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rate can Tidal efficishcy : @ table, surface area is calculated both for average, Fig. 5.12Graphical representation of relation flow and largeris adopted > “Betwicen ovelfiow rate and % removal Average discharge Ye Surface area from average OW = erage overflow tale Peak discharge _ Surface area rom peek low = Feak overtiow rate ical Filtration of Sewage imentation tank contains about 60 to 80% of the unstable organic: tea ly present in sewage: “This colloidal organic matter, which passes the primary clarifiers, ing there, has to be removed by further treatment. This further treatment of sewage, evens ot al seared out by ee the character of th ; mAD . 8 | Civil Engineering © Environmental Engineering : Vol-Il eae which are broadly classiteq) ae racter ofthe sewage may be changed by different methods, a" sie ey peer ene cesses help in changing the unstable organ, “Ai filtration and (ifactivated sludge process. The pro Tratior In stable forms, and thus ensuring their removal, when the effluent from these un, settled in secondary sedimentation tanks. oI © Althe secondary reetment processes (ie. fiters as well as activated slucge Process) ae designy toworkon aerobic bacterial decompasltion. This is because ofthe fact that aerobic decomposticn does not produce bad smells and gases as are produced by the anaerobic ‘decomposition, and alsy because aerobic bacteria are more active than anaerobic bacteria (the rate of doing work by aero bacteria being three times that of the anaerobic type at 30°C) © The various kinds of filters used in aerobic treatment are ty YAY Contact Beas VAiyintermittent sanders {ii) Trickling fers 1 Contact Beds for Biological Filtration of Sewage: * Incontact bed also knownlas contact fitters, sewage is Kept in contact with the filtering media for certain period (i.e. during first contact period). * Asthe sewage pereolates through the filtering media, fine colloidal organic matter is trapped in the ‘yoids between the particles of the filtering media. Due to this, a film of organic matter is formed around the particles of the filtering media. * Alarge number 6f aerobic bacteria present in the sewage will get attached to the filter sand, and wil, thus, be present in this biofilm, These bacteria will carry out the oxidation of the organic matter present in this film, by the process of aerobic decomposition. mera ai) = From | hi ee eee ae lilt For mvent — Effluent Pipe Under Drains lt Fr ued eMtuont Ls Primary Chanter Main Under Dra ‘ep Plan Fig. 5.13. Contact Reds. + _Inorder tomake sufficient oxygen available for the growth of aerobic bacteria, the fiteris left rmbt for a certain period. The filter, during this period, will absorb oxygen from the atmosphere and will Publications am iB Intermittent Sand Filters for Biological el ee complete the oxidati Fane aire tsk ne ose This constitutes one cycle of operation. The stabilised organic 16 washed away by the fresh sewage in the next cycle of operation. 5 ration of Sewage ¢ Intermittent san ige : SW ised ie wee were the earlier forms of biological units of sewage treatment and are now Ee deiaircnes Of the large requirement. They may still however, be used at certain places, to anes ied and polished effluent, such as in case of treating sewage from tuberculosis Inter earner sand fiters are more or less like contact beds, with the difference that the contactmedia finer than thatin the contact beds; and also, there is no coneretelning around the iter media, BS was there in the contact beds. Siphonic |_-— Dosing Tank Distributing Pipes (Outlet For 7 effluent Eftuent ‘Siphon Pipe Crome vara Sexe». Ps Emuert “Pips Eluent Main Under Drain . com Fig, 5s14intermittent Sang Fltets 533 Trickling Filters for Biolos ical Filtration of Sewage : (Attached Growth System) Trickling filters are ‘classified into, ¥ Conventional trickling {ilter, 2¢High rate trickling filter 5334. Conventional Teiskling Filter + ‘They are also called as percolatina filters, ‘consist of tanks of coarser filtering media, over which the vwage i aliowed to sprinkie oF wiokle GOWN, by means of spray nozzles or rotary distributors, The Pe aicotro, wewige is colected at the bottom of the tank through a wel designed under-drainage They are also known aS ordinary trickling fiters or standard rate or Jow rate trickling filters. system = decomposition of the organie matter and the resultant purification of the sewage is brought “oeut by a population of micro-organisms Micro-organisms and bacteria, which arenaturally present edt the iter media. Organic matter from the sewage influentis also absorbed insewage, get attac! ) | Civil Engineering © Environmental Engineering : Vol-Il MADE EASY Publications Hes ‘on the biological film, which is formed by the micro-organisms around the filtering media particles (\e., sand particles), J+ Inthe outer portions o this fim of biological mass or slime lave the