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Faculty of Business and Economics

Course Title: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management 1

Submitted to: Prof. Dr. Omar Ramzy
Assignment 2
Name: Omar Ahmed Fawzy ID: 192469

Spring 2021
Project Idea ......................................................................................................................... 2
Value proposition ................................................................................................................ 2
Target market & Segments ................................................................................................. 2
Partners & Resources .......................................................................................................... 3
Sustainability justice ........................................................................................................... 3

Project Idea
My project idea mainly is about mobile trucks, which is mean that I am going to combine
the existing mobile trucks such as truck for pet’s health care and truck for repairing and
washing the cars and I am going to add new ones such as trucks as a mobile gas station
for the cars that need gas somewhere and trucks have a tailor with his all tool and machines
and trucks as a barber salon and trucks for a hairdresser for women and put them all under
one company and make a mobile application and website for the reserving of these trucks
to be available for everyone in anywhere to order one these trucks depending on his/her

Value proposition
Here when it comes to the value that I am going to deliver to my customer first value will
be the time because the main idea is behind the time and about how you can just order a
car and finish anything Infront of your home or during your work even when you are on
your bed, and the second value that I am going to deliver will be the quality because there
is no need for something with time-saving and at the same time with low quality so the
quality is very important as well, and my mission is to save time to my customer and at the
same time provide their needs with high quality and third value will be the flexibility and
facilitating the process by adding an option for choosing a specific time by the customers
and select his own programme.

Target market & Segments

My segments will be depending on the services that I am going to provide and it depends
on what kind of truck for example for the truck of pet’s health care here I am going to target
the medium and the high-level standard people because it depends on the high level of
income and about the geographic location so, I am going to depend on the urban areas.
And for the salon barber trucks here the segments will be completely different than the
previous truck because here I am going to divide the segments depending on the age It will
focus on the old people because sometimes they cannot go to the traditional barber because
their health problems and also, the second segment will be depending on the businessmen
because sometimes they are cannot going to the traditional barber as well cause their no
time in their schedules so they can make an order for the truck and it will be Infront of their
homes at their free time or even Infront of their work and the most advantage here they will
not waste a time in waiting for someone before them as it happening in the traditional one.
So, I am going to make different market segments depend on each kind of truck.

Partners & Resources
As we know each project and each idea has to coordinate with partner and one the factors
that affecting the successful of the idea is who is your partner, if your partner has a good
reputation, you will gain a good reputation and vice versa. Because we are not sharing only
the profit and liability but sharing the reputation as well.
So, first of all I am going to coordinate with my intermediates as a partner and I will divide
them into groups for examples one of the main resources is the trucks so one of my
intermediates will provide me the trucks from one the companies cars as a supplier and
there will be a lot of resources that I am going to need inside the truck depending on the
kind of it such as the machines, people who are going to work inside these trucks such
tailors, barber, and doctors …etc.
Also, for the trucks of the gasoline I will coordinate with one the gasoline companies such
as petrol master Egypt or Total to provide me gas, fuel and to check everything about the
safety also provide me trucks for the electric cars for charging them because there is a
problem with the electric cars owners when they want to charge their car.
As we know the sustainable development concept has 4 pillars which are (Economic,
Ecology, Social, Human) so according to these pillars my project’s core value is the social
and at the same time will affect on the human because I am focusing on facilitate their life
and make it more speed and effective and easy.

Sustainability justice
Is the same concept of sustainable development but the difference here is how we are going
to improve and enhance at all the 4 pillars without ignoring one of them for example not
get attention to the environment and ignoring the stability of economy.
So, for my project I have to get attention at all side not just on the core value of the project.
I am going to improve the social and the human life and at the same time will not pollute
the environment and increase my carbon foot print also will get attention to the economy
such provide more opportunities in order to decrease the unemployment rate and improve
the economic situation in my country.

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