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Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (IICT)

Submission date: 10 - Oct – 2023 BSCY-A&B

Assignment 1:
This assignment includes three questions i.e., first question is related to number systems
conversions, the second question is related to professional manuscript writing and last question is
related to designing the poster in MS PowerPoint and last question is data analysis in MS Excel.
Question 1:
1. Convert the following unsigned binary numbers to a decimal base: 01001110 and
2. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary base: 8235 and 6655
3. Convert the following unsigned binary numbers to a hexadecimal base: 01101101 and
4. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary base: A25D6 and E1B22
5. Convert the following octal numbers to hexadecimal base: 5473, 5783, 6542
6. In the following perform addition of unsigned binary numbers. Solve each problem and
convert your result to a decimal base for verification:

7. In the following perform subtraction of unsigned binary numbers. Solve each problem and
convert your result to a decimal base for verification:

Question 2:

Task for Microsoft Excel Following are the details for graphs that are required for the statistics of
data available. Make sure to check the x and y values for the graphs and make them accordingly.
Question 3:
Use your Microsoft word skills and design the document as same as attached. In order to get the
idea about the proper formatting and other editing options, I have attached a link to the video
Efficient Use of Microsoft Word in Dissertation / Thesis / Manuscript Writing

Late submissions are not accepted, Good Luck!

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