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Today’s schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the

world today. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


In schools, students learn to analyse literature, calculate using trigonometry and

understand how photosynthesis works, but often students are inexperienced and
helpless after graduation when encountering the real world. It is therefore argued
that schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the world.

This topic is difficult though. Many educators believe that a school is supposed
to teach students in subjects that they will most probably not encounter again
post-graduation, so that teachers can develop open-minded and well-informed
individuals. At the same time, it can be argued that schools should impart skills
that would be applicable in everyday life. Mathematics, for example, is
supposed to not only communicate actual mathematics skills, but also teach
logic to students. However, schools are supposed to prepare the youths for their
lives following high school. Currently this goal is not fully met, as often
students are unable to handle their finances sensibly and therefore can often face
significant problems. Schools that teach students how to survive financially
could change this.

This significant shift in the ideology of education is unlikely to take place soon,
as the education system has been in place for too long to be easily changed. Also
a change of this scale would be costly, as teachers would have to be trained and
a syllabus for this potential subject would have to be created. However, in some
countries, for example Germany, a community subject is available in which
politics and finances are discussed. This leaves students from Germany in a
better situation to deal with finances in their lives.

In conclusion, training school students in financial matters would be very useful.

Adding new content to the syllabus would require a significant amount of
money, but the entire community would benefit from students being better
prepared for adult life.
Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the
world has decreased by around fifty per cent over the last fifty years. What
can we do to help protect the wildlife round the world?


Humans have become a prime culprit for the destruction of the wildlife
population around the world. Humans believe that they are the most powerful
species on this planet and have therefore chosen to use all of nature’s resources
for their own good, even if this results in the destruction of the environment
around them. Clearly, this is not a positive result of human existence and many
people believe that the world’s wildlife population should be better protected.

One possible way to protect wildlife around the world is to reduce the amount of
polluted substances produced through the human way of life. It has become
habitual for people to pollute water by adding chemicals to it during industrial
processes or to pollute air as a result of the fossil fuel industries and car
emissions. Stopping the addition of chemicals to water and creating cleaner
processes would reduce water pollution and help create a safer environment for
wildlife to live in. Increasing the availability and use of public transportation
and increasing the use of renewable energy sources could reduce world pollution

Another possible attempt to protect wildlife around the world is to actively

promote recycling projects to reduce the amount of resources that are wasted.
This would lessen the degradation of the natural environment, as humans
continue to search for new resources. Society uses a lot of paper and wood on a
daily basis and people do not actively think about whether or not they are
wasting these resources. Printing double-sided or on recycled paper for example
would appear to change nothing, yet if carried out regularly would help make a

In conclusion, there are numerous different ways in which every human being
can help to protect the wildlife population around the world. One can engage in
projects to raise awareness of environmental destruction or one can actively take
part in activities to protect it. Everyone must find the area in which he or she
would like to involve him or herself, as all should be obliged to protect wildlife
around the world.
Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is
unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people
believe that world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it
creates the growth of the world’s economy and society.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


The population of the world is ever growing. Some people believe that this
increase has created an unsustainable situation and that it will lead to a global
crisis. Other people believe that only through an increasing population can the
world’s economy and society develop.

This population increase is not constant around the world; population is

undergoing significant growth especially in less developed countries, and the
continent of Africa is predicted to undergo the highest increase. Many people
living in these less developed countries frequently face shortages, such as water,
food, heating, cooking fuel and medicines, and people have to live in
substandard living conditions by western standards. With more inhabitants,
these difficulties will become exacerbated and helping these countries might
also create strain on the resources and economies of other countries.

On the other hand, many countries are unable to reach their economic potential
due to a lack of skilled work forces. For these countries a growing population
can mean a stronger economy and, due to that, a better standard of living.
Growing populations can also lead to growing demand for goods, allowing
economies to expand. The problem is, however, that countries that are in need of
labour forces and increasing demand are already the more developed countries
and they meet some of these needs by immigration and exporting goods.

In conclusion, while certain areas of the world are in need of larger work forces
to develop their economies, the continuously increasing population could
potentially lead to crisis within countries that already struggle to provide for
their inhabitants.
Some people believe that teaching music in schools is a vital part of growing
up and the human experience, whilst others believe that teaching music in
schools is a waste of time and resources.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


In modern day society, education has become a vital aspect of every child’s life.
Educational facilities tend to offer a wide range of subjects aimed at educating
children and teaching them various skills. Fundamental subject areas are said to
be mathematics, science, languages and physical education. Depending on the
type of educational facility, a certain subject might be emphasised, yet these
core subject areas are usually incorporated into nearly all educational facilities.
Although it is commonly agreed that these subjects are vital for a child’s
educational upbringing, opinions differ when it comes to the subject of music.
Whilst some believe that musical education is an important part of growing up,
others believe that it should no longer be taught in schools, as it is considered a
waste of time and resources.

Music falls under the subject area of art, causing it to often be considered as less
valuable than other subjects. Typically people believe that learning to express
oneself in a creative manner is less important than learning about mathematical
theories and scientific facts. Often the opponents of musical education propose
that a more rationally-based education will benefit children later on in their
lives, as they will be able to perceive and comprehend the logical aspects of life
more easily. The supporters of musical education argue that music is beneficial
for children, because it offers a manner of creative self-expression. Furthermore,
music is part of human culture, as it brings people together and therefore
children who study music can obtain a sense of cultural knowledge.

Personally I believe that music should be taught in schools and that it is not a
waste of time and resources. I played piano for seven years and believe that this
has helped me become a more balanced person. It is important for a child to
learn about thinking creatively and to take a break from logical subjects once in
a while.

In conclusion, music should be taught at school, because it enables children to

express themselves creatively and to learn more about culture and human
Although the prices of fuels have greatly increased over the last decade or
two, it is argued that further increases in fuel prices are the only way to
reduce world consumption of fuel and lessen pressure on the world’s fuel

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Oil, gas and coal are all non-renewable resources. This is known worldwide, as
well as the fact that society lives above its demands. Even though fuel prices
have increased significantly over the last decade, consumption will still cause
these resources to run out eventually. It has been argued that the only way to
decrease the usage of fuel is to further increase the prices.

Currently, most people think in the present and do not consider the future
enough. Therefore, to affect people in their everyday lives, fuel prices ought to
be raised. It is theorised that this will significantly decrease fossil fuel usage, as
economic impact will be forced onto current users. It is necessary that fuel
prices are high enough to immediately decrease the wealth of a family and make
more people switch to public transport. Critics of this would argue, however,
that society’s fossil fuels, such as petrol for cars, have an inelastic price and that
price hikes would have no effect other than increasing tax and oil company

In addition, a significant increase in prices would not only impact each

individual, but also a whole economy. Fuel prices are not only linked to
transport, but also to food production, home heating and entertainment. A rise in
prices in all these areas would seriously affect the standard of living of families
with limited income and would mean the poorer parts of society would become
even poorer.

In conclusion, while raising fuel prices is one of the most commonly-discussed

solutions to fuel usage problems, this answer includes too many negative
variables. Certainly, increasing fuel prices would create a small reduction of
transport usage, but the far-reaching effects would be unfair and unsustainable.
Many people believe in the idea of school children wearing a school
uniform, but should teachers as well be required to conform to a dress


The wearing of school uniforms is an issue that is both supported and opposed
by many people. Numerous schools around the world require students to wear
school uniforms on their grounds, however, teachers are not often required to
wear a specific uniform while working. It has therefore been suggested that it
should be compulsory for teachers to wear a specific uniform or follow a
specific dress code on a daily basis.

One reason for introducing a dress code for teachers would be that teachers
typically function as role models. For students who are not willing to conform to
the dress code of their school, it would be beneficial to see figures of authority
wearing the same outfit as each other, and they would then potentially be more
willing to follow their own dress code.

