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Heni Hastuti1,2), Fatin Nabila Rizqi1), Mohammad Fanani1),

Anak Agung Alit Kirti Estuti Narendra Putri1)
1)Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret
2)Center for Health Promotion and Community Empowerment Studies,
The Institution of Research and Community Services, Universitas Sebelas Maret


Background: Student mental health in higher education has been an increasing

concern during COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health issues are the leading impediment
to academic success. Mental illness can affect students’ motivation, concentration, and
social interactions—crucial factors for students to succeed in higher education. This
study aimed to determine the factors that influence depression in medical students
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study. A sample of 589 students
were selected for this study from the Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, from 2017 to 2020. The dependent
variable was depression. The independent variables were age, gender, year of class,
self-control, and self-restraint. Depression was measured by Beck's Depression
Inventory-II (BDI-II) questionnaire. Self-control was measured by the Self-Control
Scale. Self-restraint was measured by Resilience Scale-14 (RS-14). The data were
analyzed using logistic regression model.
Results: The risk of depression among medical students decreased with better self-
control (OR= 0.93; 95% CI= 0.91 to 0.96; p= 0.399) and self-restraint (OR= 0.94;
95% CI= 0.92 to 0.96; p= 0.003), and it was statistically significant. The risk of
depression among medical students increased if female (OR= 2.24; 95% CI= 0.89 to
5.58; p= 0.032) and it was statistically significant. The associations between
depression and age as well as year of class were statistically non-significant (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Better self-control and self-restraint are associated with less risk of
depression among medical students. Female students have higher risk of depression
than males. Age and year of class are not significantly associated with the risk of

Keywords: depression, self-control, self-restraint, COVID-19, medical student.

Heni Hastuti. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A,
Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: Mobile:

BACKGROUND (WHO, 2020). From 264 million ca-

The prevalence of depression globally ses of depression in 2010 to 2015 the-
has increased along with the move- re was a significant increase of 18.4%
ment of world conditions (Hidaka, (WHO, 2017). In Indonesia, in 2011
2012). From 1990 to 2017 the number there were 17.4 million people expe-
of cases of depression reached 264 riencing mental disorders in the form
million from various age categories of anxiety and depression (Sulistyo-

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rini and Subarisman, 2017). Based on Self-control ability can be used as a
Infodatin (2019) the link between significant predictor of symptoms that
depression and suicide can be seen in arise from mental instability in the
2016, it was stated that 23.2% of sui- form of anxiety to depression (Bela-
cide cases were caused because the nger, 2017). Self-control ability can
person concerned had a mental ill- reduce a person's desire to do some-
ness. In Indonesia, cases of mental ill- thing from 70% to 17% (Hoffman et
ness which include emotional mental al., 2012), this condition can suppress
disorders (anxiety and depression) in the self-motivation concerned to do
2013 had a prevalence of 6% (Ris- negative things that can lead to pro-
kesdas, 2013). This prevalence increa- blems and other pressures. Self-de-
sed in 2018 to reach 9.8% with a dep- fense as a form of ability to regulate
ression case rate of 6.1% of the total negative emotions that come from ex-
population. Of this 6.1%, only 9% of ternal and internal has a protective
sufferers have undergone medical function against mental stability in
treatment for depression (Riskesdas, the form of anxiety and depression
2018). The lack of detection of people (Kermott et al., 2019). This is what
with depression in Indonesia can re- makes self-restraint as a predictor of
duce the quality of life of individuals depression can be used to detect a
and increase the number of deaths person's mental condition in the short
due to suicide. term, one of which is during the lec-
The medical study program has ture period (Wu, 2020).
a higher stressor value than other pro- The COVID-19 pandemic that
fessional study programs (Maulida, has occurred in the world has changed
2013). The prevalence of depression the lecture system at Sebelas Maret
in medical students from 1982 to 2015 University from face-to-face or offline
globally (47 countries) was 27.2% to online or online. Students listen to
(Rotenstein et al., 2016). In Indonesia learning by using applications via
in 2014 the prevalence of depression electronic devices. Lectures during a
in medical students was 30.8% (Ha- pandemic are indicated to increase
dianto, 2014). Hem et al. (2000) in the pressure that causes students to
Yusoff et al. (2013) also stated that at experience anxiety to depression (Son
least 14% of medical students had et al., 2020).
thought of committing suicide and The research on depression
another 6% had planned to commit experienced by medical students con-
suicide during their education. The ducted by Hadianto (2014) has not
high risk of medical students expe- discussed in detail the internal factors
riencing depression, not only requires of students. This is what makes the
curative and rehabilitative efforts, but writer interested in linking self-con-
also requires preventive efforts in the trol and self-resilience as an indivi-
form of early detection. dual's internal ability in dealing with
One of the early detection of the existing pressure. The purpose of
depression can be seen from the abi- this study was to determine the fac-
lity of self-control and self-defense. tors that influence depression in me-

