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Pen is made up of parts – pen is a separate entity over and above the parts that is

Pen resides in its parts – through inseperable relationship , called samavaya which exists between
avavaaying and avayins .

Each of the part resides in its part

Jati – penness resides in pen , through samavaya,

Guna – Blue clor responde in per inseperable ,

Blue color of the pen is a separate entity , blue color of the parts is a separate entity.

Blure ness resides in the the blue color thorugh same vaua

Colorness resides in blue clor thourgh samavaua

Sanyoga is the Guna resides in the parts .through samavaya

Parts of the pen and the pen itself are dravyas.

Color is a guna, samyoga is guna,

Blueness, penness, colorness are samanya – jativs.

Inseperaable relations - Samavaya is a separate one

Blueness, colorness

Everything is Dharma and Dharmin .

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