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Validity Assessment of Nine Discriminant Functions Used

for the Differentiation between Iron Deficiency Anemia

and Thalassemia Minor
by Suad M. AlFadhli,a Anwar M. Al-Awadhi,a and Doa’a AlKhaldib
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait

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Hematology Unit, Sabah Hospital, Ministry of Health, Kuwait

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and thalassemia minor are two of the most common causes of microcytic
anemias worldwide. Because of similar red blood cell count parameters and blood picture, it was
imperative to develop other measures that would differentially and correctly diagnose these two
anemias. Several mathematical formulas and simple RBC indices have been introduced as simple, fast
and inexpensive means of providing differential diagnosis for IDA and thalassemia minor. The Objective
of this study was to apply and compare nine well-documented discriminant functions on a population of
153 confirmed cases of microcytic anemias (IDA n ¼ 56, b-thalassemia minor n ¼ 47 and a-thalassemia
n ¼ 50) and to measure validity using Youden’s Index. The results show that England and Fraser
(E & F) Index had the highest Youden’s Index value (98.2) in correctly differentiating between IDA and
a- and b-thalassemia minor, while Shine and Lal Index was found ineffective in differentiating between
microcytic anemias in our population. E & F Index showed with great sensitivity and specificity to be the
best discriminant function to differentiate between IDA and thalassemia minor cases.

Key words: iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia minor, discriminant functions.

Introduction undetected blood loss indicated by IDA can be

Microcytic anemia can be a result of insufficient avoided in thalassemia minor. Routine screening
iron supply or defective hemoglobin synthesis. tests used for the differentiation between IDA and
The red blood cells appear smaller than normal on thalassemia minor include; complete blood count
a peripheral blood smear and the mean cell volume (CBC), serum iron, serum ferritin, total iron binding
(MCV), a measure of red blood cell size, is generally capacity (TIBC), bone marrow iron stores, levels of
<80 femtoliters (fL) (normal 80–100 fL). Iron Hb A2, free erythrocyte protoporphyrin and zinc
deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most prevalent protoporphyrin levels [1–6].
microcytic anemia in the world, while thalassemia Despite their usefulness, these tests are often
minor is prevalent in Mediterranean countries [1]. expensive and time consuming. Routine electronic
The differential diagnosis between IDA and red blood cell counts and indices driven from modern
thalassemia minor is important, so that unnecessary blood cell analyzers can provide fast, cheap and
iron therapy or analysis for the source of the valuable clues as to whether IDA or thalassemia
minor may be present.
In this study we evaluate nine discriminant
functions used in the differentiation between IDA
and thalassemia minor by applying them on fully
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to diagnosed cases of microcytic hypochromic anemias.
the Department of Medical Laboratories at Sabah
Hospital for their assistance and to all subjects
participated in this study. We also thank Mr Mustafa Materials and Methods
Jaffar for providing technical help. Over a period of 6 months, 153 patients with
Correspondence: Dr Suad M. AlFadhli, Department of
confirmed microcytic anemias were studied. CBC,
Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health serum iron levels, Hb A2 and detection of Hb H
Sciences, Kuwait University, P. O. Box 31470, Sulaibekhat inclusion bodies were done to confirm diagnosis.
90805, Kuwait. Tel.: þ965-9445422; Fax: þ965-483361; Fifty-six patients with Hb levels of <110 g dl1,
E-mail <>. MCV<72 fL and serum iron <5 mmol l1 were

ß The Author [2006]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: 93
doi:10.1093/tropej/fml070 Advance Access Published on 13 December 2006

Mathematical discriminant functions used to differentiate between iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia minor

Formula Equation Cut off values Reference

Mentzer Index (MI) MCV/RBC TM < 13 7

IDA > 13
Shine and Lal (S & L) Index (MCV)  MCH TM < 1530 8
IDA > 1530
England and Fraser (E & F) Index MCV  (Hb  5)  RDW  ka TM < 0 9
IDA < 0
Green and King (G & K) Index [(MCV)  RDW]/(Hb  100) TM < 72 10

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IDA > 72
RDW Index (RDWI) MCV  RDW/RBC TM < 220 11
IDA > 220
Srivastava Index (SI) MCH/RBC <4.4 TM 12
>4.4 IDA
Ricerca Index (RI) RDW/RBC <3.3 TM 13
>3.3 IDA
In the counter used in this study, k was calculated to be 8.4.

