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Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Plate

All Vehicles are required to have a VIN plate affixed to the dash and visible through the windshield. The VIN is
a 17-character format required to be used by all manufacturers on all vehicles

1B7 GF1 6X1YS54 9936


1 1 = U.S. 2 = Ca nada 3 = Mexico Cou ntry of Origi n
2 B = Dodge 200 2 a nd P rior C = Chrysler D = Dod ge 2 003 and beyond and 2002 Ne w Ram Pickup Make
3 4 = Multipurpose Passenger Vehi cle witho ut Side Ai r Ba gs Vehicle Type
6 = Incomplete Vehicle without Side Air Bags
7 = Truck with out Sid e A ir B ags
2 = Incomplete Vehicle with Side Air Bags
3 = Truck with Si de A ir B ags
8 = Multipurpose Passenger Vehi cle with Sid e A ir B ags
4 D = 1 lbs - 3,000 lbs K = 8,00 1 lb s - 9,00 0 lb s GVWR and Hydraulic Brakes
E = 3 ,001 lbs - 4 ,000 lbs L = 9 ,001 lbs - 1 0,0 00 lb s
F = 4,001 lbs - 5,000 lbs M = 10,001 lbs - 14,000 lbs
G = 5 ,001 lbs - 6 ,000 lbs W = Hydraulic Brakes
H = 6,001 lbs - 7,000 lbs
J = 7,001 lbs - 8,000 lbs
5 A = Ram Picku p 4 x2 Light Duty D = Durango 4x2 Line
U = Ra m Pickup 4x4 Ligh t Duty V = Magn um RWD
R = Ra m Pickup 4x2 Heavy Duty Z = Magnum AWD
S = Ram Picku p 4 x4 He avy Duty E = Dakota 4x2
N = Ra m Cab Ch assis 4 x2 W = Dakota 4x4
B = Duran go 4 x4
6 Ram Pickup a nd Ram Van Cara van C/V Gr and Cara van C/V Series
1 = 15 00 Cara van/Gran d Caravan/Town & Co untr y
2 = 25 00 1 = E co nomy
3 = 35 00 S RW (Ram Pickup ) 2 = L ow Line
4 = 35 00 DRW (Ram Pickup) 3 = High Line
5 = 40 00 Job Rated DWR 4 = S port
5 = P remium
7 = S pecial
7 1 = Ram Van/Ca ravan C/V starting 2003 MY 6 = P ickup Regular Cab (Ram/Dako ta) Body S tyle
2 = Club Cab ( Dakota) 8 = S port Utility 4-door/ Quad Ca b
3 = E xtended Van (Minivan) Grand Ca rava n c/v (Ram/Dakota/Duran go)
4 = E xtended Wagon (Minivan) 3 = Q uad Cab Ram Pickup 200 2 P rior
(G rand Cara van/Town and Country)
5 = Wa gon (Car avan/Voyager /Ram W agon)
8 K = 3 .7L V-6 gas D = 5.7L V-8 gas (S MPI) Engine (Liters)
H = 8.0L V 10 Gasoline T = 2.7L V6 DO HC 2 4 V alve Ga soli ne
N = 4.7L V -8 gas V = 3.5L V6 High Output 2 4 V alve Gasolin e
P = 4 .7L V8 Flex Fuel C = 5.9L I-6 High Output Diesel
J = 4.7L V8 High Ou tput Gasoline 2 = 5 .7L V8 HEMI Multip le Displacement Gasoline
9 ( 1 throug h 9, 0 o r X) "Check Digit" for VIN Ve rification
10 5 = 20 05 Mod el Y ear
11 A = A uburn Hills R = Windsor Assembly Assembl y Plant
G = S alti llo A ssembly F = Newark Assembly
B = S t. Louis A ssembly South H = Brampton Assembly
J = St. Loui s Assembly North S = Warren Truck Asse mb ly
12 - 17 ( 6 Digits) Sequen ce Number Assig ned by
Assembl y Plant

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