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Andrew Wommack
© Copyright 2023 – Andrew Wommack
Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No
portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in
critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the King
James Version of the Bible in the public domain. All emphasis within
Scripture quotations is the author’s own.
Published in partnership between Andrew Wommack Ministries and
Harrison House Publishers.
Woodland Park, CO 80863 - Shippensburg, PA 17257
ISBN 13 TP: 978-1-5954-8570-0
For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the USA
1 2 3 4 5 6 / 26 25 24 23

Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Laying the Foundation 3
Chapter 2 Humility 7
Chapter 3 Character and Integrity 13
Chapter 4 Hearing God’s Voice 17
Chapter 5 Vision 21
Chapter 6 The Anointing 25
Chatper 7 Patience 29
Chatper 8 Don’t Quit 35
Chapter 9 Handling Persecution and Criticism 39
Chapter 10 Delegate 43
Conclusion 47
Receive Jesus as Your Savior 49
Receive the Holy Spirit 51
Call for Prayer 53
About the Author 55

hat makes a godly leader? Most people would say,
“Vision, charisma, courage” or a host of other
things. That’s true; those things are absolutely
essential, but the root of godly leadership goes much deeper.
Most people are focused on the effects of leadership instead
of the root cause.

I had never been to a leadership conference or listened

to anyone’s teaching about it until a year ago. As I listened
to the main speaker, I was blessed and impressed. He was
sharing truths that bore witness with my spirit, but it also
brought a lot of questions.

At the time of this writing, Andrew Wommack Ministries

has over 1,000 employees and over 9,000 students enrolled in
our Charis Bible College all over the world. I say this only to
verify that I am in a position of leadership. But how did I get
here without knowing these things? I was perplexed.
As I analyzed this, the Lord began to show me some
things that have lit a fire on the inside of me to share with
others about leadership. This has certainly worked for me,
and I know it will work for you too.

I believe everyone is called to some measure of leader-

ship. Each one of us influences others more than we realize.
That’s really what leadership is—influence. But if you are
called to be a leader of many people, you are going to need
some special skills to accomplish that. If you don’t have the
ten essential elements I’ll be sharing with you in this booklet,
you are going to struggle at best and give up at worst.

The way that I approach this may be different from other

books on leadership. The reason for this is, I’m imparting
what God has revealed to me personally. This didn’t come
all at once; it’s a culmination of revelation I’ve received from
decades of ministry. If you can apply what I’ve learned, being
a godly leader will be the natural result. I pray that the Lord
would give you revelation of these truths so that you can be
the leader He wants you to be!

2 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

Chapter 1

Laying the Foundation

his might surprise you, but I have never pursued
leadership. The only thing I have ever done is just
pursue relationship with the Lord. That is the essen-
tial element. That might not sound very profound, but that’s
the reason those who pass over this don’t make for good
leaders. They’ve missed the most important thing of all.
Everything that has worked in my life can be traced back to
a relationship with God—just communing, worshiping, and
listening to Him. As a result, He’s made me look good when
I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. It just came from fol-
lowing Him.

What the Lord has shown me is that godly leadership is

all about following Him—having intimate, close relationship
with Him. Paul wrote, in 1 Corinthians 11:1,

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”

The best godly leaders are true followers of Jesus. In
fact, if someone isn’t following the Lord, you shouldn’t be
following them. They shouldn’t be leading anyone, much less
leading in the ministry.

The Lord wants to touch people’s lives, and He wants to

use you to do it. He will flow through you, but it really is
dependent on your relationship with Him—how you follow
Him. This is where I believe most people fail. They skip right
over relationship to planning, goals, or delegation. But there
really isn’t anything more important. Again, relationship with
God is the essential element. It ought to be everything. I can
tell you, if you aren’t a good follower, you’re going to make a
sorry leader. Period. Any failure in leadership is a failure in
relationship with the Lord. But when your relationship with
Him is thriving, even if you have problems, you won’t fail.

Everything else I’m going to share in this booklet comes

out of relationship with God. If you jump over this, it won’t
matter if you try to apply the other aspects of leadership I will
talk about. They won’t work. If you picture a ladder, the first
rung is relationship—you can’t skip it. If your relationship
with Him is strong and healthy, it will produce everything
needed for good, godly leadership.

