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The Best Essential Oils for Skin Care

You can use essential oils for a variety of issues like helping reduce anxiety,
getting more sleep, controlling hunger and so forth. But did you know that you can
also use essential oils for skin care? The biggest tip to do this is to make sure
you dilute your oils with a carrier oil. You don�t want more than 5% essential oils
in your solution, as anything stronger may cause more problems.

* Shrink Your Pores � If you have large pores or clogged pores, you�ll want to do
something to shrink them and avoid clogging them. You can deal with both problems
with tea tree oil. After diluting you�ll want to massage it into your face for
about five minutes. Rinse well and pat dry.

* Tighten Your Skin � You have many choices of oils to try for tightening your
skin. Everyone gets loose skin; it�s just a normal part of aging. But you can slow
it down with frankincense and/or lavender essential oil.

* Slow Down Aging � You can also help slow aging and keep your skin healthy and
brighter with the right essential oils. You might want to try something new you�ve
never tried before like carrot seed oil, which is great for reversing skin damage
caused by the sun.

* Balance Oily Skin � If you have oily skin, you probably also have blemishes.
First, understand that having oily skin is not really a bad thing. Your skin will
age more slowly. The trick is to keep your pores clean. Try using tea tree oil,
ylang ylang, and if you have sensitive skin, chamomile essential oil.

* Soothe Dry Skin � Dry skin can be prone to being itchy and rashy. If you want to
soothe dry skin, essential oils are the answer. Try blends with frankincense,
sandalwood, sage, and rose in jojoba oil.

* Fight Acne � Anything that has a smell like mint, peppermint, eucalyptus, and so
forth is going to be good for fighting acne, as are citrus oils.

* Reduce Scarring � If your skin scars easily or has old scars from acne, you may
want to try carrot seed oil, citrus oils, and add vitamin E oil to whatever you

* Improve Eczema � If you have this condition, you know that it�s something you are
always fighting, and you can�t always identify what happened to cause a flare.
Depending on the cause of your problem, you may want to try tea tree, lavender,
frankincense, and chamomile essential oils.

When you start using essential oils for your skin care issues, start slow. Try
working on one condition at a time until you get it straightened out. Then try to
improve another issue. That way you will avoid additional problems by using too
much essential oil directly on your skin, or not realizing which essential oil
worked best for you.

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