You are on page 1of 37


1 Languages

Python Programming Language

Coding with Text Editor VS Code

HTML, CSS & Java Script Website Development

Platforms for Coding Practice


2 DSA - ( Data Structure & Algorithms ) Space & Time Complexity Analysis
Easy Data Structures

3 Algorithms Searching
Back Tracking
Platforms for DSA Practice

DSA BootCamp DSA Platform

TA Support
Contest participation & Ranking

LeetCode Contest Platform

4 Machine Learning,

5 Data Science,

6 Data Analytics,

7 DevOps
Faster pace Cultural philosophies,
practices, and tools that increases an
organization's ability to deliver
applications and services at high
Python Programming Language

Introduction to Python
Data Types
Control Flow
Python OOP
Exception Handling
File handling
Python Regex
Python Collections
Python Advance
Python NumPy
Python Pandas
Python Django
Python JSON
Python CSV
Python MySQL
Python MongoDB

Operating System operating system (OS), program that

manages a computer's resources,
especially the allocation of those
resources among other programs.
Process & Threads
CPU Scheduling
Process Synchronization
Memory Management
Disk Management
Disl Scheduling

Virtual Box Hpervisor
Ubunto Virtual Machine

Application Virtualization
Netwok Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization
Storage Virtualization
Server Virtualization
Data Virtualization
Networking Protocols Network protocols are a set of rules
outlining how connected devices
communicate across a network to
exchange information easily and safely.
SSHPort Forwarding

Linux for scripting automation

Bash & Shell Scripting
Package Management
Networking Tools
Security Concepts

Git & GitHub Git is a distributed version control system

that tracks changes in any set of computer
files, usually used for coordinating work
among programmers who are collaboratively
developing source code during software

Coud Computing
Computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking,
software, analytics, and intelligence on
cloud to offer faster innovation, flexible
resources, and economies of scale.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves the licensure of a software

application to customers. Licenses are
typically provided through a pay-as-you-go
model or on-demand.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method for delivering everything from operating

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) he primary difference SaaS being that
instead of delivering software online, it is
actually a platform for creating software that
is delivered via the Internet.

Containers Like virtual machines, containers are a cloud virtualization

AWS ( Amazon Web Services ) Projects Execution Platform for

· Introduction to AWS Websites

· IAM in AWS Mobile Apps
· EC2 Machine Learning Models
· EBS(Elastic Bean Stalk) DSA Models
· EBS(Elastic Block Store)
· S3
· AMI E.Load Balancer
· Cloud Watch
· Auto Scaling
· Other Elastic Computes(ECS,EKS,ECR)
· Storage Application Services
· Database Services

Docker Docker is a set of platform as a service

products that use OS-level virtualization to
deliver software in packages called
· Docker Introduction
· Docker Installation
· Docker Commands
· Docker Images
· Docker Compose
· Docker Engine, Storage
· Docker Registry
· Docker Containers and Managing Containers
· Docker Swarm

Kubernetes also known as K8s, is an open-source

system for automating deployment, scaling,
and management of containerized
· Introduction to Kubernetes
· Kubernetes – Installation Methods
· Installation of Kubernetes on Ubuntu
· Kubernetes – Architecture
· Monolithic Architecture of Kubernetes
· Kubernetes vs Docker
· Kubernetes – Concept of Containers
· Introduction to Container Orchestration
· Kubernetes – Images
· Kubernetes – Jobs
· Kubernetes – Labels & Selectors
· Kubernetes – Namespace
· Kubernetes – Node
· Kubernetes – Node Port Service
· Kubernetes – Cluster IP vs Node-Port
· Kubernetes – Service
· Kubernetes – Service DNS
· Kubernetes – Pod
· Run a Command in Pod’s Containers
· Create Multiple Containers in a Pod
· Kubernetes – Replication Controller
· Difference Between Replicaset and
Replication Controller
· Kubernetes – Deployments
· Kubernetes – Volumes
· Kubernetes – Secrets
· Kubernetes – Working with Secrets

Terraform Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code

software tool created by HashiCorp. Users
define and provide data center infrastructure
using a declarative configuration language
known as HashiCorp Configuration
Language, or optionally JSON.

Prometheus and Grafana Prometheus is an open source monitoring

system for which Grafana provides out-of-
the-box support.
Chef & Puppet Chef and Puppet are both pioneers in the
DevOps movement offering popular
enterprise-grade configuration automation
SCM - Source Code Management SCM plays a critical role as it gives the ability to
control and track changes
through VCS i.e Version Control Systems.

