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Nama : Annisa Salsabila Azzahra

Kelas : 2C S1 Keperawatan

My Desired Career in the Future :

I want to be a nurse in the future, to be a nurse has been my dream eversince I was child. I
was amazed at how deft they were when the patients needed them. Being a nurse is a very
noble job, we apply knowledge and help others sincerely from the heart, being a nurse is not
just relying on theory and graduating with good grades but we are taught to learn ethics and
manners are required to care for each other uphold ethics both in the campus environment
and when we work. The role of nurses is also very important in a health service, especially in
hospitals, one the other hand nurses must go to the community to provide knowledge to them
about how important health is for all of us. Aspiring to become a nurse is not just a distant
dream, but a strong commitment to learn, develop, and contribute to the medical world. I
believe that with passion and hard work, I can achieve this goal. I will continue to study
earnestly, pursue the necessary medical education, and engage in valuable clinical

Topic Sentence
I want to be a nurse in the future

Body Sentence
1. Being a nurse is a very noble job, we apply knowledge and help others sincerely from
the heart. Being a nurse is not just relying on theory and graduating with good grades
but we are taught to learn ethics and manners are required to care for each other
uphold ethics both in the campus environment and when we work.
2. The role of nurses is also very important in a health service, especially in hospitals,
one the other hand nurses must go to the community to provide knowledge to them
about how important health is for all of us.
3. Aspiring to become a nurse is not just a distant dream, but a strong commitment to
learn, develop, and contribute to the medical world

I believe that with passion and hard work, I can achieve this goal. I will continue to study
earnestly, pursue the necessary medical education, and engage in valuable clinical

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