If you are truly in communion with the Lord, He will

teach you everything you need to know to be a godly leader.
4 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials
He will make you look like you know what you are doing,
when in reality, all you are doing is just following Him. I can’t
over emphasize this. Godly leadership is about being a good

Laying the Foundation 5

Chapter 2


f you are intimately close to God, humility naturally
flows out of your relationship with Him. This means
that He is not just your Savior but also your Lord. You
won’t be promoting yourself and doing things your own way,
thinking, It doesn’t matter what God says. Here’s what I think.
That’s not humility. People who are not humble have a poor
relationship with God. But if you have truly bowed the knee,
if you’re a living sacrifice, then you are humble. It’s an inevi-
table byproduct of relationship with Him.

My whole life is built on just doing what God tells me

to do and not looking at the consequences. I don’t care if it
“harelips the devil” or if it makes every demon in hell mad.
To the best of my ability, I am going to follow God. I am not
in charge. I just say, “God, what do You want to do? Whatever
it is, my answer is yes before You even ask.” If God tells you to
do something and you sit there and chafe at it, then you are

not humble. You are not trusting God, and you are going to
be a poor leader.

First Peter 5:5–6 says,

“Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the

elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and
be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud,
and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves
therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may
exalt you in due time.”

This is an awesome passage of Scripture! Because we’re

born again, God loves us. He’s never against us. All of our sins
have been placed on Jesus—past, present, and even future.
However, God is not going to promote our pride. He said,

“…my glory will I not give to another” (Is. 42:8).

This is not God, in a selfish way, saying He doesn’t want

to share anything. In context, this is God the Father saying
He will not share the glory with anyone except Jesus. All of
the glory goes to Jesus for what He has done for us. If we are
promoting ourselves, we are going to wind up being resisted
by God, and we will fail as leaders.

Notice 1 Peter 5:6 says to humble yourself. If you do it

yourself, that’s humility. If it’s done to you, that’s humiliation.

8 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

God won’t humiliate you. He will lead you and inspire you.
He may even put some pressure on you, but He will not force
you to humble yourself. Now, some people think that if they
humble themselves, then they’ll never be promoted. That is
not the case. If you do it God’s way, He opens a door that no
man can shut (Rev. 3:8). And you won’t have to do anything
to keep it open. If you promote yourself, then all of the bur-
den and responsibility is upon you.

In 1 Peter 5:7, it says,

“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for


This is not disconnected from humility. A person who’s

humble will cast all their care upon God. If you are bur-
dened, if you are under pressure, if you lay awake at night
thinking how you’re going to solve
something, you aren’t humble, A person who’s
as evidenced by the care you are
humble will cast
still carrying. You’re thinking
somehow or another that you’ve all their care
got to help God out. That reveals a upon God.
problem in your relationship with
Him. It’s not vibrant and strong. But when you have a good
relationship with God, you won’t be fretting over things. He

Humility 9
will teach you to submit and cast your cares upon Him. That’s

Proverbs 13:10 says,

“Only by pride cometh contention...”

The only reason strife comes is because of pride—people

exalting their own way. If every single person was submitted
to God in humility, we would all walk in unity and love. That
doesn’t mean we can control the pride in everybody else, but
if we’re mad at somebody and we’re struggling to forgive,
it’s because we aren’t humble. It means we’re thinking about
ourselves. If we would die to ourselves, it wouldn’t matter
whether people love us or not. That’s what makes a powerful

The apostle Paul said,

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil.


This attitude was one of the reasons Paul was so effective.

When he was threatened with jail or death, he wasn’t moved.
For him, death was better than life.

How do you intimidate a person who’s dead to himself?

How do you intimidate a man who loves God more than he

10 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

loves himself? You could stick him in prison, but then he’ll
just get all the prisoners and the jailer born again. Paul didn’t
become this way by accident. He wasn’t humble just because
he was so awesome. He had a relationship with God that
had just consumed him, and humility was a natural result.
If many of us were put in jail, I imagine we would be sitting
there sucking our thumbs, talking about how bad everything
was. Paul wrote the book of Philippians from jail. Seventeen
times throughout his letter, he talked about rejoicing and
having joy. It’s his happiest book. If we will humble ourselves,
which comes from relationship with God, we can experience
the same joy he did.

