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“Remember Lot’s Wife”


Y ou all look so good. Sister Holland walked

in and said, “I think I’m going to cry.” You
have to understand: Give yourselves 20 or 30
love you. You have our prayers, our gratitude,
and our support.
The start of a new year is the traditional
years—then you’ll know how we feel coming time to take stock of our lives and see where
back here. we are going, measured against the backdrop
We love this campus. We’re thrilled to be of where we have been. I don’t want to talk to
with you on it, and we love you personally you about New Year’s resolutions, because you
with all our hearts. only made five of them and you have already
You have had, will have, and now have broken four. (I give that remaining one just
­better university presidents than I was, but another week.) But I do want to talk to you
you’ll never have one who loves you and loves about the past and the future, not so much in
this university more than I do. Thank you for terms of New Year’s commitments per se, but
serving here, and thank you for being in atten- more with an eye toward any time of transition
dance on a bright, clear, January morning. and change in your lives—and those moments
We are grateful to President and Sister come virtually every day of our lives.
Samuelson for their kindness and their leader- As a scriptural theme for this discussion,
ship at this university. We actually know some- I have chosen the second-shortest verse in all
thing about their jobs and what they entail. You of holy scripture. I am told that the shortest
and we are very lucky to have them at the helm verse—a verse that every missionary memo-
of this special school, and we praise them pub- rizes and holds ready in case he is called on
licly for the time they spend, the success they spontaneously in a zone conference—is John
are having, and the strength that they bring. 11:35: “Jesus wept.” Elders, here is a second
I loved every word of their counsel to you last option, another shortie that will dazzle your
week, and I pray that my remarks to you today
are consistent with their messages about light, Jeffrey R. Holland was a member of the Quorum of
about trust, and about the privilege it is to have the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ
the gospel of Jesus Christ enhance our study at of Latter-day Saints when this devotional address
BYU. President and Sister Samuelson, we do was given on 13 January 2009.

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2   Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches

mission president in case you are called on c­ ollege campus, is best known for saying,
two zone conferences in a row. It is Luke 17:32, “Those who cannot remember the past are
where the Savior cautions, “Remember Lot’s ­condemned to repeat it” (Reason in Common
wife.” Sense, vol. 1 of The Life of Reason [1905–1906]).
Hmmm. What did He mean by such an So, if history is this important—and it surely
enigmatic little phrase? To find out, I suppose is—what did Lot’s wife do that was so wrong?
we need to do as He suggested. Let’s recall As something of a student of history, I have
who Lot’s wife was. thought about that and offer this as a partial
The original story, of course, comes to us out answer. Apparently what was wrong with Lot’s
of the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, when the wife was that she wasn’t just looking back; in her
Lord, having had as much as He could stand heart she wanted to go back. It would appear
of the worst that men and women could do, that even before they were past the city lim-
told Lot and his family to flee because those its, she was already missing what Sodom and
cities were about to be destroyed. “Escape Gomorrah had offered her. As Elder Maxwell
for thy life,” the Lord said, “look not behind once said, such people know they should have
thee . . . ; escape to the mountain, lest thou be their primary residence in Zion, but they still
­consumed” (Genesis 19:17; emphasis added). hope to keep a summer cottage in Babylon (see
With less than immediate obedience and Larry W. Gibbons, “Wherefore, Settle This in
more than a little negotiation, Lot and his fam- Your Hearts,” Ensign, November 2006, 102; also
ily ultimately did leave town, but just in the Neal A. Maxwell, A Wonderful Flood of Light
nick of time. The scriptures tell us what hap- [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1990], 47).
pened at daybreak the morning following their It is possible that Lot’s wife looked back
escape: with resentment toward the Lord for what He
was asking her to leave behind. We certainly
The Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah know that Laman and Lemuel were resentful
brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; when Lehi and his family were commanded to
And he overthrew those cities. [Genesis leave Jerusalem. So it isn’t just that she looked
19:24–25] back; she looked back longingly. In short, her
attachment to the past outweighed her confi-
Then our theme today comes in the next dence in the future. That, apparently, was at
verse. Surely, surely, with the Lord’s counsel least part of her sin.
“look not behind thee” ringing clearly in her So, as a new year starts and we try to benefit
ears, Lot’s wife, the record says, “looked back,” from a proper view of what has gone before, I
and she was turned into a pillar of salt. plead with you not to dwell on days now gone,
In the time we have this morning, I am not nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays, however
going to talk to you about the sins of Sodom good those yesterdays may have been. The
and Gomorrah, nor of the comparison the Lord past is to be learned from but not lived in. We
Himself has made to those days and our own look back to claim the embers from glowing
time. I am not even going to talk about obedi- experiences but not the ashes. And when we
ence and disobedience. I just want to talk to have learned what we need to learn and have
you for a few minutes about looking back and brought with us the best that we have experi-
looking ahead. enced, then we look ahead, we remember that
One of the purposes of history is to teach faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith
us the lessons of life. George Santayana, who always has to do with blessings and truths and
should be more widely read than he is on a events that will yet be efficacious in our lives.
Jeffrey R. Holland   3