Another reason for introducing a compulsory dress code for teachers would be
that if all teachers wore the same outfit, there would be no visible difference
amongst them. Naturally some teachers are wealthier than others and would tend
to show this through their clothing. This could cause other teachers to feel
inferior and therefore could result in lower quality work and decreased
motivation. Furthermore, students would feel treated more fairly, if not only
they, but teachers as well had to wear a certain uniform in school.

Lastly, uniforms for teachers would enable students and other teachers to easily
distinguish between school staff and other adults. In many schools there is no
high quality security system and strangers can easily enter and steal something
or commit other crimes. If teachers wore uniforms, one would then be able to
approach and confront strangers more easily, as one could distinguish teachers
wearing uniforms clearly from other adults.

In conclusion, there are many positive effects of introducing uniforms for

teachers and therefore, in my opinion, they should be installed in as many
schools as possible.
Today’s society provides people with various ways to lose weight, such as
special diets or exercise regimes. Many people believe though that poor food
and today’s lifestyle should be addressed first. What is your opinion?


In modern day western society one can easily become obese, as the availability
of cheap and unhealthy food is high. Nonetheless, many people desire to be
healthy and slim and therefore have chosen to follow special diets or exercise
regimes so as to not become obese. Others believe, however, that people should
be better informed about today’s unhealthy lifestyles and the poor food they are
consuming before such diets and regimes are taken into consideration.
Personally, I agree that the unhealthy lifestyle of many people must be
addressed before thinking about ways of losing weight through special diets.

It has become habitual for people to cook using ingredients that have been pre-
cooked or to which chemicals have been added. Additionally, several people
consume a lot of microwave and fast food, which are both easy to purchase and
prepare, but are often fairly unhealthy. Due to the fact that it has become less
popular to cook meals using fresh ingredients, people consume chemicals, taste
intensifiers, salt and sugar without realising. By consuming food that has been
made by mass production, one no longer has to think largely about how a meal
is prepared and can simply consume it without thinking about the ingredients.

It seems logical that in order to lose weight effectively and over a long period of
time, one has to learn to eat in a healthy way and to carry out sport on a regular
basis. Learning how to cook with fresh ingredients is an important aspect of
eating in a healthy way, and, by doing so, people can avoid eating food that has
been pre-made. If people do not understand this concept, they will fall back into
unhealthily habits after their diet is over.

In conclusion, today’s unhealthy lifestyles as well as the poor quality food

consumed by people on a regular basis must be addressed before thinking about
diets or exercise regimes. If people can combine exercise with wholesome eating
habits, they will be happier and healthier.
The breakthroughs in medical science are by far the most significant
advances in world society over the last two centuries.

Discuss this statement and give your opinion.


Over the last two hundred years, there have been many changes to society in
nearly all aspects of people’s lives. Medical science has advanced beyond
recognition and it can be argued that this has been the most significant change.

The last two centuries have witnessed great advances of the industrial
revolution. Automation, machinery and various technologies have
revolutionised the way people live, work, play and travel. Society has now many
things that make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable, including cars,
planes, computers and telephones to name only a few. It is quite clear that these
advances are phenomenally significant in most people’s lives today.

Medical science has also been revolutionised. The three principal challenges
facing surgery, which were pain, infection and bleeding, have all been
overcome, allowing the lives of millions to be saved. The discoveries of
vaccines to deal with the great killer diseases of history also took place over the
last two centuries. Probably billions of people who would have died from
diseases such as smallpox, tuberculosis, diphtheria and tetanus have all been

In addition to this, medicine now has such an advanced knowledge of human

body systems that doctors can cure or heal a wide range of ailments that would
in the past have been fatal or extremely debilitating. It is also likely that the next
century will see similar significant advances.

In conclusion, although there have been many different advances in society over
the last two hundred years, the fact that so many people have had their lives
saved or improved by medical breakthroughs makes it seem incontrovertible that
it is these medical advances that have been the most significant.
Some people believe today that everyone has a right to access to the
Internet and that governments should provide this access for free. Other
people believe that access to the internet is not a right and should be paid
for like other services.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


Nowadays most information is transmitted over the Internet. A strong

dependency on this medium has been created, as personal, political and
economic news and information are shared through it. As the Internet is so
widely needed, many people believe that governments should provide this
access for free. Others believe that Internet access should be paid for.

Before the creation of the Internet, people had phones, newspapers and
televisions; nowadays the Internet can replace all of these. Society is now built
on a system that relies on everyone having access to the Internet, whether this be
in school or in work life. However, while it is seen as a basic necessity in
western cultures, the costs for accessing it are still too high for some people.
When this point of view is taken into account, it can be concluded that
governments should provide access, or a division of inequality will be created in

However, when one takes into account the things that the Internet has replaced,
it becomes apparent that most of these are not free as well. It is necessary to pay
for phone calls, for television and for newspapers. Storing all the information
and passing it to consumers through the World Wide Web also entails costs.
This raises the question whether the Internet should be handled differently.
Providing Internet access to everyone would mean a significant cost for the
governments, especially at times of economic crisis. Therefore, this is not a
plausible solution to integrate each individual into the society.

In my opinion, while the Internet has become as necessary as a phone,

governments should not provide it for free, as the money needed for this would
put too much strain on public resources. This finance could be used for even
more urgent topics, such as poverty and starvation.
Many people nowadays travel abroad for their university education.

Why do people do this? Would you consider doing this yourself and why?


In recent years it has become normal for high school graduates to travel abroad
for their university education. There are numerous positive aspects to studying
in a foreign country, such as the discovery of new cultures, the possibility of
learning more about oneself and the chance of learning a new language.

By travelling to a foreign country, it is certain that one will be confronted with

foreign customs and traditions. Experiencing and understanding these customs
and their origins provides students with an interesting chance to develop a more
open-minded attitude towards others. Additionally, it is also extremely
stimulating to learn more about the reasons behind certain traditions and

A prime reason for students studying abroad is the prospect of finding oneself
and growing as an individual. When living in a foreign country, students have to
become increasingly independent and they are confronted with their strengths
and weaknesses. Typically students develop increased self-esteem and also
acquire or improve upon their skills of housekeeping and cooking, which are
important for living independently later on in life.

When living in a foreign country students are exposed to a new language and in
most cases attempt to learn it. If they already possess some knowledge about the
language, they have the possibility of advancing and improving upon these skills
with the native population. The ability to speak multiple languages offers
students a higher chance of being successful on the international job market,
which makes studying abroad an attractive choice.

Personally, I would like to study abroad in either Scotland or France, because I

would like to experience the life and customs in these countries. Additionally, I
would like to become more fluent in French, as I believe this will be beneficial
for me later in life.

In conclusion, studying abroad offers the possibility for students to grow and
develop as individuals and to acquire valuable skills that will be useful in adult
The world today is a safer place than it was a hundred years ago, and
governments should stop spending large amounts of money on their armed

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


It is now some time since the whole world was involved in one war. The world
nowadays is no comparison to the past, when millions of soldiers were lost on
the battlefield. As the world today is significantly safer than previously, it can be
argued that governments should stop spending large amounts of money on their
military forces.

The last World War dates back nearly seventy years and, since 1945, no conflict
has taken place in western countries. Thus, people have suggested that spending
money on necessities within society instead of armed forces is more useful.
However, this is very difficult, as even though no significant conflict has taken
place in western countries, they are still involved in the conflicts of other
countries. For example, the US contribution in the Iraqi war has only recently
ended. For such involvement of military forces in foreign lands, countries still
need to have strong armed forces, in case they are needed.

In some countries like the UK, the military is already significantly weaker than
it has been in the past. However, historically, a hundred years is not that long
and because no conflict has happened recently, this does not mean that there will
be no conflict in the future. At the outbreak of World War Two, the UK was
seriously under-prepared, as it had been thought that the horrors of World War
One had convinced everyone of the uselessness of war.