Humility 11
Chapter 3

Character and Integrity

f you have an intimate relationship with the Lord,
humility will be the by-product. And if you are truly
humble—i. e., more committed to God than you
are yourself—then you will have character and integrity.
Character and integrity are the by-product of putting God
and principle ahead of yourself.

I don’t think anyone gets up in the morning thinking

about how they can compromise their character and integrity.
Most people don’t go out with the intention of lying, stealing,
committing adultery, or destroying their leadership; but they
do get up every day with more of a commitment to them-
selves instead of a commitment to God. Therefore, when put
in a situation that looks threatening to them personally, they
are tempted and often compromise their integrity.

Character and integrity are like boundaries that we

won’t cross. Instead of waiting until you come into a situation
to decide whether you’re going to compromise or give in to
temptation, people with integrity have already made their
decision to stay submitted to God long before that time
comes. You have let the Word of God govern your life and
establish you to live the right way, regardless of the conse-
quences. You aren’t changing. There is no plan B or plan C.
When your relationship with God is strong, it really makes
life simple. You don’t get up in the morning and wonder, God,
what am I going to do? You will be a person of character and
integrity, and you’re going to do what God tells you to do to
the best of your understanding and your ability!

I believe there are multiple reasons that God only pro-

motes people that have character and integrity, but one of
them is because He loves us. It’s
common in the world today for
We need to have
people to get promoted beyond
their skillset, but God would enough character to
never do that. It would hurt know where we are
us if He did. We need to have
and be content to
enough character to know
where we are and be content to stay in our lanes.
stay in our lanes. It’s not about
climbing the ladder as high as we can; it’s about what God
wants us to do. Again, all of this goes back to relationship

14 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

with God. I’m convinced that God wants to use us more than
we want to be used, but He doesn’t want us to fail. He doesn’t
want us to be stressed out. If He hasn’t given us a promotion,
it’s possible that we aren’t ready for it.

Back in the early seventies, a couple of years after the

Lord first touched my life, my prayer was constantly, “O God,
use me.” I was witnessing to people individually, and I was
seeing lots of them born again, but my public ministry was
just pitiful. I just didn’t have many opportunities. Finally, one
day the Lord spoke to me and said, “The reason I don’t use
you is because you aren’t usable. Quit praying, ‘God, use me,’
and pray, ‘God, make me usable.’” Since then, I have never
asked God to use me. That may shock you, but I believe that’s
the way to do it. That’s when I began to develop a discipline
of just doing whatever He says. Sad to say, most Christians
aren’t willing to do whatever the Lord says and, therefore,
aren’t usable.

Another reason He may not promote you is because He

loves other people. If you’ve got a lot of character flaws, He’s
not going to entrust other people to you. I’m not saying you
have to be perfect. No one has arrived, but you ought to have
at least “left.” So, if you would wind up hurting other people,
God won’t promote you. You need to grow closer to the Lord
first so that He can work out any character flaws you may have.
Character and Integrity 15
If you’re a leader, and you’re thinking about who to
promote into leadership, don’t promote someone with a bad
attitude. For example, the Bible says to cast out the scorner,
and strife will cease (Prov. 22:10). A scorner is a proud per-
son—someone who just thinks only about himself. If you
give a promotion to a scorner, you have just shot yourself in
the foot! You have given them authority they have no busi-
ness having. It’ll wind up hurting them and other people.

So, if you don’t have character, and if you’re a person

who would break under pressure and criticism—which I’ll
talk more about later—God’s not going to promote you.
Character is a byproduct of a vibrant relationship with the
Lord. If you’re loving Him, if you’re humble, and if you’ll do
whatever He tells you to do, character will come out of that.
It just automatically happens.

16 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

Chapter 4

Hearing God’s Voice

hen you let the Word set boundaries through a
close relationship with God, you can’t miss hear-
ing His voice. God is always speaking, but if your
relationship with Him is poor, you won’t be attuned to His
voice. You will wind up hearing a wrong voice.