So a more theological way to talk about Lot’s in the there-and-then-and-yesterday—these are

wife is to say that she did not have faith. She some of the sins, if we may call them that, of
doubted the Lord’s ability to give her some- both Lot’s wife and old Mr. Cheevy. (Now, as a
thing better than she already had. Apparently passing comment, I don’t know whether Lot’s
she thought—fatally, as it turned out—that wife, like Miniver, was a drinker, but if she
nothing that lay ahead could possibly be was, she certainly ended up with plenty of salt
as good as those moments she was leaving for her pretzels.)
behind. One of my favorite books of the New
It is here at this moment in this little story Testament is Paul’s too-seldom-read letter to
that we wish Lot’s wife had been a student at the Philippians. After reviewing the very privi-
BYU enrolled in a freshman English class. With leged and rewarding life of his early years—his
any luck, she might have read, as I did, this birthright, his education, his standing in the
verse from Edwin Arlington Robinson: Jewish community—Paul says that all of that
was nothing (“dung” he calls it) compared to
Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn, his conversion to Christianity. He says, and
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons; I paraphrase: “I have stopped rhapsodizing
He wept that he was ever born, about ‘the good old days’ and now eagerly
And he had reasons. look toward the future ‘that I may apprehend
that for which Christ apprehended me.’” Then
Miniver loved the days of old comes this verse:
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold This one thing I do, forgetting those things which
Would set him dancing. are behind, and reaching forth unto those things
which are before,
Miniver sighed for what was not, I press toward the mark for the prize of the
And dreamed, and rested from his labors; high calling of God in Christ Jesus. [Philippians
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot, 3:13–14]
And Priam’s neighbors. . . .
No Lot’s wife here. No looking back at
Miniver cursed the commonplace Sodom and Gomorrah here. Paul knows it is
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing; out there in the future, up ahead wherever
He missed the medieval grace heaven is taking us where we will win “the
Of iron clothing. . . . prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Miniver Cheevy, born too late, At this point, let me pause and add a lesson
Scratched his head and kept on thinking; that applies both in your own life and also in
Miniver coughed, and called it fate, the lives of others. There is something in us,
And kept on drinking. at least in too many of us, that particularly
[Miniver Cheevy (1910), stanzas 1–3, 6, 8] fails to forgive and forget earlier mistakes in
life—either mistakes we ourselves have made
To yearn to go back to a world that cannot or the mistakes of others. That is not good. It
be lived in now; to be perennially dissatisfied is not Christian. It stands in terrible opposition
with present circumstances and have only dis- to the grandeur and majesty of the Atonement
mal views of the future; to miss the here-and- of Christ. To be tied to earlier mistakes—our
now-and-tomorrow because we are so trapped own or other people’s—is the worst kind of
4   Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches

