Rosenthal 2001

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Rev. Econ.

Design 6, 413–428 (2001)

c Springer-Verlag 2001

Trust and social efficiencies

Robert W. Rosenthal
Department of Economics, Boston University, 270 Bay State Road, Boston MA 02215, USA

Abstract. In a variant of the repeated prisoner’s dilemma, if extra costs are as-
sociated with the verifications built into strategies that could otherwise produce
Pareto efficient equilibria, the attainment of efficient play becomes problemati-
cal. Evolutionary-game versions of this dilemma are studied here in an attempt
to understand the difficulties societies face in maintaining efficient interactions
mediated by trust.

1 Introduction

This paper touches on several themes that have recurred in Roy Radner’s dis-
tinguished research record. One is the search for efficient organizational forms
for firms and for societies more generally. A second is the use of game-theoretic
models to explore social problems. A third theme is the explicit incorporation in
formal models of the limited abilities of humans to accomplish what is in their
interests. Indeed, he was a pioneer on the subject of bounded rationality, and his
work formed the primary inspiration for my own interest in the subject.
The paper uses an evolutionary, rather than a utility-maximizing, paradigm
to represent the opportunism that arises in many social situations. It begins with
the simple premise that, other things equal, societies possessing higher endemic
levels of trust can operate more efficiently than can less trusting societies, but that
such trust creates the potential for opportunistic behavior by individuals, which
in turn erodes trust. Combatting such opportunism may therefore be a legitimate
goal of public policy, but how best to achieve that goal is not obvious.

I am grateful to Douglas Gale, Joel Guttman, Hsueh-Ling Huynh, Glenn Loury, John Nachbar, Debraj
Ray, and Arthur Robson for enlightening conversations on the subject of this paper; to Parikshit Ghosh
and Sumon Majumdar for excellent research assistance; to a referee for helpful suggestions; and to
the National Science Foundation for financial support.
414 R.W. Rosenthal

The repeated prisoner’s dilemma (another Radner subject1 ) has often been
used as a paradigm within which to examine such issues:2 The strategy that al-
ways cooperates, independently of the history of play, is viewed as vulnerable to
opportunism. The strategy that always defects, despite the fact that it forms an
equilibrium when played against itself, is completely untrusting; and the equilib-
rium payoff such a pair produces is viewed as something that can be improved
on. (Indeed, it is hard to think of a population of individuals who behave this
way as a society at all.) When the players are sufficiently forward looking, strate-
gies such as “Tit For Tat” (begin by cooperating and continue by imitating the
opponent’s previous choice at each subsequent round), “Grim” (begin by coop-
erating and continue to cooperate only if the history to date has been completely
cooperative), and many others “trust but verify”3 and generate equilibria with
payoffs higher than those of the always-defect equilibrium.
This is encouraging, but beyond the simple repeated prisoner’s dilemma
paradigm such strategies are not without their own difficulties: Verification is
not generally a costless activity; and if everyone else in a society is trustworthy,
verification becomes redundant and a strategy of the form “Trust But Verify”
can profitably be replaced by the strategy that always cooperates.4 So, “Trust
But Verify” apparently cannot be relied on as an all-purpose, decentralized so-
lution to the social inefficiencies that are caused by absence of trust, even when
individuals are very forward looking.
Society-level collective actions might help to overcome the inefficiencies.
The use of social sanctions, for instance, can change the structure of the under-
lying prisoner’s dilemma game, or at least can change the relative magnitudes of
the payoff parameters. Such social sanctions are likely to be costly in practice,
however, as they must be imposed and enforced continually. Much of what a
system of criminal justice does might be interpreted as imposing such sanctions,
for example.
The purpose of this paper is to look at these issues through the lens of a
simple model similar to the one studied in Young and Foster (1991).5 Section 2
of this paper begins with analysis of an evolutionary-game model of a society in
which individuals are repeatedly randomly matched to play a restricted version
of the repeated prisoner’s dilemma with payoffs modified to incorporate small
verification costs. The evolutionary game has three strategies: Always Cooper-
ate (All C), Always Defect (All D), and Trust But Verify (TBV). It has three
equilibria: One, which is stable (locally) in a sense to be described, involves all
players using the All D strategy. Another, which is unstable, is a heterogeneous
mixture of All D and TBV. The third equilibrium, which possesses a weak kind
of stability that is not as persuasive as that possessed by the first equilibrium,
1 E.g., Radner (1986).
2 Cf. Axelrod (1984), for example.
3 The phrase became popular after it was used in a speech by U.S. President Reagan.
4 This argument is seen frequently in the literature on repeated games played by finite automata.