The Bible says,

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean

not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”
(Prov. 3:5–6).

There are many voices in this world. If you’re called to

be a leader, you’re either going to lead others out of your
own heart or out of the heart of God. That’s why you have to
“acknowledge him,” which in Hebrew means “to know God

intimately.” There needs to be intentional, close relationship
with God to know Him and hear His voice to direct your
path in leading others.

There isn’t a problem you have that God doesn’t speak

about and give you the answer. Jesus said,

“My sheep hear my voice” (John 10:27).

He didn’t say they could

There isn’t a
hear His voice. God’s sheep
do hear His voice. The Lord is problem you have
always speaking. We are the that God doesn’t
ones who are not always listen-
speak about and
ing. And even if we are trying
to hear God speak, the noise of give you the
this world can drown out His answer.
still small voice. The antidote
for that is intimacy with the Lord through our relationship.
Mark 4:19 says,

“And the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of

riches, and the lust of other things…choke the word,
and it becometh unfruitful.”

We have to intentionally focus on the Lord to the

exclusion of other things. Looking for the Lord in the

18 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

miraculous or spectacular can make us miss the still, small
voice inside us.

In 1 Kings 19:12, God passed by Elijah, and there was an

earthquake, a wind, and fire. Yet He wasn’t in any of them.
The Scripture says God spoke to him in a still, small voice. I
believe that means he had to be listening in order to hear it.
Today, it’s easy to be so busy that you miss the voice of the
Lord. Psalm 46:10 says to be still and know that He is God.
If you will set yourself apart and invest in your relationship
with God, you’ll just hear Him. You would have to backslide
to keep from hearing God.

Hearing God’s Voice 19

Chapter 5


nother outflow of relationship with God is vision.
Proverbs 29:18 says,

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

As I mentioned in the introduction of this booklet, most

people teaching on leadership would have vision at the top
of the list. Now, of course, vision is important. But its proper
place is also a byproduct of relationship with God. If you start
with vision, you’re going to come up with your own vision
or somebody else’s. This is the reason leaders imitate other
leaders. They don’t have a relationship with God, so they just
copy what others are doing. As I’ve been saying, you’ve got to
have your own vision from God, and that will only come out
of a relationship with Him.

One of the ways you can tell whether your vision is from
God or not is if you feel pressure to make it come to pass. If
you do, it’s probably not from Him. That’s not an absolute;
but from my experience, that’s probably the case. At the very
least, it could be that you haven’t cast your care upon Lord,
which goes back to humility. In most cases, and as a general
rule, fulfilling a vision from God will not be something you
feel pressured to do. It is simply as result of relationship with
the Lord and following what He has told you to do.

Before we bought our property in Woodland Park, I had

five members of my staff come with me to see it. We walked
around, and the real estate agent said, “They’ve already got
a contract on this property. If you’re going to make a bid,
you’ve got to do it today!” I don’t know whether that was just
a ploy to pressure me to make
When you’re in a decision. Nevertheless, when
relationship with my staff asked me what I was
going to do, I said, “I’m going
God, you don’t have to pray about it. If this property
to make the vision is what the Lord has for us, it’ll
come to pass. still be here when I hear from
Him. If He doesn’t give us this
place, He’ll give us something better.” When one of the men
saw that attitude, he said, “That’s how I know this is God. You

22 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

don’t have any pressure to do anything. You aren’t doing it in
the flesh.” When you’re in relationship with God, you don’t
have to make the vision come to pass. It’s His vision!

At the time of this writing, I’m in a position where God

is showing me some big things for our ministry. However,
the way I know it’s Him is I don’t feel pressure to make it hap-
pen. That doesn’t mean I’m just going to sit back and watch
it come to pass. I’m seeking God for His wisdom, but it’s no
pressure on me. I’ve learned that when it is the Lord showing
me something, I’ll see the big picture. But then I’ll say, “All
right, I’m not going to get all of this done at once. So, what’s
my first step?” and then, “What’s my next step?” Remember,
you can’t eat a whole elephant all at once. You have to eat it
one bite at a time.