In conclusion, certain armed forces are necessary for major countries even
though the world is safer than a hundred years ago. They might need to
intervene in conflicts in other countries and world peace is by no means assured
for the future.
One of the major problems that faces today’s governments is creating
enough satisfactory housing for their increasing populations whilst still
trying to protect the environment.

Discuss this statement and give your opinion.


In a world with an ever-growing population, providing housing is one of the

crucial tasks of all governments. At the same time, however, the environment
has to be protected from too much destruction and deforestation. Different
solutions have been created to solve these problems. One significant solution
could be increasing the height of buildings.

When looking at the skyline of metropolitan cities, skyscrapers are becoming

increasingly visible. The reason for this is simple: housing has to be provided,
while the environment should suffer the least amount possible. Decreasing the
building footprints of houses and therefore the destruction of environment, while
increasing the height, is an effective solution in overcoming this dilemma. This
resolution also has its faults though, as increasing height also means that
sunlight reaching the streets will decrease and that housing will be built more
densely in order to save space.

Another possible solution is to increase building costs to pressure the population

into living in smaller areas, which would save space. As this impacts members
of the community unevenly depending on their wealth, this would encourage
unequal living standards and conflicts as a result of this. Therefore, this is not a
plausible solution to the problem.

In my opinion, finding the perfect way to minimise environmental damage while

increasing housing is a problem to which there is no simple solution. Many
governments are currently relying on height to solve the problem, but this is not
attractive to many people. Any solution chosen should be one that causes the
fewest problems.
Some of today’s schools insist that all students have their own laptop
computer in class to assist in their education.

Do you feel that this would be an advantage to students’ education or would

it be an unnecessary complication?


Several schools around the world insist that all students should bring their own
private laptop to class to assist in their education. Technology has become a
significant component of educating children and is considered beneficial in
many ways. Nonetheless, there are likewise many disadvantages to using private
technological equipment in classrooms.

Bringing a private laptop to class offers a variety of benefits for students. Firstly,
laptops can be used to take notes in classes where teachers sometimes speak at a
high speed. Many children find that they can type faster than they can write by
hand and therefore prefer typing their notes in class so as to not miss any
important information. Teachers could furthermore make use of learning
programs and websites during class, as students would have the possibility of
using these websites on their private laptops. Moreover, students can use periods
meant for working on assignments effectively, because they can work on their
assignments digitally right away and not have to type up handmade notes later
on. Information can additionally be distributed more easily to students, as for
example hand-outs can simply be emailed or shared electronically and do not
have to be printed.

Although bringing private laptops to class offers these various advantages, it

also creates several disadvantages. Laptops firstly are fairly expensive, meaning
that families with more than one child will have to spend a large amount of
money to purchase laptops for all their children. Furthermore, laptops can easily
be damaged during class and outside of class as well as stolen, which could
create future costs for families. During class laptops can also distract students,
because they can surf the Internet or look at non-class-related work during class
periods. The amount of time students are exposed to technological equipment is
also increased by incorporating laptops into classrooms, which can result in
several health-related problems.

In conclusion, bringing a private laptop to class involves several advantages and

disadvantages. Nonetheless, I personally believe that if used wisely, a laptop is
an extremely useful tool in lessons and therefore I would support this initiative.
Some people believe that having sport in schools is a waste of time and
resources, whilst other people believe that sport in schools is a vital part of

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


In most education systems around the world, physical education is one of the
components of the syllabus. However, this is a controversial topic, as it has been
argued that sport as a school subject is unnecessary. Opposing this is the view
that physical education is a vital aspect of the education.

Physical education was introduced into schools to promote a healthy lifestyle by

exposing students to different types of sport and ensuring that those who are not
naturally sporty are exposed to exercise and its benefits. For students who are
already very active, having a sports lesson might be unnecessary, but those who
are not given the opportunities or who are not from active families depend on
schools for exercise. Furthermore, a school is supposed to educate on multiple
levels, a key aspect of which is healthy living. It is not sufficient to discuss
exercise in class; students must experience the effects that ensue. One of these
benefits is that exercise enables people to concentrate more efficiently and work
more efficiently, meaning that having sport as a subject is beneficial to other
subjects as well.

On the other hand, exercise to some degree is a personal matter and forcing
students to exercise in class can then have the opposite effect. This feeling can
lead to students not pursuing any sports later due to negative experiences and
memories connected to it. Another argument is that exercise is a leisure activity
and therefore not school-related and should be practiced outside of school.

In conclusion, while negative results can be caused through physical education,

it is vital for students to take part in it. Some students are only exposed to a
healthy lifestyle in schools and therefore there is a responsibility to educate
individuals in this area.
It seems clear that obesity in today’s society is to some extent due to the
availability of fast food.

Should governments place a tax on fast food to reduce the amount of fast
food consumed?


Obesity has become a common problem in western societies and this is partly
due to the availability of fast food at low prices. To tackle this problem, it has
been suggested that governments should increase the tax on fast foods in order
to reduce the amount of pre-cooked meals consumed. I personally believe that
this is a sound idea, because especially young people, who have less money, will
be discouraged from buying food at quick service restaurants.

The main reason for the high consumption of junk food is that it is a cheap
alternative to healthy meals. A salad for example often is twice as expensive as a
burger, resulting in more people eating the burger than the salad. As a result,
people prepare fewer meals themselves and eat more mass-produced food
instead. In my opinion, it should not be possible to sell fast food at a lower price
than staple food. By making takeaway meals more expensive than vegetables
and fruit, people would change their eating habits, as they would want to save

Another way to reduce consumption of fast food would be to prohibit its

promotion. A similar approach was taken in terms of advertising cigarettes and
one can say that this approach has been successful to some extent. Additionally,
commercials for fast food often target young children through offering
inducements, such as the toys in the happy meal at McDonalds for example. The
children are persuaded to demand a happy meal, yet often do not necessarily
want to eat the food contained in it. The only thing they want is the toy. If
advertising junk food were forbidden, the number of children consuming pre-
cooked meals would be reduced and therefore the number of obese children
would decrease as well.

In conclusion, governments should put a tax on fast food to reduce the amount
consumed in order to decrease the number of obese people. By placing a tax on
fast food and making it more expensive than healthy raw foods, people would
began to eat more healthily. If additionally the advertising of quick service
restaurants were banned, the number of obese people would decrease even more
Many parents give jobs to their children to do around the house in order to
develop their characters and self-sufficiency.
Discuss this idea and give your opinion.


In many modern day families, it is a common aspect of family life that parents
give jobs to their children to do around the house to develop their characters and
a sense of self-sufficiency. This aspect can be looked at as having both positive
and negative sides.

When parents give their children jobs or chores to do around the house, they
make their children understand that they are part of a community. While this
community is only within the family’s house, the lessons children learn from
carrying out their chores are equally fitting for the global community they live
in. Children are taught that they have to integrate into the global community and
that in order for this community to work effectively, everyone must carry out
their chores.

Furthermore, children learn about the concept of pride, as they are taught to be
proud of what they have accomplished. Chores around the house additionally
prepare children for living independently later on in life, as they acquire skills
that are valuable for everyday life. I, personally, see this approach as very
practical; helping my mother with cooking in my childhood and teenage years
served me well, and living independently now I don’t have trouble preparing
meals for myself and my housemates.

Although there are many supporters of this concept, some parents argue that
children should not be given jobs to do around the house. They argue that
children should be allowed to be children and not have any duties. In their
opinion children should enjoy their childhood and should not have to deal with
any of the responsibilities adults have to deal with.

In conclusion, I believe that giving children chores to carry out is a positive

aspect of family life, as I think that it helps children to become independent and
makes it easier for them to live by themselves later on in life.
There is a problem today that copyright materials such as music, films and
books are freely available on the Internet with the result that the owners of
the works lose money.

Do you feel that this is a good or bad thing?


