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Quiz Questions

1. /F What is the key command for ‘pasting without formatting’

a. Ctrl + shift+ V *Answer True

2. T/F What is the key command for copying something?

a. Ctrl +c *Answer True

3. T/F What is the keyboard command for pasting something?

a. Ctrl+k * Answer False

4. T/F The insert animation is used to put images. *Answer False

5. T/F Selecting all the text is ctrl + k. *Answer False

6. T/F S in SMART stands for specific. *Answer True

7. T/F M in SMART stands for mount. *Answer False

8. T/F A in SMART stands for attainable. *Answer True

9. T/F R in SMART stands for risk. *Answer False

10. T/F The T in SMART stands for Timed. *Answer True

11. T/F To do a Transition is Slide - Transition - Fade. *Answer True

12. T/F The keyboard command ctrl + k is not used to add a link. *Answer False

13. T/F There is no keyboard shortcut to add a new slide. *Answer False

14 T/F You can’t change the text color in google slides. *Answer False

15 T/F You can’t duplicate slides on google slides. *Answer True

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