C, C#, C++, Java, Python, JS, Ruby, PHP, SQL,

NoSQL, Swift, Pearl, Go, Kotlin, Matlab, HTML,
CSS, Scala, Typescript, Rust, Perl, Golang,
Objective-C, Ada, COBAL, R, Dart,

Learn, Practice and Hacking Questions

Factorials, Prime Numbers, GCD, LCM, Powers

Linked List

Hacker Rank, Hackerearth, CodeSheff, CodeForces,


Practices and tools, integrates and automates

the work of software development and IT
operations as a means for improving and
shortening the systems development life cycle.
Python, GoLang, Go, Java Script

Typical resources include the central processing unit

(CPU), computer memory, file storage, input/output
(I/O) devices, and network connections.

Hyper-V, Vmware, Xen, XenServer, KVM, RHEV

VM Monitor, Parallet, Hyper V, QEMU, Gnome Box
RedHat Virtualization,
Protocols serve as a common language for
devices to enable communication irrespective of
differences in software, hardware, or internal

Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-

developed operating system (OS) for computers,
servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded

GitHub, Inc. is a platform and cloud-based service

for software development and version control using
Git, allowing developers to store and manage their

computer system resources, especially data

storage and computing power, without direct
active management by the user. Large clouds
often have functions distributed over multiple
locations, each of which is a data center.

This type of system can be found in Microsoft

Office's 365

Popular examples of the IaaS system include IBM

Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Clients can avoid the
need to purchase software or servers, and instead
procure these resources in an outsourced, on-
demand service.
Simillar to SaaS. This the most complex model
includes platforms like and Heroku.

Virtualization for containers occurs one abstraction

layer up from where it occurs for virtual machines, at
the operating system level instead of at the kernel
level (the kernel is the foundation of the operating
system, and it interacts with the computer's

MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM

Cloud, Alibaba Cloud

For All students

Basic level of hands on practice is required

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

Your skill shall be ranked on the basis of your contests

You have to solve DSA contests in a limited time

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

For All students

Only one language is enough
1- Emails, 2- Storage, backup, and data retrieval, 3-
Creating and testing apps, 4- Analyzing data, 5- Audio and
video streaming, 6- Delivering software on demand


Each virtual machine has its own operating system kernel, but
containers on the same machine share the same kernel.

For All students

DevOps improves the collaboration between developers and operators
by automating the Deployment, configuration, monitoring, and management of app


1 Languages

Python Programming Language

Coding with Text Editor VS Code

HTML, CSS & Java Script Website Development

Platforms for Coding Practice


2 DSA - ( Data Structure & Algorithms ) Space & Time Complexity Analysis
Easy Data Structures

3 Algorithms Searching
Back Tracking
Platforms for DSA Practice

DSA BootCamp DSA Platform

TA Support
Contest participation & Ranking

LeetCode Contest Platform

4 Machine Learning,

5 Data Science,

6 Data Analytics,
7 DevOps
Faster pace Cultural philosophies,
practices, and tools that increases an
organization's ability to deliver
applications and services at high

Python Programming Language

Introduction to Python
Data Types
Control Flow
Python OOP
Exception Handling
File handling
Python Regex
Python Collections
Python Advance
Python NumPy
Python Pandas
Python Django
Python JSON
Python CSV
Python MySQL
Python MongoDB

Operating System operating system (OS), program that

manages a computer's resources,
especially the allocation of those
resources among other programs.
Process & Threads
CPU Scheduling
Process Synchronization
Memory Management
Disk Management
Disl Scheduling

Virtual Box Hpervisor
Ubunto Virtual Machine

Application Virtualization
Netwok Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization
Storage Virtualization
Server Virtualization
Data Virtualization

Networking Protocols Network protocols are a set of rules

outlining how connected devices
communicate across a network to
exchange information easily and safely.
SSHPort Forwarding

Linux for scripting automation

Bash & Shell Scripting
Package Management
Networking Tools
Security Concepts

Git & GitHub Git is a distributed version control system

that tracks changes in any set of computer
files, usually used for coordinating work
among programmers who are collaboratively
developing source code during software

Coud Computing
Computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking,
software, analytics, and intelligence on
cloud to offer faster innovation, flexible
resources, and economies of scale.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves the licensure of a software

application to customers. Licenses are
typically provided through a pay-as-you-go
model or on-demand.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method for delivering everything from operating

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) he primary difference SaaS being that
instead of delivering software online, it is
actually a platform for creating software that
is delivered via the Internet.