Cf., Chapt. 9 in Osborne and Rubinstein (1994).

5 Compare also the analysis of the evolutionary game “Matrix V” in Hirshleifer and Martinez Coll

Trust 415

involves a heterogeneous mixture of All C, All D, and TBV. If successful so-

cieties are those within which a significant fraction of interactions are efficient
ones mediated by trust, a possibly cost-effective role for collective social action
then is to interfere occasionally with the natural population dynamic in order to
move the social state away from the domain of attraction of the stable, but very
inefficient, All D equilibrium and near to the weakly-stable equilibrium. (Note
the difference between such policies and those mentioned in the previous para-
graph.) Since any social state other than an equilibrium possessing at least some
stability properties must be very expensive to enforce for long, the hope is that
the (weak) stability property of this equilibrium might hold down the expense of
such a collective action, since the action would need to be taken only when the
ambient levels of trust in the society became too low.
Section 3 explores what happens when a small asymmetry is added to the
model of Sect. 2. The idea is to see whether the single-population results are
robust to nonuniform matching probabilities that could arise, for example, from
location-based biases. It should come as no surprise that the addition of asym-
metries to a symmetric model permits the existence of additional, asymmetric
equilibria. In this asymmetric version of the model, each individual is classi-
fied as belonging to one of two groups. All individuals are otherwise identical,
however, and are assumed to be completely unaware of, and hence cannot adopt
strategies that condition action on, the group to which the current opponent be-
longs. Within-group matches are assumed to be more likely than across-group
matches. Depending on parameter values, new equilibria now arise. In some of
these equilibria, the frequencies of the All D strategy are substantially different
across the two populations. The social-policy questions become therefore more
complicated; unmodeled issues of equity, discrimination, and inter-group jeal-
ousies arise. Furthermore, stability analysis of some of the equilibria becomes
In light of the difficulty of the stability analysis of Sect. 3, I look at a simpler,
albeit less well motivated, model in Sect. 4. Here there is again a single popu-
lation, but players are more likely to be matched with others who use the same
strategy as they do themselves. (For example, there might be locational biases in
the matching frequencies and locations could be correlated with strategies.) The
stability properties of the equilibria of this model are explored and compared to
those of the model in Sect. 2.
All of this is discussed further in the concluding Sect. 5.

2 The single-population model

Consider the prisoner’s dilemma of Table 1, where β > α > 0 > −γ. (C stands
for cooperate and D for defect.) The strategy pair D vs. D is, of course, the
unique Nash equilibrium of the one-shot game. If the game is repeated infinitely,
with both players having the same discount factor δ < 1 (or if the players
maximize the sum of their expected payoffs but the game stops after any round
416 R.W. Rosenthal

Table 1.

C α, α −γ, β
D β, −γ 0, 0

with probability 1 − δ) and if δ > (β − α)/β, then, as is well known, in addition

to the Nash equilibrium in which both players play D every time no matter what
history they have seen (call this strategy in the repeated game All D), there are
additional Nash equilibria that generate C vs. C at every round. I will lump
Tit For Tat, Grim and all the rest of these together and call any strategy from
this class Trust But Verify (TBV). TBV strategies all begin with cooperation and
then continue to cooperate after a sequence of complete cooperation. (They differ
from each other in what they do after other histories, but these are not relevant
for this discussion.)
In practice, TBV strategies are likely to be more difficult to play than All
D or All C . They are more complex, and they require that attention be paid to
the history of play. So if the population of possible opponents were known to
consist only of TBV players, for example, a player might be tempted to simply
adopt All C, since it generates the same cooperative sequence against TBV
without requiring the additional effort. In order to quantify this tradeoff, I assume
from now on that the adoption of TBV involves an ongoing cost represented by
subtraction of a small constant κ (> 0) from the player’s payoff at every repetition
of the one-shot game. In order that TBV not be dominated by All C or All D, κ
must be small enough that
β−α+κ κ
δ> and δ > , (1)
β γ
which I assume from now on. (Tighter restrictions will be imposed on the size
of κ below.)
Suppose now that the members of a large population are repeatedly randomly
matched against each other in order to play the repeated prisoner’s dilemma.
Suppose further that each member of the population is endowed with a (repeated-
game) strategy that he uses inflexibly and that strategies which do relatively better
against the strategy distribution in the rest of the population at a point in time tend
to expand in the population at the expense of those strategies that do relatively
worse.6 To keep matters as simple as possible, I restrict the possible strategies
to All C, All D, and TBV. Evolutionary games have proved useful at modelling
such situations. The evolutionary game that describes this one is Table 2, where
the entries are the payoffs to the row strategy when it is matched with that of
the column. (As usual in evolutionary games, payoffs need to be interpreted as
reproductive fitnesses.) The rough idea is that for any current distribution of
the population across the three strategies, those strategies with higher average
6 One can think of these changes in the population’s relative frequencies as arising from either