organic matter is degraded by the aerobic bacteria. As the micro-organisms grow, the thickness, ofthe slime layer creases, ang the aifused oxygen is coneumed by the upper portions of the slime layer thereby creating an ‘anaerobic environment near the surface of the media particles. The liduid sewage, exerting a shearing action, then breaks up some biological mass (slime) from the tredle, butthe new slime layer continues to grow. The continuing growth and Break up © iogica Tpase (slime) trom ths biotin (slime layer), infact, creates a balance in the thickness ofthe formed biofilm. The break up or detachment of the biomass (biological solids) from the slime layer is known ‘as sloughing. The sloughing, infact, imparts turbidity to the filter effluent, and the sloughed material (biological eolids) is separated from the treated sewage in the secondary settling, tank = The extent of sloughing is Blimarily a function of organic and hydraulic loading on the filter. The hydraulic loading accounts for shear velocities that are developed in ‘the filter (which causes sloughing); while the organic loading accounts “for the rate of metabolism in the slime layer (which loosens the biological mass in the slime layer, leading to sloughing) nord to enebfethalaraeecale growin ofc eroblc bacteria inthe biotim sufficient quantiy of agen is supplied by previcing suitable ventilation Tecitis in the body ofthe fiter, and also te ‘some extent by the intermittent functioning, of the filter. ‘Siphonc Dosing Tank caving Ser 002 Flom Pamary Sedation Tak serestioende) a 7/f]| os i wa — i Revolving Head Rotary Dsision Arm Olssasssh ads NNozzies in Ditributary ‘Arms (10 0 12 om) Hessas ti ||2/| atte HE TOT To L ti — ise Drain, ‘Along 1 Per \-— Central ae Colum Fig. 5.15 Typical section ofa conventional Circular Ticking fiter with Rotary distributors (vertical scale shown enlarged) eee "eee enna rst rato oceans i SJoughed biomass. This secondary tank thus, separates the treated sewage a ae | EASY ia w rey Ee Sener inmemindne nearmmnrersteor Paid from the biological solids. A portion of the filter eff settled effluent is recycled, usually to c DS ‘ iter effluent or the settle dilute the incoming wastewater. ee ie are constructed ‘as beds of stone or gravel onto the surface of which settled sewage is sprinkled. Air for oxidation process enters the bed through vents at the base. 9 Filter usually consists of a 2m deep circular bed of random packed angular stone about $0 ‘size and supported on a tile floor which allows the treated liquid to escape freely and ventilation air toenter the bed. Circular beds permit the use of reaction jet distributors in which the discharge under ahead of a 5 - 0.8 m is sufficient to cause the arms to rotate. This provides an effective and inexpensive means of distributing the feed over a large area. biological film will have both aerobic and anaerobic layers. Rerobie layer will be at surface where bic layer will be deeper inside the film where O, cannot penetrate, A The effluent fram the bed willhhave a BOD of less than 20 mall and in warm climates the ammonia content wil probably Be less than 10 mal! ie Because of the continuous loss of Microbial cells and pieces of biological film from the bed, the effluent 8S is likely £0 be 40 - 50. mail but on occasions when ‘sloughing’ occurs, considerable ‘amount of film may be released. It is thus essential to provide a final settlement stage of biological iter effluents “The rate of food removal in attached system depends on << ‘ 41@) Hydraulic leading rate (\.. flowrate) siuige vib) Organic loading rate conventional fitration 1c). Rate of ciffusibilty of food and O, into Blof Fig. 546 Conventional Fitrtion v@) Temperature Higher organicloadingsate leacs.o pic. growin of biomass and this excessive growth may result ia plugging of pores and.subseaue't flooding ofthe ‘atk v* Higher hydraulic loadin: increases sloughing and helps to keep the bed open. aT GianGara Woking Iter, soreering and primary sedimentationsis must before sewageis “applied to the trickling filter. In plage of rotary distributor used for sewage application, spray nozzles can be also be used for sewage application. In case of rola, gistributors, tank is circular but for spray. nozzle application tank's sectanguias, “7 Foulgasasare released f spray nozzle application. In rotary distribution no such ~Youl gases are released. wo! Faguliatve,pactala are predominant organism in trickling filter. Jrigkling Filters: The various advantages of the trickling filters are: ate of iter loading is high, as such requiring lesser land areas and smaller quantities’of filter media for their installations Effient obtained from the trickling fiters is sufficiently nitrifed and stabilised. They cart remoxe ‘about 75% of BOD and about 80% of suspended solids, made EASY | All). Working of tricking fiters is simple and does not require any skilled supervision Viv) They are flexible