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Tasks for Course:
DLBEPPEG01_E – Project: Development of Business Ideas

1. Tasks ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Task 1: Food and Health ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Task 2: Education ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Task 3: Consumption .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Additional information for the evaluation of the oral project report ................................................ 6
3. Tutorial Support ......................................................................................................................... 7

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For the oral project report, you can choose from the following tasks. Please choose one of them that you would
like to work on in your oral project report. Please note that the tasks only differ in terms of the starting point
(challenge); the steps to be performed in this project are the same for all tasks.

1.1 Task 1: Food and Health

We are getting on average older and older in Europe and around the world. Demographic change is leading to an
ever-higher proportion of older people in the population. Climate change is creating a great need for action in the
production and marketing of organically produced food. At the same time, a significant share of people is living
at the subsistence level and experience hunger. Digitalization offers opportunities to provide people with low-
threshold information about health and nutrition; at the same time, however, it also ensures a considerable lack
of physical activity among children and adults.
Specific challenges include:
• The share of the agricultural area that is farmed organically has still a minor share of the overall
agricultural production.
• Many people eat a diet that is too one-sided and too high in calories in developed countries. High shares
of adults and young people are overweight. At the same time, almost 690 million people around the world
experienced hunger in 2019.
• The proportion of people with health problems is increasing, especially diabetes, high blood pressure
and mental illnesses. Globally, 74 per cent of all deaths in 2019 were caused by the four main non-
communicable diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease).
• A high number of people suffer from a lack of exercise and spend most of their day sitting.

Based on the above-mentioned challenge, formulate a relevant problem in this context and develop a creative
and innovative solution idea to solve it and which has the potential to be realized as a business idea within the
framework of a start-up. Essential aspects of the project are the elaboration of the value proposition of your
business idea, the definition of your customers, the analysis of the market potential, the differentiation from the
already existing competition as well as the financial feasibility and financing of the business idea.
Business ideas and start-ups are based on the use of an entrepreneurial and market opportunity that is discovered
or newly created by the founder(s). This entrepreneurial "instinct" is often based on your own personal
observations, experiences, and knowledge. Use this perspective and your own experiences in this project to
develop your own business idea.
For the presentation: imagine you have the chance to present your business idea to potential business angels as
an "investor pitch" to convince them to invest in your business idea. Present the process of the development of
your idea in your presentation and convince them especially with your developed content of your business idea
in your presentation.
To develop your business idea, you will go through the following steps with your project:

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1. Analyse the context of the chosen challenge, collect different problems in the context and choose a
relevant problem! Familiarize yourself with the challenge. Research the background, influencing
factors, causes and relevant actors (the so-called context). Collect details, arguments, and open
questions about possible problems you want to solve and summarize them in one concise sentence as
your problem statement.
2. Develop new ideas for the defined problem!
3. Describe your business idea and develop a first business model!
4. Analyse and define the following details for the realization of your business idea: the market, the
competition, the necessary resources, and costs!
5. Develop the storyline for your presentation by taking the role of the founder of the business idea!

Bland, D. & Osterwalder A. (2019): Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation. John Wiley &
Sons Verlag.
Blank, S. & Dorf. B. (2018): The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company.
John Wiley & Sons Verlag.

Lewrick, M., Link, P. & Leifer, L. (2018): The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams,
Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems. Newark John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Knapp, J. (2016): Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days: How to Solve Big
Problems and Test New Ideas in Just 5 Days. Simon & Schuster.

Ries, E. (2011): The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically
Successful Businesses. Currency.

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010): Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and
Challengers. John Wiley & Sons Verlag.

1.2 Task 2: Education

Globally, we live in a knowledge economy. Education is the key factor for the prosperity and quality of life of the
population. At the same time, we need further skills to develop solutions for the challenges of digitalization and
climate change. Digital transformation and technological development, such as artificial intelligence, virtual
reality, etc., continue to advance.
Specific challenges in this context include:
• Around 100 million children and young people worldwide cannot write or read properly.
• Only five of ten children have completed secondary school.
• The chance to graduate from high school and study as a child still depends heavily on the educational
experience and income status of the parents.
• In many industries, there is a shortage of applications for apprenticeships and a shortage of qualified
applicants for vacant positions (keyword: shortage of skilled workers).

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• Demographic change in several developed countries sets the focus on ongoing training for current
employees, i.e., lifelong learning.
• By 2050, a high proportion of current jobs will be replaced by robotics and digitization. At the same time,
new fields of activity will emerge. Nevertheless, it is predicted that global unemployment could rise to 24
percent or more by 2050.

Based on the above-mentioned challenge, formulate a relevant problem in this context and develop a creative
and innovative solution idea to solve it and which has the potential to be realized as a business idea within the
framework of a start-up. Essential aspects of the project are the elaboration of the value proposition of your
business idea, the definition of your customers, the analysis of the market potential, the differentiation from the
already existing competition as well as the financial feasibility and financing of the business idea.
Business ideas and start-ups are based on the use of an entrepreneurial and market opportunity that is discovered
or newly created by the founder(s). This entrepreneurial "instinct" is often based on your own personal
observations, experiences, and knowledge. Use this perspective and your own experiences in this project to
develop your own business idea.
For the presentation: imagine you have the chance to present your business idea to potential business angels as
an "investor pitch" to convince them to invest in your business idea. Present the process of the development of
your idea in your presentation and convince them especially with your developed content of your business idea
in your presentation.
To develop your business idea, you will go through the following steps with your project:
1. Analyse the context of the chosen challenge, collect different problems in the context and choose a
relevant problem! Familiarize yourself with the challenge. Research the background, influencing factors,
causes and relevant actors (the so-called context). Collect details, arguments, and open questions about
possible problems you want to solve and summarize them in one concise sentence as your problem
2. Develop new ideas for the defined problem!
3. Describe your business idea and develop a first business model!
4. Analyse and define the following details for the realization of your business idea: the market, the
competition, the necessary resources, and costs!
5. Develop the storyline for your presentation by taking on the role of the founder of the business idea!

