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Unit 1

• What is the law ?

set of behavioral rules, socially dictated and sanctioned, imposed onto members of
• What is commercial law ?
set of rules that govern the rights, relations, and behaviors of professionals engaged in
commercial activities
• What is international commercial law ?
set of rules governing international relations between professionals engaged in
commercial activities

Private Law:
Public Law:
Administrative law
Constitutional law

Sources of law
Treaties 条约(country)
Constitution 宪法()
Laws 法律(立法机关)(总统)
Administrative acts 行政行为(行政机关根据现行上位法律采取的法规、法令和其
Jurisprudence 判例(法官)
Custom/usages 习惯(主体)
Common Law 英美 Civil Law 中欧
Based-System Judicial precedent Code-based system

Significant effect of judicial Limited effect of

precedent onto future judicial precedent
decisions of judges (binding) onto future decisions
司法判例对法官未来决定的重大影 of judges (not
响(具有约束力) binding)

Role of the to examine/question parties to advise clients,

lawyer and witnesses, make arguments prepare pleadings,
as to how the case should be represent their
resolved, take a more client’s interests,
prominent role in the trial but less active in
询问/询问当事人和证人,就如何 the courtroom
解决案件进行辩论,在审判中发挥 为客户提供建议、准备诉
更突出的作用 状、代表客户的利益,但
Role of the to arbitrate/act as a to investigate –
judge referee, and decide which side take the lead in the
has the best arguments, the proceedings and seek
best legal sources, while to establish facts
taking equity into account and truth by
仲裁/充当裁判,并决定哪一方有 questioning parties
最好的论据,最好的法律来源,同 调查——在诉讼程序中
时考虑到公平性 起带头作用,并通过询
Unit 2 Contract Law

Definition of a contract: “A concurrence of wills / meeting of the minds between two

or more persons, to create, modify, transmit or extinguish obligations” 两个或多个人
Definition of an obligation: “binding link between two or more persons, subject to
sanctions if the link is breached”两个或多个人之间具有约束力的链接,如果链接

General principles of contract law

1. All contracts must be performed
2. Parties must act in good faith (during negotiations, lifetime and termination of
3. Every contract is irrevocable (no modification or early termination, unless parties
agree or law stipulates so)
4. Parties have the freedom to contract with whomever, about whatever pleases them,
to the extent permitted by law

Conditions for a valid contract

1. Consent:firm offer and complete acceptance
2. Capacity
3. Legal content:certain legal not against public policy

Remedies available for non or partial performance

1. Temporary suspension
2. Performance ordered by the judge(only goods,not service)
3. Price reduction/time extension
4. Nullity/termination 合同终止/无效(仅作为最后措施)
5. Damages awarded if contractual liability is proven (no exonerated circumstances)
Exonerating circumstances
1. Force majeure:outside event/unpredictable/uncontrollable/irresistible
2. Contributory fault of the victim
3. Fault of a third party
Unit 3 Commercial Contracts

Contract=risk management tool

Type of commercial contracts:

Sales of goods/provision of services
Intellectual property licensing
Franchise 特许经营
Joint ventures 合资

Structure of international contracts:

1. General clauses
Identification of the parties
Reasons for forming the contracts---common law

2. Clauses establishing the contractual relationship

Object of the contract
Confidentiality 机密性
3. Clauses stating the obligations of the parties
Price Payment terms Penalties for lay payment
Delivery Transform of ownership&risks(incoterms)
Mechanism to accept/refuse goods
Renting/Restitution of machinery
Compliance with specific requirement

4. Clauses dealing with the end of contract

Causes of breach/early termination(Force majeure/hardship/fault of a party)
Effect of breach/early termination(Penalties/Remedies)
Termination of the contract(Notice period)

5. Final clauses
Dispute resolution(litigation/arbitration/alternative dispute resolution)
Choice of law
Choice of jurisdiction
Modification by amendment
Unit 4 International Private Law

国际私法又称冲突法(Conflict of laws),
the law chosen by a nation to apply to private matters in an international context
through the ratification of Treaties or a default formula
只有国家/国内法律提供解决国际/跨境争端的解决 ⽅ 案(通过条约 /公约的批
Source of IPL:
1. supranational laws:EU laws 超国家法律
2. Multilateral international treaties and conventions 多边国际条约(CISG...)