in operation and they can, therefore, ‘withstand the application of variety Of Sevag e having different concentrations and compositions. k (v)Theyare self-cleaning. Avi) Mechanical wear and tear is small, as they contain Jess-mechanical equipment. Visi) Moisture content of sludge, obtained from trickling fiters, && ‘high as 99% of $0. (viii) Trickling filters have been found to operate more efficiently in warm weather, and produce effluent appreciably lower in BOD. Hence, they are of immens: use in hot countries i 4 Disadvantages: The disadvantages of the trickling filters are: (The head loss through these fiters is high, making automatic dosing of the filters necessary Ail) Costof construction of trickling filters is high TA) “These fiters cannot treat raw sewage and primary sedimentation is a must FE Operational TroubJel=sTheseiiters impose a “umber of operational fOUBIes such as given below: »7(8) Fly Nuisance: ‘© The filter fly, psychoda, which develops in the filter particles, may prove to be nuisance, asthe same may be cartied away into the habitation. \/* This problem may be controlled by not allowing the flooding ofthefilter with sewage for 24 hous or more. ‘Another methed of controlling fly nuisance is by using insecticides, such as D.D.T. chlordanes, and benzene hexachloride, etc. inthe fiter plant ib) Odour Nuisance: ; | ~ Odours, generally, do not prevail in trickling fiters using rotary distributors, but however, whe fixed nozzles: are uséd, HS and other odourous gases are frequently released into the atmosphere. ® The usual remedy is to chlorinate the sewage to prevent formation of H,S gas, or to neutralise that already formed. * Some ono [also be evolvedidue to sludge and also-due to:anaerobic conditions which may prevall'as and when the sewage becomes stale. THE Teméd's to chlorinate the sewage and to isdone inrapid filters: , (c) Pending Trouble: "© The voids in the filter media gets clogged due to hea, avy growth of Da ese te eo ate mtnotnc e d oe be controlled by chlorinating the sewage, which kil ‘accumulated material Is the algae, thus causing unloading ol" | Other methods of gontvoling algae are to add coy bed for sometime. €.a12 10. add copper sulphate to the sewage and resting I? «Besides these external controling factors, the a algae ee ein is , uta '* Ponding at the surface is, therefore, most c; , most commoy : a o and larve are driven down ftom the surface by aa ie ntenmorwhe, wher ta . Near surface, breaking up the vegetable growth in the filter, an from the bed. This process is called spring off loasing by the worms and Jarve, whe” biological change. : EASY jis Treatmentotsevoge | 143 nly in Standardr more, these trouble 4 Design Data for Conventional Trickling Filters * The design of the trickling filter, prim: its depth. jot occur involves the design of the dia of the circular filter tank and The design of the fitter size is based upon the values of the fiter-loadings adopted for the design. This loading on a filter can be expressed in two ways : () __ Bythe quantity of sewage applied per unit of surface area of the filter per day. This is called hydraulic-loading rate and expressed in million litres per hectare per day. ‘ (i) By the mass of BOD per unit volume of the fitering media per day. This is called organic | loading rate, and expressed in kg of 80D, per hectare metre ofthe filter media per day. t z Ps i * The filter dia and deptitis designed for average Value of seWade flow The rotary distributors, under } drainage system, and ‘other connected pipe lines etc, are, however, designed for peak flow, and of i course checked forthe average flow. } Table: 5.5 Typical design criteria for trickling fiters { i Lowatefiter _[iiermediatrate | Highratefiter Hydraulic loading, inti -4 4-10 10-40 \ Organic loading, | | kota |_| __(0.08-0.32 o24-o48 | 032-10 | Depih.m | 15-30 12525 40220 ; Recirculation ratio ° — #2912-1 t Fitter media Rock slag, ete. | Rock, slag, etc. | Rock, slag, synthetic 2 materials | i Power requireenty t eW/10" m" 2-4 2-8 6-10 } Fertes =r Tidrmbdiate- ©) Faw ldriSelare washed | aay t Sloughtin Intermitiant Intermittent Continuous fervals [Notmore than min | 1510608 Not more than 18 i fluent Usually fuly nitrited | Pariallynitritied | Nitrfied atlow laoding | fa ol oy ; ® Performance of Conventional Filters, an he Etleney: * The Bae ‘obtained from a conventional trickling fier plant is highly nitrified and stabilised. The t inal value, The BOD lettin the effluents generally less than 20 eo ‘or so. The sludge obtained in the secondary clarifier is thick with moisture content of about 92%, MADE EASY Publications 1g : Volt ‘gineering ® Environmental Engineerin: “= The fiteris very flexible, and can even take intermittent shock loads without any detriment a. ae Hence a conventional or standard rate iter plantis very usetu tomedium towns and indust e. requirin, I tre a 4 The efficiency of such a conventional filter