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The Bush Line

Hugh1, Robt2, Robt3-1805, AJ4-1843, AJBush5-1867

Allen J. Bush contacted the Duggan DNA Project for a review of DNA matches related to his Bush
line and a possible connection to the Duggan family. Allen’s great-grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth
Bush (1846 - 1933) lived in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, next to Sevier Co. This matriarch never
formally married the father of her three sons, but oral tradition suggested that Andrew Jackson
Duggan was their father. Allen wanted to know whether it was possible to determine whether
that information was accurate—was his great-grandfather a Duggan?

Hugh Duggan, born around 1740 (Hugh1)1, and his wife Margaret Wilson had several sons who
obtained occupancy land grants in Sevier Co., TN between 1787 and 1810. One younger son died
young, leaving a widow Jean. Other sons Hugh2, Wm2, Dan2 and
John2 migrated south and west through Blount into Monroe Co.
and beyond, and their
sons followed. Robert
Duggan, born around
1766 (Robt2) married
Margaret Dunn. Robt2
was the only Duggan
son to remain in Sevier
County, as did most of
his children and their
families, although one of his daughters moved to Bradley Co.,
another moved to Cocke Co., and one son moved to Jefferson Co.

Robert Duggan II (Robt3) was born around 1805. He married

Cassandra Dunn, likely a relative of his mother. Cassandra was
born in Kentucky, and after the birth of their first child, Robt3 and
his wife spent several years in Missouri, where four sons were
born, including a son Andrew Jackson Duggan, b. 1843 (AJ4-
1843). By 1846 the family was back in Tennessee, where the last
three children were born.
Robt3 was on the Sevier Co. census in 1850, but he moved the
family to neighboring Jefferson Co. before he died in 1852. Three of their sons also died by 1853.
Cassandra stayed on in Jefferson County after her husband’s death, and raised her family there.
The oldest child, daughter Malissa, married Benjamin Garner in Jefferson Co. in 1854. Stewart
“Hamilton”, Andrew “Jackson”, Lemuel, and daughter Elizabeth were all still at home with
Cassandra in 1860, on the Jefferson Co. Census. This is the only Duggan family known to have
been in Jefferson Co. (where Sarah Bush resided) during this era.

The numeric suffix on an abbreviated Duggan name shows the generation, beginning with Hugh1; his sons are
generation 2, his grandchildren are generation 3, etc. Beginning in the third generation, a hyphen and date show
the assumed year of birth, to distinguish multiple persons of the same generation with the same first name.

Stewart Hamilton Duggan died in the civil war, unmarried, as reflected by a Pension application
filed by Cassandra in 1869. As a Widow, dependent on an unmarried son for support, that pension
was granted to her. This left
Cassandra with four living
children. Daughters Malissa
(Garner) and Elizabeth (Poe)
would both marry and leave
large families, as would
Lemuel. But the history for
AJ4-1843 is harder to track.
We know that he, like his
older brother, enrolled in the
Union army in the Civil War,
and that he survived that war.
His whereabouts in the years
following the war are unclear.

AJ4-1843 has not been found on the 1870 or 1880 census. We have no documentation of where
he was living from 1865 through 1888. It was during this same period that Sarah Bush was having
her children. It is possible that AJ4-1843 was working on the Bush
farm, and that each household assumed that he was being included
with the other household for purposes of the census. Absent new
records coming to light, this gap may never be explained.
If AJ4-1843 was the father of the Bush children, the relationship with
Sarah did not last forever. In 1888, in nearby Cocke Co., at almost 45
years of age, AJ4 married Eliza France, with whom he would have
one child, Walter C. Duggan. In 1891 AJ was listed as registered voter
in Jefferson Co., but in 1900 and 1910 the family appears on the
Cocke Co. Census. Walter was born around 1890. He is with his
parents in Cocke Co. in 1900, at about 10 years of age.

At age 20, Walter was still home in 1910, and AJ4 lived next
to several of members of the France family. Walter would
marry and appear on future census records with his wife,
but there is no evidence that they ever had children.

Although traditional research has

failed to track AJ4 during the 20-
year interval following the Civil War,
family tradition suggests that he and
Sarah Bush had an ongoing relationship, and that they had a family together. Sarah’s first-born
son, and the ultimate patriarch of this family, was “Andrew Jackson” Bush – suggesting strongly
the link to AJ4. If the family lore is true, we may never know why they did not marry, but perhaps
DNA can at least tell us whether the family lore is true – was Andrew Jackson Duggan the father
of Andrew Jackson Bush?

I. The Y-Test
Allen Bush is a male-line descendant of the oldest son of Sarah Bush. Allen’s father was Henry Claude
Bush. His father was Andrew Jackson Bush. If AJ4-1843 was the father of Andrew Jackson Bush, and
assuming no other non-Duggans in
his paternal line through Hugh1,
Allen should share the same Y-
Haplogroup as the other male line
descendants of Hugh1. Because
several of the Duggan men in our
Project have taken this test, we
have the ability to do that
comparison. Allen’s Y-Haplogroup
was I-M223, which was a match.
Duggans are not the only lines that
have this Haplogroup, but it is a relatively rare haplogroup. Any other result on the Y-test would have
been a clear indication that the Bush line did NOT descend from the Duggan line, but the match created
a presumption that they did share a paternal line.