cultural adaptation or from biological evolution, though the former seems more natural.
Trust 417

payoffs against the current distribution should increase in relative frequency at

the expense of those with lower average payoffs.
Table 2.

All C All D TBV

α −γ α
All C 1−δ 1−δ 1−δ
All D 1−δ
0 β
α−κ κ α−κ
TBV 1−δ
−γ − 1−δ 1−δ

The most popular equilibrium concept for evolutionary games is ESS (evo-
lutionary stable strategy) which requires that the population distribution, viewed
as a mixed strategy in the two-person symmetric one-shot game in which both
players face the payoff matrix in Table 2, be a symmetric Nash equilibrium sat-
isfying the additional stability condition that any alternative best response to the
equilibrium strategy does worse against itself than does the equilibrium mixture.
(Thus, an ESS is stable in the sense that a small perturbation in the relative popu-
lation frequencies toward one of these alternative best replies creates a tendency,
under any dynamic that rewards better-performing strategies at the expense of
poorer-performing strategies, for the distribution to return to the equilibrium.)
For the game above, it is easy to see that there is a unique ESS, and it is for the
entire population to use All D. This is a gloomy result as it seems to mitigate
against the emergence of cooperation, but it can be ameliorated somewhat if one
is prepared to weaken a bit the restrictions imposed by ESS.
To see why such a weakening might make sense in this case, first note
that under suitable parameter restrictions, in particular when κ is sufficiently
small, there are two (and only two) additional symmetric Nash equilibria for the
symmetric two-person one-shot game: One is the mixed strategy in which All C
is never used, All D is played with probability
α − β(1 − δ) − κ
α − (β − γ)(1 − δ)
and TBV is played with the rest of the probability. (Since the expression above
is clearly between 0 and 1, one only needs to verify that against this mixture
when κ is sufficiently small the expected payoff to All C is less than that to TBV
which in turn equals that to All D.) The other symmetric equilibrium strategy is
the completely mixed strategy in which All C is played with probability
(δγ − κ)(α − β(1 − δ)) − γκ
A= ,
δ 2 βγ
All D is played with probability B = κ/δγ, and TBV is played with the remaining
probability 1 − A − B . (For this second mixture to generate an equilibrium, we
need to be assured first that A, B , and 1 − A − B are all nonnegative: When κ is
sufficiently small, B is obviously small and positive; and A is approximately
α − β(1 − δ)
418 R.W. Rosenthal

which is strictly between 0 and 1 from (1), as is 1 − A − B . That the payoffs to

all three strategies are equal is easily checked. That there are no other symmetric
equilibria is similarly easy to verify.)
I will argue that this last equilibrium has some claim on our attention. To keep
the discussion as simple as possible, I will work from now on with an example
from the part of the parameter space in which both mixtures form equilibria:
α = 2, β = 3, δ = 2/3, γ = 3/2, and κ = 1/6. In this case, the evolutionary game
is Table 3;
Table 3.