is given by 100 IM) = = oooaa i “6 Where, 11 = Efficiency ofthe fiter and its secondary clarifier, n terms of percentage of apes BOD removed t = Organic loading in kg/ha-m/ day applied to the filter (called unit organic loading) * This equation shows that the BOD removed by the filter plant depends upon the organic log adopted. Grea loading, less Equation holds good whan there isno recirculation . nol trickling fteris done for average flow, however 616. is to be designed for peal (53.32 High Rate Trickling Filter +z ® The high rate fillers of motden advancements also function on the same lines and are having te same construction detalls but with the difference thet provision is made in them per recirculation sewage though the filter by pumping a part of the filter effluent to the primary settling tank and repassing it through the filler. We Recirculation of sewage 's an essential and important feature of high sate. fiters. The recirculation ‘consists in retuming a portion of the treated of partly treated sewage to the treatment process = The return is fromthe sacondary settling tank to the primary settling tank or to the dosing tankofle filter as shown in figure 5.17 sort escalated ow ‘Alernate return BEGce ase Ce) hi * Fig.5.17 Single stage commonly adopted recirculation process = Insome other cases, and to obtain better efficiency, two stage recirculation process may be done ‘Atwo stage recirculation process consist of having two fiters arranged in series, as shown figure "Apart of cefuentecrculated 5 * Effluent Recirculated flow Emtuent = Cafea Called secondary iter” or final lariter Fig.5.18 Twocommonly adopted recirculation process Publlestions, blications tigen’ tarnen | Treatment of Sewage | 145 Recirculation improves: i iz aC ae Operating results of filters, because of the following reasons: Oo vaecraut allows continuous dosing @ filters, irrespective of the fluctuations in flow. ee ne equalises and reduces loading, thereby increasing the efficiency ofthe fier. pea lation provides longer contact of the applied sewage with the bacterial film on the fact media, thereby seeding it with bacteria and accelerating the biological oxidation process. (v)_ The influent remains fresh all the time and also helps in reducing odours. The fly nuisance is ' also comparatively less. (v) BOD removal is great but nitrogenous matter may not get sufficient time for nitrification, as the rate of flow is fast. Biological film may get sloughed before nitrification has had the time to take place. (vi) To avoid it, two stage filtration may be adopted with carbonaceous matter in the first stage and nitrification in second stage. Frign fale filter plant with single stage recirculation has less BOD removal and nitrification as compared to standard rate trickling filter, therefore may not show as good result as those _ | standard rate trickling filter. Vs Twostage filtration is done when a) influent BOD is large Ab)” effiuent BOD desired is less than 30 maf Tisleroliopi baciena are more competitive than nildfying bacteria (autolophs) for space on "ixad flim packing. Thus significant nitfication occurs only after BOD concentration is appreciably reduced. The effluent BOD has o be ess than 30 mito intiate nitrification and “ess than 15 ma/fto complete nitrification. = (AISERARGE Om PST leyoieeidieaKArGE) A Surface area ot icing fer = “Fyre eading (including recirculation) discharge from PST xBOD of PST effluent i Volume of tricking fiter = “Organic leading (excluding recirculation) uid not be greater than 60 m (in case rotary distribution is used). VV Bia of trickling sites sho The sewage is flowing @ 4.5 Millon litres per day from a primary clarifier to @ Bere erarats troking fier. The 6 day BOD of the influentle 160 mg/l. The value of the adopted organic ‘loading is to be 160 gm/m*/day, and surface loading 2000 i/m?/day. Determine the volume of the filter 8nd its depth. Also calculate the efficiency of this filter unit. Eon be sotition + 160%4.5 10° “Total 5 day BOD present insewage = —_498 gm/day ee ee eof the filter media required < Total BOD _ 72000 g/day ms = Griginal loading 160 ‘omim®.day oe ouitace ea required for the filter Totalfiow —__ 45210 2 = Fydrauiic loading 2000//n?.d 45x10 2 «2.95108? = 225011 2000 4500 jred = 22° m=2m Depth ofthe bed required = 565 ™ Efficiency of the filter is given by equation as Organic loading, Now, e 100. | = See ee % 7 000da/i600 140.176 1176 °° | (A The ratio ) ofthe volume of sewage recitculated (A) to the volume of raw sewage (1 iscaled . Recirculation factor (F) @ © Therecirculation factor (F) also represents the numbe : A er of effective passages through the filter. TMS 5 when there is no recirculation and T [8 zer0, Fis unity. © The efficiency of the single stage high rate trickling fiter @ pee: Y= the toll organic leading in kg/day applied tothe titer 6, the total BOD inkg. Thelem™ Te , is called unit organic loading on iter Le, ae