All other straight-line Duggan males in our Project who have tested shared this result. The chart below
represents the Y-Test results that we have confirmed, and includes the line of descent (from Hugh1) for
those who are his descendants. This chart includes all “0” variant matches, and one “1” Variant match for
Generations Basic Y-DNA Advanced a Duggan who contacted us
Name Ancestor (Line from Hugh1)
From Hugh1 Haplogroup Test from Ireland. Allen was the
Tim Dugan
8 Frank2, GeoWm3-1810 m. Nancy Coe
I-M223 seventh male-line descendant of
Timothy Duggan
7 Hugh1 to test, and all were
Y-37 I-M223
Carlton H Duggan
Robt2, Wils3-1803 m. Eliz Keeler assigned the same result. Five
Unk I-M223
were known descendants, who
Allen Bush 7
Stephen (Allen's son) 8 confirmed their established
Robt2, Robt3 m. Cassandra Dunn I-M223
Douglas (Allen's son) 8 I-Y7273 lines for the Project, and Allen
Y-DNA at 23andME
Charles Duggan 7 John2, Jas3-1807 m. Laura McKenzie I-M223 I-Y7273 was the second of two
Big-Y submissions that were
Gary Duggan 9
Hugh2, John3-1790 m. Jemima Martin
I-M223 suspected ‘Duggan’ lines since
Richard W. Duggan 7
Dan2, Abs3-1811 confirmed as existing outside of
Y-37; Big Y I-M223 I-Y7273
Edward Brooks Burke 8
a traditional marital
Wm2, Hugh3-1790 I-M223
Y-DNA12 relationship. Note that Allen
Donald Duggan n/a John Dougan born circa 1785 Dromore, represented the third
Y-37 Down, Ireland I-M223
descendant of Robt2 to test (the
first through his son Robt3), and the same result had been seen by descendants of Wm2, Dan2, Hugh2
and GW3. Recently Charles Duggan provided a test as a John2 descendant, providing confirming Y-Hap
data through descendants of all six sons of Hugh1. Two of Allen’s sons also tested. Since the testing began,

more sophisticated tests have further refined the Y-Hap assignment. Two of our Duggan kits were
submitted for the more extensive testing, and Allen’s son Douglas also had the advanced testing, all
providing a consistant haplogroup result. So how far does this Y-Test take us?
• Failing to share the same haplogroup as our known straight male-line Duggan descendants would
have excluded the Bush line from being Duggan descendants. Because we have the male lines of
at all known sons of Hugh1 showing the identical Y-haplogroup2, we know that all male line
descendants from this family should share that same Y-haplogroup. Failure to show the I-M223
(or more advanced I-Y7273) result would have eliminated Duggan paternity for Allen, and
presumably for A.J. Bush, just as certainly as some combinations of blood types would not be
possible between a parent and a child. But that did not happen. Allen Bush and his sons share the
same Y-gene as all of our Duggan line men.

• This still does not give us a 100% positive identification. Descendants of Hugh1 are not the only
ones in the world that have these same Y-markers. The Y-Test is not like a fingerprint; taken alone
it does not absolutely establish Duggan paternity. Other male lines (outside of Hugh1
descendants) share this haplogroup.

• 23andME reports that the I-M223 haplogroup is seen rarely, only 1 in 82,000 men show this
haplogroup. For Allen to show this particular Y-haplogroup, and to have lived near the Duggans,
and for there to have been NO others in the area (to date) reflecting that Y-haplogroup other than
Duggans, dramatically raises the likelihood that Allen’s line descends from Hugh1.

• But even if the Y-test shows a tremendous likelihood that Allen is a descendant of Hugh1, in
addition to not being a 100% guarantee of that fact, the Y-test alone also does not help identify
where Allen would belong in Hugh1’s family tree.
With this, we move to the next phase. The Y-test confirmed that the Bush line was likely descended from
Hugh1, in that they share an identical Y-Haplogroup, on all markers tested. But that is just one of 23
chromosomes. In reviewing autosomal test results—which look at the other 22 chromsomes, we look for
matching DNA between Allen and other known descendants of Hugh1, and we look at the size of those
matches. This will give us a way to confirm from a different perspective whether Allen shares DNA with
Duggan descendants, and it will tell us which Duggans Allen is most closely related to, thus helping to
place Allen in the Duggan family tree.

