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In this life, everything is interconnected whether it is connected by good or bad things.

is coincidental in life. All occurrences in our lives must be connected with either our past or future lives,
even it is also related to other’s people life. All the meanings of life are also interconnected. There are
times when we think the meaning of our life is a tragedy if we experience sadness or misery. There are
also times when we feel happy then we will interpret life as a comedy. What we do in this life will
connect us to the meaning of life. If we want our life to always be connected with goodness or
happiness then we need to live this life with a lot of gratitude and sincerity. It is important to learn this
topic because in this life we will get many problems so when get into trouble, we can try to accept and
solve it instead of blaming life or even avoiding the problem. We will believe that in this life the wheel
will keep turning. It means that we will not continue to be in the same problem or sadness, there will
come a time when we will get out of the problem and feel happiness. In addition, if we understand the
meaning of life is a connection, there are many problems that are not too difficult for us to face, and we
will be more grateful in this life.

Philosophy was a way of life. Not merely a subject of study. The philosophy of life would include
things like how you decide what is “good” and “bad”, what “success” means, what your “purpose” in life
is. All of these are interconnected. Connection/purpose gives the feeling that they were placed on this
earth for a reason and how connected to humanity or the universe. People with a sense of purpose
believe they were placed on earth for a reason. As humans, we are always looking for connections. It is
now a scientific fact that humans are hard-wired to seek connection, love, and belonging. We relied on
our families to care for us when we were children, and without this care we could not proved
that even the first day we came to this life we already connected to the others. Connecting with life
means connecting with every aspect of our lives. Most important of all is to connect with ourselves, and
with our own movement in life. That is, to connect with our body and mind, to connect with

"Connection” means being fully aware of your here-and-now experience, fully in touch with
what is happening at this moment. In practicing connection, we pull ourselves out of the past or the
future and bring ourselves back to the present - right here, right now. Connection in this life happens
through the observing self. It involves bringing our full attention to what is happening here and now
without getting distracted or influenced by the thinking self. The observing self is by nature
nonjudgmental. It can't judge our experience, because judgments are thoughts and therefore a product
of the thinking self. The observing self doesn't get into a struggle with reality; it sees things as they are,
without resisting. Resistance only happens when we fuse with our judgments that things are bad or
wrong or unfair. We define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen,
heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance
and strength from the relationship. Connection is about waking up, noticing what's happening, engaging
with the world, and appreciating the fullness of every moment of life.

The principle of life is connection is closely related to philosophy because philosophy is an

attempt to answer comprehensive questions about human life and others to get to the basics.
Therefore, it is very important to study it so that we can understand that life is an attachment to each
other. For example, good and bad things (good and evil), life and destiny. As said earlier, philosophy also
helps us in interpreting everything that is around us, including our own existence as a whole. So we as
humans think, if we could not see the connection between everything we have experienced and
happened in our lives, maybe we would have become no more grateful and not easy to accept.
Everything in this life, in this universe, is all connected and plays their respective roles according to their
portion. The only meaning in life is that we pass on our actions, connections, desires, and legacies that
we leave for future generations. Because everyone is different, the meaning of life is different for all of
us. Everyone is responsible for: (1) self and life; (2) each other, (3) all living things, (4) the natural
surroundings: such as air, water and soil, (5) survival on this earth. So studying it is an opportunity that
can be used well in order to see the world more broadly. If we don't study it, of course we will live in our
narrow minds, not being able to see things from all sides, and not thinking deeply about things.

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