Vision is simply God’s will for your life. If you turn your
life over to Him, humble yourself, and then follow His lead-
ership, that will cause you to hear what He is saying to you.
Then you’ll be able to see the vision and follow it.

Vision 23
Chapter 6

The Anointing

he anointing is the manifested presence of God, or
the manifested power of God. Through a relation-
ship with God, you will naturally have the anointing
flowing through you. What I mean is that there should be a
difference between doing things on your own, in your own
strength, and doing them in the power of the Lord. Now,
God is always with you—He will never leave you nor forsake
you (Heb. 13:5). But His power and presence are not always

Paul said these same things in 1 Corinthians 4:19–20:

“But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and

will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up,
but the power. For the kingdom of God is not in word,
but in power.”

He had spent four chapters arguing doctrine, and he
concluded by basically saying, “All right, when I come, all of
the talking’s over. We will see who’s got an anointing—who’s
got power in their life. If you can’t put up, then you’ve got to
shut up.” You have to be able to demonstrate that what you
are saying is anointed by God and that what you are doing is
anointed by God. People have to be able to see it. The Bible
says that Jesus was a man who was approved of God by signs
and wonders (Acts 2:22) and that God confirmed the word
with signs and wonders through those who followed Him
(Heb. 2:4).

Anything that God births is anointed. You don’t get

that by just praying for it; you get the anointing by having
a personal relationship with the Lord, humbling your-
self, having integrity, hearing His voice, and then having a
vision. The anointing of God will automatically manifest. I
never, ever spend any time asking God to anoint me. Over
in 2 Corinthians 1:21, it says that God “hath anointed” (past
tense) me. If I’m doing my own thing and trying to get God
to bless it, it’s not going to work. But if I’m simply doing what
He has told me to do, it’s already anointed.

To be an effective leader, there needs to be this man-

ifested anointing of God on your life so that if somebody
comes against you, they’re coming against God. When Moses’
26 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials
sister Miriam and brother Aaron came out against him, the
Lord struck Miriam with leprosy (Num. 12:1–13). There was
a manifest power of God on
There needs to be this Moses’ life. They had talked
manifested anointing against God’s anointed and
suffered the consequences.
of God on your life
You need to have the same
so that if somebody confidence that God’s anoint-
comes against you, ing is on you to be able to dis-
they’re coming play the power of God. That’s
important for the people who
against God. will follow you. But, again, all
of this flows from relationship with God.

The Anointing 27
Chapter 7


ome people can come up with a little burst of faith,
but life is a marathon not a sprint. You’ve got to
have faith over a prolonged period of time for it to
be God’s kind of patience. So, if you’re delighting in and
fellowshipping with Him, then patience is easy and comes
naturally when leading others. It’s really that simple. You’ve
got to be able to patiently wait on the Lord.

Patience comes from Scripture. It says in Hebrews 6:12

that you…

“…through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

And in Romans 15:4, it says,

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were

written for our learning, that we through patience
and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”

A lot of people see patience as just sitting and waiting
for God to do something. That’s not it; that’s laziness. Where
it says,

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength…” (Is. 40:31).

That’s like a waiter who watches their guest intently for

the slightest little sign to serve them the best they can. That’s
how you wait on the Lord. It’s aggressive, not passive. It‘s

A godly leader will actually see patience as a blessing

because impatience will hinder God’s will from coming to
pass. The Bible says,

“Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be

perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4).

You are going to have to learn that God isn’t going to do

everything immediately in your life. I’m not perfect in this,
but I’ve gotten to a place where time is not that big of a factor
to me. I’m just seeking God and following Him. I know His
will for my life will get done. I don’t always know the timing.
Proverbs 13:12 says,

“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the

30 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

desire cometh, it is a tree of life.”

If you put a deadline on things, you’re setting yourself up

for pressure, disappointment, failure, and all of these kinds of
things. God is looking at your character, and that will come
out of your relationship with Him. The more you cooperate
with Him, I believe you can even speed up the time that you
see things happen. However, you’re not going to be able to
microwave your ministry as a leader. That’s not the way God’s
kingdom works.

It says in Mark 4:28 that there’s

“first the blade, then the ear, [then] the full corn in
the ear.” Romans 12:2 says there’s the “good, [the]
acceptable, and [the] perfect, will of God.”