Absent mutation, the Y-Chr of a male passes from father to son, without alteration, from generation to generation.
The X-Chr of a male passes from father to daughter, without alteration for one generation. A male has the XY
combination – he has one strand of X (from his mother) and one strand of Y (from his father). Having only one ‘strand’
of each, it passes out its entirety, without recombination or change (absent mutation). A mother, however, has no
Y-Chr and begins with the XX combination –having received one X-Chr from each parent. She passes an X-Chr to a
son (contributing the “X” to his XY) and she passes an X-Chr to a daughter (contributing one “X” to her daughter’s
XX). The difference, however, is that because the mother starts with the XX, in each case she ‘recombines’ the two
into one…literally cutting and splicing the two into one X-Chr, thus sending out half of her X-DNA (as one recombined
X), and leaving the other half on the cutting room floor. Each child gets about half of the X from each maternal
grandparent. Thus, the X-Chr from the mother changes at each generation. While an X-Chr from a father to a
daughter passes without combination for one generation, it will be subject to recombination when the daughter
passes it on. ONLY the Y-Chr escapes recombination, generation after generation. The same Y-Chr of Hugh1 passed
to his six sons. Each of them passed it to his own sons, and so on through the generations, so that each of the
individual male-line descendants in our Y-Chart above have the same Y-Chr—all identical to the one Hugh1 passed
down (at least as to the markers tested). Allen Bush also shares the same Y-markers.

II. Autosomal Test – The 22 Chromosomes
A. Placing Allen Bush as a Descendant of Andrew J. Bush b. 1843
Allen Bush also did an Autosomal Test, which looks at parts of the ‘other’ 22 chromosomes. His kit has
been uploaded (so that we can look for matches with others) onto AncestryDNA, 23andME, ftDNA,
MyHeritage and Insodoing we were able to compare his DNA to known and self described
‘Duggan’ cousins on each of those services and determine the extent to which they shared the same DNA
sequences. What we found was overwhelming evidence that:
(i) Allen is genetically related to the descendants of Hugh1, and
(ii) His Duggan line is almost certainly through AJ4-1843.
We drew the first inference simply based on of the number and quality of the DNA segments that Allen
shares with other Duggan descendants. The list is extensive, and attached as Appendix 1. Note that a few
of those matches are likely INMAN matches (not Duggan), and are marked accordingly. We may find other
side matches as we work, and will note those along the way. Even so, the size of the matches, and the
strength of connection between Allen and multiple lines of descent from Hugh1 leaves no question as to
his genetic connection to this family. (See Appendix 1). We drew the second inference from a series of
observations about the data, focusing on which descendants of Hugh1 that Allen matched most closely.

(a) Allen’s best matches, over all, are descendants of Robt2. The child of Hugh1 whose descendants show
the best matches to Allen is Robt2. This data is so significant, as it is left no doubt that Robt2 is Allen’s
ancestor. The following chart lists only Allen’s matches to Robt2 descendants. The Total cM chart shows
the total amoutn of cM shared, being the total of matches of 6 cM or more – and most of these matches
are much more signifcant.
PrimaryKit PrimaryName MatchedKit Match chr Start End Cm SNPs MatchIN Total CM
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 3 63,411 3,006,444 8.2 767 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 3 123,189,192 129,149,021 6.5 808 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 8 24,677,132 43,791,691 17.8 2350 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 8 47,060,977 77,331,219 28.2 3509 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 11 82,297,773 134,934,063 67.8 8528 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 20 1,325,896 9,887,978 23.4 1939 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 6 154,801,450 169,382,503 26.4 4234 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 9 12,527,414 26,189,592 22.3 4061 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 22 20,279,718 23,861,112 8.2 528 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 8 24,677,132 33,478,827 11.2 2174 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 8 55,783,975 71,035,488 14.2 3103 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 9 9,907,987 26,580,067 25.9 4909 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 9 138,186,943 141,066,491 6.7 623 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 11 127,719,538 134,934,063 17.4 2,366 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 20 59,637,639 61,472,073 7.2 594 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 3 63,411 23,139,179 45 6994 2018-12-28 96 Robt2, Mary Jane3 (Plus, Wm2, Hugh3 -- as MJ3 m. her 1st cousin,
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 5,671,460 26,286,663 35.6 5667 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2 So the matches with this line are exaggerated
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 29,530,880 41,402,981 9 2060 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2 (It's like they double dip!)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 22 20,900,074 23,708,833 6.5 422 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A038412 vickie cline 20 2,183,608 7,371,819 14.9 1572 2015-07-03 14.9 Robt2-MJ3 & Wm2- Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A925070 Wanda Jean Gossage 11 55,026,160 72,286,156 14.2 3368 2016-01-22 14.2 Robt2-MJ3 & Wm2- Hugh3 (tentative placement - uncertain)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A064359 *MichaelD 9 18,848,066 27,123,260 11.2 1461 2018-03-16 11.2 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A509372 David Smith jr 22 20,966,457 23,922,552 7 461 2015-11-28 7 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A890018 *Virginia 18 6,868,925 8,110,805 6 298 2018-10-30 6 Robt2 & Wm2

