Hi Ani I’m not bad. And you?
Ani : I’m fine too. By the way, what about your holiday?
Dina: I just stayed at home. So, I have no more stories about my holiday. And you?
Ani : I and my family go to “Kedung Ombo and Mrapen Abadi”. I think it’s a beautiful place I
like and enjoy it. I suggest you to visit it.
Dina: I agree with you. Unfortunately, our regency has less attention to development it.
Dialog 2
Ellie: Hey Bestie, what are you doing?
Isabelle: I’m doing my English task here, it is so hard to finish
Ellie: Hey, what about if we make a study group and then we invite someone else?
Isabelle: I totally disagree with that
Ellie: What’s the matter?
Isabelle: Ellie, this is a personal assignment, Mrs. Anna gave this to us to do independently
Ellie: So, what are you have to do to finish that assignment?
Isabelle: We could probably use Google for that
Ellie: I think you're right about that, first this is a personal assignment, second, we could use
Isabelle: Definitely

Dialog 3
Alan: Hey Adam, tomorrow will be Saturday right?
Adam: Yes Adam, tomorrow will be Saturday and we will have a school holiday
Alan: How about we wake up early in the morning and do some jogging?
Adam: I totally agree with you!
Alan: And where is a good place for us to go jogging?
Adam: hmm what about the national forest park, it’s a good place for starting, the view are also
so beautiful
Alan: That’s a brilliant idea, that’s true the view are so beautiful, especially when the sun rises
Adam: Great, I’ll see you tomorrow morning OK?
Alan: yeah absolutely
Adam: But first, we have to finish this math task first
Alan: You're right about that, I almost forget about out math task

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