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dical students during the COVID-19 Definition: a person's ability to con-
pandemic. trol himself from the stimuli or im-
pulses he gets by considering the con-
SUBJECTS AND METHOD sequences and situations.
1. Study Design 5. Instrument Study
This study used a cross-sectional de- Depression was measured by the
sign. The research was conducted on- Beck's Depression Inventory-II (BDI-
line at Sebelas Maret University, Su- II) questionnaire. Self-control is mea-
rakarta, Central Java in December sured by the Self-Control Scale. Self-
2020. control was measured by the Resi-
2. Population and Sample lience Scale-14 (RS-14).
The sample consisted of students 6. Data Analysis
from the Medical Study Program, Fa- Data analysis used logistic regression
culty of Medicine, UNS class 2017, model.
2018, 2019, and 2020, totaling 589 7. Research Ethics
students. The sampling technique Ethics clearance was obtained from
used was purposive sampling. the ethics committee of RSUD Dr.
3. Study Variable Moewardi with the number: 1.317/
The dependent variable was depres- XII/ HREC/ 2020. Informed consent
sion. The independent variables were was obtained from students and the
age, gender, class year, self-restraint, confidentiality of respondents was
and self-control. maintained during data analysis.
4. Definition Operational of
Variables RESULTS
a. Depression Based on table 1, this study received
Definition: emotional disturbance or the most respondents from the Class
poor mood usually characterized by a of 2020 who were students who were
prolonged feeling of sadness, hope- undergoing the first year of lectures.
lessness, guilt, and meaninglessness. Of the 589 respondents dominated by
b. Age female sex as many as 436 people
Definition: the period of years calcu- (72.3%). The age range of respondents
lated from the respondent's birth to in this study was 15-23 years with the
the last birthday. most respondents aged 20 years,
c. Gender namely 137 people (23.3%). Respon-
Definition: biological sex division. dents were dominated by moderate
d. Class year level of self-control as many as 354
Definition: Year of admission as a me- people (60.1%). Moderate level of
dical student. self-restraint also ranks at the top
e. Self-resilience with 217 people (36.8%). While the
Definition: a person's ability to adapt measurement of depression found
to bad things or misfortunes that oc- 427 people (72.5%) did not experience
cur in his life. depression and 162 others (27.5%)
f. Self-control: suffered from depression. Of these
162 people 72 people (12.2%) had

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mild depression, 61 people (10.4%) people (4.9%) had severe depression.
had moderate depression, and 29
Table 1. Distribution of Research Respondents' characteristics, Level of
Self-Control, Level of Self-Defense, and Level of Depression
Category Frequence Percentage
2017 151 25.6
2018 134 22.8
2019 89 15.1
2020 215 36.5
Male 163 27.7
Female 436 72.3
Age (years)
15 2 0.3
16 0 0
17 25 4.2
18 135 22.9
19 126 21.4
20 137 23.3
21 132 22.4
22 28 4.8
23 4 0.7
Very low 0 0
Low 38 6.5
Medium 354 60.1
High 187 31.7
Very High 10 1.7
Very low 61 10.4
Low 131 22.2
Medium 217 36.8
High 152 25.8
Very high 28 4.8
Not depressed 427 72.5
Light 72 12.2
Moderate 61 10.4
Severe 29 4.9

Tabel 2. Correlation Test Results

Variable p
Generations 0.442
Gender 0.006
Age 0.414
Self-control <0.001
Self-restraint <0.001