(b) The size of Allen’s matches with known descendants of Robt3 places Allen in Robt3’s line. Allen’s single
best match (among those identified to date who had uploaded to Gedmatch) was a descendant of Robt3-
1805 (who was a son of Robt2 & his wife Margaret Dunn), named Billie Cody. Allen’s matches to Billie
Cody total about 152 cM. To share this much DNA, Billie is likely a second cousin once removed to Allen.3
Billie’s line of descent is throught Elizabeth Duggan Poe, b. 1854. She was a younger sister of AJ Duggan,
and a daughter of Robt3-1805. We know that Allen’s Duggan line is a straight male line descent—Elizabeth
is not Allen’s direct ancestor—but given the size of this match, it was clear that one of her brothers was.
The match is ‘too good’ to be more remote than through Robt3-1805 and his wife Cassandra Dunn, thus
they must be the most recent common ancestors (MRCA) for Billie Cody and Allen Bush.

It turns out they are third cousins.

(c) Allen’s line must be through AJ-1843 or Lemuel-1850. Because of the Y-Test results, we know that
Allen’s line flows through one of Robt3’s sons, but only his sons AJ Duggan and Lemuel Duggan survived
the Civil War, and AJ Bush was born in 1867.

(d) Lemuel was not the father of AJ Bush. Lemuel was a bit young to have been the father of AJ Bush. He
would have been about six years younger than Sarah, only 16 when AJ Bush was conceived, and still living
at home with his own momma at the time. But we still looked at that possiblity. We were able to test the
theory (with DNA) that Lemuel might have been the father of AJ Bush because Lemuel had descendants
who have done DNA tests. We found Lemuel’s granddaughter – Adeline Duggan Rafferty – on ftDNA. We
found one of her granddaughters there as well, and one of her grandsons on Ancestry. Only Adeline’s
granddaugther was also on GedMatch. Comparing their tests to Allen’s suggests that AJ Bush and Victor
Blaine Duggan were cousins, rather than half-siblings. If Victor and AJ Bush had been half-siblings, then
the match between Adeline and Allen wolld have been much bigger. The chart therefore looks like this:

Andrew Jackson Duggan 1843 Lemuel L Duggan 1850

Andrew Jackson Bush Victor Blaine Duggan
Henry Cl aude Bus h Alger Emert Bus h Adel i ne Duggan Rafferty
Allen Bush Evelyn Dad Mom
JJ3684832 Ti naHamm6624 Bri an Rafferty Jenni fer Thomps on

Adeline tested with ftDNA, and her results are not on GedMatch. But we can still compare Allen to her.
We uploaded a copy of Allen’s results to ftDNA and found Adeline there. FtDNA has a chromsome browser,
and they reported the cMs shared between the two. We adjusted the shared cMs reported by FtDNA to
make them consistent with standardized ranges. Allen and Adeline share 131 cM, as adjusted. Adeline’s
Name Match Chr Start End cM Snps matching segments with Allen are included for
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 7 116,722,714 121,086,705 1.26 600
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 4 41,166,991 43,505,495 1.32 500 reference. reports that Adeline’s
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 12 32,965,070 38,671,385 1.5 600
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 15 44,671,638 46,645,353 1.59 500 grandson, Brian, shares 50 cM with Allen—he is on
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 13 57,430,906 60,049,758 1.61 600
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 9 28,368,229 30,016,310 1.78 500 the same generational line as Jennifer. Gedmatch
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 10 19,600,058 20,916,620 1.84 500
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
shows her matching Allen over 69 cM. For our
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
purposes, we treat the Adeline matches as 130 and
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
her grandchildren’s matches as averaging 55. 4 Both
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
reflect above average matching but well within the
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty
1800 range for the relationship if AJ Duggan was the
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 6 134,769,313 143,111,008 8.46 1754
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 1 162,870,746 181,337,647 19.61 4997 father of AJ Bush. This suggests that Allen and
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 7 68,097,013 92,860,776 21.53 5281 131
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 14 31,368,836 54,257,899 21.72 5700 Adeline are 2C1R, and that Allen and her
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 3 7,795,659 23,133,919 22.31 4800
Allen Bush Mrs. Adeline Rafferty 9 2,834,261 26,303,753 37.37 8500 grandchildren are 3C1R.5

FtDNA notoriously counts every shred of ‘matching’ dna as a match, even slivers so tiny that they are probably not
matches at all—they may cross match over maternal and paternal strands, leading to false matches. FtDNA claims
Allen and Adeline shared over 170 cM, but we eliminated segments less than 6 cM, a reasonable threshold. Note all
of the matches greyed out are under 6 cM. You can see this same inflation when you look at her granddaughter
Jennifer’s kit – ftDNA reports her at 108, but GedMatch reports that the same kit (it was uploaded directly from
ftDNA to GedMatch) shares 69 cM with Allen. GedMatch has already taken out what would be the ‘gray’ slivers.