General Principles:
Party autonomy/Contractual freedom:Parties are free to choose the law 当事人自治
Sovereignty 主权
Comity 礼让:一国尊重,考虑,执行另一国法律
Good faith
Pacta sunt servanda 必须执行合同

Choice of law
General Rule:Closest ties Place of negotiation/signature/performance/effect...

Choice of jurisdiction
Material jurisdiction:type of court&type of the case
Personal jurisdiction:geographic location(General:domicile of defendant 被告居住地)

Refuse cause(litigation): 1.Against the public policy 违背公共政策
2.Forum shopping/fraud 故意挑选法院
Refuse cause(arbitration):1.Arbitration agreement is invalid 2.Due process has been
violated 3. Arbitral tribunal was not properly constituted

Unit 5 CISG

只适用于 B2B & sales of good

Place of Business 在缔约国时适用 CISG 合同双方均为缔约国时必须选择 CISG
Article95 Reservation:适用 National Private Law
No need to have contract in writing can be proven by any means
Proposal must be definite:designation 名称/quantity/price

Overall principles:
Party autonomy 当事人自治 Good faith 诚信 Pacta sun servanda 条约必须遵守

Formation of contract 订立合同

Offer is effective when reach offeree 受要约人 (must include material terms)
Acceptance is effective when reach offeror 要约人(unequivocal 明确 on time 按
Oral offer must be accepted immediately
Silence is not acceptance unless it is part of the parties' partnership habits
Performance can be accept
Counteroffer→Change material terms(价格、付款方式、数量、质量、交货地点/时间
Contract is concluded when completely acceptance of the offer effective

Individually negotiated contract clauses 通过单独协商达成的合同条款

Usages agreed upon by parties or practices established between them
Widely known and regularly observed international trade usages
Provisions of CISG CISG 的规定

Unit 6 CISG

Seller obligation:
1. Delivering: delivery effected when
handed over to first carrier/goods placed at buyer’s disposal

2. Confirming goods: quality quantity description(规格)packaging

 Not fit for ordinary purpose 不适合一般用途
 Not fit for purpose implied or expressly stated to the buyer at time of contract
 Not the same as sampled goods 与样品不一致
 Not packaged in a manner usual for such goods, or inadequate to preserve and
protect the goods 未以此类商品通常的方式包装,或不足以保存和保护商品

3. On time: Specific time/within reasonable time

Buyer obligation:
1. Pay for: at right time&place before request of seller

2. Take delivery of: Enable the Seller to make the delivery

Take possession of the goods and documents 占有货物和文件
3. Examine goods(ASAP and notice if non conformity within 2 years)
Breach 违约
Fundamental breach:
1. Result in detriment to the other party
2. Deprivation of the contract expectations

Fundamental breach→Declare Avoidance,giving notice to other party→Seek damage

Remedies and Damages

Damage Calculation
Damages:price difference→at the time of discovery of non-conformity
Fundamental Breach 所接受货物的合同价与现价之差(同类相比) +any
Regular Breach 原货物和替代品现价之差(异类相比)
Reduction:price difference→at the time of formation of the contract
Unit7&8 European Competition Law
1. Sets out the rules governing the interaction between independent businesses in
2. Preserves fair competition,protect in fine the interest of society and consumers
保持公平竞争 保护社会和消费者的利益
3. Prohibits unreasonable restrictions of trade 禁止不合理的贸易限制

Competition law includes rules about anti-competitive behavior (abuse of dominant

positions ; anti-competitive agreements (RPM, cartels)), merger control, and state aid)