V= Filter volume in hectare metres, F = Recirculation fac tor Ww EASY , : Feber eran Teemmenntserae | 47 |natwo stage filter, the erficiency in the fijst stage willbe obtained from above equation (li) and in the second stage itis obtained es) Final efficiency in two stage fier & wiv) where, _Y” = Total BOD in effluent from frst stage in ko/day V" = Volume of second stage fern haem F” = Recirculation factor for the second stage filter NY = Final efficiency obtained atter two stage fitration Overall efficiency in terms of n and ny Ty =11+(1=n) 1" Es ,S,Conveniional vesHigh Rale Tickling EBS ] Conventional or igh rate fore : a | @) Depth of ftermedia | Varies between 1.6i02.4m. Varies between 1.2 to 1.8m. 2. | Sizeoffiter media | 2510 75mm 25 to 60 mm. al ined More land area is reqd, as the | Less land area is reqd. as the S| Land require _| fterloadingistess Me | itertoadingismere =| fon | lt is more for teating equal | it is lose for treating equal 4, | Cost of operation | quantity ofsewage uantily of sewage. | ; ‘ontinuous application, less Continuous application, more 5, | Method of operation Tepe requinng less sklled | flexible, and more skillful supervision operatonisrequites cara ereaarin aN RT PREG cinta wp & | Type of effuaita ised. with BOD in effluent < °* nitrite stage only and is thus less © | produced (11 E [stain yn 20 Dagan ar seas PE inferior, quality.. BOD in effluent | rer E SHYT oe | orally varies between | Ris not more than 15 seconds, ; 7. | Dosing eral | .2e minutes, The sewage fs | and the sewage it thus appied SSyeraily not applied | continuously Sontinuously but is applied at intervals, E on 20 to 44 ML per | Fite loading values | Vet por day Varies betwoen 110 to 330 ML. () Hydraulic loading pethectaroperday. 2 ies between 900 to 2200 kg of Varies between 6000 to 18,000 (i Organic leading | voree per hectare-mete of fiter | _ kg of BOD, per hectare metre of media per day. filter media per day. - aad gee ea base _{& [ Recircutation system), Not provided hydraulicloading. Brown, notfulyxidzedwihfine layering ¥ ‘eeznmon sure || wersionto = K, (50 ry}ine Produces x where, / = thé BOD of the effiuent entering the pond, y = the BOD (e100) ool removed; say 99% of L or 95% of L, produced: he Fig.5.43 Oxidation Pond, Kat 20°C is approximately 0.1 per day and atother temperature, Itcanbe determined by equation. Koy = Kot 0471" B= Fevalae increase wilh temperature, the detention period will decrease wih Ine Increase In| % Result Obtained St Kling fers in reducing the BOD of sewage. The 80D Properly operated ponds may be as effective as trickling fiers in reducing the BOD of se Femoval is upto 90%, and coliform removal is upto 99% or so, en, 1d detention period in an oxidation pond, the organic solids will either be oxidised or ee eeseieee ements Astaro! th rat sue ova us rate ence Near 127 dee ors, andor Years for 1.5 m deep ponds, so as to ensure a minimum liquid depth of ‘all the tim Advantag * Oxidation ponds are a Soduetanah tits very cheap, the capital cost being 10 to 30% of ¥ this treatment Is that itis very cheap, * The biggest advantage of that of the conventional plant (using trickling filters or activated sludge process). at of QQ == ite suitable in hot dry countries like Incia, where 200 or more sunny days are Ponds Inlets and Outlets The pipe line conveying rawisewage to the pond may:be designed tormaintain an average velocity of 0.3 misec. The outlet should bs so locatadi(or designed) with reference to the inlet as to avoid short circuiting Disadvantage: i ding. They are quite flexible and do not get upset due to fluctuation in organic loading. Oxidation ponds, is the nuisance due to mosquito breeding and bad odours: ‘To avoid this, the banks of the ponds should be kept clean of any grasses and bushes etc. Similarly to avoid bad odours, the oxidation ponds should be located sufficiently far from the residentia, areas. Odours may also be kept under control by avoiding the area loading. However, when a pond gets over loaded, the algal growth may be stimulated by adding sodium nitrate, which is both a plant food and an oxidising gent Ta da= 150, ssa: For the efficient removal of sediment in the sedimentation tanks, it is necessary that the flow is uniformly distributed throughout the cross section of the tank If currents, on the ether b nang Permit aesubstantialportion of the wz tank without being detained for the intended timne, the flow is'Said Properly desigh@C'IMlsts"anc SOllets Naar tha entianee neith Sel tendencies, and distribute the flow more evenly. More over rele bby inlet and outlet disturbance and by current caused by bre: In actual practice, certain amount of short circuiting will alw. time take by a batch of water in passing through a settlin, always be less then detention period, The ratio of the atento pass directly through the to'bé short circuited. ititiayireduce the short circuiting latively narrow tanks are less affected ezes. /ays exist and therefore, the actual averag® '9 tank (called flowing through period) Wil aareig ais) pated! lo he" delanicr erode cated the aGotacoment ofl +. Displacement efficiency (%) = Flowing through period tention period In order to counteract the effects of short clroulth in 19, It may be nex ion Period ora smaller surface oading than that obtained from the reece te oe sane feration the desired results. 