If Lemuel had fathered AJ Bush, then Victor Duggan and AJ Bush would have been half siblings (@1800 cM), and
Adeline and Henry (Allen’s father) would have been ‘half’ first cousins (@ 460 cM), making Adeline and Allen ½ 1C1R
(@ 230 cM of real matches… and the way ftDNA measures, it would have had them at close to 400 cM). Adeline
passed away in 2013. We are grateful to the person who had the foresight to encourage her to contribute her DNA
test, for genealogical posterity, as hers is a sixth generation kit, which is quite rare.

(e) Andrew J. Duggan was therefore the son of Robt3 that fathered AJ Bush, son of Sarah Bush.The large
DNA matches to descendants to Robt3-1805, the Y-Test, and comparisons to Elizabeth Duggan Poe and
Lemuel Duggan descendants all help us conclude that Andrew J. Duggan was the father of Andrew J. Bush.

B. Examining Allen’s Matches with Duggan Descendants

Before be begin a close examination of Allen’s matches, it is important to study his family tree. Knowing
the other branches of his family tree will help us to spot collateral line matches. If Allen and a Duggan
descendant share a line (other than their Duggan line) their matches may be coming from that collateral
line shared ancestry, and should be clarified as such. We want to take care that the matches we attribute
to Allen as being from his Duggan ancestry are indeed from a Duggan line! So here is a peek at Allen’s
family tree, including his projected Duggan branch. There is NOT a lot of overlap with other lines we
commonly see. One advantage we have is that Allen’s family was in Jefferson County, so there will be less
overlap with other Jeffereson County families than we typically see. Allen’s entire maternal tree looks
unfamiliar (compared to other Duggans in the study). The most likely source of collateral line matches
may be the Inman-Chilton line, highlighted below.

Only one-eighth of Allen’s DNA will have originated with AJ Bush’s father. We are focusing on the
segments where Allen ‘matches’ other Duggan descendants because those segments are most
likely to be Duggan in origin, and thus related to that one-eighth. Much of that one-eighth will be
so fragmented that we won’t be able to map it at this point.

Our objective is to identify as much of Allen’s Duggan DNA as we can, test those segments to be
sure that they appear Duggan in origin, and thus confirm in another manner his placement in the
tree. We would expect to find significant Dunn matches, because both Robt3 and Robt2 married
into the Dunn family. As a result, we should find more Dunn matches than Duggan matches.
Because the Ancestry of Cassandra and Margaret Dunn is not settled, this may help resolve their
family of origin as well.

We can now go to the Match list generated from GedMatch as a start. This is simply a list of
matches between Allen and known Duggan descendants. From this list we will select some
significant matches that we want to look at more carefully, and see what those individual
matches tell us about the relationship between Allen and the Duggans.


On Chr-20 we find some of Allen’s most significant Duggan matches.

Kit Name Kit2 Name2 chr Start End Cm SNPs
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 20 1,325,896 9,887,978 23.4 1939 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A038412 vickie cline 20 2,183,608 7,371,819 14.9 1572 Robt2-MJ3 & Wm2- Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A348745 Naomi King 20 4,926,855 6,834,380 7.1 459 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 5,671,460 26,286,663 35.6 5667 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A976140 Diana Elliott 20 8,795,984 19,888,736 21.9 2344 John2
Allen Bush ftDNA Mary Sue Huff 20 8,564,967 19,767,424 20 3256 Dan2; Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A819119 Teresa Linton 20 9,935,686 26,197,931 24 3039 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush DJ3340642 Amanda Williams 20 10,340,037 26,197,931 22.5 2,986 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A232247 *Ralphine U 20 13,814,609 19,832,870 11.1 1299 Wm2, Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush MW2939043 Debra Gregory 20 15,468,181 26,197,931 14.2 2,000 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush M243063 *dew 20 15,654,731 19,904,469 8.4 668 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T301189 David Brown 20 16,702,663 26,278,250 11.4 2319 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A518532 *Curt 20 17,882,808 22,511,936 7.3 735 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T301189 David Brown 20 29,530,880 41,418,763 9 2060 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A623841 Carolyn Neeley 20 29,530,880 41,409,064 9 2042 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 29,530,880 41,402,981 9 2060 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush DJ3340642 Amanda Williams 20 29,558,463 41,402,981 9 1,385 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush MW2939043 Debra Gregory 20 29,558,463 41,402,981 9 1,378 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A753830 Rachel Rodriguez 20 29,558,463 41,375,340 8.9 1343 Wm2, Nancy (+ Hugh2 line)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A232247 *Ralphine U 20 29,558,463 41,070,532 8.4 1113 Wm2, Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A976140 Diana Elliott 20 30,475,381 41,409,064 8.9 1160 John2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A138376 *KT65 20 30,608,046 41,711,226 9.4 2003 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A819119 Teresa Linton 20 41,290,936 45,492,024 6.8 801 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A959839 Barbara Smythe 20 49,496,768 57,198,838 19.1 2374 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A559480 *Connie Ward 20 52,142,808 57,202,550 13.9 1615 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A098945 Thomas A Ward Jr 20 52,151,185 57,201,828 13.9 1233 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 20 56,420,820 59,471,659 11.3 967 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 20 59,637,639 61,472,073 7.2 594 Robt2, Wilson3