Origins of competition laws

Antitrust (US terminology)
Competition(EU terminology) laws

Market restraints:
Vertical: manufacturer/supplier to distributor
1. RPM: Retail/Resale Price Maintenance→distributor has no free with own price
Can be direct/indirect (pressure/monitoring/punishment...)
Both supplier and retailer can be illegal if they agree on price restrict
2. Restriction of online sales: Forbid from selling online
Legal to limit through selective distribution network
3. Selective distribution network:Objective Not discrimination Necessary
Exclusive(80%) distribution network:Sell products to only one distributor for resale
in a particular territory
Must last for < 5 years
Horizontal: Between distributors/suppliers
1. Price fixing agreement(cartel):
Agreements among competitors regarding prices, in order to be able to raise prices

2. Market sharing
Agreement among players at the same level of the supply chain (competitors)
regarding which territory or which clientele to sell goods to, in order to be in a more
dominant position on the chosen territory/clientele and be able to raise prices

3. Sensitive information exchange

Making the market more transparent in terms of individual commercial decisions
regarding price, quantity, location...

1. Leniency: Detect cartels more easily
The applier must stop involving and provide full cooperation& probative elements the
authority not aware of→Total or partial immunity.A partial or full reduction in fines

2. Whistle blowing:
Anybody outside the cartel with some evidence of the existence of a cartel, can
denounce the cartel, and do so anonymously

3. Industry-wide investigation

4. Dawn raids

Efficient tool to prevent Antitrust risks : Antitrust Compliance program

Unit9 Compliance in the supply chain

Compliance is a risk management tool
Held responsibility for the bad behavior of others
Know your suppliers
Compliance and procurement teams work together
Not only financial performance but also society contribution

 Definition
1. The company’s adherence to established guidelines and requirements (internal
and external) that relate to each risk domain along the supply chain continuum 公司遵
2. The company ability to meet the expectations of stakeholders with regard to
sourcing, manufacturing and delivery of products

 Why compliance
Reputation, credibility of the company 声誉信誉
Good governance 良好治理
Commercial opportunity / commercial advantage 商业机会优势
Lawsuits / monetary fines 诉讼/罚款
Prison sentences 监禁判决
Boycotts, embargo…抵制,禁运

 Fields of application
• Corruption/bribery, fraud/conflict of interests
• Money laundering and financing of terrorism
• Data protection • Competition • Environment • Food and drugs • Child labor

Compliance programs
1. Mapping and assessing seriousness of risks 绘制和评估风险的严重性
2. Adopting a comprehensive code of conduct accordingly 全面行为准则
3. Assess worthiness of clients, suppliers, and third parties (due diligence) 尽职调
4. Training all relevant personnel/partners to a culture of ethically responsible
behavior 对所有相关⼈员/合作伙伴进⾏道德责任行为⽂化培训
5. Whistle blowing system 举报
6. Sanctions 制裁
7. Assessment measures 评估

 Actors
The government enacts legislation 政府立法
Companies must implement compliance measures 公司必须执行合规措施
Compliance authorities enforce the rules 合规机构执行规则

 Understanding how it fits within an organization

What can be done to actually prevent corruption by a third party?

• Inform them of the compliance program and the fight against corruption
• Train them to anti corruption practices
• Require a written statement of commitment to uphold fight against corruption
•Require that partners make assessment of integrity of their own
partners/subcontractors 要求合作伙伴对其自己的合作伙伴/分包商进行诚信评估
Unit10 Intellectual Property
IP law protect expression(copyright) and implementation(patents/trademark/design)
of ideas/concepts.
All IPR are territorial

Why acquire IPRS:

 Return on investment
 Positive image(innovate)
 Increased negotiating power
 Opportunity to license the rights

invention which offers a technical solution to a technical problem
 New
 Inventive/non obvious
 Capable of industrial application/useful
Duration:20 years
Cost:registration fees+annuity payments+obligation Most expensive and complex
Trade secrets are not IP rights
Trade secrets are a commercial strategy keeping some commercially
valuable information confidential
No expiration date

A sign capable of distinguish goods/services
 Availability in the desired class of products
 Distinctiveness,not descriptive 独特性 不具有描述性
 Not confusing
 Not against public policy
Duration:10 years
Cost:registration fees+obligation

Industrial design
Ornamental/aesthetic aspect of an item 物品的装饰美学方面
 Novelty,not known to the public
 Uniqueness
 Not against public policy
Duration:5 years

IP infringement 侵权

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