diagnosed to have IDA. Forty-seven patients In all cases studied RBC count was found to be lower
were diagnosed to have b-thalassemia minor based than normal range in IDA (4.32  0.42  1012 l1),
on low Hb and MCV levels, normal serum iron while values were within normal range in b- and
and elevated levels of Hb A2 (>3.3%). The remaining a-thalassemia (5.39  0.89 and 4.98  0.82, respec-
50 patients were diagnosed to have a-thalassemia tively). Hemoglobin level was decreased in the three
based on the detection of Hb H inclusion bodies anemias studied, however, the level of decrease in IDA
in peripheral blood smear stained with Brilliant was greater than that in thalassemia. MCV was also
Crystal Blue stain. low in all cases although the level of decrement in
CBC results were obtained using Beckman b-thalassemia (63.4  7.12 fL) cases was greater than
Coulter HMX Automated Hematology Analyzer, that found in IDA (67  5.9 fL) and a-thalassemia
USA. Serum iron, TIBC and transferring saturation (66.5  6.45 fL). As expected serum iron levels were low
were determined using BN ProSpecÕ System from in IDA (3.4  1.2 mmol l1), while Hb A2 levels were
Dade Behring, Inc, Germany, while serum ferritin high in b-thalassemia minor (5.97  1.32%). All cases
was measured using Elecsys System from Roche of a-thalassemia showed Hb H inclusions confirming
Diagnistics, Germany. Hb A2 levels were determined the proposed diagnosis. IDA cases were also confirmed
using b-thal Hb A2 Quick Column kit from Helena by high TIBC levels with an average of 3.8  0.4 g l1
Biosciences, UK. (normal range 2.1–3.5 g l1) and low transferring
Patients, results were analyzed individually using saturation levels with an average of 3.7  1.3%
the nine discrimination functions in this study. (normal range 20–40%). Ferritin (measured only in 28
Sensitivity, specificity and Youden’s Index (a mea- cases of IDA) was low with an average of
sure of validity) [(sensitivity þ specificity)  100] were 4.8  1.8 ng ml1 (normal range 13–400 ng ml1).
calculated for each function. Data were analyzed The nine investigated discriminant functions were
using Microsoft Office Excel program 2003. applied on all microcytic anemia cases in this study,
In addition to RBC count and red blood cell including a-thalassemia cases (Table 3). E & F Index
distribution width (RDW), the following mathema- identified 100% of b- and a-thalassemia cases and
tical functions were also included in our analysis: almost 100% (98.2%) of IDA cases. Although, RBC
Mentzer Index (MI), Shine and Lal (S & L) Index, count perfectly identified (100%) cases of IDA, only
England and Fraser (E & F) Index, Green and King 78.7 and 58% of b- and a-thalassemia cases
(G & K) Index, RDW Index (RDWI), Srivastava respectively, correctly fit the cut off value of this
Index (SI) and Ricerca Index (RI) (Table 1). index.
S & L Index had the lowest number of correctly
identified cases of IDA as only one case was correctly
Results identified from 56 diagnosed cases (1.7%), while
The means and standard deviations of CBC the RDW had the lowest number of correctly
parameters, serum iron and Hb A2 in the 153 identified cases of b- and a-thalassemia (6.3 and
patients investigated in this study are shown in 12%, respectively). Almost all discriminant functions
(Table 2). (except for RDW) had higher percentages of

94 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 53, No. 2


5.97  1.32
2.53  0.59
correctly identified cases of b-thalassemia compared

2  0.4
Hb A2
with a-thalassemia.
It is worth noting that thalassemia cases were
compared separately to IDA cases. The discriminant
functions are not intended to be used to differentiate

36.54  12.65
33.76  14.55
between b- and a-thalassemia.

6–37 mmol/ l

3.4  1.2
In order to determine, the best function to be used

in differentiating IDA from b- and a-thalassemia,
sensitivity, specificity and Youden’s Index were
calculated (Table 4). In differentiating IDA from
b-thalassemia, the Youden’s Index from highest

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to lowest was as follows: E & F > RBC > MI >

17.41  2.36
17.54  4.13

17.06  2 SI > RI > RDWI > G & K > RDW > S & L. In differ-

entiating IDAs from a-thalassemia, the Youden’s

Hematological and biochemical parameters obtained from the screened patients.

Index from highest to lowest was as follows:

E & F > RBC > RDWI > RI > G & K >SI > MI >
RDW > S & L.
314.89  05.62
316.48  14.31
316.4  18.1
320–360 g/l

Several studies have derived discriminant functions
based on RBC indices that can be used to differ-
entiate IDA from thalassemia minor. The differential
Results are expressed as mean  SD

diagnosis of these two hypochromic microcytic

19.61  3.60
21.09  2.55

anemias is an everyday issue for physicians; accurate

21.4  2.9
27–31 pg

diagnosis is essential for useful treatment, prevention

of disease and cutting down expenses.
In this study we evaluated nine discriminant

functions used in the differentiation analysis of 153

diagnosed cases of microcytic anemias. We attempted
63.40  7.12
66.50  6.45
67  5.9
81–99 fL

to include all well documented functions/indices in


this work in order to provide a wholesome analysis to

select the best formula to be used in differentiation
All investigated cases, confirmed to the set criteria
for each anemia [2, 14]. IDA cases were confirmed
0.42–0.52 l/l

0.29  0.03
0.34  0.05
0.33  0.06

with low RBC, Hb, MCV, serum iron, transferring


saturation, serum ferritin and high TIBC.

b-thalassemia cases were confirmed with low Hb
and MCV, high Hb A2 levels and normal serum iron.
a-thalassemia cases were conformed with the
106.51  15.36
104.84  19.98

presence of Hb H inclusions upon staining with

92.6  12.7
140–180 g/l

Brilliant crystal blue stain.