In modern day society, it has become common to make copyright protected

material freely available on the Internet with the result that the owners of the
work lose large sums of money. The discussion of whether or not this
distribution is of positive or negative nature has therefore been raised.
Personally, I believe that this issue has both negative and positive effects.

Distributing copyright protected material freely online can firstly help make this
material more popular. Often people are not willing to spend money on a film or
song before being exposed to it once, as they cannot be sure that they will enjoy
the material they are about to purchase. If they purchase a song or film and then
do not like it, the money spent will have been wasted, which is disappointing.
Frequently, people purchase copyright protected material that they enjoyed after
being exposed to it once, meaning that often owners often receive money at a
later stage. An owner’s reputation can additionally improve, because frequently
owners who allow their work to be distributed partially or completely online
have a more positive reputation amongst customers.

Regardless of the positive effects of the free online distribution of copyright

protected material, it can be said that this distribution has several negative
effects. Firstly, owners lose large sums of money through it. A lot of time and
money can be spent producing the material distributed, as certain spaces and
equipment must be rented or bought to produce a certain song or film. Like all
other people, artists need money to survive and thus are at a disadvantage when
they do not receive money for their work. I personally believe therefore that
governments should make sure that when something is performed in public or
when work is displayed in public, artists should receive credit and money.

In conclusion, it can be said that the online distribution of copyright protected

material has both negative and positive effects. In my opinion, it cannot fully be
determined whether this distribution is of a positive or negative nature; one must
decide upon this for oneself.
With the improvements in today’s health care, society has to care for more
and more elderly people.

Do you feel that society will be able to cope with the increase in numbers of
elderly people today and how can it be managed?


In current society, the life expectancy in western countries has increased

significantly. Also, fewer babies are being born, causing the relative percentage
of elderly people to increase. These people have to be taken care of, causing the
question to rise whether this number of elderly people can be cared for.

When people grow older, they can also develop more health issues, resulting in
more visits to doctors and hospitals, and an increased usage of pharmaceuticals.
Due to the current large numbers of elderly people, the pressure put onto health
care systems is increasing. In many western countries, the state provides most of
the health care system. Therefore with increasing numbers of old people, higher
percentages of state funding have to be allocated to health care and this could
cause shortfalls in other areas, for example education. This change in the
distribution of money can therefore impact society negatively.

Society should be able to handle these changes. Governments will have been
able to predict the changing demographic situations in their countries and plan
accordingly. This might indeed lead to other sectors in society having money
taken away from them, but caring for the elderly is one of the key
responsibilities of today’s governments. For the future, it might be necessary to
ensure that an extra insurance charge is levied on people’s salaries in order that
any future financial shortfall is met. This would be unpopular, but would allow
governments to have the necessary funds available.

In conclusion, society today and in the future should be well able to deal with
caring for their elderly. It is only a question of careful long-term forecasting and
Should governments or teachers be responsible for what is to be taught in


In modern day society, it is essential for a child to be educated in order for him
or her to have success later on in life. Children are typically educated in schools,
which are run by the government. The government officials therefore decide
what is taught to the children and what is not. Personally, I believe that it is
better if governments are responsible for the subject matter covered in school
and not the teachers.

It is a common goal to supply all children with the same opportunities in life,
meaning that the same core knowledge should be taught to all children to offer
them the same benefits. Naturally, some children will be better at certain
subjects than others and will therefore obtain a more detailed degree of
knowledge, yet every child should be taught the same core knowledge.
Education provides opportunities, because certain types of education will enable
children to pursue certain careers later on in life.

Supplying the same core knowledge is an essential concept, yet it has not been
put into action in several countries. In Germany, for example, the syllabus
taught depends on the region of the country. In certain regions, children attend
school for thirteen years and in other regions for twelve years. This raises the
question whether or not the children obtain the same degree of knowledge and
that the children attending school for thirteen years are at an advantage
compared to those attending school for twelve years. Already one can see that
problems arise when the regional government decides upon the core knowledge
taught to students. If teachers had a say in what knowledge should be taught to
students, the subject matter would become even more complex. The core
knowledge would not only vary from region to region, yet also from school to
school, providing unfair advantages and disadvantages for certain students.

In conclusion, the government of a country should decide upon what knowledge

is taught in schools, as the situation would become too complex if all teachers
were responsible for this aspect.
Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by
legalising all drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?


Illegal drugs have become a worldwide problem in modern day society. The
trading of drugs is widespread in nearly all countries and the number of people
consuming drugs worldwide is high. It has been suggested simply to legalise all
recreational drugs to solve the problems associated with them. I personally agree
partially with this proposal, because I can see many advantages, yet also many

One positive aspect of legalising these drugs would be that the number of
criminal activities committed to obtain them would decrease. Fewer people
would therefore be imprisoned and have a criminal history that prevents them
from progressing in life. Additionally, essential police resources would be freed
up and devoted to other areas. Finally, high taxes could be imposed on the legal
product, allowing governments to have better resources to improve the
infrastructure of their countries.

Although legalising all illegal drugs could result in several positive effects, there
are many negative effects that could be possible. As a result of the legalisation, I
personally believe that it would become acceptable to use drugs and people
would no longer pay attention to the damage that drugs cause. Schools might no
longer educate teenagers and adolescents about the negative effects drugs have
on people, resulting in more teenagers experimenting with them, as they would
believe that this is a normal aspect of life. This would result in a higher number
of drug addicts and potentially in more deaths, because it would be easier to
obtain a large amount of illegal drugs and therefore the chances of overdosing
would also increase.

In conclusion, I partially agree with the proposed action. Nonetheless, I think

that an age restriction should be placed on drug use, as teenagers and
adolescents could easily become addicted if all illegal drugs are legalised. This
group of people is highly at risk of becoming addicted and potentially dying as a
result of drug use and therefore should only be allowed to consume drugs after
reaching a certain age.
In some countries private cars are now banned from certain city centres.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system and do you
feel that this is something that most cities should adopt?


Banning cars from city centres is a recent trend and it can be seen in various
cities around the world. Certain advantages and disadvantages immediately
spring to mind when considering this step that city councils are taking.

The advantages are clear. Since cars were introduced, city centres have always
been areas where air quality is poor due to the amount of emissions, which in
turn affects people’s health. City centres become quieter and safer for people to
wander around shopping and enjoying themselves. Access to city centres can
still be good, as it is usually only private vehicles that are banned, and buses and
taxis can still take people in and out of the city centre areas. Many towns also
operate a park and ride scheme, so people can leave their cars in safe car parks
in the outskirts of towns and travel with a dedicated bus service to the town
centres. It would seem hard to criticise this kind of scheme.

There are critics though to the scheme of banning cars in city centres. City
centre shop keepers have often been vocal opponents, as they believe that fewer
people will come to the city centres and therefore their incomes will be affected.
The general public also sometimes object, as people often like to travel in their
own private vehicles. In actual fact, banning cars from city centres has in
practice not reduced the number of people who travel to city centres to shop.
People like shopping and socialising in city centres and they just adapt to the
situation. There is no answer to people who want to drive their own cars. They
hopefully will just realise that the sacrifice of not driving their own cars is
outweighed by the health and lifestyle improvements of a cleaner and quieter
city centre.

In conclusion, there are far more advantages to banning cars from city centres
than allowing them. It is therefore a measure that most city centres should adopt
for their citizens.
There are many things that can motivate people to perform well in their
work. These can include the salary, job satisfaction or the chance to help
others. What do you feel is the best motivation to do well at work?

To perform well in a job, people have to be motivated. There are multiple

strategies for employers to incentivise their employees. The most obvious one is
the salary; however, job satisfaction and the ability to help people are other
methods of improving performance at work.

For the majority of the people, receiving their salary at the end of the month is
their motivation. This is because money is necessary to fulfill the most basic
needs and other materialistic desires. Employees see these opportunities when
receiving their salary and therefore work to achieve money. Furthermore,
performing well in a job can often lead to promotions with higher pay packages.
To receive this, staff have to stand out positively in their jobs. Salary is therefore
a key motivational tool for many workforce participants.