All C All D TBV

All C 6 − 92 6
All D 9 0 3
TBV 11
−2 11

and straightforward calculations produce (0, 5/9, 4/9) for the first mixture and
(7/24, 4/24, 13/24) for the second.
Call an equilibrium (locally, asymptotically) stable relative to a (deterministic,
continuous-time, regular 7 ) dynamic if all trajectories starting sufficiently close to
the equilibrium converge to it. The question is: Which dynamic? Our evolutionary
story suggests that at a point in time if a pure strategy has higher expected
payoff than does some other pure strategy that is used with nonzero frequency
in a particular population mixture, then the difference between their frequencies
should be increasing at a rate that is uniformly bounded below by some positive
linear function of the payoff difference. Call such a dynamic monotone.8 Since
the pure equilibrium in which everyone plays All D is a strict Nash equilibrium,
it is clearly stable in any monotone dynamic. At the other extreme, starting from
any mixture of the form (0, 5/9, 4/9) + (ε1 , ε2 , −ε1 − ε2 ), where ε1 ≥ 0, ε2 > 0,
and ε1 + ε2 < 4/9, it is obvious that All D is the unique best response and hence
its frequency must continually grow in any monotone dynamic. So (0, 5/9, 4/9)
is unstable in any monotone dynamic.
For the completely mixed equilibrium, matters are not so clear-cut. Call an
equilibrium weakly stable if for some monotone dynamic the equilibrium is stable
and for some other one it is not.
Proposition 1. The completely mixed equilibrium is weakly stable in the game of
Table 3.
The proof of Proposition 1 is relatively complicated and is relegated to an
Appendix. The idea is easy, however, and can be understood with the help of
7 By regular, I mean only that the dynamic is required to produce well-defined trajectories from

all starting states.

8 Cf., Nachbar (1990), Friedman (1991) and Samuelson and Zhang (1992). Motivated by the

emphasis on the replicator dynamics in the evolutionary biology literature (and for technical reasons),
more attention is focused in those papers on monotonicity as a natural restriction on changes in growth
rate differences rather than simply in frequency differences, as here. In the present context, the notion
of monotonicity adopted here seems to me the more natural one.
Trust 419

Fig. 1

Fig. 1: Monotonicity requires that the flow diagram be divided into the six pic-
tured regions, together with their respective boundaries, and that the direction of
flow inside each region be within the respective depicted ranges. Every trajectory
beginning close to the completely mixed equilibrium therefore swirls around it
in a counterclockwise fashion. Arguments from elementary geometry then show
that the dynamic can be specified so that for starting states sufficiently close to
the completely-mixed equilibrium the swirling motion can be either an inward-
directed or an outward-directed spiral.
In evolutionary games such as those of this class, recently-developed stochas-
tic stability theories (e.g., Kandori et al. 1993 and Young 1993) select from among
equilibria based on notions of long-run occupancy ratios.9 For the game of Table
3, it is not difficult to see that such theories necessarily select the All D ESS.
Despite this, I argue that for social policy attention should still be focused on
the completely mixed equilibrium. My reasons for this, however, come from
considerations outside of the model at hand: Even if individuals adapt (or repro-
duce) unthinkingly, as in the usual interpretation of evolutionary models, there
can be an understanding of the efficiency gains possible from cooperation at the
level of the society as a whole. In this case, policy interventions, such as pro-
hibitively strong sanctions imposed temporarily against the play of D, can move
the population to a more cooperative profile. Once there, since the completely
9 These theories superimpose occasional mutations (or errors) on top of the sorts of deterministic

dynamics assumed here in order to shake the system occasionally away from an equilibrium. They
then use limits of long-run occupancy ratios of the different equilibria as the mutation rate goes to
zero as the selection device.
420 R.W. Rosenthal

mixed equilibrium of the model is weakly stable, the society’s actual dynamic
(which could be much more complicated than in the model, perhaps involving
stochastic elements and both inward-swirling and outward-swirling elements) can
once again take hold without additional interference, even if only until the actual
dynamic pushes the state beyond the basin of attraction of the completely-mixed
equilibrium. If the actual dynamic produces a trajectory that, at least initially,
resembles one produced by a monotone dynamic for which the completely mixed
equilibrium is stable, there is the potential for social benefit.
I have in mind, therefore, a kind of long-term alternation between the two
equilibria. Occasional episodes of social collapse, such as those in Somalia,
Rwanda, and Bosnia in recent years, last until the society can, through collective
action (perhaps assisted from the outside), move the social state again close to
the completely-mixed equilibrium. Of course, it would be better to defend this
position with an explicit model of a political process having such features, and
I am not proposing such a model; I make the argument informally here only to
illustrate that interest in the completely mixed equilibrium of this model can be
sustained even when its theoretical justification is not as compelling as that of
the All D equilibrium. (See Sect. 5 for more on this.)