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Table 3. Results of Logistics Regression Analysis
95% CI
Variable OR p
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Age 1.21 0.69 2.12 0.675
Gender 2.24 0.89 5.58 0.032
Generations 1.36 0.78 2.48 0.584
Self-control 0.93 0.91 0.96 0.399
Self-restraint 0.94 0.92 0.96 0.003

Multivariate analysis was conducted young adults are more prone to

to determine the effect of independent depression than other age groups.
variables consisting of age, gender, This happens because young adults
years of age, self-control, and self-res- tend to have to face the expectations
traint with the dependent variable of their family and social environment
being depression. coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle.
Logistic regression analysis The percentage of female res-
showed that the dominant factor that pondents who experienced depression
increased depression was gender was more dominant (80.9%) than
(OR=2.24; 95%CI= 0.89 to 5.58; male respondents (19.1%). Overall,
p=0.032), the result was statistically the number of students in the Medical
significant, while the factor that de- Faculty of UNS in 2020 was more
creased depression was self-control female students than male students,
(OR= 0.93; 95% CI= 0.91 to 0.96; p= so that the respondents who filled out
0.399) and self-resistance (OR= 0.94; were also dominated by the female
95% CI= 0.92 to 0.96; p=0.003), gender. However, this is not the main
these results were statistically signi- factor underlying the results of this
ficant. study, there are studies that are in
line with this situation where women
DISCUSSION tend to experience depression more
A. Sample Characteristics than men (Albert, 2015). According to
This study obtained 162 medical stu- Albert (2015) this condition occurs
dents with depression who had an age due to hormonal changes that have an
range of 15-22 years and an average effect on individual physiological and
age of 19 years. Based on age classi- psychological conditions and the
fication Cuijpers et al. (2020) ages 15 characteristics of women who tend to
to 17 years are included in the youth think more about interpersonal rela-
group and 18 to 22 years are included tionships in their environment.
in the young adult group. Based on The largest proportion of
the data in table 1, nine respondents depression in this study was obtained
in the adolescent age group tend to by medical students class of 2020
have milder depression conditions (44.4%) as first-year students during
than the young adult age group. This their lectures. These results are in
situation is in line with the research of accordance with Basnet et al. (2012)
Purborini et al. (2021) who stated that which states that first-year medical
students will tend to feel excessive

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pressure due to busy schedules and so that it adds to the burden and
adjustments to academic conditions, results in the instability of his self-
this will lead them to symptoms of defense ability. In this case, the
depression. person concerned can control himself
Students' self-control ability is even though there are some
dominated by a moderate level of self- conditions where his ability to control
control (60.1%). These results are in himself decreases due to the effects of
line with research conducted by certain things experienced.
Munazzah (2016) with 105 student Measurement of the level of
respondents of UIN Maulana Malik depression showed that the majority
Ibrahim Malang who showed a of respondents (72.5%) were in
moderate level of self-control domi- normal condition and 162 respon-
nance (80.95%). According to him, dents (27.5%) were depressed. Of the
the condition of moderate self-control 162 respondents who experienced
where a person is in a fairly good con- depression, the minority was in a
dition in controlling himself is one of state of severe depression (4.9%),
them influenced by self-discipline. In- followed by moderate depression 61
dividuals can restrain and discipline respondents (10.4%) and mild
themselves not to do something depression 72 respondents (12.2%).
excessive. But on the other hand, This percentage is lower than other
under certain conditions this modera- research on depression. As one
te level of self-control will also expe- example is the research conducted by
rience inability to resolve what is Martasari and Ediati (2018) on
being faced. It is self-stability that students of the Undergraduate Gene-
determines a person in regulating his ral Medicine Study Program at Dipo-
discipline. negoro University which used 101
Moderate levels make up the respondents, 41.6% of the respon-
majority of the results of self-resist- dents indicated that they were
ance measurements carried out in this depressed. By using the same ques-
study (36.8%). The results of this stu- tionnaire, namely the BDI-II in the
dy are in line with research conducted study, 27.7% of respondents expe-
by Amelia et al. (2014) with 119 rienced mild depression, 10.9% of
medical students from Riau Univer- respondents experienced moderate
sity as respondents. The research that depression, and 3% of respondents
was conducted showed that 89.07% of experienced severe depression. Accor-
the respondents had a moderate level ding to the study, depression is cau-
of self-restraint with various back- sed by pressure to achieve success,
ground factors that influenced the demands, and academic performance,
measurement results. In this study, differences in sleep quality, social
the level of self-resistance was caused relationships, and different adapta-
by social skills or adaptation that were bility in each student.
still lacking. A person with limited
social and communication skills will
tend to keep his problems to himself