The chart above indicates the matches with kits uploaded to Gedmatch between Allen and Hugh1
descendants. Since only a fraction of them have registered their kits on Gedmatch, this is quite a
significant list. Here are my observations about these matches.
• Allen has at least four separate portions along Chr-20 where he has Duggan matches.
• Part 1 runs from segments (“Seg”) 1-96. The match with Billie Cody is largest,
(MCRA=Duggan-Dunn), Naomi has no known Dunn ancestry (MCRA=Duggan-Wilson), but
that is smaller and could be a false match.
• Part 2 overlaps Part 1 for part of the matches, but Seg 8 -26 is shared by descendants of
Robt2, John2, Marg2, Wm2, and Hugh2 and GW3 (MCRA=Duggan-Wilson).
• Part3 runs from Seg 29- 41 and is shared by descendants of Hugh2, Robt2, Marg2, Wm2,
John2 and GW3 (MCRA Duggan-Wilson).
• Part 4, from Seg 49- 61, is shared by desc. of Wm2 and Marg2 (MCRA=Duggan-Wilson).7

Descendants of each child of Hugh1, other than Dan2, share parts of these Chr-20 matches, and
Allen Bush matches each segment described above, evidencing shared Duggan DNA. There is not
common ancestor that explains these four shared segments, other than the Duggan ancestors.

Segments are referenced in millions, so that segment 1 means the first 1,000,000 spots on the Chromosome.
The last two listed, from 56-59 and 59- 61 could be collateral line matches (and the last could be a Dunn match).