However, money is far from being the only incentive. Another aspect affecting
performance is job satisfaction. If a person is comfortable in their work, they are
more likely to perform well. Therefore this motivational tool interlinks with
salary, as when people are content and perform well, the chances of promotion
increase. For some individuals though, only their passion can drive them. Prime
examples for this are humanitarian jobs. The salaries are often not very high, but
those choosing to work in this field are often very driven; their passion to help
others is prioritised over their own salary.

In conclusion, while income might be the most common motivational factor, it is

unusual to be the sole incentive for working hard, and some people are
motivated wholly due to other reasons.
With the increase in computer use, many people feel that schools do not
need to put the emphasis that they used to on basic handwriting skills or
mental mathematics skills.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

In recent years, computer use around the world has increased drastically. As a
result technological equipment is used increasingly in schools around the world.
Many people question therefore whether schools should put much emphasis on
teaching students basic handwriting skills and mental mathematics skills.

The use of technological equipment in lessons has increased since the onset of
the digital age. Nearly all professions around the world involve computer use
and even the simplest tasks are carried out via electronic equipment. Hence, it is
important for students to learn how to use technology correctly for their future
careers. Electronic devices also offer various learning advantages, as notes and
assignments can be completed much faster and more neatly using these tools.

Nonetheless, the practical skills such as using and holding a pen correctly are
likewise vital for future careers. For that reason, students have to be taught at
early ages how to carry out simple tasks using basic skills, such as writing. It is
also essential that a student develops neat handwriting, as in the case of a
technological problem the student will have to write by hand. Furthermore, final
exams are typically written by hand and thus the student must develop the basic
skill of holding a pen and writing with it. Mathematics skills are no different.
People will not always have a device with them to carry out calculations and the
ability to do arithmetic in the head is a vital skill for operating in today’s world.

In conclusion, I personally believe that schools should keep a balance between

using practical skills and using electronic equipment to carry out certain tasks by
having student submit assignments created electronically, yet also by having
them complete assignments by hand in class and without computers or
calculators. This balance is important, as if the focus lies only on one of the two
aspects, the student will face problems later on in life.
Providing a national system in a country where the unemployed receive a
regular payment only encourages people not to seek work and puts an
unreasonable strain on a country’s financial resources.

Discuss this statement and give your opinion.

In modern day society, money is a driving force for nearly everyone. Most
people aspire to be financially secure and to have the ability to live the life they
want. However, not everyone is able to find paid employment, and for that
reason in some countries around the world, governments have initiated a system
where the unemployed receive a regular payment to enable them to survive.
Some people believe it is an excellent idea, whilst others believe that it is
exhausting a country’s financial resources.

When looking at the positive aspects of this system, it can be said that it
prevents individuals from having a private bankruptcy. When somebody
becomes unemployed, he or she will have on-going costs such as rent for a
dwelling, bills for water, telephone and electricity as well as the cost of food and
several other things. Without a salary, this person will fall into debt, because
they will be unable to cover these expenses. A national unemployment payment
system will therefore prevent this person from losing nearly everything over
time. Without such system, many people would become homeless and would
potentially engage in criminal activities to survive. Therefore, one can say that
this system is positive. Although stories are heard of people exploiting the
system, usually the newly unemployed want to find a job fast in order to become
financially independent again, meaning that the government does not have to
support them for long.

Although there are positive aspects of this system, one can also say that if the
payment made by the government is too high, it will prevent people from
looking for work actively. Occasionally, the payment people receive is higher
than their potential salaries, deterring them from working and creating an on-
going cost for the government. A potential solution for this could be providing
free training and employment support to open up new career opportunities with
higher income, which would motivate this group to re-enter the workforce.

In conclusion, the unemployment benefits system has positive and negative

aspects. Personally, I believe that the positive effects of the system outweigh the
negative. The payment must remain on a level that helps people survive without
regular salaries, but does not seem attractive to exploit over a longer period of
Tourism today creates a variety of problems, such as pollution due to
flights, transport and dirty water.

Do you think that governments should impose extra taxes on flights or

accommodation to restrict today’s tourism industry?

Travelling today is simple to the extent that within twelve hours one can travel
from Europe to Singapore, crossing nearly the whole globe. Based on this
simplicity, tourism has changed significantly over the years. While in the past a
family would be proud to drive two hours to a lake, many families now think
nothing of travelling to the far side of the world. This also has a downside as
increased pollution is a result. Extra taxes on flights or accommodation have
therefore been offered as a solution so as to increase the cost of tourism and
reduce its popularity.

No matter what major transportation is used, travelling creates pollution. To

decrease the amount of pollution caused by tourism, the tourism industry itself
would have to be weakened. If these increased taxes are based on travelling
distance, people would be more willing to stay closer to their home country, as
for many even a slight increase would mean that their planned holidays would
be too expensive. Accommodation taxes would raise holiday costs no matter the
distance travelled. Therefore, if increased taxes were levied on travel and
accommodation, tourism and therefore pollution would decrease.

On the other hand, the main transport methods that would be impacted by
imposing extra taxes would be communal ones, such as planes, trains and buses,
and increasing the taxes would also impact non-tourists. Also, holidays are a
vital part of ordinary people’s lives, as they escape from work and stress, and get
to spend valuable time with their families. Stopping people travelling would
greatly impact some simple pleasures of ordinary life.

In conclusion, while tourism impacts the environment significantly, simply

introducing extra taxes on transport or accommodation is a drastic measure. It
could be more valuable to change the methods of transportation to decrease
pollution, instead making people stay close to home.
Some people today believe that it is acceptable to use physical force to
discipline children, but others feel it is completely unacceptable.

Discuss this view and give your opinion.

Punishing children with physical force, or corporal punishment as it is also

called, is something that was accepted not so long ago and people over the age
of forty may well remember it. Nowadays, however, corporal punishment is
against the law in most countries and adults who practise it can be taken to
court. Children are always a vulnerable group and they depend on adults for
protection and education. Of course, part of the growing up process is testing
and breaking boundaries and it is nearly always necessary to instill discipline on
a child. Whether or not it is necessary to use physical force to do so can be a
very emotive subject.

Supporters of corporal punishment often defend their standpoint by explaining

that the corporal punishment is not, or should not be, excessive. They do not
argue that a child should be beaten severely until he or she is bruised or cut.
They argue that just the infliction of mild pain causes effective discipline and
also the fear that it might be applied. People who grew up experiencing it might
offer this point of view.

Those who oppose using physical force on a child would say that the
vulnerability and innocence of a child means that force should never be used.
Children need to trust adults and believe that no harm will come to them.
Additionally, children learn from adults and it is argued that corporal
punishment will only teach children that force is an answer to various problems.
It is also claimed that corporal punishment has no added benefits over other
forms of discipline that do not require physical force. Using it can cause
psychological harm to children and should be classed as child abuse.

Personally, I do not believe that limited use of forms of corporal punishment can
cause harm, and a parent who administers a mild form of it to his or her child
should not be subject to criminal proceedings. Nevertheless, I would not use it
myself. I can also recognise the possibilities of adults who are not a child’s
parents misusing corporal punishment. Therefore, I believe that on balance
physical force to discipline children should not be permitted.
Professional sportsmen and sportswomen and professional entertainers can
often command enormous salaries today and this situation reflects society’s
dependence on being entertained.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

It is no secret that today’s entertainment industry is extremely popular, with

nearly everyone being engaged at some time in watching TV shows, movies and
sports games. The North American sports industry alone generates a massive
$67.7 billion every year. With the present emphasis on entertainment, sportsmen
and women and professional entertainers can earn enormous salaries, with
figures in the millions for one game, appearance or film. This situation certainly
does reflect today’s society’s obsession with entertainment.