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B. The Relationship of Self- are a life style that tends to be
Control with Depression unhealthy, alcohol consumption, and
Through this study, it was found that poor interpersonal relationships.
there was a significant relationship Mental instability accompanied by a
between self-control and depression. decrease in physical condition will
The better the self-control ability, the lead individuals to experience de-
lower the probability that the person pression.
concerned will experience depression C. The Relationship between
(p<0.001). Likewise with the opposite Self-Defense and Depression
condition. In the research of Asthi- This study found that there was a sig-
ningsih et al. (2010) found a signi- nificant relationship between the level
ficant relationship between self- of self-restraint and depression (p<
control and depression (p= 0.005). 0.001). The relationship with this mo-
Self-control that is too low is derate level of closeness means that
considered to make a person too individuals with low levels of self-
regretful of the failures they have esteem will have a higher tendency to
experienced and create feelings of experience depression. Vice versa,
guilt, resulting in depression. individuals with high levels of self-
Through research Asthiningsih et al. restraint have a lower tendency to
(2010) also stated that individuals experience depression.
with low self-control tend to only The results of this study support
make expectations without making previous research on self-restraint
maximum effort. This happens and depression conducted by Firdaus
repeatedly until it can trigger the and Kaloeti (2020), which is that
person concerned to blame the situa- there is a significant relationship
tion and the environment. The feeling between self-restraint and depression
of being unable to do anything or (p<0.001). The relationship that
what is called a state of hopelessness occurs in this study by Firdaus and
slowly leads the person concerned in- Kaloeti (2020) explains that someone
to the depression stage. with negative emotions that are more
Other studies Boals et al. (2011) dominant than positive emotions will
revealed that there was a significant tend to view problems as a burden,
relationship between self-control abi- not as a process of life's journey. Posi-
lity and depression (p= 0.001). Accor- tive emotions that are used to
ding to Boals et al. (2011) the results improve the quality of self-resistance
of this study relate to a person's self- will be eroded slowly to reduce the
control. Individuals with low self- ability of self-resistance possessed.
control tend to lack self-control and Another study on the correlation
choose to avoid the problems at hand. between self-restraint and depression
This condition will trigger other was conducted by Haddadi & Besha-
problems to arise and provide greater rat (2010) on 256 University of
pressure until depression appears. Tehran students using a cross-sectio-
Boals et al. (2011) also explained that nal research design. This study
the characteristics of this avoidance revealed that there was a significant

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relationship between self-restraint The second factor that was tested as a
and depression (p<0.001). According confounding variable in this study
to Haddadi and Besharat (2010) the was age. The results showed that
results of this study can be related to there was no significant correlation
the theory of self-resistance which is (p>0.050). These results are in accor-
considered a positive resistance from dance with the research conducted by
within to respond to a negative expe- Khest et al (2019) which revealed that
rience that arises. This positive resist- there was no significant relationship
ance will bring about the stability of between age and depression. This
self-esteem as a form of defense condition is thought to be due to the
mechanism. Haddadi and Besharat lack of a wide age range of respon-
(2010) state that acceptance will dents used in the study. There are
reduce anxiety and other uncomfort- many age groups, but researchers
able feelings that can encourage only refer to two groups, namely
depression. This is why high self- adolescents and young adults. The
restraint abilities will reduce a third confounding variable used is the
person's chances of experiencing year of class in lectures. The results of
depression. the analysis showed that there was no
D. The Relationship of Self- significant relationship between the
Control and Self-Reliance year of class and depression (p>0.05).
with Depression These results are in accordance with
By controlling for the confounding research conducted by Pidgeon et al.
variables of gender, age, and genera- (2017) which states that there is no
tion, it was found that there was a significant correlation between the
significant relationship between self- year of class and depression expe-
control and self-resilience with rienced. The pressure experienced in
depression with the self-resilience lectures depends on the given acade-
variable having a greater influence mic system. This difference does not
than the self-control variable related only apply between study programs or
to depression. faculties but also on a university scale.
Depression has many influen- In the research of Gazmararian
cing factors, one of which is gender et al. (2000) found several factors
(p=0.032). Marlena et al. (2012) that influence depression, including
explained that women tend to be exercise routine. In this study, it was
more prone to depression than men. found that individuals with regular
It was also mentioned that gender had exercise had a lower chance of expe-
a significant effect on the severity of riencing depressive symptoms
depression. This condition is because (p=0.002). The exercise routine
women tend to focus on the symp- undertaken by the respondents is the
toms of depression. This is different result of their disciplined abilities.
from the characteristics of men where Discipline in the effort to live a
they tend to divert attention to other healthy life is a characteristic that
things such as physical activities or becomes a measure of self-control
entertainment (Darmayanti, 2008). ability (Tagney et al, 2004).