It takes time for things to grow and mature. There are

stages. A godly leader will not resist those stages because God
is “taking too long.” The Bible says to submit to Him (James
4:7). Somebody will say, “I see that, but doesn’t it also say we
should resist the devil?” Yes, it does, but staying submitted to
God is resisting the devil. Paul wrote,

“Wherefore we would have come unto you, even

I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us”
(1 Thess. 2:18).
Patience 31
You can be hindered by the devil, and you should resist
him, as James 4:7 says. But most people in leadership aren’t
being hindered by the devil;
they’re just being impatient Most people in
with God’s process. As I said
earlier about humility, God
leadership aren’t being
will promote you “in due hindered by the devil;
time” (1 Pet. 5:6). There is a they’re just being
timing, but often it’s depen-
impatient with God’s
dent upon your character—
as I’ve also talked about—not process.
the devil.

If you’re impatient, you have a deficiency in your rela-

tionship with God. You have your own agenda. You want to
see things happen right now! It’s not about what God wants
and His timing. I don’t say these things to condemn you; I’m
pointing you back to what’s really essential for godly leader-
ship. Your relationship with God is the fount for every quality
that you need. One of the signs of a godly leader is that they
aren’t impatient about things.

Going back to Mark 4, when the harvest comes, the

farmer immediately puts in the sickle (Mark 4:29). So, part
of the process of operating in patience is knowing when it’s
time to reap. You can’t let the harvest stay in the field. This
32 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials
reinforces that patience isn’t passive. You’re like that waiter,
looking for the Lord to tell you what to do. When He says,
“Now is the time,” you’ve got to be ready to go and reap what
was sown!

Patience 33
Chapter 8

Don’t Quit

s a leader with a close, intimate relationship with
God, you will refuse to quit. In your spirit, there
is no quitting. If you feel like quitting, it ought to
be a red flag that what’s in your spirit is being hindered from
coming out because your relationship with God is poor. If
you’re someone who’s ready to give up, you’re not walking in
the Spirit (Gal. 5:16), which means you’re operating in the
flesh and have been running on your own steam and power.

I remember one time being in a two-seater airplane. As

we were in flight, the pilot suddenly freaked out, curled up
into a fetal position, and said, “My God, we’re going to die!”
He quit flying the plane! I thought, How do I get out of this
situation? You know, I had to sit there and fly that plane for
an hour while the pilot was in a fetal position. I had no other
option. I was committed. Likewise, you need to get so far

into following God that you’re
You need to get so
committed—that there’s no
far into following way out. You need to have such
God that you’re a relationship with the Lord
committed—that that you can’t even imagine
quitting. If you can’t imagine
there’s no way out. it, you can’t do it.

One of the greatest things that the Lord ever showed me

was in Hebrews 11:15, about Abraham and Sarah:

“And truly, if they had been mindful of that country

from whence they came out, they might have had
opportunity to have returned.”

For them, returning to where they came from was sin.

It was quitting. But they couldn’t be tempted to quit if they
didn’t think about quitting. So, when you have a close rela-
tionship with God, you are so focused that you don’t even
consider other options, and that produces godly leadership.

Jamie and I burned our bridges behind us decades ago.

There is no plan B or C if things don’t work. (This ties into
what I was talking about regarding integrity.) We’re not going
to compromise. We’re not going to quit. It’s really comforting
to have no other alternatives. But see, you don’t start there.

36 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

If you don’t have an intimate relationship with God, you’re
going to be tempted to quit. However, if you learn not to quit,
you’re ultimately going to win. It says in Galatians 6:9,

“…in due season you [will] reap, if you faint not.”

That’s just the way that it is. Satan can come against
you, and there may be a lot of heartache along the way; but
I guarantee you, if you don’t quit, you will win. Develop a
relationship with the Lord that is strong, and you will reap
in His timing!

Don’t Quit 37
Chapter 9

Handling Persecution and


f you have a good relationship with God, you will know
how to handle pressure or criticism. If somebody comes
along and what they say bothers you, then again, it’s
because you don’t have a good relationship with God. If you
knew how much He loves you, you would say, “Who is this
person to dislike me?”

