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School violence types of violence types of violence definitions:

School violence, also known as bullying, refers to

-Physical Violence: It includes hitting, kicking, pushing,
aggressive, intimidating or harmful behaviors
-Physical Violence: or other physical acts that cause harm or pain to the
that occur in the school environment. This may victim.
include repeated and deliberate verbal, physical,
or psychological harassment of one student -Psychological Violence: It involves emotional
toward another. School violence can have -Psychological Violence: manipulation, social exclusion, emotional blackmail,
serious consequences for the emotional health online defamation and other actions aimed at damaging
and well-being of students, and it is important to the victim's mental health and self-esteem.
address and prevent it in schools. -Sexual Violence:
-Sexual Violence: It includes sexual harassment,
Cause exhibitionism, sexual abuse and other unwanted behavior
The causes of school violence can include family of a sexual nature.
-Cyber Violence:
problems, lack of supervision, low self-esteem,
-Cyber Violence: It is carried out through electronic
rivalries, discrimination or harassment, among devices and social media, and can include spreading
other cases, which lead students to act in an rumors, posting compromising or harassing photos, as
aggressive or intimidating manner towards their -Gender Violence: well as online threats.
peers in the school environment.
-Gender Violence: It involves acts of gender-based
consequences violence, such as sexual harassment or gender
-Verbal Violence: discrimination.
The consequences of school violence include
-Verbal Violence: It refers to insults, ridicule,
emotional, psychological and physical damage to
humiliation, defamation and threats that are expressed
the victims, decreased academic performance, -Social Violence: orally or in writing with the purpose of emotionally
social isolation, anxiety, depression and in hurting.
extreme cases, risk of suicide. It can also lead to
behavioral problems in bullies and create a
-Social Violence: It refers to the deliberate exclusion of
negative school environment. Economic Violence:
an individual from social groups, friendships or
activities, which can cause isolation and emotional stress.

-Economic Violence: It may involve extortion or theft of

personal property as part of an act of intimidation.
stop school violence year of unity, peace and development.
How to prevent school violence.
Industrial institutional education
Preventing school violence is essential to
creating a safe and healthy educational
-You shouldn't insult your classmates.
environment. Here are some ways to prevent
school violence:
Education: Conduct educational programs for
-You should respect each one of them. students, parents and school staff about bullying,
its consequences and how to prevent it. Promote
empathy and understanding.
-You shouldn't talk when the teacher is Open Communication: Foster an environment in
talking. which students feel comfortable sharing their
Activity: Prevention of school violence.
concerns and experiences with trusted adults,
such as teachers, counselors, and parents.
Clear Policies and Rules: Establish clear school Alumno: Mas’ud Effendi Núñez
-You shouldn't fight with other students. policies against bullying and violent behavior, Rodriguez
with defined consequences for those who violate
these rules.
Supervision: Maintain appropriate supervision in
common areas of the school, such as Members:
-You shouldn't ask a professional for playgrounds and hallways, to prevent incidents
-Núñez Rodríguez Mas’ud Effendi
help. of bullying.
-Pisco Vela Maylena
Early Intervention: Detect and address bullying -Olrtegui Vasquez Luis
early to prevent it from getting worse. Offer
support to victims and offenders to change their Degree: 4.º
-You shouldn't kick your teammates. Section: honesty
Promote Empathy and Tolerance: Promote
empathy and tolerance towards diversity, Teacher: Neyma
including racial, gender, religious and cultural
Responsible Digital Media: Educate about the
responsible use of social media and technology,

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