Bland, D. & Osterwalder A. (2019): Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation. John Wiley &
Sons Verlag.
Blank, S. & Dorf. B. (2018): The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company.
John Wiley & Sons Verlag.

Lewrick, M., Link, P. & Leifer, L. (2018): The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams,
Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems. Newark John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Knapp, J. (2016): Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days: How to Solve Big
Problems and Test New Ideas in Just 5 Days. Simon & Schuster.
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Ries, E. (2011): The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically
Successful Businesses. Currency.

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010): Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and
Challengers. John Wiley & Sons Verlag.

5.1 Task 3: Consumption

Our world is characterized by people living in complete abundance, but as well other people live in poverty. What
we have in common is that we produce too much waste, we overuse our resources and at the same time, we waste
a high share of the produced goods. Changes in consumption patterns can promote the human well-being from
resource use and environmental impact.
Due to globalization and digitalization, many products and services are available to us in a short time. At the same
time, however, the movement of goods and logistical effort to ensure this is increasing, as well as the negative
impact on the environment and the climate. We, as consumers, have an above-average amount of power to
influence markets and the production of goods with our consumption decisions and the digital connectivity.
Specific challenges in this context include:
• The global “material footprint” increased by 70% between 2000 and 2017.
• Almost 14 per cent of food produced globally (in 2016) was lost before reaching the supermarket and us.
• Only a small proportion of our consumed goods are also recycled and reused.
• Sustainability and waste avoidance play only a minor role in purchasing decisions.

Based on the above-mentioned challenge, formulate a relevant problem in this context and develop a creative
and innovative solution idea to solve it and which has the potential to be realized as a business idea within the
framework of a start-up. Essential aspects of the project are the elaboration of the value proposition of your
business idea, the definition of your customers, the analysis of the market potential, the differentiation from the
already existing competition as well as the financial feasibility and financing of the business idea.
Business ideas and start-ups are based on the use of an entrepreneurial and market opportunity that is discovered
or newly created by the founder(s). This entrepreneurial "instinct" is often based on your own personal
observations, experiences, and knowledge. Use this perspective and your own experiences in this project to
develop your own business idea.
For the presentation: imagine you have the chance to present your business idea to potential business angels as
an "investor pitch" to convince them to invest in your business idea. Present the process of the development of
your idea in your presentation and convince them especially with your developed content of your business idea
in your presentation.
To develop your business idea, you will go through the following steps with your project:
1. Analyze the context of the chosen challenge, collect different problems in the context and choose a
relevant problem! Familiarize yourself with the challenge. Research the background, influencing factors,
causes and relevant actors (the so-called context). Collect details, arguments, and open questions about

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possible problems you want to solve and summarize them in one concise sentence as your problem
2. Develop new ideas for the defined problem!
3. Describe your business idea and develop a first business model!
4. Analyze and define the following details for the realization of your business idea: the market, the
competition, the necessary resources, and costs!
5. Develop the storyline for your presentation by taking the role of the founder of the business idea!

Bland, D. & Osterwalder A. (2019): Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation. John Wiley &
Sons Verlag.
Blank, S. & Dorf. B. (2018): The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company.
John Wiley & Sons Verlag.

Lewrick, M., Link, P. & Leifer, L. (2018): The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams,
Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems. Newark John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Knapp, J. (2016): Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days: How to Solve Big
Problems and Test New Ideas in Just 5 Days. Simon & Schuster.

Ries, E. (2011): The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically
Successful Businesses. Currency.

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010): Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and
Challengers. John Wiley & Sons Verlag.


When conceptualizing the oral project report, the evaluation criteria and explanations given in the writing
guidelines should be considered.
Process: Describe your business idea development process and the results of the individual process steps based
on the details of your business idea. Also show the necessary resources for the implementation of the idea as well
as the next steps for realization.
Creativity: Present the creative and innovative approach of your business idea to the problem and also show the
special features of your solution for your customers compared to the competition.
Result: Document and justify in detail and comprehensibly your findings regarding the required details of your
business idea.
Rhetoric: Raise interest and inspire your audience for your business idea during your presentation. Engage your
audience emotionally. Make sure to formulate clearly and concisely.
Visualization: Present your business idea and the required content in a visually appealing way. Make sure your
presentation has a clear structure and use visual elements to emphasize your results.

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Several options are available for support with presentations. The student is responsible for making use of these
resources. Tutors are available for subject consultation on the choice of topic as well as for specific and general
questions on academic work. There is no provision for the tutor to confirm acceptable outlines, parts of the
content, or presentation drafts since independent preparation is part of the examination. However, hints may be
given on rough drafts to facilitate the creation of academic work.

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