5.11.3 Algal symbiosis or algal photosynthesis is applied in waste water treatment. The principle is that jn ight about by aerobic bacteria, which foutshin jg total aerobic pond, the stabilization of waste is brou presence of ana The oxygen demand of such bacteria in such a pond es by a ‘combinag action of algae and other micro-organisms such as bacteria and plore iS is Called ag algal symbiosis. In this symbiosis, the algae growing in the presence of sunlight produce oxygen BY action of photosynthesis and this ‘oxygen is utilized by the bacteria for oxidising the waste organic matte, The end products of the process are carbon dioxide, ammonia and phosphates which are required by algae to grow and continue to produce oxygen. ‘This process can be applied in reting sewage and biodegradable waste waters. Use of Lagoons for Disposal of Raw Sludge * This method is sometimes used at smaller places for disposing of raw sludge without digestion, In this methodjithejrawisludge is kept at réstin’allarge!shallow/Open|pond called a lagoon. The detention periods is 1 to 2months and may extend up to 6 months. During its detention in the lagoon, the sludge undergoes aerobic digestion thereby getting stablized Due to this anaerobic decomposition ofsiudge. foul gases will be evolved from a lagoon and hence the lagoons should be located away from the town and directions of the, common winds should te such that the smells are not cartied towards any localities ( Fig. 5.45. Typical section of Lagoon fo disposal ofraw sludge * tis a shallow pt, 0.6 to 1.2m deep, formed by excavating the ground, A i th is pit, & 16 cm thick layer of ashes or clinker is placed, he bottom of this pi * Agricultured tile drains of about 100m diameter are laid at bottom as undk ler drair laced atabout 9m centre to centre spacing. Banks ae formed an bth sides on the mae oxceraed earth * Alter the sludge has been stabilised and the moisture has been dr ained away or evaporated dud detention the lagoon, the contents are dug out to about half oft. Ps lr ori 25 manure riginal volume, and used! * This method of sludge disposal is quite cheap (a8 no digestion tank f 8 are requit esl 60 minutes) or in waterlogged areas or where limited lang area is available. In a biological fer, the effluent from septic tank is brought into contact with a Suitable medium, the surfaces of which become coated with an organic film. The film assimilates ang oxidises much of the polluting matter through the agency of micro-organisms. Twoway 4 4 wr ee eee = | Meee ea T T 2 a i 8 X ‘Support| Distribution channel nee ie (@) Rectangular biological fiers (6) Circular biological filters Fig.5.50 Rectangular and Grrcular biological filters The depth of medium: should be 1400 mmibut never less than 900 mm, The retained in position by wall of adequate trench. The filter should hy See res ial end psiseathal channesiaid upside. coymand open joined or spec Hes clecheroif fp Bg pull Bide plea'iter¢ may ater be recianguier or cncutar ne eheen fglrerespecivey A siiesotfiad chanhe's or lng armlstibutsis tay bo ecatn, distributing the efuent on thomeciawdequtoventiaior& popist ersisessental Aver communicating Bg alate sould be provided. Whore te tors below the groans level, the vent Bipes from the ends ofthe under-crains shouldbe carried to 150mm above me ‘round level outside the filter. Normally the filter should not be covered, but wire netting may be used to prevent falling of Teaves fouling the surface of ho fteror blocking the ends of he vont ine Iti essential thatthe volumes of te iter mediums sutfcientto allow for Sewage flow which occurs wh smellinstlations, such variation being more pronounced ithe amen ‘number of persons are Served For populations of upto 10 persons, the volume should be 1 macs ‘medium per head, for feeldent poptition of over {0 anc! up 20 persone, 0.8 mot mediarn roy head endl ter nopudati of over 50 person the volume of media may be taken @ 0,6 mnead, : Ee Hf pumping of the septic tank effvent forms part of the scheme, 1 te The filter effluents finally discharged into the city surface drain seremmnprtunaeguntlouras an toa an ‘course, the effluent should be adequately disinfectea, mee, medium should be lave a Concrete floor, with a system ——— en Adrian Treatment of Sewage | 209 ) Uptiow Anaerobic Filters: Such fers Ike biological fiters are used in areas which do not permitland disposal, such as inareas of high water-table or in comparatively less porous areas or at places where sufficient land is not available, In