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Asignatura: Inglés IV
Docente: Mg. Verónica Rodríguez Delgado Fecha: ……/……/2021

Apellidos y Nombres…………………………………………………….….……………………………………………….

NOTA: Firma del alumno: …………………..…… Fecha: …..…..…...

Instrucciones para el estudiante:

Conforme al artículo 72 del Reglamento Académico General de la Universidad, se ha establecido que: “Cuando se
compruebe que un estudiante ha incurrido en actos fraudulentos como: suplantación,… utilización de material o
equipos electrónicos no autorizados, se le sancionará con pérdida del derecho a la evaluación y se asignará la
calificación de cero (00)...”


1.- My dog is ______________________ than your dog.

a) bigger b) big c) the gigger d) the biggest

2.- _________ you _________ read the medical magazine tomorrow?

a) is – going to b) are – going to c) do – going to d) does - go

3.-Tania and Mary ________________ to travel next week.

a) are going to b) is going to c) are going d) am going

4.-He ___________ buy a new car next month.

a) is going to b) are going to c) going d) going to

5.- _____________ Joel and Pedro ____________ buy a ball?

a) is – going b) is - going to c) are – going d) are – going to

6.- Rosa __________________the piano very well soon.

a) plays b) is playing c) will play d) play

7.- ________ Henry _______ at the university next semester?

a) Is- going to register b) Am- going to register c) Are – going to register d) going to

8.- Are they _______________ the project?

a) going to paint b) going to play c) going to cook d) go to approve

9.- ________ is he going to give up smoking?

a) who b) why c) what d) which

10.- Was Jenny in Africa? No, she ________. She ______ in Asia.
a) was - it b) were- they c) wasn´t - was d) weren´t


I get up to go to university, the first thing I do is wash my mouth, then I take a bath.My mother usually
prepares breakfast for me in the morning, I take it to eat during the day, I go to school very early.
I end up very tired when I come back, I sleep for a while, I have lunch, I study, and finally I wait for my
father to have dinner with all my family



When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me.
He wanted me to take him for a walk. I was too hungry, so first I had
breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of
toast. Then I washed my teeth and put on a track-suit and a heavy
coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox was already impatient.
We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and
jumped, and pursued some passers-by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture somebody left on the
road. I sat on a bench all the time, wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were
frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, but I pulled hard and I managed to
take him back. When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t have my keys with me, so we
stayed out in the cold for more than an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work!

a. What did Ben have for breakfast? He had a glass of milk and a piece of toast for breakfast
b. What did Fox do in the park? Fox chased some passersby and also destroyed some furniture

that was on the street.

c. Where did Ben sit? __________________________________________________________

d. How was the weather? _____________________________________________________

e. Did Ben have his keys? ______________________________________________________

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