PrimaryKit PrimaryName MatchedKit Match chr Start End Cm SNPs MatchIN Total CM
Appendix “1”
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 3 63,411 3,006,444 8.2 767 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3 Appendix 1
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 3 123,189,192 129,149,021 6.5 808 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 8 24,677,132 43,791,691 17.8 2350 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 8 47,060,977 77,331,219 28.2 3509 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 11 82,297,773 134,934,063 67.8 8528 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush UQ5362965 Billie Cody 20 1,325,896 9,887,978 23.4 1939 2019-03-04 151.9 Rob2, Robt3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 6 154,801,450 169,382,503 26.4 4234 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 9 12,527,414 26,189,592 22.3 4061 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A043329 *jack_burnett75 22 20,279,718 23,861,112 8.2 528 2017-05-14 56.8 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 8 24,677,132 33,478,827 11.2 2174 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 8 55,783,975 71,035,488 14.2 3103 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A272445 Marg. For Nancy Duggan 9 9,907,987 26,580,067 25.9 4909 2017-08-14 51.4 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 9 138,186,943 141,066,491 6.7 623 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 11 127,719,538 134,934,063 17.4 2,366 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A568670 charlene acuff meadows 20 59,637,639 61,472,073 7.2 594 2013-05-30 31.3 Robt2, Wilson3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 3 63,411 23,139,179 45 6994 2018-12-28 96 Robt2, Mary Jane3 (Plus, Wm2, Hugh3 -- as MJ3 m. her 1st cousin,
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 5,671,460 26,286,663 35.6 5667 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2 So the matches with this line are exaggerated
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 20 29,530,880 41,402,981 9 2060 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2 (It's like they double dip!)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QP5082143 John Ronald Goode 22 20,900,074 23,708,833 6.5 422 2018-12-28 96 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A038412 vickie cline 20 2,183,608 7,371,819 14.9 1572 2015-07-03 14.9 Robt2-MJ3 & Wm2- Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A925070 Wanda Jean Gossage 11 55,026,160 72,286,156 14.2 3368 2016-01-22 14.2 Robt2-MJ3 & Wm2- Hugh3 (tentative placement - uncertain)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A064359 *MichaelD 9 18,848,066 27,123,260 11.2 1461 2018-03-16 11.2 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A509372 David Smith jr 22 20,966,457 23,922,552 7 461 2015-11-28 7 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A890018 *Virginia 18 6,868,925 8,110,805 6 298 2018-10-30 6 Robt2 & Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A232247 *Ralphine U 20 13,814,609 19,832,870 11.1 1299 2018-03-14 19.4 Wm2, Hugh3 (his child with someone other than MJ3)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A232247 *Ralphine U 20 29,558,463 41,070,532 8.4 1113 2018-03-14 19.4 Wm2, Hugh3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A348745 Naomi King 19 1,503,964 3,300,339 8.4 357 2017-10-15 15.6 Wm2, Nancy3-Roberts
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A348745 Naomi King 20 4,926,855 6,834,380 7.1 459 2017-10-15 15.6 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A559480 *Connie Ward 20 52,142,808 57,202,550 13.9 1615 2014-04-20 13.9 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A098945 Thomas A Ward Jr 20 52,151,185 57,201,828 13.9 1233 2017-05-07 13.9 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T235458 Amy Cobble Martin 20 56,420,820 59,471,659 11.3 967 2011-06-20 11.3 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A753830 Rachel Rodriguez 20 29,558,463 41,375,340 8.9 1343 2018-08-31 8.9 Wm2, Nancy (Also has a Hugh2 line)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush M243063 *dew 20 15,654,731 19,904,469 8.4 668 2017-06-17 8.4 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A147630 Scot Welker 22 20,207,328 23,861,112 8.3 521 2015-12-28 8.3 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A492887 Walter Brady 16 79,164,851 81,444,857 7.2 899 2014-10-23 7.2 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush Z774953 Ron Kelley 1 236,102,886 238,451,820 7.1 735 2017-02-23 7.1 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A167175 Richard Cook 9 138,189,561 141,066,491 6.7 618 2015-11-26 6.7 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A919129 *Jen L. 18 57,453,103 61,187,272 6.7 618 2018-04-20 6.7 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A547006 *Laura McDonald 22 20,966,457 23,747,079 6.5 304 2016-11-16 6.5 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A464450 Scott Lovingood 14 21,254,730 22,340,127 6.3 251 2017-05-15 6.3 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush M180466 *Chris 14 31,331,309 33,530,057 6.3 227 2017-07-29 6.3 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A606492 Jeff Cobble 15 31,418,766 33,820,338 6.2 457 2018-02-10 6.2 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T066737 Holcombe 22 20,966,457 23,633,842 6.2 403 2013-05-23 6.2 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A527987 Bill Reedy 1 1,017,587 2,817,421 6.1 202 2018-08-20 6.1 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A771637 Keri H. Sims 1 199,018,143 203,141,689 6.7 1112 2015-03-16 13.6 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A771637 Keri H. Sims 22 20,961,189 23,861,112 6.8 450 2015-03-16 13.6 Wm2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A518532 *Curt 9 204,201 3,012,175 8.7 957 2017-07-20 22 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A518532 *Curt 18 70,484,877 72,234,635 6.1 483 2017-07-20 22 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A518532 *Curt 20 17,882,808 22,511,936 7.3 735 2017-07-20 22 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A618786 Rick Dugan 9 204,201 3,012,175 8.7 944 2018-03-05 16.1 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A618786 Rick Dugan 22 17,758,677 19,717,722 7.5 348 2018-03-05 16.1 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A380495 *DaniG 2 7,407,734 9,281,084 6.4 448 2017-04-14 13.3 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A380495 *DaniG 22 20,109,677 23,268,511 6.9 415 2017-04-14 13.3 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A623841 Carolyn Neeley 20 29,530,880 41,409,064 9 2042 2016-12-04 9 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A818124 Ben Dugan 9 185,632 3,012,175 8.7 1305 2015-06-07 8.7 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A570646 Ron Dugan 9 204,201 3,012,175 8.7 944 2018-02-24 8.7 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A222498 Thomas James Dugan 18 6,956,238 8,425,242 6.9 357 2018-02-25 6.9 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush M386133 Karen Bywaters 19 1,589,064 3,042,734 6.7 200 2016-05-23 6.7 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A701154 Anthony Dean Torres 22 20,966,457 23,708,833 6.4 423 2015-10-12 6.4 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A719261 *TAB 8 93,450,212 99,091,245 6.3 1225 2015-04-17 6.3 GW3-1810