Containers Like virtual machines, containers are a cloud virtualization

AWS ( Amazon Web Services ) Projects Execution Platform for

· Introduction to AWS Websites

· IAM in AWS Mobile Apps
· EC2 Machine Learning Models
· EBS(Elastic Bean Stalk) DSA Models
· EBS(Elastic Block Store)
· S3
· AMI E.Load Balancer
· Cloud Watch
· Auto Scaling
· Other Elastic Computes(ECS,EKS,ECR)
· Storage Application Services
· Database Services

Docker Docker is a set of platform as a service

products that use OS-level virtualization to
deliver software in packages called
· Docker Introduction
· Docker Installation
· Docker Commands
· Docker Images
· Docker Compose
· Docker Engine, Storage
· Docker Registry
· Docker Containers and Managing Containers
· Docker Swarm

Kubernetes also known as K8s, is an open-source

system for automating deployment, scaling,
and management of containerized
· Introduction to Kubernetes
· Kubernetes – Installation Methods
· Installation of Kubernetes on Ubuntu
· Kubernetes – Architecture
· Monolithic Architecture of Kubernetes
· Kubernetes vs Docker
· Kubernetes – Concept of Containers
· Introduction to Container Orchestration
· Kubernetes – Images
· Kubernetes – Jobs
· Kubernetes – Labels & Selectors
· Kubernetes – Namespace
· Kubernetes – Node
· Kubernetes – Node Port Service
· Kubernetes – Cluster IP vs Node-Port
· Kubernetes – Service
· Kubernetes – Service DNS
· Kubernetes – Pod
· Run a Command in Pod’s Containers
· Create Multiple Containers in a Pod
· Kubernetes – Replication Controller
· Difference Between Replicaset and
Replication Controller
· Kubernetes – Deployments
· Kubernetes – Volumes
· Kubernetes – Secrets
· Kubernetes – Working with Secrets

Terraform Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code

software tool created by HashiCorp. Users
define and provide data center infrastructure
using a declarative configuration language
known as HashiCorp Configuration
Language, or optionally JSON.

Prometheus and Grafana Prometheus is an open source monitoring

system for which Grafana provides out-of-
the-box support.
Chef & Puppet Chef and Puppet are both pioneers in the
DevOps movement offering popular
enterprise-grade configuration automation
SCM - Source Code Management SCM plays a critical role as it gives the ability to
control and track changes
through VCS i.e Version Control Systems.
management of applications.


C, C#, C++, Java, Python, JS, Ruby, PHP, SQL,

NoSQL, Swift, Pearl, Go, Kotlin, Matlab, HTML,
CSS, Scala, Typescript, Rust, Perl, Golang,
Objective-C, Ada, COBAL, R, Dart,

Learn, Practice and Hacking Questions

Factorials, Prime Numbers, GCD, LCM, Powers

Linked List

Hacker Rank, Hackerearth, CodeSheff, CodeForces,

Practices and tools, integrates and automates
the work of software development and IT
operations as a means for improving and
shortening the systems development life cycle.

Python, GoLang, Go, Java Script

Typical resources include the central processing unit

(CPU), computer memory, file storage, input/output
(I/O) devices, and network connections.

Hyper-V, Vmware, Xen, XenServer, KVM, RHEV

VM Monitor, Parallet, Hyper V, QEMU, Gnome Box
RedHat Virtualization,
Protocols serve as a common language for
devices to enable communication irrespective of
differences in software, hardware, or internal

Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-

developed operating system (OS) for computers,
servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded

GitHub, Inc. is a platform and cloud-based service

for software development and version control using
Git, allowing developers to store and manage their

computer system resources, especially data

storage and computing power, without direct
active management by the user. Large clouds
often have functions distributed over multiple
locations, each of which is a data center.

This type of system can be found in Microsoft

Office's 365

Popular examples of the IaaS system include IBM

Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Clients can avoid the
need to purchase software or servers, and instead
procure these resources in an outsourced, on-
demand service.
Simillar to SaaS. This the most complex model
includes platforms like and Heroku.

Virtualization for containers occurs one abstraction

layer up from where it occurs for virtual machines, at
the operating system level instead of at the kernel
level (the kernel is the foundation of the operating
system, and it interacts with the computer's

MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM

Cloud, Alibaba Cloud

For All students

Basic level of hands on practice is required

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

Your skill shall be ranked on the basis of your contests

You have to solve DSA contests in a limited time

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

For B.Sc Students

For All students

Only one language is enough

1- Emails, 2- Storage, backup, and data retrieval, 3-
Creating and testing apps, 4- Analyzing data, 5- Audio and
video streaming, 6- Delivering software on demand


Each virtual machine has its own operating system kernel, but
containers on the same machine share the same kernel.

