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By : Tiara NIM : 252023010047 Class : B

“My sad story from the past”

Assalamualaikum wr wb, on this occasion, let me tell you a little about an

incident in my past. At that time I was about five or six years old, and I was still
studying in kindergarten. I often see my parents being noisy or having
problems, but I can't tell you the reason for the problem, maybe I could say it's
When this incident happened, I sometimes cried, sometimes I didn't,
because I was used to it and in the end my parents chose their respective
paths, namely divorce. After the divorce process was complete, my parents
chose to work in Bali but in different places, and I lived with my grandmother, I
went to school where my grandmother lived from elementary school to high
Even though I lived with my grandmother, my parents never forgot me
and never made me feel lacking. they always met my needs so that now I can
continue my education to date. So Maybe that's all I can tell you from my past
experience. More or less I apologize and I say thank you. Wassalamualaikum
wr. wr. Wb.
 examples of positive past tense sentences

1. Dian told me about henri 5 hours ago.

2. Last night, my wife gave birth.
3. I went to bandung last week.
4. yesterday I went to the boarding house.
5. Last week my friends and I went on holiday.

 examples of negative past tense sentences

1. We didn’t buy a chocolate for her yesterday.

2. I wasn't late yesterday.
3. I didn't drink avocado with my friends last summer.
4. You didn’t eat my cake last morning.
5. I didn’t go to bandung last week.

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