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Another multivariate study con- xiety to depression (Son et al., 2020).
ducted by Yun et al. (2019) in 1991 According to Son et al. (2020) this
respondents in South Korea from condition occurs because individuals
August 2014 to January 2015. Using tend to experience increased fear and
the logistic regression test method, worry about health compared to
this study describes the factors that normal conditions and decreased
have an influence on depression. One interaction with other people, espe-
that is discussed is positive thoughts cially their peers due to the imple-
or positive mindset. Yun et al. (2019) mentation of social distancing. This
explains that individuals who have condition results in decreased concen-
positive thinking skills in dealing with tration, disturbed sleep cycles, and
stressors or problems they experience excessive stress regarding academics.
will reduce their tendency to develop This is why the factor of the pandemic
depressive symptoms (p=0.002). Vice condition indirectly affects the
versa, if the ability to think positively measurement of depression levels
is low, the individual will be more carried out by researchers. Son et al.
prone to depression. Positive (2020) adding support to each other
thoughts or beliefs in dealing with by sharing stories is one solution to
problems are part of a balance of reduce symptoms of depression in
thought or equality which is one of the students.
characteristics used to assess a According to Pedrelli et al.
person's self-restraint (Wagnild, (2014) students tend to keep their
2010). complaints to themselves, choose to
The results of Cho et al. (2019) find out via the internet, and feel
in 1,502 respondents stated that indi- more comfortable consulting using
viduals who have a healthy lifestyle web-internet-based programs because
will have a lower tendency to suffer they feel that their privacy is more
from depression (p < 0.001) and indi- protected. Therefore, according to
viduals who are often filled with Pedrelli et al. (2014) institutions or
depression or feelings of sadness will universities need to open online
tend to have a higher tendency to screening using tested questionnaires
develop symptoms of depression (p < and provide experts through an
0.001). The factor of a healthy life- internet platform that is opened from
style is a characteristic of self-control time to time to detect cases of
and moodiness is a form of weak depression in students early.
balance of thinking which is a charac- So it can be concluded that self-
teristic of self-resistance. restraint has a greater influence than
This research was carried out self-control, age, gender, and class on
during the COVID-19 pandemic so depression. The limitation of this
that lectures were conducted through research is that not all students in the
the online method (on the network) class have filled out the questionnaire.
or online. Lectures during a pandemic
are indicated to increase the pressure
that causes students to experience an-

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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION 08870446.2010.529139.
Heni Hastuti, Fatin Nabila Rizqi, Mo- Cho Y, Lee, JK, Kim DH, Park JH,
hammad Fanani, Anak Agung Alit Choi M, Kim HJ, Park YG, et al.
Kirti Estuti Narendra Putri contribut- (2019). Factors associated with
ed in designing the research, collecting quality of life in patients with
data and conducting analysis. depression: a nationwide popu-
lation-based study. PLOS ONE.
Thank you to the medical faculty of
Firdaus T, Kaloeti VS (2020). Hubu-
UNS and Pusdi Promkesdayamas.
ngan antara negative emotional
state dengan resiliensi pada
warga binaan narkotika di lem-
There was no external fund.
baga pemasyarakatan Kedung-
pane Semarang (The relation-
CONFLICT OF INTEREST ship between negative emotional
There was no conflict of interest. state and resilience in narcotics
inmates at the Kedungpane Pe-
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The 8th International Conference on Public Health

Solo, Indonesia, November 17-18, 2021 | 357

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