Many people argue that celebrities do not deserve such payment when work in
other professions considered of equal or higher value to society is underpaid. A-
list celebrities can make over $20 million per movie, whilst many average
workers can barely make ends meet. Of course there are lots of people who say
that there are better ways the money could be used, rather than allowing such a
vast amount to go to just one person. This is a fairly naive point of view, though.
So long as people wish to watch entertainment, advertising in turn will be
present and the most watched celebrities will be able to earn high salaries, as
their presence will ensure the high viewing figures the advertisers desire.

Though celebrities and sportsmen and sportswomen often make very large sums
of money, it can also be seen as unfair to say that they do not deserve it or
propose their money be used for something else. While it is true that they did not
find a cure for cancer or made a life-changing scientific discovery, their hard
work and expertise created a product that the public wants to see and the high
payment merely reflects their value.

In conclusion, it is clear that today’s society is indeed a society obsessed with

being entertained and the high salaries paid to those who entertain society
clearly reflect this. The high payments, however, are not necessarily out of place
or undeserved.
The fact that enormous sums are paid for pieces of art is not acceptable at a
time when many people around the world live in poverty. Discuss this
statement and give your opinion.

It is true that pieces of art in today’s world can change hands for enormous
sums. Works by artists such as Picasso, da Vinci and Rembrandt have been sold
for millions of dollars. Recently, a Modigliani was sold to a billionaire for one
hundred and seventy million dollars. It certainly seems obscene that such figures
are spent when many people around the world live in poverty.

The work of many charities would be transformed by the money generated by

just one of these art sales and in turn, the lives of ordinary people in need would
be transformed. Medicines, food and shelter amongst other things could easily
be provided, saving lots of lives, many of which would be children. When the
issue is looked at from this point of view, the art sales world certainly seems

However, in my opinion, things are unlikely to change. Human greed is endemic

and people who have the drive to earn that amount of money and who actually
have access to these sums in cash are not often people who will part with their
wealth. Lots of prosperous people support many charities, but it is unlikely that
they would completely relinquish their access to the luxuries that accompany
their lives. The works of art are also often seen as investments in themselves, to
be held on to for a period of time and then resold at a profit.

In conclusion, in an ideal world, the vast sums of money that are spent on fine
and rare works of art would be better spent on helping those in need. In reality,
however, this is unlikely to take place.
Every household should have a government-imposed limit on the amount of
rubbish it can throw away. To what extent do you agree or disagree with

The amount of waste people produce can be quite shocking, with every person
generating kilograms of rubbish in a single day, and all this can be difficult to
manage. This has given some people the idea that there should be a limitation on
the amount of rubbish produced per household; however, opinions are divided as
to whether this would be the the most effective option.

Having a limitation on the amount of waste produced sounds like a fine solution
to a significant problem, with over two hundred and fifty million tons being
generated in 2016 by the U.S. alone. Taxing households that break limits would
push people to produce less waste and make them more mindful of what can be
recycled or composted. However, forcing people to produce less waste might
not be attainable.

Households produce as much waste as they need to live their lifestyles. The
waste people generate is only a result of the products they purchase, and will
most likely wish to continue to purchase. Taxing people may be a cause of
resentment, with many of them already struggling to pay their usual bills. In
addition, if people produce more than they are allowed, this will encourage
littering and dumping, so that they are not caught with more waste than entitled,
and this in turn will damage the environment.

Though controlling the amount of waste produced is important, there could be

other ways of encouraging lesser output. In my opinion, governments should
encourage composting and recycling, which will also reduce wasted material.
People should also be more aware of what waste they produce and how it can be
reduced. An education drive on these issues would perhaps be more likely to
succeed in reducing rubbish than imposing limitations.
Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and
motorcycles are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use
public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days.
To what extent do you think the advantages of this outweigh the

Model Answer

Many cities around the world have started introducing vehicle-free days as a
first step to banning private cars from the busiest, central city districts. Public
transport, such as buses, taxis or the subway, is meant to replace private cars
completely on these days. While such prohibition may initially be seen as
inconvenience and prompt a negative reaction, it has a potential to improve
many aspects of city life.

Undoubtedly, private cars in many cases offer greater convenience compared to

public transportation, and busy executives, directors and agents may not
welcome the challenges of being forced to use the subway. Some of these high
profile individuals rely on cars for their own security and that of valuable
equipment they carry to meetings, as well as the ability to work while en-route
to the next appointment. Also, many businesses located in the city centre might
struggle if delivery trucks were restricted on certain days; this would cause
problems with stock levels at various retail shops and supermarkets.

However, the benefits of car-free days are numerous. Reduced congestion will
enable public transport to move faster between stops, and also the air quality
will improve significantly. Not driving to the city centre will eliminate the
eternal parking problem for many people, saving the anxiety and expense. There
will be more room for bicycles and their safety will increase due to roads not
being overcrowded, not to mention pedestrians whose security will be boosted
by monitoring all cars allowed to enter the city centre.

Another important consideration is a change in mindset that vehicle-free days

would bring about. Being able to go through the day without a car can be a
liberating experience for city workers. This real life demonstration would prove
that cars aren’t always necessary and taking a bus or a tram can be just as
convenient and fast. By breaking the habit of reliance on private cars people
would become more open and receptive to new ways of moving around.

In conclusion, even though some may view prohibition of private cars

negatively, for the reasons of improved transportation, better air quality and
increased security it seems necessary to introduce vehicle-free days.
Some people say that artists such as painters, writers and musicians affect
our life more than scientists. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your

Model Answer

The importance of science to the development of human race has been

emphasised throughout history, however, arts may appeal to a broader audience,
giving rise to the opinion that artists have a more profound effect on our life.

The way scientific discoveries improve our lives is easier to quantify than art,
and for that reason it may appear that the impact of science on everyday aspects
of our living is greater than that of arts. From miracles of technology powering
our smart phones to newest cures for deadly diseases, science is the main driver
responsible for these benefits of living in the 21st century, producing tangible

However, science mainly deals with data and the latter often causes confusion
and a sense of overwhelm in people who are not analytically inclined. Art, on
the other hand, touches people on a completely different level, it connects to
their feelings and senses. Different forms of art, such as music, paintings or
books, move us in varying ways; they all have the power to transform a person,
change their mood, elicit a sense of happiness and improve well-being in an

Not only feelings, but also human health is in the sphere of influence of arts.
Music can be helpful to ease anxiety and improve mental health, aid pain relief
or assist physical recovery. For instance, dementia patients benefit from singing
in choirs and even the effects of neurological damage can be reduced by
listening to a rhythmical tune.

Arts are also thought to contribute to important skills such as concentration and
academic achievements. Inspired by a work of art some may wish to create one
of their own, and while in the process they may develop the ability to focus on a
task for a long period of time and also improve their personal confidence.

In conclusion, I feel that while science is present in many areas of our life and
its achievements are more obvious, the influence of arts is greater and it affects
people on a considerably deeper level.
Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a
new item for you. Please say

– What item do you need?

– Why do you need it?

To the engineering team at Quanta Manufacturing,

I am writing to you to request the production of a new bicycle chain that fits our
Go Cycle model. Allow me to go into a bit of detail regarding the situation on
our side.

Basically, we here at Sports World have received numerous customer

complaints that the chains on our Go Cycles snap too quickly. As you can
imagine, this has done little to support our brand positioning as a supplier of
quality mountaineering goods.

After testing the chains, we realized that their defectiveness is due to their being
made of subpar steel. Thus from this day forward, we would like you to
manufacture Go Cycle chains using the highest grade of steel available to you.
We realize this will affect the price and accept any new quotation you provide
within reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Your professional partner,

Head of Purchasing
Sports World
You are preparing an event in the countryside. Write a letter to your friend
and ask for help with the arrangements. In your letter include:

– what the event is

– why the event is being held
– what arrangements have already been made
– how your friend can help

Dear Patrick,

I hope you and your wife have been enjoying your summer holiday. My wife
and I have started pulling together plans for this year’s company barbecue. I am
writing to share some details regarding the event and ask whether you would be
able to help with a few of the remaining tasks.