I had a guy come up to me in one of my meetings, and

he just started griping at me and telling me everything I’d
done wrong. I just stopped him right in the middle of what
he was saying and asked, “Who died and made you God?”
He replied, “What do you mean?” I said, “God loves me. I
don’t care what you think.” He said, “Well, you should.” And
I said, “I don’t. Compared to God, you’re a nobody.” Some
people think that’s terrible, but I tell you what: it keeps me
from caving to criticism and what other people have to say.
Now, it doesn’t bless me when people don’t like me, but it’s

not going to keep me up at night either. You’ve got to be the
same way, or you’re going to struggle as a leader.

There are all kinds of pres-

sure from the world being put A godly leader will
on believers to compromise. take a stand for
A leader who just puts their
righteousness and
finger in the air to check which
way the public opinion polls are what the Word says.
blowing is going to be a sorry
leader. A godly leader will take a stand for righteousness and
what the Word says. They won’t give in to criticism and pres-
sure from other people. Jesus said,

“How can ye believe, which receive honour one of

another, and seek not the honour that cometh from
God only?” (John 5:44).

If you’re a person who is codependent on people’s

approval, if you’ve got to have somebody compliment you in
order for you to feel good about yourself, then you don’t have
real faith. That’s what Jesus said. You can’t go around seeking
the approval of man and be a good leader. The Bible says that
the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever puts their trust
in the Lord shall be safe (Prov. 29:25). To be a godly leader,
you’ve got to be secure enough in your relationship with the

40 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

Lord that you don’t care what anyone else thinks; you’re out
to please God. You get there by esteeming what He thinks
about you rather than what man thinks.

An obsession with having to have the approval of peo-

ple is an indication that you aren’t in close relationship with
the Lord. If you were, His acceptance would overwhelm any
person’s rejection the way a tidal wave would overwhelm a
teacup full of water.

Handling Persecution and Criticism 41

Chapter 10


ost people would put this higher on the list, but
one of the last things I learned about leading
others is learning to delegate. The reason that
delegation is so important is because if you’re called to lead
something, then it ultimately needs to be bigger than you. If
you can accomplish it without other people, I seriously doubt
that God is the one who gave you that vision.

God is a big God, and He’s got a big vision for you. He is
going to need a lot of people to help you see it fulfilled. If you
have a good relationship with Him and you’re secure, then
you can empower others without feeling intimidated. Insecure
people have a very hard time delegating because they’re afraid
people will mess it up, or that it won’t be done as well as they
can do it. And you know what? They probably will mess up.
Nobody does everything perfectly. Even insecure leaders
mess things up, and yet God still delegates to them.

If people are under your leadership, they’re going to do
some things that are different from the way you would do
them. But when God is the one who authors something, the
only way He can get it done is if
you learn to delegate. You need When God is the
to say, “God, I believe that You one who authors
are the one who led me to do
something, the only
what I’m doing. I trust You to
show me who to delegate to.” If way He can get it
you do that, you’re going to see done is if you learn
God take care of things. Some to delegate.
people are terrified of submit-
ting their vision to somebody. But if you are doing every-
thing—all of the day-to-day tasks—it will kill your vision. It
will even kill your relationship with the Lord.

If you don’t have a vision that’s bigger than yourself, big-

ger than you can accomplish on your own and bigger than
your lifetime, you have missed God. I’m saying this in love.
Everyone is going to pass on to be with the Lord unless He
comes back before they die. If your ministry isn’t beyond you,
then you will ultimately fail as a leader. You’ve got to let other
people take on some of the things you are doing. Pray about
whom you can entrust with your vision. This is where hearing
God’s voice comes in to play. Then, once you’ve heard from

44 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

God, you need to raise up that individual and empower them
to take on some responsibility. Since I’ve been in ministry,
I’ve taken all of the things God has allowed me to do, and I’m
laying a foundation so that if the Lord tarries, what the Lord
birthed through me will still be going strong a hundred years
from now. Praise the Lord! This is all happening because I’ve
learned to delegate.

