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Timothy Catchamouse was a little black cat. Tim lived in a hole under the
steps of a very old house. He lived there with his mother, and his sister, Tessa. His
mother’s name is Peggoty, but everyone called her ‘Pegs’.
One day, Pegs was going out. She tells Tim that he can play in the garden
while she's gone. There's a magician living in the house, and if you meet him, he's
got to be very polite. After that Pegs leaves. Tim went out. He saw a tree growing
near the house. Tim ran to the tree and started climbing it. Tim looked down. Tim
saw the window.
Tim ran to the window and looked inside. He saw the magician was fast
asleep. Tim slipped and fell on the magician's knees. The mage woke up, but Tim
was clinging to his knees. The magician casts a spell, and Tim returns to the tree
from which he came. Tim was coming down from the tree, but just then Pegs had
arrived. She had asked him where he had been, and Tim told her the whole story.
Finally Pegs advised him to be more careful.

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