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Narrative writing

The four friends who used to be close together in college days, but after passing out from college they
had not seen each other from past six years, decided to plan a get-together They decided to meet in
Mumbai where they can explore the city and spend time with each other

Sara was a girl who liked photography and recording images and films, thus she worked as an editor.
Whereas Myra was reluctant to be in front of the camera, she preferred to sit in nature and take in the
beauty of the environment, and Kael was a girl who was interested in sports and had won a lot of
maddles in foodtball competition at national levels, and Alina was an advocate by profession.

When they met, they hug each other tightly and became emotional, after which they begin talking. Sara
was dressed in a black frock with minimal makeup, a thin fancy gold watch, and black heels as footwear.
and alina was dressed in pirple jeans with a white top, some white shoes, and a white wrist watch. and
kael was dressed up in
They h a plan small crop
After talking to each other they decided to go To Marine line where they sat for some time and enjoyed
the sunset . the sky was turning from blue to pink , the birdswere dlying back to their nests . after which
they decided to eat something afor which they went to Juhu beach so that they can eat and at the same
time have fun .
The beach was crowded with people and their was no space to stand .
As they walked onto the rbrach

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