such a fitter, the septic tank effluent is introduced from the bottom and the microbial growth is retained on the stone media making possible higher rates and efficient digestion. The capacity of the unit is 0.04 to 0.05 m® per capita or 1/3 to 1/2 the liquid capacity of the ‘septic tank of sewers, BOD removals of 70% can be expected and the effluent is clear and free from odour and nuisance - Single and double chambered type of rectangular upflow anaerobic fiters are generally used ‘in conduction with septic tanks. bucket . in wow Sai s CL mill creas Some ti 7 ne l poser team © | Wire mesh support ot perforated conc. block Fig.5.51 Single chambered rectangular upflow anaerobicfiter chambered rectangular upfiow anaerobicfiter ASU mage E © | SWilEngineering ¢ Environmental Engineering : Voll 5.12.23 Adoption of a particular method of disposal of Septic tank effluents . © The'use of particular method of disposal will usually be governed by the position of su-soj level, soil and sub-soil conditions, availabilty of sufficient land etc. The recommended Meta, disposal for site conditions is shown in table below. Table: 6.14 Recommended Method of Disposal for Effluents of Septic Tanks tee Soil and Subsoil Condition a "Position of | ‘subsoil water Porous soil with percolation rate ‘Derice and clayey sole level (SSWL) i below the a with percolation rate ground level not exceeding | exceeding 30 min. exceeding 60 min. les 30min. but not exceeding 60 min. <1.8m _jiDispersionnitrench | Dispersionytrench| Biological iter party. or fully Togated. party | located party orfully| above ground level with under © filly above the | above ground level | drains; or upfiow anaerobic fier. Ground level ina’) namound The final effluent is discharged mound in to city sewer or a drain, (of used for gardening purposes. 218m SSoak pit or bis: | Dispersion trench | sub-surface biological fiter with ersiontronch Under drains or upfiow anaerobic iter. The final effluent is discharged |. into a city sewer or used for gardening purposes. Advantages of Septic tanks! © They can be easily constructed, and do nol reauire any skilled supervision during constuction “There is no maintenance problem as there is no moving part init «Their cost is easoRABlE GOAPateTS the adidas ahd’ Sriton|they offer in rural or uta areas, wherd ho sewage system hasbeen laid s _ Anexcellently functioning septic tank canieonsiderably.ceduce the suspended solids and 802 from sewage. © Thesludge volume to be disposed of is quite less as compared to normal sedimentation tank 1h reduction in volume is about 60% and reduction in weight is about 30%. «The effluent from the septic tank can be disposed of on land in a soak pit or a cess poo, wie much trouble. «They aro best sulted for isolated rural areas and for isolated hospitals, bulaing ote Disadvantages of Septic tanks: ‘¢ Ifthe tank is not properly functioning, which happens m: foul dark and even worser than the influent. pens many times, then th eluents wi © They require too large sizes for serving many people. « _Leakages of gases from the top cover of septic tank may cause bad smelis and environment) pollution «Periodical cleaning, removal and disposal of sludge remains a tedious problem. +The working of a septic tank is unpredictable and non uniform, == oo? 12] CWilEngineering Environmental Engineering : Vol using 0.75 m bottom width of the trench, the length of the trench. 114.62 _ 453m 075 Depending upon the availabilty of space, we may use say no. trenches, each ot length “22.5, in 5.12.3 ImhoffTank * An imhoff tank is an improvement over septic tank in which the incoming sewage is not alloweg,, get mixed up with the sludge produced and the outgoing effluents not allowed to carry with tj, ‘amount of organic load, as in the case of septic tank * An Imhoff tanks, a two storey tank, and was designed by German scientist Mr. Karl Imhoff. Thay are sometimes also known as Two-Storey Digestion Tanks. 5.123.1 Design Consideration 'n designing Imhoff tanks the féllowing important design points may be kept in mind, (3) Sedimentation Chamber: itis f8ctangular in shape with the following specifications: () Detention period = 210 4 hours (usually 2 hours) (i) Flowing through Velocity = should fiat be more than 0.3 m/min (ii) Surface leading = should not exceed 30000 Iitres/m? of plan area/day. It may, however bo increased lo about 45000 Yim*/day for effluent coming from activated siudge plant or where recirculationis adopted (iv) Length of the tank should preferably. not exceed. 