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Allied Science Physiology 09-10. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Arterial blood O2 and CO2 levels remain relatively

– Oxygen moves from alveoli to blood at same rate it is

consumed by cells

– Carbon dioxide moves from blood to alveoli at same

rate it is produced by cells

VCO2 = 200ml/min Respiratory Quotient :0.8 (rest)


• At maximum exercise, RQ > or < than 0.8??

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

Figure 17.1
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Many gases are mixtures of different molecules
• Total pressure is the sum of all Partial Pressures
– Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 + … Pn

• Partial pressure of a gas depends on:

– Fractional concentration of the gas
– Total pressure of gas mixture

Pgas = %gas x Ptotal

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Composition of Air

– 79% Nitrogen

– 21% Oxygen

– Trace amounts carbon dioxide, helium, argon, etc.

– Water can be a factor depending on humidity

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• At sea level (0% humidity):
Pair = 760 mm Hg = PN2 + PO2
– PN2 = 0.79 x 760 mm Hg = 600 mm Hg
– PO2 = 0.21 x 760 mm Hg = 160 mm Hg
– Air is only 0.03% carbon dioxide
• PCO2 = 0.0003 x 760 mm Hg = 0.23 mm Hg
• At 100% humidity:
Pair = 760 mm Hg = PN2 + PO2+ PH2O
– PN2 = 0.741 x 760 mm Hg = 563 mm Hg
– PO2 = 0.196 x 760 mm Hg = 149 mm Hg
– PH2O = 0.062 x 760 mm Hg = 47 mm Hg
– PCO2 = 0.00027 x 760 mm Hg = 0.21 mm Hg
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Gas molecules can exist in gas form
or dissolved in liquid
• When a gas and a liquid in contact: gas molecules dissolve in
the liquid until system reaches equilibrium. At equilibrium:
– Gas and liquid at the same partial pressure
– The concentration of gas molecules in the liquid
proportional to the partial pressure of the gas and
solubility of the gas in that liquid
• Henry’s Law: c = kP (note that k or Henry’s Law
constant differs among gases)

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• At a given partial pressure, relative

concentrations of different dissolved gases
• At 100 mm Hg partial pressure in water:
– [O2] in water = 0.15 mmoles/liter
– [CO2] in water = 3.0 mmoles/liter

Carbon dioxide is more soluble (20 times!) than

oxygen in water (and blood)

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

Figure 17.3
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

– Diffusion rate (CO2) = 3.62 (diffusion constant) x 6 (ΔP) = 21.7

– Diffusion rate (O2) = 0.18 (diffusion constant) x 60 (ΔP)= 10.6

• CO2 diffusion rate is 2 times that of O2

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• In gas mixtures, gases diffuse down partial
pressure gradients

– High partial pressure  low partial pressure

• A particular gas diffuses down its own partial

pressure gradient

– Presence of other gases irrelevant

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

Figure 17.4
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Actual amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide that is
exchanged in any given vascular bed depends on
metabolic activity of tissue

– Greater rate of metabolism  Greater exchange

• Normally: PO2=40mmHg and PCO2=46mmHg

• Strenuous exercise: PO2<40mmHg and PCO2>46mmHg

• PO2 and PCO2 in different systemic veins varies, but all the
venous blood mixes together before reaching the right atria

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

•Equilibration occurs in 0.25 seconds (blood has traveled 1/3

of the length of the capillary): margin of safety
•Rapid because of thinness of the resp membrane Figure 17.5
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

•O2 & CO2 equilibrate at similar rates
•At rest: blood spends 0.75 sec in the capillary
•Normal equilibration within 1/3 of capillary transit (0.25 sec)
•During intense exercise: time reduced to 0.25 sec
•Diffusion process affected by:
• Exercise
• Thickening of blood-gas barrier

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Fluid accumulation in alveoli and/or interstitial space

• Impairs diffusion (higher distance from alveoli to blood)
• Increases work of breathing (decreased lung compliance)
• Arterial blood: lower P02 and higher PCO2
• Causes:
• Increased capillary pressure
– Via left heart failure
• Reduced atmospheric pressure
– At altitude
• Treatment:
• Administering oxygen and diuretics

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Factors affecting alveolar partial pressures

– PO2 and PCO2 of inspired air

– Minute alveolar ventilation

– Rates at which respiring tissue use O2 and

produce CO2

• Most critical is rate of alveolar ventilation

relative to rate of oxygen use and carbon
dioxide production

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.

• Hyperpnea = increased ventilation due to increased demand

– Minimal changes in arterial PO2 and PCO2
• Hypoventilation = ventilation does not meet demands of
– Arterial PO2 decreases
– Arterial PCO2 increases
• Hyperventilation = ventilation exceeds demands of tissues
– Arterial PO2 increases
– Arterial PCO2 decreases

Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 3.


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