­ allowing in the past from which we are called

w the number of couples I have counseled who,
to cease and desist. when they are deeply hurt or even just deeply
I was told once of a young man who for stressed, reach farther and farther into the past
many years was more or less the brunt of every to find yet a bigger brick to throw through
joke in his school. He had some disadvantages, the window “pain” of their marriage. When
and it was easy for his peers to tease him. Later something is over and done with, when it has
in his life he moved away from his commu- been repented of as fully as it can be repented
nity. He eventually joined the army and had of, when life has moved on as it should and a
some successful experiences there in getting an lot of other wonderfully good things have hap-
education and generally stepping away from pened since then, it is not right to go back and
his past. Above all, as many in the military do, open up some ancient wound that the Son of
he discovered the beauty and majesty of the God Himself died trying to heal.
Church and became very active and happy in it. Let people repent. Let people grow. Believe that
Then, after several years, he came back to people can change and improve. Is that faith? Yes!
the town of his youth. Most of his generation Is that hope? Yes! Is it charity? Yes! Above all, it
had moved on, but not all. Apparently when he is charity, the pure love of Christ. If something
returned quite successful and quite reborn, the is buried in the past, leave it buried. Don’t keep
same old mind-set that had existed before was going back with your little sand pail and beach
still there, waiting for his return. To the people shovel to dig it up, wave it around, and then
in his hometown he was still just old “so and throw it at someone, saying, “Hey! Do you
so”—you remember the guy who had the remember this?” Splat!
problem, that idiosyncrasy, this quirky nature, Well, guess what? That is probably going to
and did such and such and such and such. And result in some ugly morsel being dug up out of
wasn’t it all just hilarious? your landfill with the reply, “Yeah, I remember
Well, you know what happened. Little by it. Do you remember this?” Splat.
­little this man’s Pauline effort to leave that And soon enough everyone comes out of
which was behind and grasp the prize that that exchange dirty and muddy and unhappy
God had laid before him was gradually dimin- and hurt, when what God, our Father in
ished until he died about the way he had lived Heaven, pleads for is cleanliness and kindness
in his youth. He came full circle: again inactive and happiness and healing.
and unhappy and the brunt of a new genera- Such dwelling on past lives, including past
tion of jokes. Yet he had had that one bright, mistakes, is just not right! It is not the gospel of
beautiful midlife moment when he had been Jesus Christ. It is worse than Miniver Cheevy,
able to rise above his past and truly see who he and in some ways worse than Lot’s wife,
was and what he could become. Too bad, too because at least there he and she were only
sad, that he was again to be surrounded by a destroying themselves. In these cases of mar-
whole batch of Lot’s wives, those who thought riage and family and wards and apartments
his past was more interesting than his future. and neighborhoods, we can end up destroying
Yes, they managed to rip out of his grasp that so many, many others.
for which Christ had grasped him. And he died Perhaps at this beginning of a new year
even more sadly than Miniver Cheevy, though there is no greater requirement for us than to
as far as I know the story, through absolutely do as the Lord Himself said He does: “Behold,
no fault of his own. he who has repented of his sins, the same is
That happens in marriages, too, and in forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no
other relationships we have. I can’t tell you more” (D&C 58:42).
Jeffrey R. Holland   5

