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6 much, mony, or a lot of't.

Look at the picture. Complete the

sentences with much, many, or a lot of.

I The shop has alol of apples.

2 I carit see nuch bread.
3 There aren t _many sweets.
4 They havent got _much cheese.
5 There are _a lot of magazines, but
there arent many newspapers.

6 There isnt much milk.

7 Bulthere area lot of yoghurts.
much salt ?' 'Yes. Lots!'
8 'Is there _
9 They dont have much butter.

10 There area lot of cans ofCola.

11 There isntmuch olive oil.
12 There's much rice.

a few or a- little?
Match a question in A with a reply in B and C.

A B c

I 'Does your tooth hurt?' I'm trying to lose weight.'

2 'Were there many people at the party?' 'Just a few. l'm going to the dentist tomorrow.'
3 'Have some cream with your dessert!' 'Just a little. You can borrow them if you like.'

4 'Have you got any books on Russian history?' I didn't know anyone.'

8 Conversation in a shop
Complete the conversation with your own ideas.

A Good morning! Can '

I help you?
B Yes. I'? need some grapes, please. ' How much are they?

A [4 a kilo.
B4 I'd like a nice bunch, please. And s have you
any bananas?
A I'm sorry. I've only got a few left - just three.
B OK. Never mind. I need some vegetables.
Have you any broccoli?
A Yes, it's right next to you. Help yourself. ? What else?

B That's8 all ,thanks.e How much is that?

A All is f,3.50, please.

@ Listen and compare.

Unit 4 . Eat, drink and be merryl 27

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