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A466666 Cynthia Nations(Young) 11 122,620,957 133,523,942 25.3 2398 2018-06-12 31.7 Dan3-1806
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A466666 Cynthia Nations(Young) 22 21,135,346 23,836,819 6.4 294 2018-06-12 31.7 Dan3-1806
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A170417 Jon Pearson 11 126,369,531 133,256,888 17.3 1556 2018-03-08 17.3 Dan3-1806
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T545426 Donald E Baker 8 98,130,180 103,805,097 8.2 1162 2012-07-21 8.2 Dan3-1806
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A959839 Barbara Smythe 20 49,496,768 57,198,838 19.1 2374 2015-05-22 19.1 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A587435 *Dena-1962 12 6,344,174 8,758,543 6 411 2018-01-19 6 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A138376 *KT65 8 95,254,478 104,292,965 12.1 1959 2017-05-01 43.5 Marg2 (Also watch for Ogle, Huskey, Proffit, McMahan, Dobbins)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A138376 *KT65 11 88,744,425 109,635,168 15.8 4512 2017-05-01 43.5 Marg2 (Also watch for Ogle, Huskey, Proffit, McMahan, Dobbins)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A138376 *KT65 19 51,548,531 53,358,889 6.1 573 2017-05-01 43.5 Marg2 (Also watch for Ogle, Huskey, Proffit, McMahan, Dobbins)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A138376 *KT65 20 30,608,046 41,711,226 9.4 2003 2017-05-01 43.5 Marg2 (Also watch for Ogle, Huskey, Proffit, McMahan, Dobbins)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A819119 Teresa Linton 15 92,133,741 93,891,277 6.4 556 2018-05-18 37.2 Marg2 (Fox=Derrick, Webb=McMurtry, Schrader=Martin)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A819119 Teresa Linton 20 9,935,686 26,197,931 24 3039 2018-05-18 37.2 Marg2 (Fox=Derrick, Webb=McMurtry, Schrader=Martin)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A819119 Teresa Linton 20 41,290,936 45,492,024 6.8 801 2018-05-18 37.2 Marg2 (Fox=Derrick, Webb=McMurtry, Schrader=Martin)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A574285 Thomas K Burnett 11 82,423,811 108,905,350 19.9 5879 2015-10-29 19.9 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush MW2939043 Debra Gregory 20 15,468,181 26,197,931 14.2 2,000 2019-04-22 31.5 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush MW2939043 Debra Gregory 20 29,558,463 41,402,981 9 1,378 2019-04-22 31.5 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush DJ3340642 Amanda Williams Robinson 20 10,340,037 26,197,931 22.5 2,986 2019-04-22 31.5 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush DJ3340642 Amanda Williams Robinson 20 29,558,463 41,402,981 9 1,385 2019-04-22 31.5 Marg2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A181379 Allen Harrison 11 1,633,661 19,264,497 29.2 5335 2015-03-11 57.8 Dan2, Dan3 BUT you are closer on INMAN_DAVIS
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A181379 Allen Harrison 19 6,552,386 24,490,299 28.6 3613 2015-03-11 57.8 Dan2, Dan3 BUT you are closer on INMAN_DAVIS
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A973442 THOMAS LENHART_ II 11 55,026,160 110,638,732 46.1 11825 2015-08-04 46.1 Dan2, Dan3 - Anna4-Shults (Emerts upline) GM Thora adopted)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A884634 Sally Ann Emert 11 55,171,677 109,417,401 44.6 6684 2017-03-25 44.6 Dan2, Dan3 - Anna4-Shults (Emerts upline) GM Thora adopted)
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QE3169456 sarah Harvey 11 80,949,350 109,508,311 21.4 3705 2019-03-01 21.4 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush QZ4642792 laura lagen 11 80,949,350 109,508,311 21.4 3709 2019-03-03 21.4 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A249799 Leonard Mark Stamey 11 61,750,823 78,973,937 16.9 3405 2014-10-20 16.9 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T732410 Margret Ann Woods 11 94,270,236 110,828,410 14.6 3779 2014-03-04 14.6 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A963885 *Barbara Barnes 11 82,355,066 97,804,083 12.2 1977 2016-06-01 12.2 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T958909 *DavBro Dav 2 162,473,284 171,131,199 8.7 1722 2014-07-23 8.7 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T734471 *DavBro Bgo 2 162,997,703 171,131,199 8.3 1682 2012-03-23 8.3 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush YG4356843 mGARET HARVEY 15 27,307,958 29,629,511 7.5 355 2019-02-10 7.5 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T035761 *Tmauro 22 21,275,859 23,996,463 6.5 408 2018-07-28 6.5 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A869626 Linda Arnold 10 2,468,408 3,869,098 6.4 594 2015-08-18 6.4 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A613601 Roy D. Miller 22 21,380,064 23,955,765 6.2 372 2015-07-02 6.2 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T164123 *DavBro Gab 16 5,526,708 6,934,204 6.1 751 2013-11-29 6.1 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A288319 Rick Butcher 13 24,275,547 30,212,420 13.6 1217 2018-01-14 13.6 Dan2, Dan3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A715557 *Downey 11 131,244,466 133,602,329 7.3 623 2018-01-19 7.3 Dan2, Sarah3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A454769 Theresa Ann Buskirk 1 768,448 2,974,742 7.2 361 2014-10-05 7.2 Dan2, Sarah3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A094477 Linda Cantrell Randolph 22 21,019,273 23,633,842 6.1 251 2018-01-14 6.1 Dan2, Abs3
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A976140 Diana Elliott 20 8,795,984 19,888,736 21.9 2344 2018-03-18 30.8 John2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A976140 Diana Elliott 20 30,475,381 41,409,064 8.9 1160 2018-03-18 30.8 John2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T301189 David Brown 20 16,702,663 26,278,250 11.4 2319 2016-07-03 20.4 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush T301189 David Brown 20 29,530,880 41,418,763 9 2060 2016-07-03 20.4 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A520952 *TBM 5 176,043,333 180,687,212 7.8 773 2017-08-31 7.8 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A855683 *Luvsellinghomes 1 235,994,867 238,477,085 7.4 531 2017-03-12 7.4 Hugh2
JJ3684832 Allen Bush A966386 *JFK 21 14,670,124 16,579,805 6.1 270 2017-12-13 6.1 Hugh2


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