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Compiled by Lokesh

September 2022
1. Maritime industries have taken several initiatives to explore new digital technologies and
"Augmented Reality" is one of such initiatives. With brief introduction on the principles of
Augmented Reality, explain the following: -
2. a) Difference between Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and Mixed Reality
3. b) Advantages and Challenges in implementation of Augmented Reality in Maritime Sector.
4. c) How can Augmented Reality transform the seafarer's training and ship operation.


1.Principles of Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced vision of real physical world that is
achieved through use of digital elements like visual, audio or other sensory
stimuli delivered via technology.

2.a .Difference between Augmented Reality, Virtual

reality and Mixed Reality
Augmented Reality (AR)
Interactive objects are layered on top of physical environment without the ability to
manipulate the augmented objects. AR overlays digital information in real world
Virtual Reality (VR)
The real world is hidden and user is completely immersed in digital experience creating a
digital simulation of real environment
Mixed reality (MR)
The capabilities of VR & AR are blended, bringing together the physical and digital world to
produce an environment where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real

3.b. Advantages
 AR has great potential to help in the maritime industry.
 Providing engine diagnostic information and remote support to seafarers at
sea, in operations & maintainence
 Work tasking & work checklists can be done through AR which could save
time .
 Applications of AR in training with the creation of real-world videos and
 Result obtained through AR equipment can be exported as a report in PDF or
 Potential to be of use in all operations.
 AR technology can provide improved situational awareness and decision-
making support.
 AR technology can solve more serious problems.
 Shipowners can reduce the cost of training using AR on new equipment from
providers and manufacturers for shipboard operations

 AR technology is new and very expensive.
 Familiarisation of staff with new technologically advanced equipment, that
is unknown to operators and to seafarers.
There is a need for training for the use of this new equipment
 Need to be intrinsically safe while use in hazardous environment.Should be
designed for marine environment considering safety factor.
 Should comply with rules and regulation when used for safety , navigational
equipments or critical equipments
 People need to be motivated to use newer technologies as the shipping
industry has a traditional, more conservative approach to the operation of

4.c. Augmented Reality transform the seafarer's

training and ship operation
 AR technology can guide and deliver the training as the engineer looks at
the equipment by adding the digital information, completing the
checklist and any inspection.
 On board ships the crew can easily recognize pipelines or wiring and
specify what each one is for.
 Maintenance assistance for machinery with steps and tasks.
 Check-list control and inspections no need to be typed, the report can be
verbally reported saving time.
 Officers can use it for daily tasks no need to be typed, the report can be
verbally reported saving time
 Video recording & Video reporting with statistical analysis (shared in real
time from ship to land).
 Remote assistance from the offices with IT and Technical Departments.
 Training in advanced technology equipment using pre-recorded
 Bridge systems transferred and integrated in the AR headset.
 One of the biggest advantages of AR is that the system allows all the
information to appear on many screens in front of the user’s eyes.
 For example, when a vessel is in a situation with bad weather and low
visibility, the officer on watch relies on his radar to look around the vessel
to see what other vessels are doing. With AR, the officer on watch can look
outside the window and directly get the information of vessels around
him. In this way, the officer can see where the other vessels are and what
their speeds and courses are. This increases the officer’s awareness of
what is surrounding his vessel.

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