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During favourable conditions, Amoeba reproduces by

a) multiple fission
(b) binary fission
(c) budding
(d) fragmentation

2. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba,

Yeast and Spirogyra is that
(a) they reproduce asexually
(b) they are all unicellular
(c) they reproduce only sexually
(d) they are all multicellular

3. The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during

reproduction in Plasmodium is called
(a) budding
(b) multiple fission
(c) binary fission
(d) reduction division
4. Bryophyllum can be propagated vegetatively by the
(a) stem
(b) leaf
(c) root
(d) flower
5. Vegetative propagation refers to formation of new plants
(a) stem, flowers and fruits
(b) stem, leaves and flowers
(c) stem, roots and flowers
(d) stem, roots and leaves
6. In a potato, vegetative propagation takes place by:
(a) root
(b) leaf
(c) stem tuber
(d) grafting
7. Spirogyra reproduce by
(a) budding
(b) fragmentation
(c) regeneration
(d) fission
8. In Rhizopus, tubular thread like structures bearing
sporangia at their tips are called
(a) filaments
(b) hyphae
(c) rhizoids
(d) roots
9. Plants like banana, rose, jasmine, orange have lost the
capacity to produce
(a) seeds
(b) buds
(c) flower
(d) roots
10. The flower of the Hibiscus plant is
(a) bisexual
(b) unisexual
(c) neuter
(d) very small
11. When a animal is cut into pieces and each piece
grows into a complex organism. What is the process?
A . Budding
b. Fragmentation
c. Spore formation
d. Regeneration
12. Which is the portion on which grafting is done it
provides the roots?
a. Stock
b. Scion
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
13. Which among the following is a unicellular organism
that reproduces by budding:
a) Hydra

(b) Planaria

(c) Yeast

(d) Spirogyra

14. The asexual reproduction in the Spirogyra involves:

(a) Breaking up of filaments into smaller bits

(b) Division of a cell into many cells

(c) Division of a cell into two cells

(d) Formation of a large number of buds

15. Reason for the greater similarities among the offsprings
produced by asexual reproduction, is:
(a) Asexual reproduction involves only one parent
(b) Asexual reproduction involves two parents

(iii) Asexual reproduction involves gametes

(iv) Asexual reproduction does not involve gametes

a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv)

(d) (i) and (iv)

16. The process of the division of cell into several cells during
reproduction in Plasmodium is termed as:

(a) Fragmentation

(b) Budding

(c) Multiple fission

(d) Binary fission

17. A Planaria worm is cut horizontally in the middle into two

halves P and Q such that the part P contains the whole head of
the worm. Another Planaria worm is cut vertically into two
halves R and S in such a way that both the cut pieces R and S
contain half head each. Which of the cut pieces of the two
Planaria worms could regenerate to form the complete
respective worms?
a) Only P

(b) Only R and S

(c) P, Rand S

(d) P, Q, R and S

18. An organism capable of reproducing by two asexual

reproduction methods one similar to the reproduction in yeast
and the other similar to the reproduction in Planaria is:
(a) Spirogyra

(b) Hydra

(c) Bryophyllum

(d) Paramecium

19. In which of the following plant bud in notches of leaves help in

its propagation?

(a) Radish

(b) Bryophyllum

(c) Bougainvillea

(D) Jasmine

20. Identify the organism

a) Rhizobium
b) Rhizopus
c) C) Rhizoid
d) D) Mushroom
21. The type of reproduction taking place is

a) Budding
(b) Fragmentation
(c) Regeneration
(d) Fission

22. Examples of types of asexual reproduction are

a) Humans

b) Fission

c) Regeneration

d) both b and c

23. What is the importance of reproduction?

a) It is essential for continuity of life of living organisms.

b) The variation can be produced from reproduction; it leads

to generation of new characteristics.

c) It is the fundamental powers for heredity

d) All of the above

24. Examples of asexual reproduction are:
a) Humans

b) dogs

c) yeast

d) fishes

25. The type of asexual reproduction in which generation

of new part form a lost part of living organisms is termed
a) Regeneration

b) Binary Fission

c) Fragmentation

d) Budding

26. During favourable conditions, Amoeba reproduces by

(a) multiple fission
(b) binary fission
(c) budding
(d) fragmentation

27. The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during

reproduction in Plasmodium is called
(a) budding
(b) multiple fission
(c) binary fission
(d) reduction division
28.Name the common method of reproduction in majority of
fungi and bacteria ?
(a) Budding
(b) Spore formation
( c ) Binary Fission
( d) multiple fission

29. Which of the following is not an artificial method of

vegetative propagation?
( a) Cutting
(b) layering
(C ) budding
( D) Grafting

30. Many unicellular organisms reproduce by the process of

(a) fission
(b) ovulation
( c ) regeneration
(D) non disjunction

31. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are

(a) genetically identical to their parents
(b) genetically identical to their siblings
( c) none of above
( d) both a and b

32. Which of the following have buds on their leaves as

vegetative reproducing structure?
A) Rose
B) Strawberry
C) Bryophyllum
D) Bogainvillea
33. The asexual reproduction in the Spirogyra
(a) Breaking up of filaments into smaller bits
(b) Division of a cell into many cells
(c) Division of a cell into two cells
(d) Formation of a large number of buds

34. In tissue culture method a small piece of tissue grows and

(a) callus
(b) monocytes
(c) synaps
(d) homeostasis

35. Why are callus transferred to another medium containing

36. Where are plantlets placed so that they can grow into
mature plants?
37. Where is technique of tissue culture generally used?
38. Name the diseases caused by leishmania

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