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George W.

Bush's economic speeches:

1. 2001 Address to Joint Session of Congress:

"The American economy is showing signs of faltering that have been aggravated by terrorism
and the threat of war. A recession is possible, but not inevitable. What is certain, however, is
that we must take strong and decisive action to support economic growth."

2. 2002 State of the Union Address:

"We will continue our aggressive efforts to strengthen our economy. We've reduced taxes. We
passed tough reforms of corporate America. We passed tough reforms of our accounting
industry. And now we must act to enact growth and jobs."

3. 2003 Economic Forum at Baylor University:

"When workers have more take-home pay, they can spend, save, or invest that money, which
invigorates demand and creates jobs. By reducing taxes on individual Americans, we have put
money back into the American people's pockets, which has helped stimulate economic growth."

4. 2008 Address on the Economy:

"I signed into law the most significant pro-growth tax incentives in a generation... And because
more money in the hands of families and businesses means more consumption and more
investment, the result has been seven years of steady economic growth and more jobs for our

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