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I. Please answer the question by choosing between A, B, or C !

1. Look at the picture below!

I have … books
A. five
B. four
C. three
2. I have seven rulers. In Indonesia language will be ... .
A. saya memiliki tujuh rautan
B. saya memiliki tujuh penggaris
C. saya memiliki tujuh penghapus

3. Look at the picture below !

I have … swans
A. five
B. six
C. seven
4. c-i-k-c-e-n-h
The correct word is ….
A. chicken
B. cikchen
C. cikhcen
5. He is Adam
He is a … .
A. boy
B. girl
C. kid
6. Look at the picture !
Feby, Tiara and Santi are girl.
…. are girls
A. She
B. They
C. He
7. I have father, mother, brother and sister.
They are my ....
A. children
B. parents
C. family
8. Who is your father's father?
A. Uncle
B. Grandfather
C. Brother
9. Do you like fruits?
A. No, i do
B. Yes, i don’t
C. Yes, i do
10. Avocado's color is ...
A. orange
B. green
C. purple

II. Answer the following question correctly!

11. The _____________ can fly (burung)

_________ is a girl. Her name is Siska

13. Look at the picture !

She is Mrs. Anna. She is my ___________________ (nenek)

14. The color of mangoes is __________________________________

15. Feby and Putu’s favorite fruit ______________________ strawberry.
III. Please answer the question below correctly !
1. What is the colour of :
a. Banana : ___________________
b. Grape : ___________________
c. Apple : ___________________

2. Mention of the family members in your home !


3. Look at the picture below and write the number of the pictures!

a. = ___________________

b. = ___________________

c. = ___________________

4. Arrange these words to be correct sentence !

a. have - books - I - two = __________________________

b. My - is banana - yellow = __________________________

5. Translate these senteces to be Indonesia language !

a. I go to school

b. I like to eat water melon.

Good Luck

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