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1. Cognitive style:
It is a mental process a person uses to perceive and make judgement
Learning style:
They refer to individuals, natural,habituals and preffered ways of observing and retaining new
information and skills.

2. Types of learning style are following:

Visual learner
Auditory learner
Kinesthetic learner

3. Main components of kolb’s learning theory are following:

1. Concrete experience
2. Diverging
3. Reflective observation
4. Converging
5. Accommodation

4. Self regulation:
It is a process we use to activate and sustain our thoughts, behaviour and emotion in order to
reach our goal.

5. Components which influences of selfregulation:

1. Knowledge
2. Motivation
3. Violation

6. Perceptual learner:
Who learn by reading, listening, touch and body movements.
Cognitive learner:
Who learn by focusing on something and by confidentiality speaking. They focus on the grammar
rules, sentence structure and focusing on whole picture and do not care so much about the details.

7. Two fields of cognitive learning are following:

Field independent:
They learn to concentrate on the details of language, such as grammar rules, and enjoy apart
words and sentences.
Field dependent:
Focus on the whole picture and do not care so much about the details. For example, they are more
interested in conveying an idea than worrying about whether it is grammatically correct.

8. Tactile learner:
Learn through doing, remember hands on activities and use their hands to build, create, plants,
draw and decorate.
Auditory learner:
Learn through listening and talking and remember what they hear better than what they see.

9.Memory strategies:
Creating mental linkage about the topic. Applying images and sounds and reviewing well.
Compensation strategy:
Guessing the intelligence of learner and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing.

10. Cognitive strategy:

They are the steps used in learning or problem solving that require direct analysis, transformation
or synthesis of learning materials. In the following, some of the cognitive strategies are exhibited:
1. Clarification/ verification
2. Guessing/ Inductive inferencing
3. Deductive reasoning
4. Practice

1) D 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) D 6) B 7) A
8) C 9) A 10) C

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