3 A two-population model

Now modify the evolutionary game of Table 3 as follows. Each individual belongs
to one of two unchanging groups having relative sizes r and (1−r), respectively.
Suppose that when any member of the second group is matched, the probability
that the match is with a member of the first group is λ; and suppose that the
probability that any member of the first group is paired with a member of the
second group in a match is µ. Then λ(1 − r) = µr. Purely random matching
would produce λ = r, so to produce a bias toward within-group matches, I
assume λ < r, which implies µ < 1 − r and

µ + λ < 1.

In all other respects, the model is as in Sect. 2. In particular, individuals need

not even be aware of the existence of groups.
Denote by A here the fraction of the first group employing All C and by B
the fraction of the first group employing All D and by a and b the corresponding
fractions for the second group. Let X , Y , and Z be the expected payoffs to the
three strategies, respectively, for individuals in the first group; and let x , y, and
z be the corresponding payoffs for the second group’s strategies. Then
−9 −9
X = (1 − µ) (1 − B ) (6) + B + µ (1 − b) (6) + b
2 2
Y = (1 − µ) [A (9) + (1 − A − B )3] + µ [a (9) + (1 − a − b)3]
11 11
Z = (1 − µ) (1 − B ) + B (−2) + µ (1 − b) + b(−2)
2 2
Trust 421

−9 −9
x = λ (1 − B ) (6) + B + (1 − λ) (1 − b) (6) + b
2 2
y = λ [A (9) + (1 − A − B )3] + (1 − λ) [a (9) + (1 − a − b)3]
11 11
z = λ (1 − B ) + B (−2) + (1 − λ) (1 − b) + b(−2) .
2 2
Now it is obvious that if
1. A = a = 0 and B = b = 1, or if
2. A = a = 0 and B = b = 59 , or if
7 4
3. A = a = 24 and B = b = 24 ,
then the equilibria of the single-population model become equilibria here no
matter what λ and µ are. But there are also other equilibria of this model under
suitable restrictions on the parameters λ and µ. In the interest of brevity, I list
below only those that exist for a full two-dimensional subset of {(λ, µ) : λ + µ <
1} and leave the verifications to the reader.

4. For λ ≤ 4/9 and 10µ + 3λ ≥ 3,

A = 0, B = 0 and a = 0, b = .
9(1 − λ)
5. For λ ≤ 4/9 and 1/6 ≤ µ ≤ 5/9,

A = 0, B = 0 and a = 0, b = 1.

6. For λ ≤ 1/6,
7 4 − 24λ
A = 0, B = 1, and a = ,b = .
24(1 − λ) 24(1 − λ)
7. For λ ≤ 5/9,
5 − 9λ
A = 0, B = 1 and a = 0, b = .
9(1 − λ)
8. For 1/6 ≤ λ ≤ 3/10 and λ ≥ 3(µ − 1)/(24µ − 10),
1 10λ − 3 + 3µ
A = 0, B = and a = , b = 0.
6λ 24µλ
Obviously, by reversing the roles of λ and µ and of the upper and lower case
Latin letters in #4–#8 above, another five categories of equilibria are added.
Extending the stability definitions in the obvious ways so that monotonicity is
imposed separately on each group, it is immediately obvious that the equilibria of
categories #1 and #5 are stable: In the product of sufficiently small neighborhoods
of each of the strategies that is being used exclusively by the respective groups,
the motion of every monotone dynamic is back toward the (product of the)
respective strategies. Similarly, it is not hard to see that the equilibria of categories
422 R.W. Rosenthal