For All students

Data engineering involves collecting, storing, and processing data to make it access
Avaiable especializations are ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data warehou


1 VS Code Text Editor

HTML, CSS & Java Script Coding for Website Development

SQL for querying and managing data

What is SQL?
Why is SQL required?
Why is SQL programming so widely used?
Features of SQL
SQL Applications
SQL Process
SQL Syntax
What Can You Do with SQL?
SQL Data Filtering
Why should you learn SQL online?
Aggregate Functions
Recommended Audience

Python Python and shell scripting are common for

automation tasks. Python’s simplicity and
extensive libraries make it suitable for various
automation scripts,

Introduction to Python
Data Types
Control Flow
Python OOP
Exception Handling
File handling
Python Regex
Python Collections
Python Advance
Python NumPy
Python Pandas - NB
Python Django
Python JSON
Python CSV
Python MySQL
Python MongoDB

Platforms for Coding Practice FreeCodeCamp


2 Data Management Data management is the practice of ingesting,

processing, securing and storing an
organization’s data,
Data Types Integers, Floating Point, Chactor, string,
boolean, Enumerated, Array, Date, Time,
Datetime, Time Stamp

Data Models Conceptual, Logical, Physical data models

Data Modelings Hierarchical, Ralational data modeling ( ER-

Entity Relationship, Object Oriented,
Dimentional Data Models )

Data Basis Navigational (hierarchical) database, and the

network database are old one. Relational
databases and object-oriented databases are
new. More recent are NoSQL
3 Data Base Concepts

Relational Database NoSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL ( MongoDB,

Cassendra )
Data Normalization
Data Indexing
Database Deasign Principals

4 Big Data Technologies

Big Data Frameworks Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark.

Distributed File System (e.g., HDFS)

5 Data Integration & ETL ETL processes and tools (e.g., Apache NiFi,
Apache Airflow).
data ingestion, transformation, and loading
6 Data Warehousing Study data warehousing concepts and
technologies (e.g., Amazon Redshift, Google
data modeling techniques for data

7 Machine Learning,
8 Coud Computing
Computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking, software,
analytics, and intelligence on cloud to
offer faster innovation, flexible resources,
and economies of scale.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves the licensure of a software

application to customers. Licenses are
typically provided through a pay-as-you-go
model or on-demand.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method for delivering everything from operating

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) he primary difference SaaS being that

instead of delivering software online, it is
actually a platform for creating software that is
delivered via the Internet.

9 AWS ( Amazon Web Services ) Projects Execution Platform for

· Introduction to AWS Websites

· IAM in AWS Mobile Apps
· EC2 Machine Learning Models
· EBS(Elastic Bean Stalk) DSA Models
· EBS(Elastic Block Store)
· S3
· AMI E.Load Balancer
· Cloud Watch
· Auto Scaling
· Other Elastic Computes(ECS,EKS,ECR)
· Storage Application Services
· Database Services

10 Data Pipeline Orchestration workflow management + orchestration tools

Apache Airflow or AWS Step Functions

11 Real Time Data Processing

Stream processing frameworks Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis.

Real-time data processing and analytics
12 Data Quality & Governane

Data quality assessment

Data governance best practices
Data lineage
metadata management.

13 Data Security & Compliance

Data Encryption
Access Control
Compliance Standards e.g., GDPR, HIPAA

14 Data Visualization Tools

Power BI
Matplotlib / seaborn in Python

15 Projects & Hands On Experience

Build data pipelines

Design databases
Work with real data sets

16 Success Keys

Join data engineering forums & communities

Attend meetups or conferences.
Network with professionals
Update with the trends and technologies
Keep Practicing
to make it accessible and useful for analysis.
sses, data warehousing, or big data technologies.


VS Code, ATOM, Sublime Text,


1. MySQL
2. Oracle Database
3. PostgreSQL
4. MongoDB
5. MariaDB
6. IBM DB2
7. Microsoft Access
8. Firebase
9. Amazon Aurora
10. Hadoop

while shell scripting, especially Bash, is essential for

Unix-based system tasks. JavaScript is used for
web-related DevOps tasks, and Go (Golang) is
gaining traction for building efficient tools. The
choice depends on the specific automation needs
within the DevOps pipeline.
Learn, Practice and Hacking Questions

where it is then utilized for strategic decision-making

to improve business outcomes

Today, cloud databases and self-driving

databases are breaking new ground when it comes
to how data is collected, stored, managed, and
computer system resources, especially data
storage and computing power, without direct
active management by the user. Large clouds
often have functions distributed over multiple
locations, each of which is a data center.

This type of system can be found in Microsoft

Office's 365

Popular examples of the IaaS system include IBM

Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Clients can avoid the
need to purchase software or servers, and instead
procure these resources in an outsourced, on-
demand service.

Simillar to SaaS. This the most complex model

includes platforms like and Heroku.

MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM

Cloud, Alibaba Cloud

Highest Level of expertise is required

Basic level of hands on practice is required

Expert Level is required

Expert level is required

Can not be confined to any limit

Expert level is required

1- Emails, 2- Storage, backup, and data retrieval, 3-

Creating and testing apps, 4- Analyzing data, 5- Audio and
video streaming, 6- Delivering software on demand



Expert level is required

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