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Occupational Therapy for Angelman Syndrome

September 10, 2019

Angelman syndrome is a neurological genetic disorder that causes physical and intellectual

How Angelman syndrome affects the body

Developmental delays in Angelman syndrome affect fine motor skills, which can cause
difficulty in performing daily activities, while brain involvement causes problems in sensory
processing or the ability to react to information received from any of the senses: touch,
vision, taste, smell, and hearing.

Therefore, children with Angelman find it difficult to perform self-care activities, have poor
hand-eye coordination, and may become overwhelmed by any form of sensory stimulus.

How can occupational therapy help?

Occupational therapy can help these children to overcome their motor difficulties and
become as independent as possible.

Since the symptoms of Angelman syndrome vary from patient to patient, the occupational
therapist will first thoroughly evaluate the patient to understand their functional status and
ability to perform daily activities. The therapist will then create an individualized plan based
on the patient’s needs and schedule therapy sessions with activities that can help the

Occupational therapy focuses on developing specific skills that can help the children perform
daily activities and improve their social interaction. The activities in an occupational therapy
session are aimed at improving:

Fine motor and visual skills to help children develop the use of their hands and be able
to hold crayons, grasp small objects such as mugs, play with toys, gain balance, and
alleviate gait issues.
Oral motor function and feeding skills so children can use forks and spoons to feed
themselves, drink water from cups, and use their lips, tongue, and cheeks to move food
in their mouths and chew properly.
Personal habits by teaching them to perform self-care activities such as brushing their
teeth, bathing, and dressing.
Visual perception and sensory awareness to help patients develop appropriate muscle
responses to any sight, touch, taste, smell, or sound.

The occupational therapist can also provide instructions for home exercises and
recommendations for adaptations at home and school, which can make daily activities easier
for the child.

They can also recommend aids and adaptations, such as leg braces and wheelchairs, to
help with mobility difficulties.

Last updated: September 8, 2019.


Angelman Syndrome News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It
does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of
your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have
regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in
seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


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