Although RDW, a measure of the degree of

variation in red cell size, has been reported to be a
good discrimination index to differentiate between
IDA and thalassemia minor [4, 5, 14, 15], our results
suggest that this index may be misleading as all

4.32  0.42
5.39  0.89
4.98  0.82

thalassemia (a and b) cases had an equally elevated


level of RDW compared with IDA. Several studies

had also reported that RDW alone is not sufficiently
specific or sensitive enough to differentiate between
microcytic anemias, as elevated values were not
specific for IDA [16–19]. This may be explained by

the fact that an elevated RDW may be caused by

several factors like, erythrocytosis, presence of target

cells and elevated reticulocyte counts [16, 18], all of


which may be present in thalassemia minor cases.


When validity analysis was applied on RDW,

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 53, No. 2 95


Cut-off values and number of cases correctly identified by the nine discriminant functions for the
three anemias investigated

Discriminant function Cut–off values IDA (n ¼ 56) b-thals (n ¼ 47) a-thals (n ¼ 50)

MI IDA > 13; Thals < 13 48 (85.7%) 35 (74.4%) 22 (44%)

S&L IDA > 1530; Thals < 1530 1 (1.7%) 46 (97.8%) 48 (96%)
SI IDA > 4.4; Thals < 4.4 39 (69.6%) 40 (85%) 30 (60%)
RI IDA > 3.3; Thals > 3.3 48 (85.7%) 31 (65.9) 26 (52%)
RDWI IDA > 220; Thals < 220 47 (83.9%) 31 (65.9%) 30 (60%)
G&K IDA > 72; Thals < 72 41 (73.2%) 35 (74.4%) 30 (60%)

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E&F IDA > 0; Thals < 0 55 (98.2%) 47 (100%) 50 (100%)
RBC count IDA < 5; Thals > 5 56 (100%) 37 (78.7%) 29 (58%)
RDW IDA > 14; Thals < 14 55 (98.2%) 3 (6.3%) 6 (12%)

this index had one of the lowest Youden’s Index TABLE 4

values (Table 4). Sensitivity, specificity and Youden’s Index of each
Youden’s Index provides an appropriate discriminant function used in differentiation between
measure of validity of a particular question or IDA and b-thalassemia and IDA and a-thalassemia
technique [20]. This index depends on sensitivity
and specificity; it does not take into consideration the Discriminant Sensitivity Specificity Youden’s
positive and negative predictive values, as these function (%) (%) Index
values depend strongly on the underlying prevalence
MI IDA 85.7 74.4 60.1
of the disease. The use of positive and negative
b-thals 74.4 85.7
predictive values alone in validity analysis has been IDA 85.7 44 29.7
a source of contradicted results in previous reports a-thals 44 85.7
[21, 22]. The Youden’s Index introduces the least bias S&L IDA 1.7 97.8 0.5
to the measure of effect [20]. b-thals 97.8 1.7
Youden’s Index has been used previously IDA 1.7 96 2.3
to compare validity of discrimination indices in a-thals 96 1.7
differentiating between IDA and thalassemia SI IDA 69.6 85 54.9
b-thals 85 69.6
minor [23]. In a study done by Demir, et al. [23], IDA 69.6 60 29.9
it was reported that RBC count and RDWI are a-thals 60 69.6
the most reliable discrimination indices in differen- RI IDA 85.7 65.9 51.6
tiating between IDA and b-thalassemia trait. b-thals 65.9 85.7
We found that E & F Index to be the most valid IDA 85.7 52 37.7
discrimination index to correctly differentiate a–thals 52 85.7
between IDA and b-thalassemia trait (Youden’s RDWI IDA 83.9 65.9 49.8
b-thals 65.9 83.9
Index ¼ 98.2), the RBC count came second with
IDA 83.9 60 43.9
Youden’s Index of 78.8, while RDWI rated at a-thals 60 83.9
number 6 of the nine functions analyzed. G&K IDA 73.2 74.4 47.6
The difference in findings may be due to the small b-thals 74.4 73.2
number of patients in Demir’s study (n ¼ 63) IDA 73.2 60 33.2
compared with our study (n ¼ 153). Demir, et al. a-thals 60 73.2
also examine a pediatric population, while patients in E&F IDA 98.2 100 98.2
b-thals 100 98.2
this study were older than 16 years of age.
IDA 98.2 100 98.2
We took our work one step further and investi- a–thals 100 98.2
gated whether the same discriminant functions RBC IDA 100 78.7 78.7
can be applied to differentiate between IDA b-thals 78.7 100
and confirmed cases of a-thalassemia. Again IDA 100 58 58
Youden’s Index for E & F and RBC count rated a-thals 58 100
the highest of the formulas analyzed (98.2 and RDW IDA 98.2 6.3 4.5
78.7, respectively) suggesting that they were the b-thals 6.3 98.2
IDA 98.2 12 10.2
most reliable in differentiation between IDA and a-thals 12 98.2

96 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol. 53, No. 2


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