As you know, the barbecue has become a highly anticipated annual tradition for
everyone at our company. This year, the meet up is going to be held in Paxton
Park, behind the church on Gladsdale Avenue and Riverside Street. My wife has
reserved a rented canopy in case of rain and we are planning on getting the
Texan restaurant Bubba’s to cater food and drinks. However, we feel a little
strapped for time considering we still have a handful of errands to finish before
the big day.

hus, I was hoping you could find time to complete and distribute the invitations.
I think any basic invitation template on your computer should suit. I can email
you the guest list this evening. Please let me know as soon as you can whether
this would be possible or not.

Many thanks,
In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture
hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason
to participate in the lecture physically and not via the Internet. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion?

Traditionally, lectures were given in large rooms to accommodate equally large

audiences. With the advent of modern technology, this arrangement is being
challenged by the option for students to attend class online. However, it is felt
traditional lecture hall talks are beneficial to students and will never completely
be replaced by the Internet. This will be shown by looking at how both the
theatrical nature and possibility for face-to-face debate during an in-person
lesson cater to the learning experience of an individual in a way that technology
simply cannot.

Firstly, lectures provide students with an element of theatre, which can be

positive for their education. For example, while studying at university in
Canada, I was once involved in a course that was televised in my city. During
the first semester, I engaged in the classes solely by watching this broadcast
from home and found myself to become quite lethargic and unenthusiastic
regarding the content. However, during the second semester I was informed that
as a registered student I could attend the classroom sessions of the same course
and discovered this change revitalized my interest in the topics being discussed.
As my experience shows, being present for a lecture physically can have
positive effects on students.

In addition to this, classroom lectures allow students to strengthen their wit and
abilities as orators and this is not possible on the Internet. For example, although
university classes usually have an online forum to provide a context for debate,
this medium does not completely replicate the challenge faced when presenting
and defending ideas in front of a live audience. Thus, the idea that traditional
lecture-styled learning is less effective for students than more modern methods
can be debunked.

After analyzing how traditional in-class lessons benefit the academic process, it
is felt that this style of learning will never be replaced entirely by technology.
Write a letter to your professor outlining why you are not satisfied with
their course.

In your letter:

– write the reasons why you are not satisfied with the course

– request to change your course

– indicate what course you want to take instead

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir,

I am one of your 101 Introduction to Economics students here at Homer

University. I am writing to you to request that I be allowed to skip this entry
course and study at the 201 Economic Theory level.

You see, last year I transferred to Homer from Klassen University.

Unfortunately, despite having studied an economics course at Klassen (which
covered all topics present in your course), I was not allowed to apply this credit
to my studies here at Homer. Having now studied with you these past two
weeks, it has become blatantly apparent that I am not going to be learning
anything new at the 101 level.

Thus, I would be most grateful if you would consider looking at my case and
high academic performance at Klassen. I am sure that following this you will
feel confident in graduating me to the 201 level. Please kindly let me know if we
can meet sometime next week to further discuss this matter.

Awaiting your reply,

You have read an article in a newspaper about someone you know. Write a
letter to the editor as follows:

– describe the article,

– explain what details were wrong in the article and what the correct ones
– suggest what he/she should do about the article.

You should write at least 150 words.

To the editor of the Vancouver Political Observer,

I am writing to you regarding an article you published yesterday on the Editorial

page of your Local News section.

Your portrayal of my friend, political activist Stanley Jackson, is completely

inaccurate. In the article, you accuse Stanley of being ‘a politician with little
regard for the environment’. Having known Stanley for twenty years, I can tell
you that Mr. Jackson cares highly for nature. In fact, only two weeks ago he
sponsored the establishment of a tree farm and will be the guest of honour when
it opens. You may also be surprised to learn that Mr. Jackson’s home has been
completely outfitted with solar panels, making him among the first people in our
township to operate entirely off of green energy.

What I would like to see is a reprint of your article with all inaccuracies
corrected. Further, out of decency, I think the least you could do is publish a
public apology to Mr. Jackson for defaming him this way.

Expecting prompt action,

Write a letter to a friend expressing your interest to seek employment in a
different country. Your letter should include:

– Why you want to work in a different country

– What type of work you will be looking for
– Questions you have about working in a different country that your friend
may be able to answer

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Praveen,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to let you know that I have decided
to follow in your footsteps and seek employment abroad. Like you, I’m very
curious about the world and want to use my career as a tool to help open up
some opportunities for travel.

You will be happy to hear that I finally finished my Political Science degree. If
possible, I want to use this educational base to find work in an embassy
somewhere. However, I am still unsure exactly which country I would like to
venture to. I was hoping your experience working in Germany, France and
Russia could help guide me to a suitable place. If you don’t mind my asking,
which of those three countries would you most recommend living in? Do you
think the fact that I only speak English will prove a problem?

As you can probably guess, I am beside myself with excitement at the prospect
of having a totally new living experience. Thus, I am really looking forward to
reading your reply.

Until then,
In most parts of the world people are living longer. What are the possible
causes of this situation? Is this a negative or positive development?

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Longevity in the world over has been increasing for a variety of reasons. Babies
born today enjoy much longer life spans than those of their parents. It is argued
that this increase is a positive phenomenon and that the main causes of it are
both the deepening of medical understanding and the sharing of such
information between people via tools like the Internet. These causes will be
examined in detail to prove their value in the lengthening of worldwide life

Firstly, medical advancements over the last century have allowed people to
postpone death. Among the more significant discoveries that made this possible
is the development of antibiotics. Antibiotics, now available to most people the
world over, dramatically lower incidences of infection and have thus greatly
curbed the number of people the world over who die due to diseases once
thought incurable. Thus, advancements in science can be seen as one of the
more major contributors to the extending of worldwide life spans.

Secondly, the Internet and the information shared across it has made the
debunking of ineffective medical practices much easier. For example, medical
folklore in countries like Ghana and rural China dictate new mothers avoid
washing themselves for a month after giving birth. Before tools like the Internet,
ridiculous and unsanitary practices such as this were widely believed to be in the
best interests of the mother’s health. Today, few people in either country would
argue in favour of this postnatal tradition. Thus, the Internet has allowed people
to share life-promoting information the world over.

In conclusion, human life is precious and the global extending of life spans
should be seen as positive. It is hoped medical discoveries continue to increase
in number and that access to the Internet continues to grow, allowing longevity
to be a pleasure enjoyed everywhere.
Several languages die every year. Many people feel this is a positive trend
and that a world with fewer languages promotes harmony and
understanding between people. Analyze both sides of this argument and
provide your opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Many languages around the world die every year, often replaced with more
widely spoken dialects. Opinions as to whether this is a positive or negative
trend are mixed. On one hand, people feel sharing a common language may help
to encourage economical development in the world. However on the other hand,
many feel the losing of languages is a negative trend that makes it increasingly
difficult to trace humanity’s heritage. Both of these accounts will be examined
before a conclusion is reached.

As many attest, the global adoption of a single language can do a lot in

promoting economical development. For example, all export companies in
China hire English speaking people to help them communicate with foreign
buyers. The growth in trade that comes as a result of this effort to speak the
world’s language does a lot to create jobs and industries around the world. Thus
it can be understood why many people support this point of view.