The proviso, of course, is that repentance Who saith, “A whole I planned,

has to be sincere, but when it is and when Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be
­honest effort is being made to progress, we afraid!”
are guilty of the greater sin if we keep remem- [Rabbi Ben Ezra (1864), stanza 1]
bering and recalling and rebashing someone
with their earlier mistakes—and that “some- Sister Holland and I were married about the
one” might be ourselves. We can be so hard time both of us were reading poems like that in
on ­ourselves, often much more so than with BYU classrooms. We were as starstruck—and
others! as fearful—as most of you are at these ages
Now, like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies of the Book and stages of life. We had absolutely no money.
of Mormon, bury your weapons of war, and Zero. For a variety of reasons, neither of our
leave them buried. Forgive, and do that which families was able to help finance our education.
is harder than to forgive: Forget. And when it We had a small apartment just south of cam-
comes to mind again, forget it again. pus—the smallest we could find: two rooms
You can remember just enough to avoid and a half bath. We were both working too
repeating the mistake, but then put the rest of many hours trying to stay afloat financially, but
it all on the dung heap Paul spoke of to those we had no other choice.
Philippians. Dismiss the destructive and keep I remember one fall day—I think it was
dismissing it until the beauty of the Atonement in the first semester after our marriage in
of Christ has revealed to you your bright future 1963—we were walking together up the hill
and the bright future of your family and your past the Maeser Building on the sidewalk that
friends and your neighbors. God doesn’t care led between the President’s Home and the
nearly as much about where you have been as Brimhall Building. Somewhere on that path
He does about where you are and, with His we stopped and wondered what we had got-
help, where you are willing to go. That is the ten ourselves into. Life that day seemed so
thing Lot’s wife didn’t get—and neither did overwhelming, and the undergraduate plus
Laman and Lemuel and a host of others in the graduate years that we still anticipated before
scriptures. us seemed monumental, nearly insurmount-
This is an important matter to consider at able. Our love for each other and our commit-
the start of a new year—and every day ought ment to the gospel were strong, but most of all
to be the start of a new year and a new life. the other temporal things around us seemed
Such is the wonder of faith and repentance and ­particularly ominous.
the miracle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. On a spot that I could probably still mark for
We started this hour with a little verse you today, I turned to Pat and said something
remembered from one of my BYU English like this: “Honey, should we give up? I can get
classes. May I move toward a close with a few a good job and carve out a good living for us.
lines from another favorite poet whom I prob- I can do some things. I’ll be okay without a
ably met in that same class or one similar to it. degree. Should we stop trying to tackle what
For the benefit of all BYU students in the new right now seems so difficult to face?”
year of 2009, Robert Browning wrote: In my best reenactment of Lot’s wife, I said,
in effect, “Let’s go back. Let’s go home. The
Grow old along with me! future holds nothing for us.”
The best is yet to be, Then my beloved little bride did what she
The last of life, for which the first was made: has done for 45 years since then. She grabbed
Our times are in His hand me by the lapels and said, “We are not going
6   Brigham Young University 2008–2009 Speeches

back. We are not going home. The future holds Some of you were having thoughts such as
everything for us.” these: Is there any future for me? What does a
She stood there in the sunlight that day new year or a new semester or a new major or
and gave me a real talk. I don’t recall that she a new romance hold for me? Will I be safe? Will
quoted Paul, but there was certainly plenty in life be sound? Can I trust in the Lord and in the
her voice that said she was committed to setting future? Or would it be better to look back, to
aside all that was past in order to “press toward go back, to go home?
the mark” and seize the prize of God that lay To all such of every generation, I call out,
yet ahead. It was a living demonstration of “Remember Lot’s wife.” Faith is for the future.
faith. It was “the substance of things hoped for, Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay
the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). there. Faith trusts that God has great things
So we laughed, kept walking, and finished up in store for each of us and that Christ truly
sharing a root beer—one glass, two straws—at is the “high priest of good things to come”
the then newly constructed Wilkinson Center. (Hebrews 9:11).
Twenty years later I would, on occasion, My young brothers and sisters, I pray you
look out of the window of the President’s will have a wonderful semester, a wonder-
Home across the street from the Brimhall ful new year, and a wonderful life all filled
Building and picture there on the sidewalk with faith and hope and charity. Keep your
two newlywed BYU students, down on their eyes on your dreams, however distant and far
money and down even more on their confi- away. Live to see the miracles of repentance
dence. And as I would gaze out that window, and forgiveness, of trust and divine love that
usually at night, I would occasionally see not will transform your life today, tomorrow, and
Pat and Jeff Holland but you and you and you, forever. That is a New Year’s resolution I ask
walking that same sidewalk. I would see you you to keep, and I leave a blessing on you—
sometimes as couples, sometimes as a group every one of you—to be able to do so and to
of friends, sometimes as just a lone student. be happy, in the name of Him who makes it all
I knew something of what you were feeling. possible, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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