Delegate 45

started this booklet saying that I’ve seen a lot of leaders
struggle and fail in life or ministry. That’s terrible, and yet
I can understand it because there are so many demands
in ministry. It will overwhelm you unless you have a rela-
tionship with God. That relationship will produce humil-
ity and character and integrity on the inside of you. Also
because of that relationship with God, you’ll hear His voice
and have vision. Instead of your own power, you will be able
to operate in His power—the anointing. You will also have
patience and the drive to not quit. As a result of that, you’ll
be able to handle persecution and criticism. Then, once you
have all of these, you will be secure enough to recognize that
you need to delegate what God has entrusted to you.

I believe you could boil it all down to this: if you love

God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and do
what He tells you to do, you’ll be a godly leader!

Receive Jesus as
Your Savior

hoosing to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Savior is the most important decision you’ll ever

God’s Word promises, “That if thou shalt confess with

thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For
with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:9–10).
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be
saved” (Rom. 10:13). By His grace, God has already done
everything to provide salvation. Your part is simply to believe
and receive.

Pray out loud: “Jesus, I confess that You are my Lord and
Savior. I believe in my heart that God raised You from the
dead. By faith in Your Word, I receive salvation now. Thank
You for saving me.”
The very moment you commit your life to Jesus Christ,
the truth of His Word instantly comes to pass in your spirit.
Now that you’re born again, there’s a brand-new you!

Please contact us and let us know that you’ve prayed to

receive Jesus as your Savior. We’d like to send you some free
materials to help you on your new journey. Call our Helpline:
719-635-1111 (available 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
to speak to a staff member who is here to help you under-
stand and grow in your new relationship with the Lord.

Welcome to your new life!

50 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

Receive the Holy Spirit

s His child, your loving heavenly Father wants to
give you the supernatural power you need to live
a new life. “For every one that asketh receiveth; and
he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be
opened…how much more shall your heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:10–13).

All you have to do is ask, believe, and receive!

Pray this: “Father, I recognize my need for Your power to

live a new life. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. By faith, I
receive it right now. Thank You for baptizing me. Holy Spirit,
You are welcome in my life.”

Congratulations! Now you’re filled with God’s supernat-

ural power.

Some syllables from a language you don’t recognize will

rise up from your heart to your mouth (1 Cor. 14:14). As you
speak them out loud by faith, you’re releasing God’s power
from within and building yourself up in the spirit (1 Cor.
14:4). You can do this whenever and wherever you like.

It doesn’t really matter whether you felt anything or not

when you prayed to receive the Lord and His Spirit. If you
believed in your heart that you received, then God’s Word
promises you did. “Therefore I say unto you, What things
soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them,
and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). God always honors
His Word—believe it!

We would like to rejoice with you, pray with you, and

answer any questions to help you understand more fully
what has taken place in your life! Please contact us to let
us know that you’ve prayed to be filled with the Holy Spirit
and to receive some free materials we have for you. Call our
Helpline: 719-635-1111 (available 24 hours a day, seven days
a week).

52 Ten Godly Leadership Essentials

Call for Prayer

f you need prayer for any reason, you can call our
Helpline, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 719-635-
1111. A trained prayer minister will answer your call and
pray with you.

Every day, we receive testimonies of healings and other

miracles from our Helpline, and we are ministering God’s
nearly-too-good-to-be-true message of the Gospel to more
people than ever. So, I encourage you to call today!

About the Author

ndrew Wommack’s life was forever changed the
moment he encountered the supernatural love of
God on March 23, 1968. As a renowned Bible teacher
and author, Andrew has made it his mission to change the
way the world sees God.

Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel

as possible. His message goes far through the Gospel Truth
television program, which is available to nearly half the
world’s population. The message goes deep through disci-
pleship at Charis Bible College, headquartered in Woodland
Park, Colorado. Founded in 1994, Charis has campuses
across the United States and around the globe.

Andrew also has an extensive library of teaching mate-

rials in print, audio, and video. More than 200,000 hours of
free teachings can be accessed at

Contact Information

Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 3333
Colorado Springs, CO 80934-3333

Helpline: 719-635-1111 (available 24/7)

Charis Bible College

For a complete list of all of our offices,


Connect with us on social media.



Andrew Wommack’s Living Commentary Bible study software is a user-friendly,
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