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Cancellation Rules of Nica Grahas - Nica Bhanga

1. If exaltation/uccha lord of debilitated/nica graha is in a Kendra from Lagna

or the Moon.
e.g. If Sun nica then Mars is in 1,4,7,10 from Lagna or Moon.

2. If the dispositor of the nica graha is in Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
e.g. If Sun is nica then Venus is Sun’s dispositor and is in 1,4,7,10 from Lagna
or Moon.

3. The sign where the graha is nica is joined with a planet which is
e.g. If Sun is in Libra with Shani where Shani is uccha then Sun gets nica-

4. Shani in a Kendra from lagna or Chandra gives some cancellation to Surya

as long as hard work is exerted
e.g. For a nica Sun, Shani in 1,4,7,10 from lagna or Moon no matter the sign.

5. If a nica graha is uccha in the navamsa then debility gets some cancellation.
e.g. If Surya is in Libra/Tula, it’s nica placement and is in Aries/Mesha in the
navamsa then it gets nica-bhanga. This type of cancellation is due to your
good luck due to good karma.

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