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- This is by far the biggest issue in our neighborhood. One contributing factor is the
close proximity of the homes, which makes it appear crowded and adds to the
utility pole's twisted appearance. As a result, our neighborhood is frequently
subject to electric circuits, which puts us at a high risk for fire. That's why I
devised a plan. The first step is to hold a fire drill every three months. Fire drills
provide communities the chance to rehearse evacuation methods in a controlled
environment to make sure everyone is fully aware of how to safely escape the
building. Another plan is Encourage community to create family preparation
plans that include emergency contact information for family members, scheduled
meeting locations, house evacuation protocols, secure food and water storage, and
putting together disaster supply kits.Teach the community how to phone 9-1-1
and to STOP, DROP, and ROLL if their clothing catches fire.


- Another significant issue in our neighborhood is that it is highly likely to flood with even
a light rain. This has a significant negative influence on the health of the community
since it can transmit infectious illnesses, contain chemical risks, and result in accidents.
That is why I devised a strategy to be ready in the event of a flood. Encourage them to
put together a family evacuation plan first. Discover whether your home is in a flood-
prone location and whether the water level on your property is above or below the flood
stage. Another is to instruct them on where and how to switch off the gas, water, and
electrical mains. Purchase emergency supplies like hessian sacks for sandbags, water
storage containers, and extra gasoline. The most important phase is to build early
warning systems so that people have enough time to rescue themselves.


- I consider poor waste management as a community concern since it is frequently the

cause of flooding in our area. In contrast to other barangays that collect trash every day,
our community hardly ever does so. As a result, some residents are unable to dispose of
their waste; instead, they place it outside their homes, and when it rains, some of the
trash flows into the sewage system, causing a blockage and flooding.Because of this, my
strategy for my community is Proper Segregating and Minimizing garbage; make sure
your garbage is properly classified and separated. Another is to have a health education
session and instruct people on how to securely handle, store, and dispose of all types of
medical waste.Finally, encourage them to identify recyclable or reusable goods during
self-audits. Plastics, glass, paper and other materials might all fall under this category.

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