However, other people would argue that the rapid reduction of the world’s
languages is making it increasingly hard to trace where and how people evolved.
For example, during colonial times many lesser spoken African languages were
replaced with English, French and Dutch. This phenomenon has understandably
caused major problems for modern day historians, as these old and forgotten
languages render many of the recovered historical records and artifacts

After analyzing both sides of this argument, it is felt that more good comes from
the global adoption of a single language than the preservation and practice of
older languages. Thus, it is hope the world continues to move towards a single,
standardized linguistic system.
Write a letter to the manager of your local bus service. They have recently
made some changes to the bus services which created inconveniences for
you. In your letter, explain:

-what are the changes

-what are the problems you are facing

-what part of the service would you like to change

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a regular patron of your transit service and am writing in response to a

recent change you made to the transit schedule.

You see, I am one of many commuters who transfer at Glasgow Central station
from bus 22D to bus 33A during my commute home. Prior to your schedule
changes, I had more than enough time to do this. However, according to the new
schedule the 22D gets to Glasgow Central at 17:44, which is 4 minutes after the
33A departs. As the 33A runs on the hour, the next available departure is not
until 16:40. As you can imagine, this has caused a lot of grief for my fellow
travelers and I as we are required to wait almost an hour simply because the
routes no longer line up correctly.

I would be most grateful if the Glasgow Transit Company could look into this
matter and consider reinstating the former schedule to allow these routes to
match up more precisely.


The costs of international travel are decreasing and tourism is growing.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of increasing tourism activity
in different countries?

Tourism is often touted as an industry that will never shrink in size. In other
words, as the world develops, more and more people will be able to travel.
Although many may see this as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without
drawbacks. Both the advantages and disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed
before a reasoned conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, the reduction in travel fare and the increasing of global tourism
can be seen as a positive event as it promotes intercultural understanding and
global harmony. For example, many Middle Eastern states have opened their
doors and embraced tourism over the last twenty years and this has helped shed
prejudiced views internationally that all Middle Eastern countries are dangerous.
This development clearly shows the benefits of an increasing international
tourism industry. In addition to this, tourism creates new opportunities for trade.
For example, many Chinese tourists are bringing back products from foreign
countries that are currently unavailable in China. These new trade ties are great
for the health of the entire global economy and can be seen as yet another
positive ramification resulting from increased tourism.

On the other hand, the international tourism industry does pose some
disadvantages. For one, money travelling into countries through tourism can
lead to the establishment of some morally questionable activity. To name a few,
tourist hotspots in developing countries are often rife with theft problems,
maimed beggars and prostitution. The inflaming of these issues as a result of
increased tourism is an obvious disadvantage to the growing global travel

Following this analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and the
falling travel prices that are making it more possible, it is felt tourism has more
benefits than drawbacks. It is hoped the growth in global intercultural
understanding continues uninterrupted as tourism increases.
Many people believe that teachers should teach students how to judge right
from wrong and how to behave, while others think they should just teach
academic subjects. What is your opinion?

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Teaching is the art of transferring information from one human being to another.
A good teacher is someone who can make this process happen smoothly. It is
argued that instructors should make efforts to teach not only academic subjects
but also those pertaining to basic ethics and proper behaviour. To prove this, the
heightened abilities of a teacher to instill ideas and the community-related
benefits of morality-based lessons will be analyzed.

Firstly, teachers are trained to communicate ideas effectively and applying these
skills to the areas of morality and behaviour is a positive thing. For example,
Canadian Catholic schools engage students in lessons that challenge them to
clearly distinguish moral choices from immoral ones. As these sorts of lessons
are typically part of a spiritual studies program, they are not found in Canadian
public schools. Interestingly, Canadian public schools have much higher
incidences of youth hostility and drug use and much lower high school
graduation rates. Thus, when Canadian Catholic schools are compared to their
public counterparts, the effects of the moral and behavioural lessons teachers
impart to their students can be clearly seen as beneficial.

In addition to this, standardised classes instructing young people how to behave

can help to preserve the values of a community from one generation to the next.
Take China as an example. The Chinese education system to this day includes
the teachings of Confucius, which stress the honouring of one’s parents. As
anyone who has been to China can attest, young people tend to obey the will of
their parents regardless of its nature. Thus, the teachings of behaviour by
classroom instructors are effective in ensuring the values of a community are
upheld from one generation to another.

After looking at how the teaching of behaviour and morality can be efficiently
accomplished by teachers and further how these teachings help prevent the
erosion of societal values, it is concluded that teachers should instruct students
how to judge right from wrong and how to behave. It is hoped global lessons on
morality grow increasingly similar in nature in the years to come.
Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments
rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples from your own

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

The rate at which the Earth is being damaged through human activity is
alarming. As awareness of this disturbing situation grows, actions are
increasingly being taken to meet the challenge. Although world governments
play key roles in the question of environmental health, it is strongly disagreed
that their environmental efforts negate those of individuals. I will use both a
personal experience I have had as well as non-government inspired initiatives
undertaken in my country to illustrate this position.

Firstly, the sizeable contribution an individual can make in the world’s attempt
to cleanse itself should not be underestimated. I feel the changes I have made to
my own lifestyle act as a good example here. Four years ago, I made a conscious
effort to start taking the subway to work instead of driving after realizing I had
been burning an entire tank of gas every week. The effect of this small change
over the course of four years became magnified when I realized I had refrained
from burning more than two hundred full car tanks of gas! Thus, although there
are many things that governments can do to help fight environmental damage,
the individual still plays a huge role.

In addition to this, many non-government related entities have also been making
inroads in the battle for a cleaner world. For example, at many of the universities
in Canada, there are student groups that work to raise awareness of the lifestyle
changes people can make to better help the environment. These independent
groups help put a face to a message and really push people to alter themselves
for the benefit of the natural world. As this makes clear, projects aimed at
preserving the Earth do not have to be government-run to make a difference.

As my experiences show, the world’s governments should not solely handle the
issue of global environmental damage. It is hoped that the future sees more
people contribute to this cause in any way they can.
Some people believe that universities are producing more graduates than
needed, and that less emphasis should be placed on university education.
Others are of a different opinion. Discuss both views and include your own

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

As the world develops, the opportunity to achieve a tertiary education is

becoming more widespread. This has led many to question whether larger
numbers of university graduates is a positive trend. However, others counter
than university does more than simply provide employment opportunities. Both
of these arguments will be analysed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, many feel the rising number of university graduates today
causes more harm than good. For example, graduates from Canadian universities
are having to wait for employment simply because there are no working
opportunities for them to engage in. Despite this, Canadian labour-related job
openings are booming. This example shows a disparity that is common in many
parts of the world and makes clear that achieving a higher education can actually
be the precursor to unemployment. Thus, it is understandable why many support
the argument that less emphasis should be put on garnering a university

However, in contrast to this stance, there are those who believe higher education
provides more to people than simply job related skill sets. For instance, the
analytical skills honed by university graduates in the United States give them a
heightened perception and deeper understanding of the world. Although this
benefit does little by way of professional development, it gives people the
chance to develop and challenge themselves personally. This makes it is clear
why many do not agree with reducing the enthusiasm for higher education.

After analysing these stances on university, it is felt the argument to lessen

educational emphasis holds little water. It is hoped the world continues to push
its young people towards the challenges offered through higher learning.
Write a letter to a teacher asking for a reference letter for a job and
– Why you have chosen him to write the reference letter
– What kind of job you are applying for
– Why you think you are suitable for this job

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Mr. Moloisa,

As you are aware, this month marks my foray into the working world, having
graduated my studies with you at Watson’s Photographer College. I am writing
to you to request your aid in my transition from student to employed

As your top scholar last year, I am sure you will be happy to hear my chosen
career path is photography. Thanks to your grueling courses, I feel I am
completely prepared to take on a professional challenge and am excited to tell
you I have been offered to attend the initial employment screening at National
Geographic Magazine. As part of this process, I am required to submit a
reference letter written by a third party of notable acclaim among the global
photography community. Of course, I was hoping I could ask you to be this

I would be very grateful for any kind words you could compose on my behalf to
help make this opportunity at National Geographic Magazine possible for me.

Thanking you in advance,


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