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There are some wonderful paintings at her exhibition. An event at which objects of interest are displayed in a public place.

The scientific expedition to Antarctica took months. A journey made for a particular purpose such as exploration.

This street is home to several expensive art galleries and antique It is a place that has permanent exhibitions of art and where you can
shops. buy original art..

It is a public building where interesting and valuable objects are kept

The Louvre is one of the world’s most famous museums.
and displayed.

This peaceful-looking bay was once the site of a terrible sea battle. A piece of ground used for a particular purpose.

I hope my eye surgery corrects my sight. Your ability to see.

It’s a tradition for people to exchange presents at this time of year. It is a custom or belief that has existed for a long time.

John’s habit of taking cold showers happens even in winter. It is something that you do often or regularly.

It is the art, buildings and traditions that a society values, especially

These castles and forests are part of our cultural heritage.
things of historical importance.

Kelly’s crystal glasses is part of her heirloom. It used to belong to her An object which has been passed on from generation to generation.
great-grandmother. Pronunciation: silent H.

A large sculpture of a person or animal, made of stone, bronze or some

Is the Statue of Liberty the symbol of New York City?
other hard material.

The Palace de Versailles is a monumental palace built to showcase the

Adjective used to emphasize the size or extent of something.
king’s wealth.

The Mayans and the Incas are some ancient peoples living in the
Very old, from a different historical period.
Americas in pre-Columbian times.

Jim and Mary didn’t want an old-fashioned wedding, but their parents
Not modern, with a somewhat negative connotation.

The Diretas Já was a historic movement for democracy in recent It refers to an important event in history, an event which will become
Brazilian history. important in the future.

The Bastille is a historical building in Paris. Adjective that refers to people or things that are part of history.

In Hiroshima, Japan, there is a Peace Memorial Museum to remind

A structure built in order to remind people of a famous person or event.
people of the horrors of nuclear bombs.

Peter went to Disney World souvenir shops to buy refrigerator

Something which you buy to remind you of a holiday, place or event.
magnets for his collection.

The study of Japanese tea ceremony can often take many years. A formal event with great symbolic importance.

The Fyre Festival was a disastrous event that was supposed to take
Something that happens.
place in the Caribbean.

When will the event take place? To occur, to happen.

Although he was not a swimmer, Eric Moussambani took part in the

To participate in an event.
2010 olympic swimming competition in Sydney.

Pablo Escobar was a notorious Colombian drug lord. Famous for something bad, infamous.

English painter John Constable is very famous for his landscape

What you see when you look across land, hills, rivers, mountains etc.

Mona Lisa is the most famous portrait in the world. A painting or photograph of a person.

Taking off your shoes before entering a house is a Japanese custom

Way of behaving of a particular group or society.
that many adopted after the outbreak of Covid19.

The Town is a pop music festival that took place in 2023. An organized series of events and performances.

The Getty kouros might be a worthless fake Greek statue. Of not real use or value.

Synonym of invaluable, that is, so valuable that you cannot put a price
The Tutankhamon tomb is priceless.
on it.

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