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Consti project layout:

1.) Original position where no leave granted

2.) Maternity leave slowly given upto 6 months, paternity leave fallen behind
3.) Why paternity leave fallen behind (look parliamentary debates, seeing as a feminist
4.) Current scenario in law schools (nlus and other leading like Jindal symbi etc)
5.) Conclusion (role of societal construct and ways to change in todays time)

I. Introduction
A. Background information on paternity leave in India
B. Purpose and objectives of the study
C. Scope and methodology of the research

II. Original position where no leave granted

A. Historical perspective on the concept of paternity leave in India
B. Analysis of the reasons behind no paternity leave being granted initially

III. Maternity leave slowly given up to 6 months, paternity leave fallen behind
A. Overview of the development of maternity leave laws in India
B. Comparison between maternity and paternity leave laws
C. Analysis of why paternity leave has not developed at the same pace

IV. Why paternity leave fallen behind

A. Examination of parliamentary debates related to paternity leave
B. Critical analysis of feminist articles and books
C. Identification of factors contributing to the lack of progress in paternity leave laws

V. Current scenario in law schools

A. Overview of paternity leave policies in Indian law schools
B. Analysis of the impact of these policies on the faculty
C. Evaluation of the potential for change
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of the main findings and arguments
B. Discussion of the role of societal constructs and gender roles in paternity leave laws
C. Recommendations for ways to change the current scenario in paternity leave laws in India

VII. References
A. List of sources cited in the paper
B. Additional sources for further research

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