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Asignatura: Inglés III Docente: Mg. Verónica Rodríguez Delgado Fecha: ……/……/2021

Apellidos y Nombres…………………………………………………….….……………………………………………….

NOTA: Firma del alumno: …………………..…… Fecha: …..…..…...

Instrucciones para el estudiante:

Conforme al artículo 72 del Reglamento Académico General de la Universidad, se ha establecido que: “Cuando se
compruebe que un estudiante ha incurrido en actos fraudulentos como: suplantación,… utilización de material o
equipos electrónicos no autorizados, se le sancionará con pérdida del derecho a la evaluación y se asignará la
calificación de cero (00)...”

Complete the sentences with the correct alternative (20 Pts)

1. Janet ______ green eyes and long red hair.

a. have b. had c. has d. having

2. Jennifer ____ in a farm.

a. lives b. life c. living d. live

3. _______ is a swimming pool in the garden.

a. That’s b. There c. It d. This

4. He ___ to work by car every day.

a. go b. goes c. going d. gone

5. He usually _____ the bus to work at 7:30 pm

a. catch b. catches c. is catching d. has caught

6. Dad ___ work at five, so we usually eat at around six.

a. finish b. is finishing c. finishes d. finished

7. Paolo is Italian. He’s ___ Italy.

a. In b. from c. at d. on

8. What’s ____ job?

a. her b. she’s c. she d. hers

9. Mary is ___ English teacher at Boston College.

a. any b. a c. an d. this

10. This package is for Mark. Please give it to ____.

a. he b. he’s c. him d. his

11. Are there any eggs in the fridge? Yes, ____.

a. there is b. there are c. they are d. it is.

12. There _____ any restaurants in London Avenue fifty years ago.

a. wasn’t b. were c. weren’t d. was

13. What ____ in the garden, Michael?

a. do you do b. you doing c. you do d. are you doing

14. You _____ so bad last night.

a. were b. are c. was d. do

15. Robert is a teacher, but he _____ as a waiter at the moment.

a. wanted b. works c. is working d. has worked

16. Do you _____ glasses?

a. wears b. uses c. use d. wear

17. A tiger is _____ than a dog.

a. Fast b. the fastest c. faster d. the faster

18. I _____ tired because I worked long hours.

a. was b. am c. were d. are

19. We _________ shopping last Saturday.

a. go b. went c. goes d. goed

20. I ________ fish at Lili’s house yesterday.

a. eat b. eated c. eats d. ate

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