#3, #4 and #7 are all unstable: Whenever B and/or b are higher than their
equilibrium values, the motion of every monotone dynamic is toward further
increases. For the remaining categories, matters are not so clear-cut. In fact,
determining whether or not such equilibria are weakly stable appears to be a
formidable task; and I do not know how to accomplish it. The state space is
now the product of the two-dimensional simplices, and the class of monotone
dynamics is not simple to characterize.
It is nevertheless of interest to notice a few features of the equilibria that are
not obviously unstable, at least. In #5, one population plays TBV exclusively, the
gains from cooperation within the group outweighing the losses from the cross-
group matches but the presence of the All D players in the other population
forestalling the use of All C. Overall expected payoffs are higher for both groups
than in the single-population stable equilibrium, and are worse for both groups
than in the single-population weakly-stable equilibrium as long as λ > 1/6.
(When λ < 1/6, the second group is better off in the symmetric equilibrium.)
Expected payoffs are unequal across the groups, of course.
In #6, the equilibrium is essentially one group playing the stable single-
population equilibrium with the other playing a modified version of the weakly-
stable single-population equilibrium. Overall expected payoffs for the first group
are intermediate between the same two single-population equilibrium payoffs,
while for the second group they are equal to those of the weakly-stable single-
population equilibrium.
In #8, the interplay across the groups is more subtle. Here the number of All
D users in the first group is
1 (1 − r) 1
Br = > ,
6 µ 6

so it exceeds the total number of All D users in the single-population weakly-

stable equilibrium. The equilibrium payoffs for both groups are intermediate be-
tween those of the single-population stable and weakly-stable equilibrium payoffs
in the relevant region of (λ, µ)-space. Notice also that some policy prescriptions
intended to move the system from this asymmetric equilibrium to the symmetric
one of #3 may turn out to be unhelpful in practice; viz., suppose that sanctions
are imposed by society when possible on instances of an individual using D
when the opponent uses C . The effect of this might be to decrease β slightly in
Tables 1 and 2 and the corresponding numbers in Table 3, producing small effects
on the equilibrium quantities a and B . But, if the sanctions are applied dispro-
portionally against instances in which the C player is from the first group (e.g.,
extra money for police temporarily, but they patrol mostly in the neighborhoods
where the second group resides disproportionally), it can end up producing the
perverse effect of increasing, rather than decreasing, the behavioral differences
between the groups.
For the most part, the pattern seems to be that the asymmetric equilibria, what-
ever their stability properties, achieve part, but not all, of the average welfare
Trust 423

gain of the weakly-stable single-population equilibrium over the All D equilib-

rium. On the other hand, to the extent that the asymmetric equilibria turn out to
be “more stable” than the completely mixed symmetric equilibrium, they may
actually be advantageous for overall welfare. Whatever the ultimate balance, the
analysis of this section suggests that public policies that work toward the ho-
mogenization of a society, interpreted as increasing both λ and µ, may have
complicated side effects that have not been previously addressed in that they
alter the domains on which certain equilibria exist.

4 Nonuniform within-group matches

In this section10 I consider another variation on the basic model involving a

single population but with nonuniform matchings. Here the assumption is that
individuals are more likely to be matched with others who use the same strategy.
For simplicity, I assume the following form, parametrized by t ∈ (0, 1] : at
any time a fixed fraction t of each strategy type is matched only with its own
type; the remaining fraction (1 − t) of the population is matched at random. So,
for example, if the current population frequency vector is (A, B , 1 − A − B ),
the probability that a particular All C player is matched with another All C is
t +(1−t)A, and is matched with an All D with probability (1−t)B . The expected
payoffs, calculated analogously to those in Sect. 2, become
X = 6− (1 − t)B ,
Y = 3(1 − t) + 6(1 − t)A − 3(1 − t)B ,
11 15
Z = − (1 − t)B .
2 2
As can easily be checked, there are now five possible equilibria, for different
ranges of t.
1. For t ≤ , A = 0, B = 1.
4 5 + 6t
2. For t ≤ , A = 0, B = .
15 9(1 − t)
13 7 + 12t 4
3. For t ≤ , A= , B= .
36 24(1 − t) 24(1 − t)
4. For t ≥ , A = 1, B = 0.
1 13 3 − 7t −2 + 6t
5. For ≤ t≤ , A= , B= .
3 36 1−t 1−t
The first three of these are obviously extensions of the three equilibria of
Sect. 2, respectively, and it is easy to see that the stability properties of the
corresponding equilibria of Sect. 2 extend to these directly, at least on the interiors
10 I am grateful to Hsueh-Ling Huynh for suggesting inclusion of the model of this section.
424 R.W. Rosenthal

of the respective ranges of t values. Category #4 is stable for t > 1/3; this follows
from the strict inequalities involving X . Category #5 is unstable for t > 1/3; to
see this note that if A > (3 − 7t)/(1 − t), the state is in the basin of attraction of
Although the model here is perhaps less interesting for applications than is the
model in Section 3, the functional forms for the equilibria above also hint at the
social effects of certain asymmetries. In #3 above, the analogue of the weakly-
stable equilibrium of Sect. 2, for instance, A and B both increase with t, so the
frequency of TBV declines. Evidently, the asymmetry decreases the usefulness
of costly TBV verifications; and the society becomes increasingly like one with
two separated subgroups, one trusting and one not. This is somewhat analogous
to the #5 equilibria of Sect. 3.

