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Giselle Acosta

Value in art is how With color in art it

light or dark a color is shows what that color Shape in art shows how
expresses abstract the art piece is

how much room a shape

Line can be used to make shapes has or how big a shape is
how much room is left in the
art piece

how the art piece feels

How the Elements Of Art are used in a piece of art is
whenever seeing a piece of art all of this is already
Reflection & Definitions


Repetition and pattern in art is when the same design and shape is repeated over and over in the art piece.

Contrast and variety in art is how different all the shapes and colors are in the art piece.

Emphasis in art is when there is one certain part in the art that is different than the rest.
Reflection & Definitions

Rhythm is when there is a pattern in the art.

Unity in art is when a different colors or shapes art in a variety but still look nice all together.

Balance in art is when the elements in art all weigh out in the art piece.

Movement in art is when an artist uses a technique to do something in the art.

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