30 m or so, as to pro distribution, Length fo width ratio may vary between $10.5 () Depth of this chamber should as far as possible be kept shallow, so as to permit sling ofthe solids up f6 he slotibefore reaching the end of the sedimentation. In practice, a total depthal 9011 mhas been found sufficient for Imhoff tanks, with the depth of sedimentation chamber ‘a3 about 3 10 3.5 mor so. The ftee-board provided may be about 45 cm good sludge (li) Digestion Chamber: This chamber ig-Generaly’Wesigned for-minisilm capacity of 57 litres pe capita. Butin warmer climate where shorter periods between sludge withdrawls are possible, itmey be reduced to BBBUE 35 16 40 MES Be Cita. (lil) Gas Vent or Scum Chamber: The surface area of the scum chamber should be about 25 to 3060! the area of the horizontal projection of the [opal decor charbe The ch = me as chamber tanks. «They find use in case of small treatment plants requiring only primary treatment gesion * They are quite economical and do not r" require skilled attention during operations, = Se EASY . BOD. There is no problem of sludge disposal, as in the case of sedimentation tanks. _ Drawback: pee of tank is more, which make the construction coster. iy pee may give out offensive odours, when improperly operated: r as e untae and do not function properly where sewage is highly acidic in nature se tanks have a tendency to foam or boil, The foaming may, thus adversely affect the quality of the effluent. ‘Theres no adequate control over ther operation. This makes them sultable for use in arge treatment plants. Imhoff tanks are, therefore, useful only for small cities and institutions. However, they have become absolete these days. 12.4 High Rate Anaerobic Systems «The anaerobic process is considered to be a slow process, retention time (HRT). High rates of conversion of organics in! anaerobic trealment process, can be abiained by maintaining a high conc reactor and preventing them from escaping with the effluent ‘Tis concent ig expressed by Sludge Retention Time (SA), beingltneratio of he mas of biological pote in the system to that escaping ftom the reactor, Meximal SRT is therefore, desirable for the abilty of an anaerobic system and for minimising sludge production ‘Other requirements of high rate system are {)_ Intimate gontact between the incoming waste reaction. (i) Maintenance of “The various high rate anaerobic systems that (@ _Anaerobieeontagt(AG)process, (0) Anaerobie filers (AF) Ss (©) Anaerobic fixed films, (AFE)reactors, (6) ‘| (a) Fluidized bed (FB) reactor (0) Upfiow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor These reactors usualy provide aie ito incomplete treatment bringing down the BOD and S.S by, 50 to 70% only. Their effluents ™aY ‘heretore need post treatment either by aerobic fiters, aerated lagoons, etc (a) Anaerobic Contact ©The system invol effluent, is settled it requiring digesters of large hydraulic. ito methane and carbon dioxide by ‘entration of microbes in @ water and the detained biological soils in the sufficiently warm temperatures. have been devised include (AC) process: sao a elosed aired tank eactrinwrich the biomass leaving wih the reactor + oedimentaontankand i recycled tothe sired tank iy used for treatment of industrial wastewaters. ‘© This process has been general (0) Anaerobic Filter (AF): aon an anaerobicriter a stationary fer media are packed in a closed tank and the wastewater Is ee centered from the bottom 0 TOYS up the packing media The sludge is entrapped in the vold race between the packing MIST “s Anumber of such fiters have been constructed for treatmentotlow strength municipal Wastewater, + The reactors opereted as an upflow submerged Ded reactor. (c) Anaerobic Fixed Films (AFF) Reactors: Igo characterised by the presence of stationary © Like an anaerobic filter (A.F), this process is al t 0 packing material in the reactor, but here the aim is to avold entrapment of Suspended solids jn the voids of the packing material. * inorder to prevent accumulation of solids in the reactor, mode. ‘* Such reactors have been constructed to tre ee ‘suspended solids, such as screened manures. the AFF reactor is worked with dounfoy ‘thigh strength wastes, containing high amountof a Feed! i (e)Anacrobic fixe fms (AFF) (@)FludzedtExpandes —_(€) Upfiow Anaerobi (©) Uptiow Anaerobic Sludge reactor (Upton packed bes) Bed reactor Bianco (UASB) Reactor “Basic configurations of High fate Anaerobic Systertis (d) Fluidized and Expanded: Bed Reactors: 5 The fluidized bed reactor as well as expanded bed reactor are bot th char ce ‘of mobile packing material such as sand, clay, coal etc. ractericed by te oa . «The wastewater is entered from the bottom of the tank with an ‘i upfio jize ee rete eee a et ety irnn R present in the wastewater. 19 digestion of the or9* * These reactors can be used for treating industrial as well as municipal wastewatt astewaters. (e) The UASB Reactors: © Maintain a high concentration of biomass through i Se arene igh the formation of highly settieable microb# «The wastewater flows upwards through a layer of very acti of organics of the wastewater. Tyactve sludge to cause anaerobic igen?) ‘« The process is sultable for both soluble wastewater: mee a8 well as wastewater contai particual® ———Palications

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