5 Discussion

If the models of this paper depict the salient features of real social phenomena,
then it is useful to ask how various society-level interventions can be reflected
in the models and the results. One class of such interventions is those that seek
to change permanently the payoff structure of the games. For instance, play of
D (or play of D when the opponent plays C ) could be deemed a crime and
permanently subject to sanctions. The stiffer the penalty or the larger the set of
resources devoted to detecting and punishing the crime, the larger the effect could
be on the entries in the payoff tables. Except at lower dimensional regions of the
parameter space, however, marginal changes in the payoff parameters can only
move the location of the equilibria marginally. So, to produce major changes in
behavior in equilibrium, more-than-marginal changes in payoff parameters are
generally necessary. The criminalization example suggests that this might be
costly, though not necessarily prohibitively costly. Analysis of models like those
in Sect. 2 of this paper might be used for cost-benefit calculations.
A second set of interventions is the class aimed at overcoming the insta-
bilities of preferred equilibria. The idea is that the real world dynamic process
is perhaps complicated and perhaps involves stochastic elements, but it might
at least resemble those dynamics used in the stability calculations of this pa-
per. When the dynamic process is away from the desired equilibrium, it may be
possible and not too expensive to move it back. If the equilibrium possesses at
least weak stability, there is then the chance that the process may stay near the
desired equilibrium for awhile without the expenditure of additional resources by
the society. It is this last point that raises hope at least that interventions from
this class can sometimes be cost-effective. As mentioned earlier, if recent social
breakdowns such as those in Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia11 are interpreted as
movements from a relatively efficient equilibrium to a relatively inefficient one,
11 By repeating these three unfortunate examples, I do not mean to imply that episodes from other

countries’ histories cannot be interpreted similarly. On the contrary, I suspect that all human societies
face similar dilemmas at one level or another on a regular basis.
Trust 425

then multinational interventions envisioned as temporary can be viewed as being

from this class. No doubt the hope of the policy makers involved in the actual
interventions is that by temporarily enforcing cooperative interactions among in-
dividuals, a pattern of cooperation could be started that could persist in its own
dynamic after the enforcement mechanism was removed.
I suggest that the results of Sect. 3 above can be interpreted as cautions
against the use of such interventions. Casual observation suggests that differ-
ences in behavior, customs, taboos, etc., are widespread and persistent across
subpopulations. Similarly, the effect of an intervention is likely to be felt and
responded to differently across subpopulations. So, an attempt to move the pro-
cess from near the All D equilibrium to a neighborhood of the completely mixed
equilibrium in the model of Sect. 2, for instance, may move it instead to one
of the asymmetric equilibria of the model of Sect. 3 in which only one of the
subpopulations has changed appreciably. While this is still a social improvement,
it is not the desired one; and, to the extent that inequality breeds mistrust, it may
contain additional, unmodeled instabilities. Furthermore, unless the intervention
can be targeted at each subpopulation separately, my guess is that subpopulations
resist interventions differently and therefore that the asymmetric equilibria are
the more likely ones.
Having come this far, let me go on to suggest that if I am right about the
asymmetric effectiveness of such interventions, the possibility of asymmetric
equilibria can itself be viewed as a kind of meta-social inefficiency. To the extent
that it is, it should weigh in positively for social policies that have the effect of
decreasing diversity within a society.
In Sect. 3, I did not allow individuals to recognize the group membership of
the matched opponent. If this were possible, as seems likely in many applications
(for instance, the aforementioned three national tragedies), additional strategies
that condition behavior on the opponent’s identity become available, and addi-
tional assumptions need to be considered about the costs of maintaining such
strategies. If these costs are not too large, it seems that still more equilibria will
Finally, I should mention that there are other models of social breakdowns
in the literature that involve multiple Pareto-ranked equilibria (e.g., Murphy, et
al. 1993), although I know of none that are closely related to the models of this


