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Final test
1 1 bruise 2 improvement 3 dishwasher 4 backpack
5 garage 6 climbing 7 interval 8 youth club
2 1 confirmation 2 disappointment 3 impolite 4 dishonest
5 unfriendly 6 beautiful 7 incomplete 8 discussion
3 1 missed 2 taught 3 is studying 4 spend
5 earn 6 find out 7 met 8 tell

1 1 had left 2 is playing 3 did you get 4 doesn’t understand
5 will help 6 Has Clare thanked 7 begins 8 am going to look
2 1 faster than 2 as badly 3 (the) farthest/furthest 4 harder than 5 the easiest
6 (the) most intelligently 7 better than 8 less interesting than
3 1 So do I. 2 Neither/Nor do I. 3 So will I. 4 Neither/Nor can I. 5 Neither/Nor have I.
6 So have I. 7 So am I. 8 Neither/Nor am I.

Grammar & Vocabulary

1 taking 2 have 3 at 4 may/might 5 pass
6 fail 7 if 8 on 9 for 10 having/getting

1 B 2 E 3 C 4 F 5 G

1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 C

1 Which room will be painted first?
Boy: How’s your new apartment?
Girl: OK, but all the walls need painting. My bedroom’s a really boring grey colour. The painters are coming in next week,
but Mum and Dad are keen for them to do the living room before anything else because more people see it.
Boy: So are they going to do your bedroom after that?
Girl: No way. The kitchen’s next on their list after they’ve done the living room. It’s not fair!
2 What could the boy see from his window?
Girl: How was your holiday?
Boy: Great. I had a room on the top floor of the hotel with an incredible view.
Girl: So could you see the whole city from there?
Boy: You could from my parents’ room, because that was on the other side. Mine was actually looking out over the bay. It was great
because all the big cruise ships pass by there on their way into the harbour.
Girl: And could you see the famous bridge?
Boy: Not from my hotel window – but we did go across it in a taxi. It’s amazing.
3 Which homework is the boy having problems with?
Girl: Hi there. You look a bit down – is something the matter?
Boy: Oh it’s just this homework we’ve got to do – I can’t understand it really. It’s so frustrating!
Girl: What, the geography? I thought that was your favourite subject.
Boy: It is usually, it’s maths that I sometimes have problems with – but that was OK this week.
Girl: Yeah. I found it easy too. But I thought the geography was OK as well. The one I’m finding hard is science.
Boy: Oh I’ve finished that. Perhaps we should work together on those subjects?
Girl: Good idea.

Complete Preliminary for Schools Test Generator This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

4 What time are they meeting?

Girl: Why don’t we go to the cinema tomorrow?
Boy: Yeah, that’s a good idea. There are lots of good films on. We could meet at quarter past six and get a pizza or something.
What do you think?
Girl: Mmm, I’m not sure. I promised Mum that I’d help her after school … you know what she’s like so it’d be better if we could meet
at quarter to seven or perhaps a bit later?
Boy: OK then, let’s forget the pizza and just meet at the cinema at 7.15.
5 Where does the girl feel pain now?
Doctor: So when you fell off your bike last week, where did you hurt yourself?
Girl: Well doctor, I had a small cut on my knee, but it was nothing, so I thought I was OK. Then, during the day at school,
my arm really began to ache, and it still aches now.
Doctor: I see. So where does it hurt exactly?
Girl: Well, on the day it happened my whole arm was painful, from the shoulder downwards. But since then, it’s really
been in my elbow here.
Doctor: I see.
6 Where should the students meet for the museum tour?
Teacher: Now listen everybody. The coach is leaving us here outside the supermarket. You now have thirty minutes to look round
the town before our museum tour at eleven o’clock. So let’s all meet up again at 10.30 – not outside the museum please,
because it might be a bit crowded, but by the fountain over there in the square. After the museum tour, the coach will wait
for us outside the supermarket. If you want to buy souvenirs, do it now. There won’t be time later. OK? Any questions?
7 What does the girl need to buy?
Boy: Hi there. Are you ready for the tennis match this afternoon?
Girl: Almost. I don’t actually have a tennis racket of my own, but fortunately I’ve managed to borrow one, because they’re pretty
expensive. But I do need to get some trainers. I don’t really have anything suitable.
Boy: Really? Well, they’re pretty expensive too.
Girl: I know. I guess there’ll be tennis balls at the club – or do you think we need to buy some?
Boy: Don’t worry. I’ve got some. My sister bought them last summer, but she’s never used them.

1 1 i 2 f 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 h 7 j 8 c 9 g 10 e

Complete Preliminary for Schools Test Generator This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

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