Proof of Proposition 1. For ease of exposition, I use the familiar language of

time derivatives, although differentiability plays no role. Let (A, B , 1 − A − B )
denote the current population mixture. With the uniformly positive lower bound
(which is needed for technical reasons only) replaced by zero, the monotonicity
retriction is:
426 R.W. Rosenthal

Fig. 2

Ȧ ≥ Ḃ ⇐⇒ 6A − + 6(1 − A − B ) ≥ 9A + 3(1 − A − B );
9B 11A 11(1 − A − B )
Ȧ ≥ −Ȧ − Ḃ ⇐⇒ 6A − + 6(1 − A − B ) ≥ − 2B + ;
2 2 2
11A 11(1 − A − B )
Ḃ ≥ −Ȧ − Ḃ ⇐⇒ 9A + 3(1 − A − B ) ≥ − 2B + .
2 2
Ȧ ≥ Ḃ ⇐⇒ 12A + 15B ≤ 6;
Ȧ ≥ −Ȧ − Ḃ ⇐⇒ B ≤ ;
Ḃ ≥ −Ȧ − Ḃ ⇐⇒ 12A + 9B ≥ 5.
I will first show that there are dynamics respecting these conditions under which
(7/24, 4/24, 13/24) is stable.
Suppose we begin at some point (A1 , B1 ) on the line B = 1/6, with A1 > 7/24,
as in Fig. 2. Since B1 = 1/6, we get Ȧ = −Ȧ − Ḃ ; and since 12A1 + 15B1 > 6,
it must be that Ȧ < Ḃ . Consequently, Ḃ > 0, Ȧ < 0, and (Ḃ /Ȧ) = −2. The
trajectory therefore immediately enters the region characterized by Ḃ > −Ȧ−Ḃ >
Ȧ; i.e., in which Ḃ > 0, Ȧ < 0, and −2 < (Ḃ /Ȧ) < −(1/2). If A1 is sufficiently
close to 7/24 and if (Ḃ /Ȧ) changes sufficiently quickly from near −2 to near
−(1/2), then the trajectory hits the line 12A+9B = 5 (having slope −12/9) before
it hits A = 0. Let (A2 , B2 ) be this hitting point. After (A2 , B2 ), the trajectory
enters the region characterized by −Ȧ − Ḃ > Ḃ > Ȧ, so that Ȧ < 0 and
−(1/2) < (Ḃ /Ȧ) < 1. Again, if A1 is sufficiently close to 7/24, the trajectory
hits the line 12A + 15B = 6 (having slope −(4/5)) at the point (A3 , B3 ) before
Trust 427

it hits A = 0. After (A3 , B3 ), the trajectory enters the region characterized by

−Ȧ − Ḃ > Ȧ > Ḃ , where Ḃ < 0 and −2 < (Ḃ /Ȧ) < 1. Again, if A1 is
sufficiently close to 7/24, the trajectory hits the line B = (1/6) at the point
(A4 , B4 ).
If, upon entering each new region, the slope of the trajectory were to change
immediately to its new limiting value, then
B2 − B1 1 B 3 − B2 B 4 − B3
=− , = 1, and = −2.
A2 − A 1 2 A3 − A2 A4 − A3
Combining these with
B1 = B4 = , 12A2 + 9B2 = 5, and 12A3 + 15B3 = 6,
we obtain  
7 7 7
A4 = − A1 − .
24 15 24
Repeating the same argument for the region below the line B = (1/6), we come
to the point   2   
7 7 7 1
(A7 , B7 ) = + A1 − , ,
24 15 24 6
which is obviously closer to the equilibrium than is (A1 , B1 ). Therefore, in any
dynamic whose direction approximates that of this limiting dynamic on a neigh-
borhood of the completely mixed equilibrium, the completely mixed equilibrium
is stable.
To find a dynamic under which the equilibrium is unstable, start sufficiently
close to the equilibrium in the region defined by
B> , 12A + 9B > 5, A + B < 1, and A ≥ 0.
Notice that if the slope Ḃ /Ȧ stays below −12/9, the trajectory must hit A = 0
before any of the other boundaries of the region. But this means that such a
trajectory must pass into the basin of attraction of the All D equilibrium, which
implies that the completely mixed equilibrium is unstable.


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